Trump Has Rudy found guilt?


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Giuliani doesn't rule out that Trump could take the Fifth Amendment in Mueller probe - CNNPolitics

Only on the job a short time and Rudy is allowing as to how Trump may have to plead the 5th in Mueller's investigation. That obviously means that Rudy has seen evidence of guilt, or why else would he say such a thing. He can't be of the opinion that Trump ain't smart enough to handle Mueller; oh no. So, being a former federal prosecutor for the Southern District of New York and able to easily judge guilt and innocence, he must have seen something to give him pause.

Just for fun, I wonder what the Republican response would be if a Democrat President tried to plead the 5th? They would be going nuts, jumping off the Washington Monument and screaming for impeachment. Of course they would!!!

Can't wait to see how this plays out.
Why would taking the 5th to avoid a known trap laid by professionals using questions that are in no way connected with the suspected event they are investigating insinuate guilt?
Lol, your assumption means nothing. Any lawyer worth anything would give that advice, as a slight variant in an answer, without changing context can cause a charge of lying to ensue.
Why would taking the 5th to avoid a known trap laid by professionals using questions that are in no way connected with the suspected event they are investigating insinuate guilt?
Saying Trump ain't smart enough to see through that? Of course he isn't. But he has been running his mouth as to how he "wants to talk to Mueller." Well, put up or shut up Trump. You're so smart. Let's see some evidence of that as you deal with a Special Prosecutor from your own party.
Every lawyer I've EVER talked to recommends not talking to detectives, investigators, or prosecutors under any circumstance.

Their objective is to build a case against you. They ARE NOT in the business of promoting justice or finding the truth about crimes or circumstances.

Their goal is conviction.


Why the hell agree to walk into a trap...................

But the left is going..........step into the bear trap...........of course they will say that.
Why would taking the 5th to avoid a known trap laid by professionals using questions that are in no way connected with the suspected event they are investigating insinuate guilt?
Saying Trump ain't smart enough to see through that? Of course he isn't. But he has been running his mouth as to how he "wants to talk to Mueller." Well, put up or shut up Trump. You're so smart. Let's see some evidence of that as you deal with a Special Prosecutor from your own party.

Running his mouth is part of his MO. It keeps people off track about what he may actually do.

He doesn't care what you people think about it.
Pleading the Fifth Amendment is a constitutional right, and is by no means and indication of guilt. The Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution protects a person against being compelled to be a witness against himself or herself in a criminal case, and would be advisable in a case like this, where the inquisitioners are seeking trumped-up charges for which there is no evidence.
Every lawyer I've EVER talked to recommends not talking to detectives, investigators, or prosecutors under any circumstance.

Their objective is to build a case against you. They ARE NOT in the business of promoting justice or finding the truth about crimes or circumstances.

Their goal is conviction.


Bull! This is the POTUS we're talking about, a man who screeches over and over, each and every day, to anybody who will listen, and to those who won't listen, that Mueller and the Democrats are conducting a "witch hunt." That's all we have heard out of him. Well, clear up the "witch hunt." Sit down with the Special Prosecutor and prove your innocence. It's past time to stop tweeting. Man up and clear up this investigation (if you have nothing to hide.)
Every lawyer I've EVER talked to recommends not talking to detectives, investigators, or prosecutors under any circumstance.

Their objective is to build a case against you. They ARE NOT in the business of promoting justice or finding the truth about crimes or circumstances.

Their goal is conviction.


Bull! This is the POTUS we're talking about, a man who screeches over and over, each and every day, to anybody who will listen, and to those who won't listen, that Mueller and the Democrats are conducting a "witch hunt." That's all we have heard out of him. Well, clear up the "witch hunt." Sit down with the Special Prosecutor and prove your innocence. It's past time to stop tweeting. Man up and clear up this investigation (if you have nothing to hide.)
Brought to you by a concerned citizen who is concerned for your well being Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump..............I strongly advice you to do this when asked to testify...

Every lawyer I've EVER talked to recommends not talking to detectives, investigators, or prosecutors under any circumstance.

Their objective is to build a case against you. They ARE NOT in the business of promoting justice or finding the truth about crimes or circumstances.

Their goal is conviction.


Bull! This is the POTUS we're talking about, a man who screeches over and over, each and every day, to anybody who will listen, and to those who won't listen, that Mueller and the Democrats are conducting a "witch hunt." That's all we have heard out of him. Well, clear up the "witch hunt." Sit down with the Special Prosecutor and prove your innocence. It's past time to stop tweeting. Man up and clear up this investigation (if you have nothing to hide.)

What country are you from, anyway? That's not how our American justice systems works. We have in our country something that's called the "Presumption of Innocence" and the "Burden of Proof."

Our wonderful American legal system assumes that all those accused are innocent until proven guilty. Not only that, the burden of proof is on the complainant, and it is up to them to prove guilt, rather than the defendant having to defend their innocence.

It's a wonderful system we have here, you should be so lucky as to have our legal system in whatever imaginary or real third-world shithole you live in. :biggrin:
What country are you from, anyway? That's not how our American justice systems works. We have in our country something that's called the "Presumption of Innocence" and the "Burden of Proof."

Our wonderful American legal system assumes that all those accused are innocent until proven guilty. Not only that, the burden of proof is on the complainant, and it is up to them to prove guilt, rather than the defendant having to defend their innocence.

It's a wonderful system we have here, you should be so lucky as to have our legal system in whatever third-world shithole you live in. :biggrin:

Who was the last bed wetting libturd you ever met that gives a shit about laws, ethics, or morality when it comes in conflict with their destructive agenda?

What country are you from, anyway? That's not how our American justice systems works. We have in our country something that's called the "Presumption of Innocence" and the "Burden of Proof."

Our wonderful American legal system assumes that all those accused are innocent until proven guilty. Not only that, the burden of proof is on the complainant, and it is up to them to prove guilt, rather than the defendant having to defend their innocence.

It's a wonderful system we have here, you should be so lucky as to have our legal system in whatever third-world shithole you live in. :biggrin:

Who was the last bed wetting libturd you ever met that gives a shit about laws, ethics, or morality when it comes in conflict with their destructive agenda?


The last one was....uhhh......uhhh....err....wait....never mind.

I got nothing.
Why would taking the 5th to avoid a known trap laid by professionals using questions that are in no way connected with the suspected event they are investigating insinuate guilt?

He would be the first president to ever plead the 5th.....practically an admission of guilt.

We have a Mafia Boss in the WH....
Every lawyer I've EVER talked to recommends not talking to detectives, investigators, or prosecutors under any circumstance.

Their objective is to build a case against you. They ARE NOT in the business of promoting justice or finding the truth about crimes or circumstances.

Their goal is conviction.


Bull! This is the POTUS we're talking about, a man who screeches over and over, each and every day, to anybody who will listen, and to those who won't listen, that Mueller and the Democrats are conducting a "witch hunt." That's all we have heard out of him. Well, clear up the "witch hunt." Sit down with the Special Prosecutor and prove your innocence. It's past time to stop tweeting. Man up and clear up this investigation (if you have nothing to hide.)

Unless he is on a stage...he can't even fire a strong person. He is a wussy...a coward. He talks a big game then hides from the legitimate press.

Mueller will have to subpeona the coward....and this will drag on for months....
The Russian witch hunt has ended up so far with Stormy's pension for anal sex, which seems fitting.

Trump should maybe answer questions related to Russian collusion exclusively, otherwise forget it, why entertain Democrats pension for porno stars and prostitutes, they get enough of that with their fake news parasites and ambulance chasers.
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The Russian witch hunt has ended up with Stormy's pension for anal sex, which seems fitting.

Trump should maybe answer questions related to Russian collusion exclusively, otherwise forget it, why entertain Democrats pension for porno stars and prostitutes, they get enough of that with their fake news parasites and ambulance chasers.

Maybe he can explain money laundering...daily lies.....witness intimidation....and an assortment of other crimes.

Trump is going to take things beyond even the impeachment level. The man is a walking crime syndicate.
Every lawyer I've EVER talked to recommends not talking to detectives, investigators, or prosecutors under any circumstance.

Their objective is to build a case against you. They ARE NOT in the business of promoting justice or finding the truth about crimes or circumstances.

Their goal is conviction.


Bull! This is the POTUS we're talking about, a man who screeches over and over, each and every day, to anybody who will listen, and to those who won't listen, that Mueller and the Democrats are conducting a "witch hunt." That's all we have heard out of him. Well, clear up the "witch hunt." Sit down with the Special Prosecutor and prove your innocence. It's past time to stop tweeting. Man up and clear up this investigation (if you have nothing to hide.)

The prosecution must first prove the positive before the defense is obligated to prove the negative.

Let Mueller produce what evidence he has, or pound sand up his ass.
The Russian witch hunt has ended up with Stormy's pension for anal sex, which seems fitting.

Trump should maybe answer questions related to Russian collusion exclusively, otherwise forget it, why entertain Democrats pension for porno stars and prostitutes, they get enough of that with their fake news parasites and ambulance chasers.

Maybe he can explain money laundering...daily lies.....witness intimidation....and an assortment of other crimes.

Trump is going to take things beyond even the impeachment level. The man is a walking crime syndicate.

So you've given up on Russian collusion and just want a Democratic Party/Fake News sponsored witch hunt and running.soap opera.

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