Healthcare costs are dropping, not rising, thanks to Obamacare.


Gold Member
Mar 10, 2013

WASHINGTON — One of the economic mysteries of the last few years has been the bigger-than-expected slowdown in health spending, a trend that promises to bolster wages and help close the wide federal deficit over the long term — but only if it persists.

Major new studies from researchers at Harvard University, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and elsewhere have concurred that at least some of the slowdown is unrelated to the recession, and might persist as the economy recovers. David M. Cutler, the Harvard health economist and former Obama adviser, estimates that, given the dynamics of the slowdown, economists might be overestimating public health spending over the next decade by as much as $770 billion.

Thank you Obama, thank you Democrats, thank you liberals.

Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Libertartians, thanks for nothing. You were no help at all. Your hostility to the sick and the poor and the elderly shocks most Americans.

And your predictions of skyrocketing costs was baloney. Weren't you guys already wrong enough on WMD in Iraq, or the recession that was supposed to follow Clinton's tax increases in the 1990s? You have to continue being wrong on other issues too?

Tell you what, Conservatives. Just let us know what will happen in the future so we can prepare for the exact opposite thing happening in future.

The right's already been embarrassingly wrong about predictions of huge increases by now. You really need to stop making these predictions. The right was also wrong about WMD in Iraq, Clinton's tax hikes causing a recession, Mitt will win in 2012, the list goes on and on.

WASHINGTON — One of the economic mysteries of the last few years has been the bigger-than-expected slowdown in health spending, a trend that promises to bolster wages and help close the wide federal deficit over the long term — but only if it persists.

Major new studies from researchers at Harvard University, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and elsewhere have concurred that at least some of the slowdown is unrelated to the recession, and might persist as the economy recovers. David M. Cutler, the Harvard health economist and former Obama adviser, estimates that, given the dynamics of the slowdown, economists might be overestimating public health spending over the next decade by as much as $770 billion.

Thank you Obama, thank you Democrats, thank you liberals.

Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Libertartians, thanks for nothing. You were no help at all. Your hostility to the sick and the poor and the elderly shocks most Americans.

And your predictions of skyrocketing costs was baloney. Weren't you guys already wrong enough on WMD in Iraq, or the recession that was supposed to follow Clinton's tax increases in the 1990s? You have to continue being wrong on other issues too?

Tell you what, Conservatives. Just let us know what will happen in the future so we can prepare for the exact opposite thing happening in future.

The problem with you economic/insurance ignorant people is this:
Obamacare’s insurance exchanges were originally designed to subsidize the purchase of regulated, private-sector insurance for those with incomes between 138 percent and 400 percent of the federal poverty level: based on 2012 guidelines, that amounts to between $31,809 to $92,200 for a family of four.

Insurance Analysts: Obamacare to Increase Out-of-Pocket Premium Costs, Despite Lavish Subsidies - Forbes

AND the problem was NEVER the 18 million people under age 34 making $50k/year but didn't want or NEED insurance but the FACT they will NOW be paying
MORE in forced insurance then they WANTED! ALL because idiots like you won't admit that your masters the Lawyers cause $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests out of FEAR of lawsuits!
Of all the people you defend millionaire lawyers could have been taxed LIKE tanning salons 10% and that $20 billion a year would fund an insurance program for
the truly 4 million Uninsured ! When these 4 million go into hospitals and are taking care under EMTALA (A term YOU have NO idea which shows your total ignorance!)
the uninsured is registered and all claims of service sent to this insurance program funded by the $20 billion!
NO MASSIVE interference with existing insurance programs. NO disruptions corrections,etc. of 1/6th the GDP!
BUT idiots like you totally ignorant of how health insurance etc. works you think that's the issue!

WASHINGTON — One of the economic mysteries of the last few years has been the bigger-than-expected slowdown in health spending, a trend that promises to bolster wages and help close the wide federal deficit over the long term — but only if it persists.

Major new studies from researchers at Harvard University, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and elsewhere have concurred that at least some of the slowdown is unrelated to the recession, and might persist as the economy recovers. David M. Cutler, the Harvard health economist and former Obama adviser, estimates that, given the dynamics of the slowdown, economists might be overestimating public health spending over the next decade by as much as $770 billion.

Thank you Obama, thank you Democrats, thank you liberals.

Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Libertartians, thanks for nothing. You were no help at all. Your hostility to the sick and the poor and the elderly shocks most Americans.

And your predictions of skyrocketing costs was baloney. Weren't you guys already wrong enough on WMD in Iraq, or the recession that was supposed to follow Clinton's tax increases in the 1990s? You have to continue being wrong on other issues too?

Tell you what, Conservatives. Just let us know what will happen in the future so we can prepare for the exact opposite thing happening in future.

The problem with you economic/insurance ignorant people is this:
Obamacare’s insurance exchanges were originally designed to subsidize the purchase of regulated, private-sector insurance for those with incomes between 138 percent and 400 percent of the federal poverty level: based on 2012 guidelines, that amounts to between $31,809 to $92,200 for a family of four.

Insurance Analysts: Obamacare to Increase Out-of-Pocket Premium Costs, Despite Lavish Subsidies - Forbes

AND the problem was NEVER the 18 million people under age 34 making $50k/year but didn't want or NEED insurance but the FACT they will NOW be paying
MORE in forced insurance then they WANTED! ALL because idiots like you won't admit that your masters the Lawyers cause $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests out of FEAR of lawsuits!
Of all the people you defend millionaire lawyers could have been taxed LIKE tanning salons 10% and that $20 billion a year would fund an insurance program for
the truly 4 million Uninsured ! When these 4 million go into hospitals and are taking care under EMTALA (A term YOU have NO idea which shows your total ignorance!)
the uninsured is registered and all claims of service sent to this insurance program funded by the $20 billion!
NO MASSIVE interference with existing insurance programs. NO disruptions corrections,etc. of 1/6th the GDP!
BUT idiots like you totally ignorant of how health insurance etc. works you think that's the issue!

Wow, what a rant. Almost unreadable.

What did the poor who need medical care do to you to make you so angry at them?
Costs should fall because obamacare is denying both treatment and payment.

Sebellus is going to cause massive scandal #4. I can hardly wait.

The right's already been embarrassingly wrong about predictions of huge increases by now. You really need to stop making these predictions. The right was also wrong about WMD in Iraq, Clinton's tax hikes causing a recession, Mitt will win in 2012, the list goes on and on.

Didnt know Unions were right wing?
Even Big Labor Unions Are Dropping Support For High-Cost Obamacare -

WASHINGTON — One of the economic mysteries of the last few years has been the bigger-than-expected slowdown in health spending, a trend that promises to bolster wages and help close the wide federal deficit over the long term — but only if it persists.

Major new studies from researchers at Harvard University, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and elsewhere have concurred that at least some of the slowdown is unrelated to the recession, and might persist as the economy recovers. David M. Cutler, the Harvard health economist and former Obama adviser, estimates that, given the dynamics of the slowdown, economists might be overestimating public health spending over the next decade by as much as $770 billion.

Thank you Obama, thank you Democrats, thank you liberals.

Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Libertartians, thanks for nothing. You were no help at all. Your hostility to the sick and the poor and the elderly shocks most Americans.

And your predictions of skyrocketing costs was baloney. Weren't you guys already wrong enough on WMD in Iraq, or the recession that was supposed to follow Clinton's tax increases in the 1990s? You have to continue being wrong on other issues too?

Tell you what, Conservatives. Just let us know what will happen in the future so we can prepare for the exact opposite thing happening in future.

well cheezy, if its so great why has congress made themselves exempt and why are the major unions requesting exemptions? simple questions, what is your answer?

The right's already been embarrassingly wrong about predictions of huge increases by now. You really need to stop making these predictions. The right was also wrong about WMD in Iraq, Clinton's tax hikes causing a recession, Mitt will win in 2012, the list goes on and on.

The CBO does not cater to any political party, dimwit.

Oh and theres the prediction that Obamacare would only cost 900 billion over 10 years. Yaright.

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Wow, what a rant. Almost unreadable.

What did the poor who need medical care do to you to make you so angry at them?

Pull your mouth off of Obama's nuts for a minute and get some fresh air. You're high on the smell of his balls and ass.

WASHINGTON — One of the economic mysteries of the last few years has been the bigger-than-expected slowdown in health spending, a trend that promises to bolster wages and help close the wide federal deficit over the long term — but only if it persists.

Major new studies from researchers at Harvard University, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and elsewhere have concurred that at least some of the slowdown is unrelated to the recession, and might persist as the economy recovers. David M. Cutler, the Harvard health economist and former Obama adviser, estimates that, given the dynamics of the slowdown, economists might be overestimating public health spending over the next decade by as much as $770 billion.

Thank you Obama, thank you Democrats, thank you liberals.

Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Libertartians, thanks for nothing. You were no help at all. Your hostility to the sick and the poor and the elderly shocks most Americans.

And your predictions of skyrocketing costs was baloney. Weren't you guys already wrong enough on WMD in Iraq, or the recession that was supposed to follow Clinton's tax increases in the 1990s? You have to continue being wrong on other issues too?

Tell you what, Conservatives. Just let us know what will happen in the future so we can prepare for the exact opposite thing happening in future.

Your own link destroys your argument, unless your argument is different than what your title says.

Health care costs are not dropping, they are continuing to increase. Your link says they are just increasing more slowly than in the past. And this claim that it's partially because of Obamacare is being made by a former Obama advisor, so I would take it with a huge grain of salt.

WASHINGTON — One of the economic mysteries of the last few years has been the bigger-than-expected slowdown in health spending, a trend that promises to bolster wages and help close the wide federal deficit over the long term — but only if it persists.

Major new studies from researchers at Harvard University, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and elsewhere have concurred that at least some of the slowdown is unrelated to the recession, and might persist as the economy recovers. David M. Cutler, the Harvard health economist and former Obama adviser, estimates that, given the dynamics of the slowdown, economists might be overestimating public health spending over the next decade by as much as $770 billion.

Thank you Obama, thank you Democrats, thank you liberals.

Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Libertartians, thanks for nothing. You were no help at all. Your hostility to the sick and the poor and the elderly shocks most Americans.

And your predictions of skyrocketing costs was baloney. Weren't you guys already wrong enough on WMD in Iraq, or the recession that was supposed to follow Clinton's tax increases in the 1990s? You have to continue being wrong on other issues too?

Tell you what, Conservatives. Just let us know what will happen in the future so we can prepare for the exact opposite thing happening in future.
I know my out of pocket cost have RISEN.. my copays what we pay out all have gone UP ..and are expected to go even higher by 2014

WASHINGTON — One of the economic mysteries of the last few years has been the bigger-than-expected slowdown in health spending, a trend that promises to bolster wages and help close the wide federal deficit over the long term — but only if it persists.

Major new studies from researchers at Harvard University, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and elsewhere have concurred that at least some of the slowdown is unrelated to the recession, and might persist as the economy recovers. David M. Cutler, the Harvard health economist and former Obama adviser, estimates that, given the dynamics of the slowdown, economists might be overestimating public health spending over the next decade by as much as $770 billion.

Thank you Obama, thank you Democrats, thank you liberals.

Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Libertartians, thanks for nothing. You were no help at all. Your hostility to the sick and the poor and the elderly shocks most Americans.

And your predictions of skyrocketing costs was baloney. Weren't you guys already wrong enough on WMD in Iraq, or the recession that was supposed to follow Clinton's tax increases in the 1990s? You have to continue being wrong on other issues too?

Tell you what, Conservatives. Just let us know what will happen in the future so we can prepare for the exact opposite thing happening in future.

The problem with you economic/insurance ignorant people is this:
Obamacare’s insurance exchanges were originally designed to subsidize the purchase of regulated, private-sector insurance for those with incomes between 138 percent and 400 percent of the federal poverty level: based on 2012 guidelines, that amounts to between $31,809 to $92,200 for a family of four.

Insurance Analysts: Obamacare to Increase Out-of-Pocket Premium Costs, Despite Lavish Subsidies - Forbes

AND the problem was NEVER the 18 million people under age 34 making $50k/year but didn't want or NEED insurance but the FACT they will NOW be paying
MORE in forced insurance then they WANTED! ALL because idiots like you won't admit that your masters the Lawyers cause $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests out of FEAR of lawsuits!
Of all the people you defend millionaire lawyers could have been taxed LIKE tanning salons 10% and that $20 billion a year would fund an insurance program for
the truly 4 million Uninsured ! When these 4 million go into hospitals and are taking care under EMTALA (A term YOU have NO idea which shows your total ignorance!)
the uninsured is registered and all claims of service sent to this insurance program funded by the $20 billion!
NO MASSIVE interference with existing insurance programs. NO disruptions corrections,etc. of 1/6th the GDP!
BUT idiots like you totally ignorant of how health insurance etc. works you think that's the issue!

Wow, what a rant. Almost unreadable.

What did the poor who need medical care do to you to make you so angry at them?

And why are you NOT mentioning the WEALTHY MILLIONAIRE LAWYERS that cause $850 billion in defensive medicine AS physicians attest they fear lawsuits???

A) 14 million of the "POOR" are Covered by MEDICAID they haven't enrolled!
FACT: YOU seem to not want to recognize:
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association contracted with the Actuarial Research Corporation (ARC) to provide a detailed analysis of the uninsured identified by the Census Bureau, which found:
- Of the 44.7 million non-elderly uninsured individuals identified in the 2004 Census Current Population Survey (CPS) data,
nearly one-third — almost 14 million — were reachable through existing government
health programs such as Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) under current rules.


So once again WHAT POOR don't have coverage???

FACT 10 million are NOT citizens therefore NOT able to get insurance because they are ILLEGALLY HERE!!
Do you understand???
Finally 18 million people who CAN afford are NOT poor make over $50k a year are counted bogusly as part of the "uninsured"... BUT THEY DON"T WANT Insurance!

That leaves 4 million. Simple plan. Tax 10% like obama did tanning salons the Lawyers!
Take $20 billion a year from lawyers and pay the claims for these 4 million after they are means tested to see they want, need but can't afford!
REQUIRE hospitals that see this patients to send claims to designated insurance company AND STOP padding and passing on to Medicare/insurance.
This one ACT will drop Defensive medicine costs from $850 billion AND reduce Medicare claims also easily $200 billion a year in savings!
WHILE providing coverage for the truly 4 million uninsured!
WHAT is wrong with that???

WASHINGTON — One of the economic mysteries of the last few years has been the bigger-than-expected slowdown in health spending, a trend that promises to bolster wages and help close the wide federal deficit over the long term — but only if it persists.

Major new studies from researchers at Harvard University, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and elsewhere have concurred that at least some of the slowdown is unrelated to the recession, and might persist as the economy recovers. David M. Cutler, the Harvard health economist and former Obama adviser, estimates that, given the dynamics of the slowdown, economists might be overestimating public health spending over the next decade by as much as $770 billion.

Thank you Obama, thank you Democrats, thank you liberals.

Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Libertartians, thanks for nothing. You were no help at all. Your hostility to the sick and the poor and the elderly shocks most Americans.

And your predictions of skyrocketing costs was baloney. Weren't you guys already wrong enough on WMD in Iraq, or the recession that was supposed to follow Clinton's tax increases in the 1990s? You have to continue being wrong on other issues too?

Tell you what, Conservatives. Just let us know what will happen in the future so we can prepare for the exact opposite thing happening in future.

Your own link destroys your argument, unless your argument is different than what your title says.

Health care costs are not dropping, they are continuing to increase. Your link says they are just increasing more slowly than in the past. And this claim that it's partially because of Obamacare is being made by a former Obama advisor, so I would take it with a huge grain of salt.

You didn't expect someone to actually read and understand their own link before making a stupid post, did you?

We do not have the current numbers for 2012 or 2013 of how many employers dropped coverage or reduced employees. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Stats for 2012 there were 114 million people working full time and 27 million working part time. The number of people working for a company that exceeds 50 employees was 78 million people. The number of people working for a company that employs under 50 employees was 30 million people.

Companies that employ over 50 had 97% coverage for their employees while companies that were under 50, 35% offered health benefits. Of course these numbers reflect a few years ago and many changes have occurred since then.
We do not have the current numbers for 2012 or 2013 of how many employers dropped coverage or reduced employees. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Stats for 2012 there were 114 million people working full time and 27 million working part time. The number of people working for a company that exceeds 50 employees was 78 million people. The number of people working for a company that employs under 50 employees was 30 million people.

Companies that employ over 50 had 97% coverage for their employees while companies that were under 50, 35% offered health benefits. Of course these numbers reflect a few years ago and many changes have occurred since then.

That is true!
But the major driving force to PASS Obamacare which by the way was only by 6 votes, was the premise there were 46 million uninsured!
Now there probably ARE that because of Obamacare forcing businesses to drop coverage!

I'm trying to understand though how complicated is it for people to simply agree:
10 million per census called "uninsured" were NOT citizens!
14 million that counted as uninsured are really eligible for Medicaid... don't have to do anything but register!
18 million that don't want, and therefore should NOT be bogusly counted as UNINSURED because THEY could have employer if they wanted to spend more! They don't want it!

That means 42 million that are counted as uninsured and that number made up 46 million USED to pass Obamacare!

Tell me why you are against taxing lawyers as Obamacare does tanning salons and using that $20 billion to pay premiums for the 4 million uninsured that need it???

WASHINGTON — One of the economic mysteries of the last few years has been the bigger-than-expected slowdown in health spending, a trend that promises to bolster wages and help close the wide federal deficit over the long term — but only if it persists.

Major new studies from researchers at Harvard University, the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation and elsewhere have concurred that at least some of the slowdown is unrelated to the recession, and might persist as the economy recovers. David M. Cutler, the Harvard health economist and former Obama adviser, estimates that, given the dynamics of the slowdown, economists might be overestimating public health spending over the next decade by as much as $770 billion.

Thank you Obama, thank you Democrats, thank you liberals.

Conservatives, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Libertartians, thanks for nothing. You were no help at all. Your hostility to the sick and the poor and the elderly shocks most Americans.

And your predictions of skyrocketing costs was baloney. Weren't you guys already wrong enough on WMD in Iraq, or the recession that was supposed to follow Clinton's tax increases in the 1990s? You have to continue being wrong on other issues too?

Tell you what, Conservatives. Just let us know what will happen in the future so we can prepare for the exact opposite thing happening in future.

really? co-pay for a Colonscopy was $50 last year.....this year $ co-pay for an office visit has doubled.....

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