Headline: "10,000 People Have Died" in US So Far of COVID. 7,000 Die Each Day

Thread after thread pretty much asking "Why didn't we just let these people die?" You people disgust me but I am not surprised in the least.
Since seed is now a patented industrial product and only enough is produced to meet everyday needs it is sadly impossible to quickly produce a significant increase in food production within a single season. Back in the day seeds were themselves a cottage industry. I remember my great grandmother trading seeds with her neighbors from plants she been growing ever since she was young. This sort of farming barely exists anymore. You have to buy your seed every year for plant hybrids that do not breed true or at all. The heirloom seed movement has sought to address the big business food monopoly but it;s minuscule.
That heirloom seed industry isn't all that minuscule as you might think. It's a big business in its own right. Many seed distributers whether heirloom or not, have signed what's called the 'Seed Safe Pledge' that none of their seed is GMO. Which also means it's not Terminator seed, that only produces the one year. Most of those type seeds are in big Ag operations and beholden to Monsanto. Although even Monsanto's rule of seeds may or may not still be true as a few of those Corporations (Bayer, DuPont, etc) have bought and/or traded (Monopolized?) within the industry

It is true that hybrids don't breed true, but Open Pollinated (OP) seeds do, even if their not heirloom varieties. Victory gardens are still a big possibility to help with food supply......but it is getting tougher to find viable seed every day as people are already realizing this and buying it up. Many seed companies are already out of stock of much of their supplies, for online orders. If you want to get seed, you may still be able to find atleast some at local nurseries or even racks at the grocery store.

Even if you can only get hybrid seeds that you can't save from, atleast it can give you one good year of harvest, and possibly another year or two. Most seed packets have more than enough seed than you'd need in one year and if you plant carefully & not waste it by having to thin it out later, you can still have food in the future. It also gives you time to find OP or heirloom for later.

There is a thread about other possible options to obtain seeds for planting, called 'Getting more from your groceries'. Check it out, but do understand that the options discussed in that thread and hybrids may not be the best solution, but it can put food on the table atleast for the first year.
Didn't America lose it's poop over 9/11? And how many people died then?

What are you really crying about OP?
Thread after thread pretty much asking "Why didn't we just let these people die?" You people disgust me but I am not surprised in the least.

Typical reading comprehension problem. Nothing unusual. Not surprised.
Since seed is now a patented industrial product and only enough is produced to meet everyday needs it is sadly impossible to quickly produce a significant increase in food production within a single season. Back in the day seeds were themselves a cottage industry. I remember my great grandmother trading seeds with her neighbors from plants she been growing ever since she was young. This sort of farming barely exists anymore. You have to buy your seed every year for plant hybrids that do not breed true or at all. The heirloom seed movement has sought to address the big business food monopoly but it;s minuscule.
That heirloom seed industry isn't all that minuscule as you might think. It's a big business in its own right. Many seed distributers whether heirloom or not, have signed what's called the 'Seed Safe Pledge' that none of their seed is GMO. Which also means it's not Terminator seed, that only produces the one year. Most of those type seeds are in big Ag operations and beholden to Monsanto. Although even Monsanto's rule of seeds may or may not still be true as a few of those Corporations (Bayer, DuPont, etc) have bought and/or traded (Monopolized?) within the industry

It is true that hybrids don't breed true, but Open Pollinated (OP) seeds do, even if their not heirloom varieties. Victory gardens are still a big possibility to help with food supply......but it is getting tougher to find viable seed every day as people are already realizing this and buying it up. Many seed companies are already out of stock of much of their supplies, for online orders. If you want to get seed, you may still be able to find atleast some at local nurseries or even racks at the grocery store.

Even if you can only get hybrid seeds that you can't save from, atleast it can give you one good year of harvest, and possibly another year or two. Most seed packets have more than enough seed than you'd need in one year and if you plant carefully & not waste it by having to thin it out later, you can still have food in the future. It also gives you time to find OP or heirloom for later.

There is a thread about other possible options to obtain seeds for planting, called 'Getting more from your groceries'. Check it out, but do understand that the options discussed in that thread and hybrids may not be the best solution, but it can put food on the table atleast for the first year.
Didn't America lose it's poop over 9/11? And how many people died then?

What are you really crying about OP?
Thread after thread pretty much asking "Why didn't we just let these people die?" You people disgust me but I am not surprised in the least.

Typical reading comprehension problem. Nothing unusual. Not surprised.

Not sure why you lumped my post in here unless it was because I was addressing the other posters comments and not your thread content. But hey, whatever works for ya
Didn't America lose it's poop over 9/11? And how many people died then?

What are you really crying about OP?

The FLU kills more Americans each year than COVID-19 has ... so far. Death from viruses / the flu is an annual event each year, never reported in such an 'apocalyptic' way as has been done with this virus. 9/11 was the 1st terrorist attack on US soil that equated to an attack such as Pearl Harbor. Attempting to compare the 2, in my view, is a non-starter.

Still, I would also like to dig a little deeper and isolate the main point of the OP.

The fact is COVID-19 is unlike the Flu in many ways. It is aggressive, brand new - so no one was ready for this at all. The fact that it came from a biological / disease research center in Huwan, China - which was told in 2015 that it needed to correct several issues to prevent the risk of an outbreak - makes this a 'bigger' story, as well.
So hospitals are being overwhelmed over "nothing"? Makeshift morgues are popping up in hospital parking lots, but "nothing to see, go back to work"?

The moment scientists reported they were seeing elements in this new strain they had never seen before immediately told me this would be bad, more than just the FLU.

From more and more reports I read, it becomes more and more obvious that the Chinese were doing =some tinkering in their lab, one in which they study Ebola, MERS, and SARS - all of with which they have stated they have found similarities in COVID-19. I do not think the Chinese intentionally leaked this, but it is being reported more and more that this was the result of a leak.

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