Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich to Debate tonight at 7pm on Cspan

LOVED the final question Cain asked Newt. Funny stuff. Then the answer that was also funny as hell.

Those two do make a good pair. Mutual REAL respect
LOVED the final question Cain asked Newt. Funny stuff. Then the answer that was also funny as hell.

Those two do make a good pair. Mutual REAL respect

Yeah, I hope either of them win the primaries and then become running mates.
LOVED the final question Cain asked Newt. Funny stuff. Then the answer that was also funny as hell.

Those two do make a good pair. Mutual REAL respect

Yeah, I hope either of them win the primaries and then become running mates.

I hope the wish you wish is granted -- albeit for very different reasons.

See, babe?

I'm THERE for ya!
LOVED the final question Cain asked Newt. Funny stuff. Then the answer that was also funny as hell.

Those two do make a good pair. Mutual REAL respect

Yeah, I hope either of them win the primaries and then become running mates.

I hope the wish you wish is granted -- albeit for very different reasons.

See, babe?

I'm THERE for ya!

You two seem to be taking a different tack tonight. I'm cornfused and discombobulated.

I just can't get you going..

Yeah, I hope either of them win the primaries and then become running mates.

I hope the wish you wish is granted -- albeit for very different reasons.

See, babe?

I'm THERE for ya!

You two seem to be taking a different tack tonight. I'm cornfused and discombobulated.

I just can't get you going..


Try taking off that white house coat and I'm sure you'll get him going. :)

EDIT: that's a joke, please don't turn it into sexual harassment.
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Newt is not a teapartier.

Cain is a teapartier.

No, they are both scumbaggers.

Cain is a corporate plant from the Koch Brothers:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv4GGbK60J8]GOP12.com: Cain: "I'm their brother from another mother!" - YouTube[/ame]
Cain has nothing to do with them at all...

How long are you on retainer with Soros?
Cain said he's their "brutha from another mutha".
Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich to Debate tonight at 7pm on Cspan

Newt is a spoiler. He really wants Obama to win. His main moneymaking is his publishing and DVDs that he sells at all these wingnut get-togethers, like CPAC, Family Council, etc., and by mail order. His daughter runs it for him and he makes millions. Obama is good for business. It's harder to sell your batshit and fear when it's your guy in the White House.

Newt has absolutely no chance of being elected President. His history is impossible to overcome. And he knows it.
So, which lech won?

Newt was by far better informed and more articulate. But that doesn't take anything away from Cain.

My only problem with Cain was how he kept defering to Newt when a new question was asked. Made him appear ill prepared.

Yeah that debate made Newt look more like the president and cain more like the VP...then again if we defer back to bush/cheney it looks more like cain as pres and newt as VP ;)
So, which lech won?

Newt was by far better informed and more articulate. But that doesn't take anything away from Cain.

My only problem with Cain was how he kept defering to Newt when a new question was asked. Made him appear ill prepared.

Newt should take the POTUS slot and Herman Cain the VP slot.

Then make Sarah Palin Secretary of State.

Then fill the cabinet with people the mainstreamers have trashed.

Funny thing is they'd be better leaders then the crew we have now.
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Cain, Gingrich set for Lincoln-Douglas debate

If you think the GOP presidential debates have been lacking, a Tea Party group offers something different.

The Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC will host a "modified Lincoln-Douglas debate," with Republican candidates Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain confirming their attendance.

Bill O'Sullivan, treasurer of the group, told National Review Online that the recent debates have been "superficial" and "frustrating."

Gingrich, the former House speaker, is a big proponent of debates in the mode of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, who in their 1858 campaign for a U.S. Senate seat in Illinois took their ideas directly to the people in seven congressional districts across the state.

I'm personally looking forward to this one for sure as my top 2 choices are Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich.

IF...you'd like to listen to it?

WSB (Neal Boortzs' Flagship) is carrying it live


Neal Boortz airing it LIVE??

I'm shocked....SHOCKED I say. :eek: :rolleyes:

However, a debate in Tex-A$$ should be interesting to say the least.

Remember in 2008 when the same people were saying "McCain is your best choice" and now they are saying "Romney is your best choice" Of corse, if you want obama reelected ;)

That being said Cain, Perry, and Romney are all polling about even when paired up vs obama (man i dont like perry for some reason I wish they would use newt instead since newt is ahead of perry now)
I thought the RepubliCON$ have already been resigned to "Anybody but Obama?" I've seen numerous RW USMBers posting that even if a squirrel ran it would trounce Obama.

What's the problem if that's the case. Romney should be a shoe in.

Looks like you palookas need to get your stories straight, just like Herb.
LOVED the final question Cain asked Newt. Funny stuff. Then the answer that was also funny as hell.

Those two do make a good pair. Mutual REAL respect

It’s funny to me how you still don’t understand what is going on. First Cain is a fucking moron, but he has support of the Republicans that well, are just flat out stupid… I mean they don’t even know why they like Cain or better put, the current “Republicans” that like Cain like him for all the same reasons Democrats liked Obama in 2007… Very little has anything to do with policy.

Newt and Cain don’t make a good couple and what is important is that Newt has no plans on being Cain’s VP… It’s amazing watching simple minded people assume Newt even likes Cain, Newt is playing to Cain’s base so he can take Cain’s base when Cain’s base deteriorates… Newt and Cain don’t agree on much of anything, Cain simply repeats things Newt says or others say (like Paul Ryan) because Cain lacks the ability to think on his own.
Cain, Gingrich set for Lincoln-Douglas debate

If you think the GOP presidential debates have been lacking, a Tea Party group offers something different.

The Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC will host a "modified Lincoln-Douglas debate," with Republican candidates Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain confirming their attendance.

Bill O'Sullivan, treasurer of the group, told National Review Online that the recent debates have been "superficial" and "frustrating."

Gingrich, the former House speaker, is a big proponent of debates in the mode of Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas, who in their 1858 campaign for a U.S. Senate seat in Illinois took their ideas directly to the people in seven congressional districts across the state.

I'm personally looking forward to this one for sure as my top 2 choices are Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich.
Neal Boortz airing it LIVE??

I'm shocked....SHOCKED I say. :eek: :rolleyes:

However, a debate in Tex-A$$ should be interesting to say the least.

Remember in 2008 when the same people were saying "McCain is your best choice" and now they are saying "Romney is your best choice" Of corse, if you want obama reelected ;)

That being said Cain, Perry, and Romney are all polling about even when paired up vs obama (man i dont like perry for some reason I wish they would use newt instead since newt is ahead of perry now)
I thought the RepubliCON$ have already been resigned to "Anybody but Obama?" I've seen numerous RW USMBers posting that even if a squirrel ran it would trounce Obama.

What's the problem if that's the case. Romney should be a shoe in.

Looks like you palookas need to get your stories straight, just like Herb.

It would be much easier if, when quoting me, you actually responded while thinking about my personal opinions.

Maybe then your post toward me would actually make sense....as it stands right now you sound like your just trying to spew out some talking points that don't relate to my opinions, positions, or prior posts.
LOVED the final question Cain asked Newt. Funny stuff. Then the answer that was also funny as hell.

Those two do make a good pair. Mutual REAL respect

It’s funny to me how you still don’t understand what is going on. First Cain is a fucking moron, but he has support of the Republicans that well, are just flat out stupid… I mean they don’t even know why they like Cain or better put, the current “Republicans” that like Cain like him for all the same reasons Democrats liked Obama in 2007… Very little has anything to do with policy.

Newt and Cain don’t make a good couple and what is important is that Newt has no plans on being Cain’s VP… It’s amazing watching simple minded people assume Newt even likes Cain, Newt is playing to Cain’s base so he can take Cain’s base when Cain’s base deteriorates… Newt and Cain don’t agree on much of anything, Cain simply repeats things Newt says or others say (like Paul Ryan) because Cain lacks the ability to think on his own.

I don't think they plan on getting married.

Oh, and you've got to do better than "he's a moron".

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