Heading into the Next GOP Debate


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
Trump: Starting to get a little stale?

Carson: Personally engaging but lack of experience showing?

Rubio: Too much too soon?

Cruz: Dazzling debate skills, but will voters listen/relate?

Christie: Trapped in the second tier?

Bush: Last man standing?

Trump will get a boost from being targeted by radical hispanics and move to the top as the clear front runner.

Cruz has an opportunity to jump to second place. The media (especially Fox) is pushing Rubio now but playing down Cruz, even though they both moved up after the last debate and are tied for 3rd place. I guess they see the writing on the wall regarding Bush and Rubio is the new "establishment hopeful".

It's make it or break it time for Bush. He needs something to pull out of the hat at this debate or he's finished. My guess is he will pull the wrong rabbit out and sink his candidacy.
SNL was kind of a bust for Trump. He got a lot of publicity from the protests, but he doesn't seem comfortable with humor directed at him. I think his fortunes may sink as people start asking why they should vote FOR him instead of AGAINST everyone else.
They'll all get a boost in the polls after the debate when the Liberal media starts beating up on them. Happens every time. The Libs on USMB will come out swinging since their own candidates have nothing to offer except tax and spend. Look for both Trump and Carson to leap ahead of Hillary in even more polls after the debate. The Sunday talk shows will trot out their Democrat pundits to trounce the Repub candidates which will boost all the Repub candidates in the polls. The more the media and the Left attacks, the better the candidates poll.
Tomorrow, we'll see the same old tired posts from the same Liberals claiming Thrump is finished and that Carson lied in the debate just as the did after the last debate. Both will rise in the polls.
Carson, Rubio, Cruz, Fiorina: What combination would make the strongest ticket?
Carson, Rubio, Cruz, Fiorina: What combination would make the strongest ticket?

Even though I know you are an establishment person wanting Bush or Kasich, the strongest ticket by far would be Cruz-Carson, if the establishment Republicans would stump for them, which they probably would not.

If they did stump for that ticket, every conservative, every evangelical, 35% of the African American vote, and the fact that Cruz would clean Hillys clock at every debate, unlike what Romney did with Obama, would have them in landslide territory.

Let me put it this way.................establishment Republicans are going to go vote to the tune of 75%. They do it all the time, and in a national election, they lose. It is going to take conservatives, libertarians, and evangelicals to push the repub over the top. It isn't going to happen with an establishment candidate. These people see little difference between Bush/Kasich, and Hillary. They will just stay home.

For the last how many elections, conservatives and libertarians took a back seat, and allowed the GOP to put forth GW who helped spend us into oblivion; then they put up Mcain, and then Romney. You DO realize that the reason Mcain and Romney lost, was because of the GOPs stellar suggestion of GW Bush, and now they got another Bush they put up this year, lol!

And so, after 3 or 4 elections, we are saying "we tried it your way, and now we will try it ours." Let me also say that if the Republican Party stands pat, a 3rd party is going to rise. It won't win the Presidency, but the Repubs won't either. But it WILL win local, and state elections, meaning you people will be done, if you keep fooling around, kissing liberal rearend!
Carson, Rubio, Cruz, Fiorina: What combination would make the strongest ticket?

Even though I know you are an establishment person wanting Bush or Kasich, the strongest ticket by far would be Cruz-Carson, if the establishment Republicans would stump for them, which they probably would not.

If they did stump for that ticket, every conservative, every evangelical, 35% of the African American vote, and the fact that Cruz would clean Hillys clock at every debate, unlike what Romney did with Obama, would have them in landslide territory.

Let me put it this way.................establishment Republicans are going to go vote to the tune of 75%. They do it all the time, and in a national election, they lose. It is going to take conservatives, libertarians, and evangelicals to push the repub over the top. It isn't going to happen with an establishment candidate. These people see little difference between Bush/Kasich, and Hillary. They will just stay home.

For the last how many elections, conservatives and libertarians took a back seat, and allowed the GOP to put forth GW who helped spend us into oblivion; then they put up Mcain, and then Romney. You DO realize that the reason Mcain and Romney lost, was because of the GOPs stellar suggestion of GW Bush, and now they got another Bush they put up this year, lol!

And so, after 3 or 4 elections, we are saying "we tried it your way, and now we will try it ours." Let me also say that if the Republican Party stands pat, a 3rd party is going to rise. It won't win the Presidency, but the Repubs won't either. But it WILL win local, and state elections, meaning you people will be done, if you keep fooling around, kissing liberal rearend!

LOL, liking Carson, Cruz, Rubio and Fiorina makes me an "establishment" person?

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