Hillary Clinton Benghazi Testimony

She has health issues. She's done.

You can always hope. You all have nobody that can beat her, you never did.

If she wants the presidency, it's hers.
Who wants a president who falls for no reason then has back door trots and then a concussion. She unstable and has health issues



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Well you have never been the brightest bulb in the pack so its not surprising you'd say some this stupid.

it had nothing to do with anything but a big hairy republican attempt at a fuck job.

I really am begining to think the republican party has joined AQ
When Genghis Khan was negotiating the surrender to him of a tribe or village and he became displeased with the negotiator, he would have the negotiator beheaded and his head sent back to the head of the tribe or village.
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Hillary Clinton Benghazi Testimony

23 Jan 2013

Hillary is doing her thing on Benghazi in front of the Senate Foreign Relation Committee. Four or five questioners in A republican is finally getting to Susan Rice.

Overall Hillary is saying the House needs to give me money for embassy defense. She's turning this into a victory lap.

Still no mention of "YouTube".

Today's hearing is a political sideshow. If you're interested in the real challenges facing diplomats in non-permisive environments, listen to my talk with security expert Robert Caruso from October.

I'm not going to update with every statement of hers but she just said, "I wasn't involved in the talking points process" regarding Susan Rice's Sunday show appearance.

Obama isn't the only one who knows how to throw someone under the bus.

First testy exchange comes from Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI). He goes after Hillary for the protest story without any facts. Hillary angrily responds (literally pounding the table) saying "We had 4 dead Americans! Was it a protest?...What difference at this point does it make?"

Unfortunately, Johnson had no answer to why it's a problem the administration spent 2 weeks lying. Hillary hid behind the bodies of 4 dead Americans and it will play well.


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How exactly did she take responsibility for what happened in Benghazi? Did she ever get fired?

It was pathetic to watch her dodge every question, and to top if off put on big acting show, shedding crocodile tears for the dead.

This dumb bitch let those people die, it was her that turned down the security requests, if it had been anyone else then they would of been outed and thrown under the bus.

It was just a dog and pony show to allow her to swoon the media so they can start living their wet dream of her being President one day. Giving a good "performance" is all that matters, never mind that no new light has been shed. Judging by liberals' reactions, her performace was spot on....she lied through her teeth and didn't flinch. Hence, she'll make a great President someday.

Carry on, dipshits.
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"Hey Hilary, you coward, why didn't you go on the Sunday Talk Shows, why did you send Susan Rice".... and then she said

"because sunday talk shows are not really my thing."

This was designed, by whom I am not saying, to fall directly on the administration. The Republicans are the one to blame for using this tragedy for political points rather than getting to the truth. If Republicans really gave a fuck they would be looking for answers and everyone with half a brain know that the truth is not coming from Clinton so wtf is this dog and pony show for except for political gain by the Republicans.
With the amount and level of tonguewashing Hillary got from the House Dems on the Committee, the Hildebeest shouldn't need a bath until at least 2016, mebbe even longer. You could feel the pheromones flying around the room when it became Congressman Kennedy's turn, it was only a question of who tonguewashed whom more lavishly. Hillary may not even be that warm when she's alone with Huma.
Its quite apparent that positions are filled and occupied in the Obama Administration, based not on competence. but on the appearance they lend to the administration.
State cut the level of security, four men died. State hired al Qaeda to provide what little security the Ambassador had against a possible attack by al Qaeda, four men died. Four men died on the anniversary of 9/11, Obama flies off to Vegas for a fundraiser. Just "Four little bumps in the road"

There used to be a time when men were held accountable for their job performance in and by the government.
When the Marine landed on Guadalcanal, the Navy unloaded what supplies it could and then fled from the environs out of fear of the Japanese Fleet. The Marines ended up having ample supplies of toilet paper on hand, due to the Navy's hurried exit, but scarce quantities of ammunition and morphine. The morning after the Battle Of Savo Island, the cruiser Juneau was being towed to safety after being severely damaged the night before when it caught a torpedo from a Japanese submarine in its magazine. The Navy still has pictures of its forward 20 plus ton gun turret being blown two miles from the force of the explosion. The same Admiral that gave the order to flee after originally landing the Marines with short supplies also ordered the Navy to not stop and search for survivors. When it turned out that there had been five brothers from one family on board, and one had survived the explosion, made it to a life boat but died in the interim period before rescue, Roosevelt relieved the Admiral from his command.
Nobody is obviously held responsible for anything that occurs under their jurisdiction in this administration. This is abundantly aided and abetted by the press, the male members of which are almost universally known to have their male appendages standing at attention, instantly, at the mention of the president's name.
I've been watching this stuff all afternoon while I do some writing work at home today.

I've found this session rather educational in respect to the inner workings of government.

It's an ironical session because Republicans on the committee are aggressive in their stance that there was a conspiracy by the Obama administration to politicize the attacks for their own benefit, when in reality the attack in Libya shows the limitations of a huge bureaucracy that is seriously over-extended in foreign nations.

It's ironic that the people who wish to limit the government the most are the most disturbed by the fact that the government is limited!

Secretary Clinton has been direct and forthright while, sadly, many Republicans on the committee continue to go on with their know-nothingness.

In one really stupid exchange, a Republican congressman kept blathering on about how the Secretary of State's office should have been talking with the evacuees at the time they were being evacuated in order to ask them if it was a protest that turned violent or if it was a more coordinated attack.

Sec. Clinton responded that the FBI talks to these people first, not the administration.

Then the Congressman simply repeated, "But you could have made one phone call to them".

"No, that's not the process...", exclaimed Clinton.

Another committee member grilled her on how her office never received the letter of the Libyan Ambassador containing security recommendations.

Why didn't her office get that cable? Well, first, we learned that millions of cables are transmitted to the Secretary of State. But it doesn't go to her office first. It goes through a process called the ARB, where intelligence people put the cables in any number of different categories.

That cable naturally went into the "Recommendations" pile. That pile isn't the most urgent pile of cables. What we learned today is that had the Ambassador sent an actual request and not a recommendation, that would have gone into "Requests".

And even that pile is the not most urgent stuff. What is? Of course, "Imminent Threats". The security apparatus of the United States, Clinton explained, still has most of its focus on places like Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and then not least of all, the homeland here.

We also learned that the same congressmen who are blasting Clinton this afternoon have done their best to give this President as little as possible on anything, including not passing as much in security money as the administration requested.

We also learn that Republicans are all for the "Value" deal on contractors, which means we hire the cheapest rather than the best, to which Sec. Clinton said, "Well, you get what you pay for!".

What is clear from all we know is that there is no conspiracy here. We also know that Ambassador Rice had been given initial information that was still evolving. The administration did not make up the information, it was given to them by their own intelligence apparatus, who initially felt that perhaps the violence came out of a protest.

Well, when the smoke cleared and our intel got more information, the administration then repeated the correct information.

We do need to know what happened so that we can make things better, but Republicans are now debasing themselves by being trolls instead of men and women who put country first. It's kind of embarrassing to see them basically blame the Obama administration more than the terrorists who killed our people.

This sums up righties to a T...
Hillary Clinton Benghazi Testimony

23 Jan 2013

Hillary is doing her thing on Benghazi in front of the Senate Foreign Relation Committee. Four or five questioners in A republican is finally getting to Susan Rice.

Overall Hillary is saying the House needs to give me money for embassy defense. She's turning this into a victory lap.

Still no mention of "YouTube".

Today's hearing is a political sideshow. If you're interested in the real challenges facing diplomats in non-permisive environments, listen to my talk with security expert Robert Caruso from October.

I'm not going to update with every statement of hers but she just said, "I wasn't involved in the talking points process" regarding Susan Rice's Sunday show appearance.

Obama isn't the only one who knows how to throw someone under the bus.

First testy exchange comes from Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI). He goes after Hillary for the protest story without any facts. Hillary angrily responds (literally pounding the table) saying "We had 4 dead Americans! Was it a protest?...What difference at this point does it make?"

Unfortunately, Johnson had no answer to why it's a problem the administration spent 2 weeks lying. Hillary hid behind the bodies of 4 dead Americans and it will play well.


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Basically you guys aren't getting the answers you wanted.

That there was some weird conspiracy to turn the world over to muslim extremists and blame an indy film director.

You guys have no real interest in root cause.

You have what you want in terms of answers..and you want the world to conform to that so you can impeach the President.

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