Hate mongering right


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Radical Right Wing Extremists are so full of hate toward Obama and anyone he remotely associate with that it can be heard in their voice, seen in their faces and eyes. FOXNEWS, Hannity, O’Reilly, Stossell, Dick Morris, Liz Cheney, Romeny. Romney’s message would be more believable if he did not lie of obviously directly and indirectly by omission. He never tells the entire story because he knows it cannot fly.
Most hated man in this country, worse president ever? Yet half the country would vote for him in November? What does that say about Romney?
Obama saved the country from the worse depression ever. So I am satisfied with a recession in recovery. At last half of America is not stupid.
Radical Right Wing Extremists are so full of hate toward Obama and anyone he remotely associate with that it can be heard in their voice, seen in their faces and eyes. FOXNEWS, Hannity, O’Reilly, Stossell, Dick Morris, Liz Cheney, Romeny. Romney’s message would be more believable if he did not lie of obviously directly and indirectly by omission. He never tells the entire story because he knows it cannot fly.
Most hated man in this country, worse president ever? Yet half the country would vote for him in November? What does that say about Romney?
Obama saved the country from the worse depression ever. So I am satisfied with a recession in recovery. At last half of America is not stupid.

Don't you have a George Bush effigy to burn, asslips ?
Radical Right Wing Extremists are so full of hate toward Obama and anyone he remotely associate with that it can be heard in their voice, seen in their faces and eyes. FOXNEWS, Hannity, O’Reilly, Stossell, Dick Morris, Liz Cheney, Romeny. Romney’s message would be more believable if he did not lie of obviously directly and indirectly by omission. He never tells the entire story because he knows it cannot fly.
Most hated man in this country, worse president ever? Yet half the country would vote for him in November? What does that say about Romney?
Obama saved the country from the worse depression ever. So I am satisfied with a recession in recovery. At last half of America is not stupid.

Off your meds again?
Radical Right Wing Extremists are so full of hate toward Obama and anyone he remotely associate with that it can be heard in their voice, seen in their faces and eyes. FOXNEWS, Hannity, O’Reilly, Stossell, Dick Morris, Liz Cheney, Romeny. Romney’s message would be more believable if he did not lie of obviously directly and indirectly by omission. He never tells the entire story because he knows it cannot fly.
Most hated man in this country, worse president ever? Yet half the country would vote for him in November? What does that say about Romney?
Obama saved the country from the worse depression ever. So I am satisfied with a recession in recovery. At last half of America is not stupid.

You are accusing people of lying while you lie yourself. Either through omission, ignorance or outright partinsanship.
First the far left is just a bad as the far right.
Second Obama has been lying through his teeth yet you are ok with that.
Third the economy isn't recoveing and appears ready to take another dive thanks to Obama's agenda.
And last, not even half the people of this country vote so half of this country is not ready to "vote" for Obama.
Radical Right Wing Extremists are so full of hate toward Obama and anyone he remotely associate with that it can be heard in their voice, seen in their faces and eyes. FOXNEWS, Hannity, O’Reilly, Stossell, Dick Morris, Liz Cheney, Romeny. Romney’s message would be more believable if he did not lie of obviously directly and indirectly by omission. He never tells the entire story because he knows it cannot fly.
Most hated man in this country, worse president ever? Yet half the country would vote for him in November? What does that say about Romney?
Obama saved the country from the worse depression ever. So I am satisfied with a recession in recovery. At last half of America is not stupid.

Ah, yes, The Hate Card......not to be confused with The Race Card. In either case, The Left play these cards when things do not go their way. They confuse legitimate critique with hate. Let's not forget the hate that Obama has.....

" punish our enemies" [Republicans]
" bring a gun to a knife fight"
" get in their face "
" The Police acted stupidly"

Recessions should never be acceptable......especially in so-called 'recoveries' that put government, unions, corporate cronies, media, academia, and legal ahead of small business and the independent working man.
Radical Right Wing Extremists are so full of hate toward Obama and anyone he remotely associate with that it can be heard in their voice, seen in their faces and eyes. FOXNEWS, Hannity, O’Reilly, Stossell, Dick Morris, Liz Cheney, Romeny. Romney’s message would be more believable if he did not lie of obviously directly and indirectly by omission. He never tells the entire story because he knows it cannot fly.
Most hated man in this country, worse president ever? Yet half the country would vote for him in November? What does that say about Romney?
Obama saved the country from the worse depression ever. So I am satisfied with a recession in recovery. At last half of America is not stupid.

You are forgetting that President Obama has a built in immunity and protection against valid examination and evaluation of his performance: His skin color.

Anything and everything that dares to be judgmental of him is immediately written off as RACIST.

And being accused of racism is as good as conviction of same.

No attack or criticism of President Obama by the Right Wing was ever as vicious and hateful as attacks by the Left on President GW Bush.

Have you ever watched MSNBC? Read the New York Times or Washington Post?
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It is not wrong to hate the enemies of the country. We hate Hitler to this day. Hating the obama regime is understandable.
Radical Right Wing Extremists are so full of hate toward Obama and anyone he remotely associate with that it can be heard in their voice, seen in their faces and eyes. FOXNEWS, Hannity, O’Reilly, Stossell, Dick Morris, Liz Cheney, Romeny. Romney’s message would be more believable if he did not lie of obviously directly and indirectly by omission. He never tells the entire story because he knows it cannot fly.
Most hated man in this country, worse president ever? Yet half the country would vote for him in November? What does that say about Romney?
Obama saved the country from the worse depression ever. So I am satisfied with a recession in recovery. At last half of America is not stupid.


Good Lord.... this one's lost it.
Radical Right Wing Extremists are so full of hate toward Obama and anyone he remotely associate with that it can be heard in their voice, seen in their faces and eyes. FOXNEWS, Hannity, O’Reilly, Stossell, Dick Morris, Liz Cheney, Romeny. Romney’s message would be more believable if he did not lie of obviously directly and indirectly by omission. He never tells the entire story because he knows it cannot fly.
Most hated man in this country, worse president ever? Yet half the country would vote for him in November? What does that say about Romney?
Obama saved the country from the worse depression ever. So I am satisfied with a recession in recovery. At last half of America is not stupid.


Good Lord.... this one's lost it.

I agree. Jeeze. Wonder if she ran our ot meds??
Radical Right Wing Extremists are so full of hate toward Obama and anyone he remotely associate with that it can be heard in their voice, seen in their faces and eyes. FOXNEWS, Hannity, O’Reilly, Stossell, Dick Morris, Liz Cheney, Romeny. Romney’s message would be more believable if he did not lie of obviously directly and indirectly by omission. He never tells the entire story because he knows it cannot fly.
Most hated man in this country, worse president ever? Yet half the country would vote for him in November? What does that say about Romney?
Obama saved the country from the worse depression ever. So I am satisfied with a recession in recovery. At last half of America is not stupid.

You're right. Anyone who doubts that need only read the nasty, hate-filled name calling, replies to your post.

No facts. Just lots of hate.
Obama saved the country from the worse depression ever.

GDP has been positive since June of 09 ...

Romney’s message would be more believable if he did not lie of obviously directly and indirectly by omission. He never tells the entire story because he knows it cannot fly.

with positive GDP Romney can only complain the recovery is not strong enough - rather than it was the Principles and Policies of the previous R Administration that caused the Great Recession, that were used by himself to acquire his own wealth the American public is left having to pay the bill for.

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