Zone1 Hello from the former Grand-Duchy of Baden in South-West-Germany

I do hope so. :)

and thank you for the welcome! :)
Yes, at first we can be lost for my part I am the only French and I sometimes i also had insults but I don't care, I'm here to have a good time and people are nice at the forum. :)
Welcome at the forum Zebra :) No it is not normal.
I do hope so. :)

and thank you for the welcome! :)
Yes, at first we can be lost for my part I am the only French and I sometimes i also had insults but I don't care, I'm here to have a good time and people are nice at the forum. :)
Same here!
I put all those strange insulters on IGNO.

Welcome at the forum Zebra :) No it is not normal.
I do hope so. :)

and thank you for the welcome! :)
Yes, at first we can be lost for my part I am the only French and I sometimes i also had insults but I don't care, I'm here to have a good time and people are nice at the forum. :)
Same here!
I put all those strange insulters on IGNO.

It's a beautiful country

no doubt about that! :)
Yes, at first we can be lost for my part I am the only French and I sometimes i also had insults but I don't care, I'm here to have a good time and people are nice at the forum. :)

et Bonjour!

Welcome to USMB, Zebra. I have been to the Black Forest, traveled on the Rhine, and think you have a fabulously beautiful country with buildings built by world class architects, sculptors, and artists since time began. The people from the Pfaff Sewing Machine Company welcomed us to see the sights and beauties of their country, and I love the memories of going places in your beautiful Germany. They even provided us with a side trip to their neighbors in the Netherlands since it was spring and the tulips were so pretty there. It meant a lot to me because my Grandfather's family were Dutch, and I felt a deep love for the two countries when there. They rewarded us with the trip because we sold their sewing machines in my quilt store, and I loved the excellent quality of craftsmanship and innovation of the German workers in Karlsruhe and Kaiserslauten, where home sewing machines and professional factory machines are made in a facility in each of those towns where we were allowed to review next year's machine innovations and models. And I'll never forget the trip they gave us going up and down the Rhine River, the bus trip to Neuschwanstein Castle in the German Alps, and the cheerful night out in Frankfurt's Beer Garden, many long years ago. But the colors and costumes of the people in native dress were so beautiful. It was so much pleasure to see the sights of Germany for a week. What a place. :thup:

Hope you enjoy the boards here at USMB. Below is a taste of Texas Hill Country in early spring:

Thank you again!

And here is the English translation: :)

The Baden Tune​

The most beautiful land in Germany
that is my land of Baden
it is so magnificent to look upon
and rests in the hand of God

And so, I greet you, my land of Baden
You noble pearl of Germany
Arise, arise; arise, arise!
Arise, arise my Badnerland!

The Palace is in Karlsruhe,
The factories, in Mannheim
In Rastatt, there is the stronghold
And that is Baden's fortune.

And so, I greet you...

Old Heidelberg, you noble city,
rich in honors
On the banks of the Neckar and the Rhine,
you are without equal.

And so, I greet you...

Silver ore is mined in Haslach,
In Freiburg, wine is grown,
In the Black Forest, maidens fair
I would like to be a Badner.
just once again my home regional hymn

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