Hey Islam......is your God really that weak?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
You know............Muslims are always talking about how great Allah is, but my question is this.............if Allah is so great and merciful, then why is it that followers of that religion seem to think they have to defend Mohammed and Allah from any insult of any kind by murdering those who poke fun at their religion?

I mean...............people can make fun of me (and have), yet I'm a big enough person to be able to shine it on and go on about my day without resorting to violence. Now, since I can do that, does that make me greater than Allah or Mohammed who cannot have any criticism thrown their way?

If your faith in your deity and prophet is so fragile that satire can shake your faith, shouldn't you find a religion that you can truly believe in?

Sad to see that the faith of a few radicals can be shaken by something as simple as a cartoon.
If you're a Christian, you probably shouldn't go about mocking Muslims and Islam (you made a later attempt to distinguish the few from the whole, which in general is good).

It doesn't take much to completely bifurcate any religion/religious group with mordant criticism and satire.
You know............Muslims are always talking about how great Allah is, but my question is this.............if Allah is so great and merciful, then why is it that followers of that religion seem to think they have to defend Mohammed and Allah from any insult of any kind by murdering those who poke fun at their religion?

I mean...............people can make fun of me (and have), yet I'm a big enough person to be able to shine it on and go on about my day without resorting to violence. Now, since I can do that, does that make me greater than Allah or Mohammed who cannot have any criticism thrown their way?

If your faith in your deity and prophet is so fragile that satire can shake your faith, shouldn't you find a religion that you can truly believe in?

Sad to see that the faith of a few radicals can be shaken by something as simple as a cartoon.

Dear ABikerSailor
That should be the number one clue these people are not of true faith.

When I asked Mustafaa Carroll who is Muslim and has Christian friends and family who work together fine because he reads and respects and follows the Bible as other Christians do,
he explained that faith by its nature must be freely chosen, not forced or it's NOT REAL.

That's one sure way you can tell if faith is false, is if it is by force.

That's his explanation of why it is just "natural law" that there is "no compulsion in religion" according to Mohammad's true teachings. (This principle is also posted at the top of Muslims4liberty where people are organizing outreach to unify Muslims and other Constitutionalist patriots and Tea Party based on common democratic principles of just govt
and God's natural laws. M4L There is no compulsion... One poster on USMB even pointed out that Islam was one of the influences of Constitutional principles, such as freedom of religion.)

So any of this coercion is false, coming from politics or personal ego or competition but is not the real faith. Faith in God is freely chosen or it isn't real.

Makes sense to me. He was the first person to explain it this way where it makes sense naturally
and doesn't come from any religion, just from pure common sense.
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The older editions of each faith could actually be "of the true" faiths, rather than the newer, modified, and more modernized renditions.
Well........to tell you the truth, because there are several branches of Islam (Sunni, Shia, etc.), I find it kind of strange that all branches use the same book (Quaran), yet each sect thinks that theirs is the only "true" one, and they want to force all the others to believe as they do.

It would kinda be like Christians trying to say that one of their beliefs (Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, etc.) is the only right one and killing off everyone else who doesn't join their sect.

But...............Christians don't do that, nor do they get all murder happy when someone is disrespectful of Jesus (the Piss Christ art exhibit comes to mind).

Like I said in the OP, if your tin god is so fragile that it can't stand up to satire or criticism, then you should probably find another religion that you can actually believe in.

And.............instead of forcing people to convert at the point of a gun, a good religion would be one that attracts you rather than forces you.
Muslims are amazed that Christians allow their deity Jesus to be degraded and slandered by atheistic heathens.

And then told by secular authorities it must be accept in the name of free speech as modern art.

No wonder Christianity has become a milquetoast religion with half empty churches. ..... :cool:
There are over 30 flavors of Christianity and, if memory serves, they all have a Bible.

The Muslims who do think they can force others at gunpoint can drop dead.

We need more flavors of Islam and a cup or two of modernity to spice up those pages.
Muslims are amazed that Christians allow their deity Jesus to be degraded and slandered by atheistic heathens.

And then told by secular authorities it must be accept in the name of free speech as modern art.

No wonder Christianity has become a milquetoast religion with half empty churches. ..... :cool:

Yep. It's called freedom of speech. Fucking great, ain't it?
Muslims are amazed that Christians allow their deity Jesus to be degraded and slandered by atheistic heathens.

And then told by secular authorities it must be accept in the name of free speech as modern art.

No wonder Christianity has become a milquetoast religion with half empty churches. ..... :cool:

Hi Sunni Man:
The way to end hostilities is to heal the source in each person and restore good faith relations.
This is best done freely by keeping lines of communication open, not shut them down.

Restricting the freedom of speech and expression injects more conditions and pressure to add to the division and hostility.

If we can barely work things out as it is, with the freedoms we have we are not using to best capacity,
we certainly don't need to put even more pressure on those communications, such as
by restricting with rules and punishment that undermine the very principles and process
we need to SOLVE these problems we already face.

Thank you for using free speech correctly to try to resolve misunderstandings and issues
between people coming from different cultural backgrounds.
That is the proper, most effective way to influence reform -- by free sharing and outreach,
respecting instead of restricting each other.

Threatening to ban or control who can say what about what will only add more fuel to the fires.

We need to open up the process, not shut it down with more conflicts.

Thanks, Sunni Man
and have a wonderful prosperous year!

Yours truly,
Humans have been killing each other since they could walk.

I don't mean to sound cynical, but that day of utter peace on Earth isn't coming anytime soon.
Humans have been killing each other since they could walk.

I don't mean to sound cynical, but that day of utter peace on Earth isn't coming anytime soon.

Hey Wake. Look at the people here.

Even though they are naysayers like you who don't care to work that hard for peacemaking.
I have seen more and more people here, on all sides, stretching to try to understand me or others
who are otherwise too obtuse, or too conflicting. I have also worked very hard to open up and try
to connect with people I failed with before. It isn't an easy process, you are right, but where
we make gains and even find ONE point here or there we agree on and support, that's a victory.

Peace is not going to be some magical aha coming down from the sky and landing in our laps.

We each struggle to forgive problems we can't stand, and try to look past the negative to see something we can agree on
in someone else or what they say and do.

So each time we make a choice on the side of giving some leeway, benefit of the doubt,
and some credit for something good (in the midst of all the other melee and chaos of conflicts),
that's what peace is made up of. Those tiny connections and points put together.

It takes everyone giving and taking to make it happen collectively.

Here, Wake, have a verbal virtual hug online:
From Tears to Cheers Days Before Christmas - Worth1000 Contests

Have a great year and use your realism and cyncism wisely
to help someone who need that kind of "reality check" to focus on practical solutions that can be done.
You don't have to shoot down their balloon, but make sure they land safely and not in a pit full of sharks.
Use your wisdom to help guide someone else, and that is part of the solutions and process we need to put together.
Thanks for sharing that gift you have that is as necessary for the good and success of the whole team. Take Care!
Muslims are amazed that Christians allow their deity Jesus to be degraded and slandered by atheistic heathens.

And then told by secular authorities it must be accept in the name of free speech as modern art.

No wonder Christianity has become a milquetoast religion with half empty churches. ..... :cool:

I guess you haven't read Revelation. The God of the universe can wipe out all His enemies all time with just a blink.
Every man with gun is weak! Every man which believe in somebody who is much stronger(Yep, like gods) is weak! And yes, our troops in Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Yemen and Lybia were weak.
Strong man - can solve any problem, without using power!
God the Father is so powerful your puny brain cannot fathom it. If God was in a race with man God would have circled the UNIVERSE a trillion times before the runner even took his first step.

I mean.............I know what you mean about God the Father, and if our puny brain cannot fathom it, then wouldn't it mean that our satire (or insults if you prefer) wouldn't have any effect on Him?

God can go and run around the UNIVERSE many times before man can.

Why would He be insulted by those less than Him?

And.................another question is................why is Islam so scared of Mohammed being depicted?

I Am Charlie Hebdo.

Muslims..................fuck off.....................you're not worth the time..................
There are over 30 flavors of Christianity and, if memory serves, they all have a Bible.

The Muslims who do think they can force others at gunpoint can drop dead.

We need more flavors of Islam and a cup or two of modernity to spice up those pages.

but do the use the king james version?

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