Harvard 'prof' of hate spews anti-Jewish venom

Muslims are destroying countries from Africa to Asia, yet the scumbags blame Israel for doing a military operation in Gaza to stop "muslims" from attacking Israel.....fucking insane.
Here are the photographs of the gas chambers which holocaust deniers claim never existed. Thank God for the evidence provided by pictures. As I said earlier, A picture is worth a thousand words. In this case? Words which cannot begin to describe the horror, the terror these people suffered. If we do not speak up for these Jews, who shall speak up for us?

Mermelstein: By Bread alone

Background information on Mel Mermelstein:

Mel Mermelstein is a Holocaust survivor who survived Auschwitz-Birkenau, Gross Rosen, and Buchenwald. Mr. Mermelstein’s father, mother, two sisters and a brother all died during the Holocaust, simply because they were Jewish. Mermelstein is the only Holocaust survivor in his immediate family. Mr. Melmelstein’s autobiography, By Bread Alone, describes the importance that bread symbolized in his life. Bread was his lifeline. It was filling and nourishing, and it also held a religious significance. Bread was seen as the manna from heaven which was sent from God (By Bread Alone, page 123). In the camps, bread and shoes were key elements needed in order to survive. Bread was traded, savored, and treasured.

For more information about Mel Mermelstein, read his autobiography entitled: By Bread Alone.

Mel Mermelstein http://www.augustana.edu/front/bottom33.htm

My uncle liberated Buchenwald April 1945 and took photos 6th Armored Division US Army, cousin still has them.
Little known story from Auschwitz....

The Max Kolbe Story

The person he traded his life for lived till the age of 93 and died in 1995. Franciszek Gajowniczek

Here is another one.

Interview with Ralph Hokmann

Auschwitz was the most streamlined mass killing center ever created. Ralph Hokmann was imprisoned in Auschwitz for the entire war. Somehow, remarkably, he survived. This is his story…

“ I was born in Poland in the city of Radom in March 18, 1925. I went to seven years of school and then in 1939, the Germans occupied Poland and hell broke loose. I was in a ghetto in Radom in March 1941. My father was in the meat business in 1942. In 1942, they began to round up all of the butchers. My father escaped from police. Each one of us was hiding. In May 1942, my whole house was practically clean because every one was hiding in different places. The police came to look for my father. It just so happened that my sister was walking up with her little one year old so they took her into custody. She was with the police for about 3 days. My mother found out where I was hiding. At the time I was about 17 years old so my mother told me that I should turn myself into the police so that they would let my sister go with the baby. I was frightened because I had never had any thing to do with the police. I said ok I am going to go. I went to the police and they let my sister go. We [Ralph, along with other Jews] were in custody by the SS, the Germans. The whole group of people was put on a cattle, closed train. We did not know where we were going. In a few days we found out it was Auschwitz. The transport consisted of 734 people. I was in Auschwitz for three days where they tattooed my numbers. Then they took me to Birkinau. At that time it was just a few barracks. It was very bad; people were being killed and dying. When you went to work, you did not know if you would return. We always had to carry dead people back because they were always torturing people.”

“About the last year and a half, the end of 43, I worked in Buna, where we would clean the clothes. The crematoriums were 300 feet away where they were doing a lot of the killings. The Russians evacuated the camp on the 18th of January 1945, forcing us to go on a death march. We walked for a few days, and then they put us on a train. I didn’t know where we were going. All of a sudden the train stopped and nobody was there. People started to run, and all of a sudden, Germans came with machine guns and started shooting. A lot of people were killed. I ducked because bullets were flying over my head. I fell and bodies fell over me. When the shooting stopped, they told everyone to stand up and line up. We were going. We went from place to place.”

In the final months of the war, SS guards forced camp inmates on death marches in an attempt to prevent the Allied liberation of large numbers of prisoners. As Allied forces moved across Europe in a series of offensive attacks on Germany, they began to encounter and liberate concentration camp prisoners, many of whom had survived the death marches. Ralph was one of them…

“We were digging trenches for the Germans. We did not know what was going on. We saw military, civilians, highways were blocked, and we did not know when the end would come. I was camped with 2 people. As we walked in May 1945, a German stopped us, and told us to wait. We knew that he would probably kill us so we ran away as fast as we could. Planes were bombing the highways. We did not have a clue what was going on. We knew it was some kind of change. But we did not realize that the liberation was coming so close. We walked like animals walk on all fours to the highway. A Russian solider came down and told us that we are liberated. That was the liberatation. I went to Apare, and stayed a few weeks to recuperate. Of course I was undernourished. I was anxious to go back to where I lived. I went back to Radom. I went to where I used to live and everything was gone.”

In order to track down his family members who had survived, Ralph went back to his house in Radom. In Radom, he went to a neighboring Christian family who was in written contact with his sister. Ralph found his uncle through a friend of his who said that he had seen Ralph’s uncle a few days earlier.

Continue reading testimony on the link.
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Liberals just love Muslims...I can't tell why.

That's not the only mystery. Since the collapse of the old Soviet Union...for some reason...they seem to have decided they love Socialism. Well, that one can at least be explained by their interest in buying votes with Free Stuff.

But, Muslims?

Muslims want to kill gays. And they want to kill most of us "Infidels" because we let our wives drive and vote.

Democrats do nothing but whore for votes. That's why the Border is open to invasion. They see hoards needing Free Stuff and from that...they see Votes.

But, I don't understand them whoring for Muslim votes. Muslims are just not going to make very good Democrats. Very religious when Democrats think its cool to be Athiests....hate gays...oppress women.

And you just can't trust a man who thinks he will get to bed 72 virgins in Paradise if...when he blows himself up...he takes a few Americans with him.

it is a real head scratcher

that the left would even consider supporting

the likes of folks like this

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sdCsl98naqM]Hamas terrorists Kill PalestinIans - A MUST WATCH VIDEO!!! - YouTube[/ame]

it is a real head scratcher

that the left would even consider supporting

the likes of folks like this

The typical run of the Mill Liberal is incapable of Independent Thought.
Little known story from Auschwitz....

The Max Kolbe Story

The person he traded his life for lived till the age of 93 and died in 1995. Franciszek Gajowniczek

Thank you, I believe I may see this before. There are countles testimonies of Allied soldiers who saw the horrors, and one well known soldier who suffered temporary insanity, and had a number of German "Commandders" at Dachau shot down. Too mmany witnesses, too much evidence to ever be in doubt. Many photographs were not destroyed before the Allied advances, evidence found years later hidden in homes, barns, and underground shelters that remained.

According to Buechner's 1986 book, Dachau: The Hour of the Avenger : An Eyewitness Account,[18] U.S. forces killed 520 German soldiers, including 346 killed on the orders of 1st Lt. Jack Bushyhead, in an alleged mass execution in the coalyard several hours after the first hospital shooting. Buechner did not witness the alleged incident, however, and there was no mention of a second shooting in the official investigation report.[17]

Dachau liberation reprisals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is dispute yes, but Bushyhead admitted to killing 30-40 himself alone. They were not "soldiers", they worked in the gemocide site. And Bushyhead had walked miles past the evidence on the road to Dachau.

Now deniers, how could my uncle have seen things my law professor did, when neither knew the other existed?
On October 9, 1981, both parties in the Mermelstein case filed motions for summary judgment in consideration of which Judge Thomas T. Johnson of the Superior Court of Los Angeles County took "judicial notice of the fact that Jews were gassed to death at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp in Poland during the summer of 1944," judicial notice meaning that the court treated the gas chambers as common knowledge, and therefore did not require evidence that the gas chambers existed.
A conviction based on......zero evidence. ... :cool:

The truth is right before you. You just quoted it. The gas chambers were common knowledge. Common knowledge means the photographs and evidence were overwhelming. Which is why Mel Mermelstein won the lawsuit. There was no conviction handed down by the judge although I do think those anti - semites already stand convicted. They just haven't heard their sentence yet. It's coming. Haman was hung on the gallows he had built for the Jews. Never forget that lesson, Sunni Man.
Liberals just love Muslims...I can't tell why.

That's not the only mystery. Since the collapse of the old Soviet Union...for some reason...they seem to have decided they love Socialism. Well, that one can at least be explained by their interest in buying votes with Free Stuff.

But, Muslims?

Muslims want to kill gays. And they want to kill most of us "Infidels" because we let our wives drive and vote.

Democrats do nothing but whore for votes. That's why the Border is open to invasion. They see hoards needing Free Stuff and from that...they see Votes.

But, I don't understand them whoring for Muslim votes. Muslims are just not going to make very good Democrats. Very religious when Democrats think its cool to be Athiests....hate gays...oppress women.

And you just can't trust a man who thinks he will get to bed 72 virgins in Paradise if...when he blows himself up...he takes a few Americans with him.

Liberals love muslims because they are allies in the greater war against Christians and Jews. That's why. You don't see any liberal speaking out against the slaughtering of the Christians in Iraq or Syria. They like it. It should happen here. Muslims, to liberals, are just a different kind of atheist.
Shitstain....the Nazis killed "live" Jews with gas chambers and burned them once they were a drain on the economic machine of the camps. Old people, sick people, handicapped people, etc.

The Nazis even sent their own "unwanted" people to the gas chambers and ovens before they started doing it to the Jews. They rounded up people in mental wards/hospitals that "looked like Jews" or had some physical/mental problem not worthy of the "Nazi race."

Burn in hell.

Yes, there were work camps and many people died from disease, starvation, and exhaustion.

But the mass extermination by gas in a chamber is a myth. .. :cool:
Yes, there were work camps and many people died from disease, starvation, and exhaustion.

But the mass extermination by gas in a chamber is a myth. .. :cool:

Dead is dead myth or not but what were the gas chambers for?
Why did numerous guards after the war say that in fact they had orders to exterminate Jews and others in gas chambers alive?
Where did the blue prints come from that had the gas chambers in them at the camps?
Why were there gas chambers found at the camps and photographed and filmed?
Why were bodies found in gas chambers when liberated?
Why were Jews rounded up and shipped to the camps for NO other reason than being a Jew?
Here are the photographs of the gas chambers which holocaust deniers claim never existed. Thank God for the evidence provided by pictures. As I said earlier, A picture is worth a thousand words. In this case? Words which cannot begin to describe the horror, the terror these people suffered. If we do not speak up for these Jews, who shall speak up for us?

Mermelstein: By Bread alone

Background information on Mel Mermelstein:

Mel Mermelstein is a Holocaust survivor who survived Auschwitz-Birkenau, Gross Rosen, and Buchenwald. Mr. Mermelstein’s father, mother, two sisters and a brother all died during the Holocaust, simply because they were Jewish. Mermelstein is the only Holocaust survivor in his immediate family. Mr. Melmelstein’s autobiography, By Bread Alone, describes the importance that bread symbolized in his life. Bread was his lifeline. It was filling and nourishing, and it also held a religious significance. Bread was seen as the manna from heaven which was sent from God (By Bread Alone, page 123). In the camps, bread and shoes were key elements needed in order to survive. Bread was traded, savored, and treasured.

For more information about Mel Mermelstein, read his autobiography entitled: By Bread Alone.

Mel Mermelstein http://www.augustana.edu/front/bottom33.htm

My uncle liberated Buchenwald April 1945 and took photos 6th Armored Division US Army, cousin still has them.

As did others, and US soldiers, and a few Germans who came later to the US, that never met each other confirm the atrocities.
So the muslim explanation for the ovens is that the Nazis only burned dead Jews once they wore them out in the concentration camps......ahhh, such a nicer story/lie.

Nevermind the Jews were even thrown in the concentration camps....soon muslims will claim the Jews went there to avoid the western imperialists.....
So the muslim explanation for the ovens is that the Nazis only burned dead Jews once they wore them out in the concentration camps......ahhh, such a nicer story/lie.

Nevermind the Jews were even thrown in the concentration camps....soon muslims will claim the Jews went there to avoid the western imperialists.....

Holocaust deniers require mental health care, said my father. West "departed" a long time ago, thank goodness:

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Liberals just love Muslims...I can't tell why.

That's not the only mystery. Since the collapse of the old Soviet Union...for some reason...they seem to have decided they love Socialism. Well, that one can at least be explained by their interest in buying votes with Free Stuff.

But, Muslims?

Muslims want to kill gays. And they want to kill most of us "Infidels" because we let our wives drive and vote.

Democrats do nothing but whore for votes. That's why the Border is open to invasion. They see hoards needing Free Stuff and from that...they see Votes.

But, I don't understand them whoring for Muslim votes. Muslims are just not going to make very good Democrats. Very religious when Democrats think its cool to be Athiests....hate gays...oppress women.

And you just can't trust a man who thinks he will get to bed 72 virgins in Paradise if...when he blows himself up...he takes a few Americans with him.

Liberals love muslims because they are allies in the greater war against Christians and Jews. That's why. You don't see any liberal speaking out against the slaughtering of the Christians in Iraq or Syria. They like it. It should happen here. Muslims, to liberals, are just a different kind of atheist.

Ignorant post.
Dad was a liberal, highly decorated WWII Marine officer, commissioned at Quantico 1942 and 3 years in the Pacific 2nd Marines. Promoted twice in the field from 2nd Lt. to Lt. to Captain. Troop carrier hit kamikaze offloading troops at Okinawa. Returned March 1946. Purple Heart and more fruit salad pinned to his chest to list.
Dad received his PHD in education Cornell University 1951 and then was called back to active duty Camp LeJeune Jacksonville NC.
During the 1960s Dad worked with the College Entrance Examination Board in the deep south. His job? Going to high schools that were administering the SAT and denying black students the ability to take it. If blacks could not take it NO ONE would take it.
Took guts.
Yes, Dad was a liberal and we were proud of it.
Nothing you posted is fact and only a fool would offer it.
BREAKING: Israel Supporters Evacuated From Front of White House Under Police Protection | The Gateway Pundit
Dan Merica, associate producer for CNN Politics has sent out a series of photos and reports on social media about Israel supporters being evacuated in police vans from in front of the White House after being surrounded by menacing Hamas supporters.

Far left professor Cornel West gives an impassioned speech at a pro-Hamas rally outside the White House.


It would sure help if liberals were ever on the right side of ONE issue. It is truly miraculous. They are on the wrong side of every issue.

I hold African-American intellectuals like Cyrnyl Wyst in high esteem, and need to see some proof that he was in fact speaking in favor of Hamas at a pro-Hamas rally. Is there a video available of hys speech?
The truth is right before you. You just quoted it. The gas chambers were common knowledge.
Alleged "common knowledge" isn't evidence.......it's just people's opinions based on rumor. .... :cool:

That isn't the definition of common knowledge. This is the definition of common knowledge, Sunni Man.

What does common knowledge mean? definition, meaning and pronunciation (Free English Language Dictionary)

Sense 1

common knowledge


Something generally known to everyone

Classified under:

Nouns denoting cognitive processes and contents

Hypernyms ("common knowledge" is a kind of...):

general knowledge; public knowledge (knowledge that is available to anyone)

Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "common knowledge"):

ancient history (knowledge of some recent fact or event that has become so commonly known that it has lost its original pertinence)

Question for you, Sunni Man. As common knowledge is defined in dictionary, as something generally known by everyone and also as knowledge that is available to anyone, why don't you know it?
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BREAKING: Israel Supporters Evacuated From Front of White House Under Police Protection | The Gateway Pundit
Dan Merica, associate producer for CNN Politics has sent out a series of photos and reports on social media about Israel supporters being evacuated in police vans from in front of the White House after being surrounded by menacing Hamas supporters.

Far left professor Cornel West gives an impassioned speech at a pro-Hamas rally outside the White House.


It would sure help if liberals were ever on the right side of ONE issue. It is truly miraculous. They are on the wrong side of every issue.

I hold African-American intellectuals like Cyrnyl Wyst in high esteem, and need to see some proof that he was in fact speaking in favor of Hamas at a pro-Hamas rally. Is there a video available of hys speech?

West is an angry fruit cake.

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