
Just jump in frankie, you will be welcome anywhere...

A logical fallacy from a Leftist, how shocking. No darling, I didn't say or imply I speak for anyone but me. You keep moving those goalposts though, works every time...

You wrote: "Anyone that isn't desperate to be told what to do disagrees."

That IS speaking for everyone.

If you have more to say about this political stuff...let's take it to a political thread. Give me a link...and I'll discuss anything with you.

Government isn't the answer, it is the problem.
Government isn't the answer, it is the problem.

I disagree with this...but this is really not the place to discuss it.

Can you provide a link to a thread where it would be an appropriate topic?

You have several choices Frank. Economics, Politics (either in a formal or informal setting) or Current Events if you link it to some new event. If you choose the formal political route, please check the section rules.
Morning Frank. I think you need to reevaluate your label of independent, because you sound incredibly liberal in your views. Not to worry, understanding your situation is the first step to recovery.

I am a registered Independent...so I am definitely an independent. I am NOT, nor have I suggested, that I am impartial...nor am I non-biased.

I champion a progressive agenda. I want the safety net programs now in place to be protected and expanded. (Greatly expanded!)

If you find it necessary to label me a "liberal" I will argue that I am not...but I will not take offense. If you label me an American conservative because I am close to them on certain issues...I will be extremely offended.

I sooner be know as a thief than an American conservative.
I'll bet you loved Bernie, Frank.

Too bad the old guy was too Communist for everyone's taste -- except the young who want free college.

Now they are called Bernie's Bolsheviks and they riot at everybody else's conventions and rallies.

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