Have The Ds Already lost 2020, If so Why Now?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
As anyone who has read my posts about the coming election my position is that tax flight and tax increases will cripple critical D states like NY, CA and IL in @ 10 months from now. So, why am I running into an increasing amount of stories that the Ds are in the midst of an ideological civil war that is crippling them now?
The D's are Fucked with a capital F. With their platform of constantly spewing hatred at the American public, spewing hatred against whites, only caring about illegals and muslim 3rd-world sludge of humanity and giving both a free ride at our expense, that vengeance-driven, Obama-sickness they have has convinced them they can win elections on a platform of hatred of their own country and their diet of 3rd-world semen. Don't get me started on that H-of-R "squad" of the four most anti-American-hatred-spewing Can't-Understand-Normal-Thinking in congressional history, who are the new face of the Democratic party of violence. If any of these female-like creatures have children, I hope their children die in a chemical fire. Because it would be good for the human gene pool.
Don't sugar coat it tell us what you really feel.
The D's are Fucked with a capital F. With their platform of constantly spewing hatred at the American public, spewing hatred against whites, only caring about illegals and muslim 3rd-world sludge of humanity and giving both a free ride at our expense, that vengeance-driven, Obama-sickness they have has convinced them they can win elections on a platform of hatred of their own country and their diet of 3rd-world semen. Don't get me started on that H-of-R "squad" of the four most anti-American-hatred-spewing Can't-Understand-Normal-Thinking in congressional history, who are the new face of the Democratic party of violence. If any of these female-like creatures have children, I hope their children die in a chemical fire. Because it would be good for the human gene pool.
Trump, in one felt swoop, knocked all of the Dem candidates out of the news cycle for a WHOLE WEEK this last week.
Who the hell can win against that?
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Knowing they are going to lose to Trump again they can try to build their base. They've already run a black guy and a woman, so this time they should run the gay guy.
The D's are Fucked with a capital F. With their platform of constantly spewing hatred at the American public, spewing hatred against whites

Somebody told them whites will soon be a minority in America.

Not if we can help it.
As anyone who has read my posts about the coming election my position is that tax flight and tax increases will cripple critical D states like NY, CA and IL in @ 10 months from now. So, why am I running into an increasing amount of stories that the Ds are in the midst of an ideological civil war that is crippling them now?

CA is going full-tilt crazy lefty, which should provide a lesson for the rest of the country. The Dems may simply be writing off 2020 as a primal scream/catharsis year, after which they will come back to their senses.
As anyone who has read my posts about the coming election my position is that tax flight and tax increases will cripple critical D states like NY, CA and IL in @ 10 months from now. So, why am I running into an increasing amount of stories that the Ds are in the midst of an ideological civil war that is crippling them now?

CA is going full-tilt crazy lefty, which should provide a lesson for the rest of the country. The Dems may simply be writing off 2020 as a primal scream/catharsis year, after which they will come back to their senses.

The deeper the hole they dig :dig:
The longer the comeback.
But, that's a good thang!
Dems will really be depressed 5 years from now.

A 2nd term for Trump.
Trump building the border wall.
Trump ending asylum and chain migration.
Trump deporting more hispanics.
Trump's AG William Barr putting Democrat's like Hillary, Mueller, Obama, and Comey behind bars.
The nutty Democrats in Illinois just legalized marijuana. Pretty soon all the blue state Democrats will be able to use their welfare money to get high.
Because the pro tRump propaganda machine is working overtime.

You're talking about the same propaganda that won the mid-terms I would presume.

Many Dem's who won seats vacated by Republicans in the mid terms had to LIE to get elected. They told voters they supported president Trump's position on illegals and other Trump policies. Naturally once they arrived in Washington they voted lock step with the left against it all.
As anyone who has read my posts about the coming election my position is that tax flight and tax increases will cripple critical D states like NY, CA and IL in @ 10 months from now. So, why am I running into an increasing amount of stories that the Ds are in the midst of an ideological civil war that is crippling them now?
Well let’s drill down a minute. Which dem proposal and which specific tax increase are you claiming will cripple these states?

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