Has the media decided that it is our THIRD PARTY? Jim Acosta seems to think so!


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Apr 15, 2016
Tallahassee, FL
Has the media decided that it is our THIRD PARTY?

Would Walter Cronkite and many other great newscasters of the past recognize their profession today?

CNN’s Acosta ‘Regrets’ Media Did Not Stand in Solidarity More Against Trump
By TRENT BAKER 9 Jun 2019

Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” CNN White House chief correspondent Jim Acosta revealed one his “regrets” in life is the media not standing together in solidarity.

Acosta lamented he has “missed some opportunities” to challenge President Donald Trump labeling the media “the enemy of the people.”
CNN's Acosta 'Regrets' Media Did Not Stand in Solidarity More Against Trump | Breitbart
Has the media decided that it is our THIRD PARTY?

Would Walter Cronkite and many other great newscasters of the past recognize their profession today?

CNN’s Acosta ‘Regrets’ Media Did Not Stand in Solidarity More Against Trump
By TRENT BAKER 9 Jun 2019

Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” CNN White House chief correspondent Jim Acosta revealed one his “regrets” in life is the media not standing together in solidarity.

Acosta lamented he has “missed some opportunities” to challenge President Donald Trump labeling the media “the enemy of the people.”
CNN's Acosta 'Regrets' Media Did Not Stand in Solidarity More Against Trump | Breitbart
Third Party? No an independent Third Party would not be singing DEM talking points in unison like some demented choir.
He's referring to the lies from the White House and how the press should have done a better job calling them out.

I agree.

Here is the full interview and a place for liberals to go to and not give Breitbart traffic.

He's referring to the lies from the White House and how the press should have done a better job calling them out.

I agree.

Here is the full interview and a place for liberals to go to and not give Breitbart traffic.

Who lies?

Just about everybody, the Dems, Repubs, Media, Hollywood, Academia, some more than others. Who'd I forget?
Network news and news print will never be trusted as they once were and every one in those two sectors of news should be very ashamed today....
Has the media decided that it is our THIRD PARTY?

Would Walter Cronkite and many other great newscasters of the past recognize their profession today?

CNN’s Acosta ‘Regrets’ Media Did Not Stand in Solidarity More Against Trump
By TRENT BAKER 9 Jun 2019

Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” CNN White House chief correspondent Jim Acosta revealed one his “regrets” in life is the media not standing together in solidarity.

Acosta lamented he has “missed some opportunities” to challenge President Donald Trump labeling the media “the enemy of the people.”
CNN's Acosta 'Regrets' Media Did Not Stand in Solidarity More Against Trump | Breitbart
That he believes they're not standing in solidarity against Trump just lends evidence of how delusional he is.
The media is not a third party the majority of them are just an extension of the Democratic party. What CNN Jim Acosta and many other's in the media have forgotten is their job is to report the news fairly and accurately not create the news or support one party or the other not support and push policies they agree with or push their own personal agendas.
Has the media decided that it is our THIRD PARTY?

Would Walter Cronkite and many other great newscasters of the past recognize their profession today?

CNN’s Acosta ‘Regrets’ Media Did Not Stand in Solidarity More Against Trump
By TRENT BAKER 9 Jun 2019

Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” CNN White House chief correspondent Jim Acosta revealed one his “regrets” in life is the media not standing together in solidarity.

Acosta lamented he has “missed some opportunities” to challenge President Donald Trump labeling the media “the enemy of the people.”
CNN's Acosta 'Regrets' Media Did Not Stand in Solidarity More Against Trump | Breitbart
That he believes they're not standing in solidarity against Trump just lends evidence of how delusional he is.

Also how biased he is. Journalism is supposed to be impartially objective. Not sure it ever was, but IMHO it's sure as hell worse now.
He's referring to the lies from the White House and how the press should have done a better job calling them out.

I agree.

Here is the full interview and a place for liberals to go to and not give Breitbart traffic.

Who lies?

Trump and others.

What lie?? Tell me one

Why? Much of this board is dedicated to those lies. I'm posting regarding the topic of this thread and putting Acosta's words in context.
There is only one problem the GOP propaganda machine lies nonstop especially in primetime and then there's Rush Limbaugh. One lie? how about anything they said about Hillary being a criminal, the rich paying too much in taxes, anything about the deep state etc etc conspiracy theories everywhere nothing ever made it to the real world of Journalism and law enforcement. You live on an imaginary planet dumbasses.
He's referring to the lies from the White House and how the press should have done a better job calling them out.

I agree.

Here is the full interview and a place for liberals to go to and not give Breitbart traffic.

Who lies?

Trump and others.

What lie?? Tell me one

Why? Much of this board is dedicated to those lies. I'm posting regarding the topic of this thread and putting Acosta's words in context.

I didn’t think so
He's referring to the lies from the White House and how the press should have done a better job calling them out.

I agree.

Here is the full interview and a place for liberals to go to and not give Breitbart traffic.

Who lies?

Trump and others.

What lie?? Tell me one

Why? Much of this board is dedicated to those lies. I'm posting regarding the topic of this thread and putting Acosta's words in context.

I didn’t think so

If you're looking for examples of Trump's lies then read the rest of the board or a newspaper. I'm not here to hold your hand little boy and I'm not sure why you want to derail one of you're buddy's posts.
What lie?? Tell me one

Why? Much of this board is dedicated to those lies. I'm posting regarding the topic of this thread and putting Acosta's words in context.
I didn’t think so

If you're looking for examples of Trump's lies then read the rest of the board or a newspaper. I'm not here to hold your hand little boy and I'm not sure why you want to derail one of you're buddy's posts.
I have I can’t find any examples.. you can DM me if you don’t want to embarrass your self on the board
Has the media decided that it is our THIRD PARTY? Would Walter Cronkite and many other great newscasters of the past recognize their profession today?

Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” CNN White House chief correspondent Jim Acosta revealed one his “regrets” in life is the media not standing together in solidarity.

Acosta lamented he has “missed some opportunities” to challenge President Donald Trump labeling the media “the enemy of the people.”
It matters not. Our MSM is a willing tool of the increasingly leftarded Democrat Socialist Party and some may accept it but no one is fooled by their posturing.

Both are the enemy of the American people.

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