Hello impeachment, goodbye democracy.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
There is a chilling possibility threatening our democracy obvious to those who watched the impeachment inquiries that have bottlenecked Congress preventing it from doing anything useful to solve the nation’s most pressing problems. That possibility is that the democratic party has produced such a stunted sense of reality among its followers that democracy itself could be in peril.

No one doubts that the transition from actual democracy to authoritarian oligarchy was well underway before Trump interrupted it. But the reaction to that upset by the industrial grade slobbering pomposity of the deep state has propagated such a delusional, true-believing, jack booted and hate-fueled national goon platoon of democratic voters that democracy itself is in the balance.

Only the most gullible of citizens is unaware that the president’s impeachment by the state was job one even before he took office in 2017. The danger is that the indoctrinated hatred of about half the US population is being used by the democratic party to attack democracy in order to preserve an elitist, autocratic, self-serving nucleus of embedded central planners armed with the aid and comfort of propaganda platforms disguised as objective national media.

In a democracy the people elect a president but in a controlled totalitarian state that has been masquerading as a democracy, the people must follow the state. If the people become so bold as to oppose the state as they did when they elected Trump, then their choice must be set aside or overthrown. Even if the people sense that the government is not acting in their best interest it is not their place to defy the state that knows best-of course it knows best for the state not the people.

The impeachment inquiries, launched to suggest that the president’s concerns about the activities of a crack-smoking, widow-servicing, brothel-hopping son of a then vice president is a propaganda show trial. With the former vice president on tape extorting influence money from Ukrainian officials by threatening to withhold aid, any reasonable observer can easily figure out who the real culprits are.

But propagandized hate wields a powerful influence, powerful enough to convince its targets to abandon democracy. Democracy means that the people decide who leads them at the ballot box, not by partisan government inventions of crimes against the state.

The president is a populist threatening the state and the state has no place for actual democracy. To the state it’s just a word.
impeachment IS democracy

stonewalling congress, ignoring subpoenas, refusing to allow party members to testify under oath is ABUSE OF POWER
There is a chilling possibility threatening our democracy obvious to those who watched the impeachment inquiries that have bottlenecked Congress preventing it from doing anything useful to solve the nation’s most pressing problems. That possibility is that the democratic party has produced such a stunted sense of reality among its followers that democracy itself could be in peril.

No one doubts that the transition from actual democracy to authoritarian oligarchy was well underway before Trump interrupted it. But the reaction to that upset by the industrial grade slobbering pomposity of the deep state has propagated such a delusional, true-believing, jack booted and hate-fueled national goon platoon of democratic voters that democracy itself is in the balance.

Only the most gullible of citizens is unaware that the president’s impeachment by the state was job one even before he took office in 2017. The danger is that the indoctrinated hatred of about half the US population is being used by the democratic party to attack democracy in order to preserve an elitist, autocratic, self-serving nucleus of embedded central planners armed with the aid and comfort of propaganda platforms disguised as objective national media.

In a democracy the people elect a president but in a controlled totalitarian state that has been masquerading as a democracy, the people must follow the state. If the people become so bold as to oppose the state as they did when they elected Trump, then their choice must be set aside or overthrown. Even if the people sense that the government is not acting in their best interest it is not their place to defy the state that knows best-of course it knows best for the state not the people.

The impeachment inquiries, launched to suggest that the president’s concerns about the activities of a crack-smoking, widow-servicing, brothel-hopping son of a then vice president is a propaganda show trial. With the former vice president on tape extorting influence money from Ukrainian officials by threatening to withhold aid, any reasonable observer can easily figure out who the real culprits are.

But propagandized hate wields a powerful influence, powerful enough to convince its targets to abandon democracy. Democracy means that the people decide who leads them at the ballot box, not by partisan government inventions of crimes against the state.

The president is a populist threatening the state and the state has no place for actual democracy. To the state it’s just a word.

Our de jure / lawful / constitutional form of government is a Republic. If the "Democracy" dies, then great. I want the Republic we were guaranteed in Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States.
There is a chilling possibility threatening our democracy. a stunted sense of reality among its followers that democracy itself could be in peril.
Reality has totally left the ball-field when an entire political party sees reality as whatever fits into their agenda no matter how damaging rather than choosing an agenda which fits reality. I sat this past week and watched as the "Intelligence" Committee discussed details of our international affairs which I'm sure Russia and other enemies of ours could only sit with glee and fascination and take all in freely, laughing at the USA.
The danger is that the indoctrinated hatred of about half the US population.
When a party's own candidate declares half the people in the country deplorable and doesn't even pay their states a visit, then is angry and surprised she lost, it is clear this is not a candidate of the People.

The impeachment inquiries, launched to suggest that the president’s concerns about the activities of a crack-smoking, widow-servicing, brothel-hopping son of a then vice president is a propaganda show trial. With the former vice president on tape extorting influence money from Ukrainian officials by threatening to withhold aid, any reasonable observer can easily figure out who the real culprits are.
Obviously, if the Schiff Tribunal actually thought hearing from Biden or Hunter would embarrass Trump's case and make a liar out of him, they wouldn't be hiding them under their bed.
The Democrats don't want a trial. In a trial the Republicans will call witnesses and that's one thing Democrats don't want. I honestly believe that Democrats will only censor the President.
The Democrats don't want a trial. In a trial the Republicans will call witnesses and that's one thing Democrats don't want. I honestly believe that Democrats will only censor the President.

When a former military man shows up in a full uniform to impress the politicians and the press, it spoke very highly of the man's insecurity with what he was saying.

Make no mistake, I am not a fan of Donald Trump. I am reasonably good at legal investigation (which was my field of expertise for a few decades.) There was one thing that clinched this stuff for me:

When Sondland testified before Congress, his testimony was that he asked Trump "what the f**ck it was that he ( Trump ) wanted. At this point, Trump says he didn't want anything and the no quid pro quo comment is made. Critics say, at this juncture, Trump has been tipped off about the whistle-blower. Okay great. What about Sondland?

Sondland's testimony is that during the infamous telephone call, the alleged quid pro quo statement is unequivocally made. Sondland testifies that there is no doubt that this is a quid pro quo discussion being made via phone. So, why does Sondland get frustrated and later ask Trump "what the f**ck" he (Trump ) wants? If Sondland had knowledge that the phone call was unequivocally about a quid pro quo arrangement, why would Sondland ask Trump what he really wanted? The truth? Trump never had a quid pro quo arrangement. Otherwise, the discussion between Sondland and Trump would not have ever taken place - because Sondland would have already known what Trump wanted if the phone call was all that the Democrats have presented it to be.

All you have now are people who want to get rid of Trump because he was / is an asshole to work with. Some of Trump's accusers have a bias against the man; others want to work their way up, realizing that the Ds are gaining ground politically. For me, Sondland was THE star witness and his actions disprove the allegation made. If you already know what someone wants, you don't get your boxers in a bunch and ask them. You make it happen or you quit the damn job.
There is a chilling possibility threatening our democracy obvious to those who watched the impeachment inquiries that have bottlenecked Congress preventing it from doing anything useful to solve the nation’s most pressing problems. That possibility is that the democratic party has produced such a stunted sense of reality among its followers that democracy itself could be in peril.

No one doubts that the transition from actual democracy to authoritarian oligarchy was well underway before Trump interrupted it. But the reaction to that upset by the industrial grade slobbering pomposity of the deep state has propagated such a delusional, true-believing, jack booted and hate-fueled national goon platoon of democratic voters that democracy itself is in the balance.

Only the most gullible of citizens is unaware that the president’s impeachment by the state was job one even before he took office in 2017. The danger is that the indoctrinated hatred of about half the US population is being used by the democratic party to attack democracy in order to preserve an elitist, autocratic, self-serving nucleus of embedded central planners armed with the aid and comfort of propaganda platforms disguised as objective national media.

In a democracy the people elect a president but in a controlled totalitarian state that has been masquerading as a democracy, the people must follow the state. If the people become so bold as to oppose the state as they did when they elected Trump, then their choice must be set aside or overthrown. Even if the people sense that the government is not acting in their best interest it is not their place to defy the state that knows best-of course it knows best for the state not the people.

The impeachment inquiries, launched to suggest that the president’s concerns about the activities of a crack-smoking, widow-servicing, brothel-hopping son of a then vice president is a propaganda show trial. With the former vice president on tape extorting influence money from Ukrainian officials by threatening to withhold aid, any reasonable observer can easily figure out who the real culprits are.

But propagandized hate wields a powerful influence, powerful enough to convince its targets to abandon democracy. Democracy means that the people decide who leads them at the ballot box, not by partisan government inventions of crimes against the state.

The president is a populist threatening the state and the state has no place for actual democracy. To the state it’s just a word.

The impeachment process is the reaffirmation of democracy.

In essence, the impeachment process is the people telling the states that the states got it wrong regarding whom the states elected president.

The people’s representatives in the House, whose members were elected via the democratic process, are authorized by Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution to submit to the states (the Senate) evidence as to why a president is unfit to hold office, and should be removed from office pursuant to that evidence.

Impeachment is the ultimate expression of democracy, reflecting the will of the people.
If lying about a blowjob is a high crime and misdemeanor, then extorting a foreign power to provide dirt on a political opponent for personal gain is a many orders of magnitude greater high crime and misdemeanor.

The Republicans set the bar with Clinton. And it was called a "coup" and a "witch hunt" and a Vast Right Wing Conspiracy and all kinds of nasty things back then, too.

The Republicans set the bar, and now they are reaping what they have sown.
Whitewater failed. TravelGate failed. Vince Foster's suicide failed. TrooperGate failed.

But the Republicans never quit trying to find a way to overthrow Bill Clinton. It took them four years and 70 million dollars, but they finally landed on a cum-stained blue dress.

That's how much trouble they went to, and that's how low they set the bar. Now they can reap what they have sown.
Whitewater failed. TravelGate failed. Vince Foster's suicide failed. TrooperGate failed.

But the Republicans never quit trying to find a way to overthrow Bill Clinton. It took them four years and 70 million dollars, but they finally landed on a cum-stained blue dress.

That's how much trouble they went to, and that's how low they set the bar. Now they can reap what they have sown.
The Clintons have always been above the law… Fact
You have to be very careful about fucking with karma. Trump wanted the last two president impeached, and he worked very hard for several years in particular to get Obama overthrown.

BLITZER: Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker?

TRUMP: When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

TRUMP: For the war! For the war! Well, he lied! He got us into the war with lies! I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. They tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction.


Karma is now bitch slapping the shit out of Extortionist-In-Chief Donald Trump.

Trump, Bush 43, Iraq, and Impeachment | National Review

Strange as it may be to hear, the current president of the United States — a hero of the Republican party and the conservative movement — has the same view of the Bush administration and the Iraq War as the hard Left. As Code Pink, for example.

Trump was very hot for the impeachment of Bush. Indeed, it was the one thing he faulted Pelosi for (not impeaching).
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Karma has caught up to both the GOP and Trump at the same time.

Karma's a BITCH!
The real danger is in the Senate. To acquit they have to either ignore the past two weeks of testimony or decide that the QPQ was not serious enough to warrant removal. Either way it is an attack on our two party system using our bipartisan foreign policy against one of the parties.
Trump, Bush 43, Iraq, and Impeachment | National Review

Strange as it may be to hear, the current president of the United States — a hero of the Republican party and the conservative movement — has the same view of the Bush administration and the Iraq War as the hard Left. As Code Pink, for example.

Trump was very hot for the impeachment of Bush. Indeed, it was the one thing he faulted Pelosi for (not impeaching).
The Bush’s and Clintons are best buddies.... They are above the law
There is a chilling possibility threatening our democracy obvious to those who watched the impeachment inquiries that have bottlenecked Congress preventing it from doing anything useful to solve the nation’s most pressing problems. That possibility is that the democratic party has produced such a stunted sense of reality among its followers that democracy itself could be in peril.

No one doubts that the transition from actual democracy to authoritarian oligarchy was well underway before Trump interrupted it. But the reaction to that upset by the industrial grade slobbering pomposity of the deep state has propagated such a delusional, true-believing, jack booted and hate-fueled national goon platoon of democratic voters that democracy itself is in the balance.

Only the most gullible of citizens is unaware that the president’s impeachment by the state was job one even before he took office in 2017. The danger is that the indoctrinated hatred of about half the US population is being used by the democratic party to attack democracy in order to preserve an elitist, autocratic, self-serving nucleus of embedded central planners armed with the aid and comfort of propaganda platforms disguised as objective national media.

In a democracy the people elect a president but in a controlled totalitarian state that has been masquerading as a democracy, the people must follow the state. If the people become so bold as to oppose the state as they did when they elected Trump, then their choice must be set aside or overthrown. Even if the people sense that the government is not acting in their best interest it is not their place to defy the state that knows best-of course it knows best for the state not the people.

The impeachment inquiries, launched to suggest that the president’s concerns about the activities of a crack-smoking, widow-servicing, brothel-hopping son of a then vice president is a propaganda show trial. With the former vice president on tape extorting influence money from Ukrainian officials by threatening to withhold aid, any reasonable observer can easily figure out who the real culprits are.

But propagandized hate wields a powerful influence, powerful enough to convince its targets to abandon democracy. Democracy means that the people decide who leads them at the ballot box, not by partisan government inventions of crimes against the state.

The president is a populist threatening the state and the state has no place for actual democracy. To the state it’s just a word.
We said ‘hello’ to impeachment in 1998, and democracy didn’t go anywhere.
Trump solicited the Ukrainians to investigate his political rival - Impeachable

Trump ordered his people to ignore a Congressional subpoena - Impeachable.

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