He said he wouldn’t join his company’s Bible study. After being let go, he’s suing.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
He said he wouldn’t join his company’s Bible study. After being let go, he’s suing.

A 34-year-old painter is suing Dahled Up Construction, a company based south of Portland, Ore., for allegedly firing him after he refused to join a Christian Bible group for employees. Ryan Coleman is seeking $800,000 from the company after its owner allegedly said participation in the Bible group was required if he wanted to keep his job.

Coleman told The Washington Post that when he explained to the company's owner, Joel Dahl, that he had different beliefs, Dahl said: "If you want to keep your job, everybody needs to attend. If not, I'm going to be forced to replace you."

He said he wouldn’t join his company’s Bible study. After being let go, he’s suing.


I hope he wins.
I'll have to agree that an employee or anyone outside of an employship shouldn't be required to join or participate in a religious event if don't want too.

The employer messed up on this one if true.

God is all about freedom and freedom of choice in which he has given us all. It is why the good book has all things be it good or evil in it, and the readers of it or those who hear the words written in it have a choice to make, and their choice is honored by God.

If the wrong choice is made, then the individual will have to deal with the consequences of his or her choice either here or in the after life, but the choice is theirs to make.

It is best to have the event with volunteers, and to let those involved show by the happiness in their lives (as a result of such an event) to be a positive thing in their lives.

This is the best way to gather a flock, and not to force possible anti-christ individuals to participate unwillingly.
We need freedom FROM religion.
Nope not freedom from religion, but rather a mutual respect towards both things exsisting within the sectors be it public and/or private once again. We as individuals need freedom of choice, and not enslavement in anything we choose to participate in or not to participate in. Religion can co-exist in anything we have going, but it's when it demands participation against a person's will is when it violates the individuals rights.

The same goes for anything not religious as well. All can exist together in the private and public speres, just as long as these things don't force themselves on an individual against his or her will.

Schools for example don't have to be religion free, but only that they provide an out to those who wish not to participate in a religious function or event taking place. It can easily be done, but the left wants complete removal because it wants to force a limited option to the students in which it wants to control or brainwash.
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We need freedom FROM religion.
Nope not freedom from religion, but rather a mutual respect towards both things exsisting within the sectors be it public and/or private once again. We as individuals need freedom of choice, and not enslavement in anything we choose to participate in or not to participate in. Religion can co-exist in anything we have going, but it's when it demands participation against a person's will is when it violates the individuals rights.

The same goes for anything not religious as well. All can exist together in the private and public speres, just as long as these things don't force themselves on an individual against his or her will.
So you think that Muslims should have sharia law in the US?
We need freedom FROM religion.
Nope not freedom from religion, but rather a mutual respect towards both things exsisting within the sectors be it public and/or private once again. We as individuals need freedom of choice, and not enslavement in anything we choose to participate in or not to participate in. Religion can co-exist in anything we have going, but it's when it demands participation against a person's will is when it violates the individuals rights.

The same goes for anything not religious as well. All can exist together in the private and public speres, just as long as these things don't force themselves on an individual against his or her will.
So you think that Muslims should have sharia law in the US?
Do you think Muslims should not practice a law that suits their people as long as it's not in violation of our laws, and it is not forced on others who want nothing to do with such a law or religion ?
We need freedom FROM religion.
Nope not freedom from religion, but rather a mutual respect towards both things exsisting within the sectors be it public and/or private once again. We as individuals need freedom of choice, and not enslavement in anything we choose to participate in or not to participate in. Religion can co-exist in anything we have going, but it's when it demands participation against a person's will is when it violates the individuals rights.

The same goes for anything not religious as well. All can exist together in the private and public speres, just as long as these things don't force themselves on an individual against his or her will.
So you think that Muslims should have sharia law in the US?
Do you think Muslims should not practice a law that suits their people as long as it's not in violation of our laws, and it is not forced on others who want nothing to do with such a law or religion ?
Sharia violates a ton of our laws, but freedom of religion doesn’t set limits.
"If you want to keep your job, everybody needs to attend. If not, I'm going to be forced to replace you."

If you want to keep your job ...

nothing new there, how about his clothing or a beard or hair length ... its not just religion in this case obviously wrong but all the other criteria those people believe they are endowed with to rule over other peoples lives.

business / the desert religions combination has always been a source of evil in america and elsewhere, people have used for their own selfish purposes.
We need freedom FROM religion.

We need freedom FROM liberals

Their has to be more to this story then this, what kind of idiot would say that after a guy is hired, was it part of the job qualifications?

That's an EEOC violation. The only companies that are allowed to require something like this are religious organizations. World Vision which is a Christian humanitarian organization won a lawsuit many years ago because some of it's employees didn't want to comply with the "bible study" requirement but it was part of their employment agreement. If I recall correctly the 9th circuit ruled in their favor.
We need freedom FROM religion.

We need freedom FROM liberals

Their has to be more to this story then this, what kind of idiot would say that after a guy is hired, was it part of the job qualifications?

You are probably right that there is more to the story than what we currently have access to, but this guy's behavior of "my way or the highway" is not that unusual from my experiences. "If you want to keep your job" is how many workers are coered into doing things that they sometimes shouldn't and in the case of Wells Fargo bank, are actually unlawful (opening up new accounts in the names of current customers without their knowledge or permission)
Schools for example don't have to be religion free, but only that they provide an out to those who wish not to participate in a religious function or event taking place. It can easily be done, but the left wants complete removal because it wants to force a limited option to the students in which it wants to control or brainwash.
I agree that schools don’t have to be reliant free in that students should be free to express their religious beliefs as long as it is not proselytizing or disruptive.
But the school itself?
The Establishment Clause, unlike the Free Exercise Clause, does not depend upon any showing of direct governmental compulsion and is violated by the enactment of laws which establish an official religion whether those laws operate directly to coerce nonobserving individuals or not.
Engel v Vitale 370 U.S. 421 (1962)

In other words, schools, and the government in general, cannot sponsor or endorse any religious activities, voluntary or not. Neither can the school be hostile to religion.
We need freedom FROM religion.
Nope not freedom from religion, but rather a mutual respect towards both things exsisting within the sectors be it public and/or private once again. We as individuals need freedom of choice, and not enslavement in anything we choose to participate in or not to participate in. Religion can co-exist in anything we have going, but it's when it demands participation against a person's will is when it violates the individuals rights.

The same goes for anything not religious as well. All can exist together in the private and public speres, just as long as these things don't force themselves on an individual against his or her will.
So you think that Muslims should have sharia law in the US?
Do you think Muslims should not practice a law that suits their people as long as it's not in violation of our laws, and it is not forced on others who want nothing to do with such a law or religion ?
Sharia violates a ton of our laws, but freedom of religion doesn’t set limits.
Anything that violates our laws should not be allowed or acceptable. Period.
He said he wouldn’t join his company’s Bible study. After being let go, he’s suing.

A 34-year-old painter is suing Dahled Up Construction, a company based south of Portland, Ore., for allegedly firing him after he refused to join a Christian Bible group for employees. Ryan Coleman is seeking $800,000 from the company after its owner allegedly said participation in the Bible group was required if he wanted to keep his job.

Coleman told The Washington Post that when he explained to the company's owner, Joel Dahl, that he had different beliefs, Dahl said: "If you want to keep your job, everybody needs to attend. If not, I'm going to be forced to replace you."

He said he wouldn’t join his company’s Bible study. After being let go, he’s suing.


I hope he wins.
If he can prove that, he has a case.
Schools for example don't have to be religion free, but only that they provide an out to those who wish not to participate in a religious function or event taking place. It can easily be done, but the left wants complete removal because it wants to force a limited option to the students in which it wants to control or brainwash.
I agree that schools don’t have to be reliant free in that students should be free to express their religious beliefs as long as it is not proselytizing or disruptive.
But the school itself?
The Establishment Clause, unlike the Free Exercise Clause, does not depend upon any showing of direct governmental compulsion and is violated by the enactment of laws which establish an official religion whether those laws operate directly to coerce nonobserving individuals or not.
Engel v Vitale 370 U.S. 421 (1962)

In other words, schools, and the government in general, cannot sponsor or endorse any religious activities, voluntary or not. Neither can the school be hostile to religion.
It should relate to the majority, and it also should be allowed in the school when the school operators and staff come to a consensus on such a thing, and where as the majority of most agree with or wishes the school to add some form of prayer or religious content to the appropriate settings within the school.

With this said, it should also be considerate of those who might not agree, and this even if they only number by one, and so in such a case it should provide a very appropriate non-bullying or intimidation free area in order that the student, staff member or other can freely choose to depart to if that is nessesary in their mind to do so during an event.

What we have currently, is a secular minority possibly controlling a majority within some of the nation's schools, and that is totally unfair to that majority whom wishes to have something that which they feel is a vital part of their total life experience in everything they do.

The left has convinced this nation that it was wrong to carry it's beliefs into the very cement mixture that made this nation strong for so long, and once it accomplished this, it attempted to fill the minds full of garbage that it wished upon the masses or should I say that it had forced upon them in the vacuum that was created within it all.
The Evans want to bring prayer back into public schools.

I am a strong believe in the Separation of Church and State.
We need freedom FROM religion.
Nope not freedom from religion, but rather a mutual respect towards both things exsisting within the sectors be it public and/or private once again. We as individuals need freedom of choice, and not enslavement in anything we choose to participate in or not to participate in. Religion can co-exist in anything we have going, but it's when it demands participation against a person's will is when it violates the individuals rights.

The same goes for anything not religious as well. All can exist together in the private and public speres, just as long as these things don't force themselves on an individual against his or her will.
So you think that Muslims should have sharia law in the US?
Do you think Muslims should not practice a law that suits their people as long as it's not in violation of our laws, and it is not forced on others who want nothing to do with such a law or religion ?
Sharia violates a ton of our laws, but freedom of religion doesn’t set limits.
Anything that violates our laws should not be allowed or acceptable. Period.
So no freedom of religion then.
Schools for example don't have to be religion free, but only that they provide an out to those who wish not to participate in a religious function or event taking place. It can easily be done, but the left wants complete removal because it wants to force a limited option to the students in which it wants to control or brainwash.
I agree that schools don’t have to be reliant free in that students should be free to express their religious beliefs as long as it is not proselytizing or disruptive.
But the school itself?
The Establishment Clause, unlike the Free Exercise Clause, does not depend upon any showing of direct governmental compulsion and is violated by the enactment of laws which establish an official religion whether those laws operate directly to coerce nonobserving individuals or not.
Engel v Vitale 370 U.S. 421 (1962)

In other words, schools, and the government in general, cannot sponsor or endorse any religious activities, voluntary or not. Neither can the school be hostile to religion.
It should relate to the majority, and it also should be allowed in the school when the school operators and staff come to a consensus on such a thing, and where as the majority of most agree with or wishes the school to add some form of prayer or religious content to the appropriate settings within the school.

With this said, it should also be considerate of those who might not agree, and this even if they only number by one, and so in such a case it should provide a very appropriate non-bullying or intimidation free area in order that the student, staff member or other can freely choose to depart to if that is nessesary in their mind to do so during an event.
Do you realize you are advocating government support for the majority religion, setting up a de facto establishment of religion. Those of minority religions would not have equal expression or freedom of religion.

Civil rights should not be up to majority vote.

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