He Should Have Stayed Out Of Politics


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Very few American businessmen have ethics, and their shady actions are rarely investigated. The Big Orange Idiot is an excellent example of an extremely crooked businessman. Given the many other businesses and individuals he’s screwed over the decades, history has proven this beyond any doubt.

As the decades have passed, it has become common knowledge that most U.S. politicians are crooked and cooperate fully with the unethical business leaders. But the majority of them are not in-your-face crooked like Big Orange. No, professional politicians are skilled at being subtle, discreet, and learned quickly to hide their corruption through anonymous middlemen.

The Big Orange Idiot spent too many years in the safe world of business, so he lacks the necessary skills and knowledge to disguise his corruption as a professional politician. In fact, Republicans must hone these skills better than any other political party. But Big Orange refuses to learn the lessons he needs, and mistakenly believes as POTUS, he, his family, and his cronies are immune to prosecution.

Due to his pure arrogance ,he's spread this belief of total immunity to his family and his cronies. At the same time he's convinced his simple-minded minions he is above the law.

But Big Orange, his family, and his cronies will soon face a nasty surprise. Special Counsel Robert Mueller understands United States’ laws, and is now widening his investigation of Big Orange’s shady activities as a politician to include the shady activities of his business(es).

The same arrogance that has the current administration convinced they cannot be touched by the law forces some of those involved to make incriminating statements, as if to thumb their noses at the American people.

Thankfully, this arrogance is doing nothing but making Mueller’s job easier, as he puts nooses around the necks of the whole corrupt gang in the current administration.

When Mueller and the courts get finished, the gang members will either serve time in prison, or, will have been in self-imposed exile in non-extradition countries long before they could be indicted.

Regardless of how the chain of events plays out, Big Orange and his buddies will soon be scrambling. And it will be extremely funny watching both the criminals reactions, and the stupidity of the conservatives trying to defend the crooks, redirect blame to unrelated issues and individuals, and deny, deny, deny...

Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions



That record makes conservatives most proud.

Since you admitted politicians are all corrupt Sessions should begin same type of investigationss of every Democrat Congress critters
The OP speaks the truth, few elites are honest businessmen, and Trump and his buddies and friends are not high on ethics, they probably don't know what the word means. Its all about the almighty dollar.
Trump is the type of nutjob the founders were afraid of when they wrote the constitution. We are seeing that constitution work marvelously to prevent Trump from tanking the nation to appease a tiny minority.
It occurred to me the other day that not only is Trump destroying America's brand around the world, he and his spawn are forever destroying the Trump family name.

Silver lining, pip-pip!
Very few American businessmen have ethics, and their shady actions are rarely investigated. The Big Orange Idiot is an excellent example of an extremely crooked businessman. Given the many other businesses and individuals he’s screwed over the decades, history has proven this beyond any doubt.

As the decades have passed, it has become common knowledge that most U.S. politicians are crooked and cooperate fully with the unethical business leaders. But the majority of them are not in-your-face crooked like Big Orange. No, professional politicians are skilled at being subtle, discreet, and learned quickly to hide their corruption through anonymous middlemen.

The Big Orange Idiot spent too many years in the safe world of business, so he lacks the necessary skills and knowledge to disguise his corruption as a professional politician. In fact, Republicans must hone these skills better than any other political party. But Big Orange refuses to learn the lessons he needs, and mistakenly believes as POTUS, he, his family, and his cronies are immune to prosecution.

Due to his pure arrogance ,he's spread this belief of total immunity to his family and his cronies. At the same time he's convinced his simple-minded minions he is above the law.

But Big Orange, his family, and his cronies will soon face a nasty surprise. Special Counsel Robert Mueller understands United States’ laws, and is now widening his investigation of Big Orange’s shady activities as a politician to include the shady activities of his business(es).

The same arrogance that has the current administration convinced they cannot be touched by the law forces some of those involved to make incriminating statements, as if to thumb their noses at the American people.

Thankfully, this arrogance is doing nothing but making Mueller’s job easier, as he puts nooses around the necks of the whole corrupt gang in the current administration.

When Mueller and the courts get finished, the gang members will either serve time in prison, or, will have been in self-imposed exile in non-extradition countries long before they could be indicted.

Regardless of how the chain of events plays out, Big Orange and his buddies will soon be scrambling. And it will be extremely funny watching both the criminals reactions, and the stupidity of the conservatives trying to defend the crooks, redirect blame to unrelated issues and individuals, and deny, deny, deny...

Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions


View attachment 139739

That record makes conservatives most proud.

I stopped reading your post after the first sentence. Some of the finest human beings I've ever met were "businessmen". Typical left wing identity politics, one's actions or character are irrelevant, only you're skin color, gender or social standing are meaningful.
Very few American businessmen have ethics
Ipse dixit. Don't be an ass.

If you had said very few PEOPLE have ethics, then we could have found some common ground to debate what percentage.

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