What is the Greatest Invention?

It changes with the times. Currently, the invention that is saving the world from world war could be hyper-sonic missiles that have the power to prevent aggressive countries.

This might apply to protecting Iran's people too, but that question is still not settled.
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I would be hesitant to name any one invention as the greatest inventions. There have been many inventions that have contributed greatly to the advancement of mankind. Some might be considered to be discoveries more than inventions. Here are a few that come to my mind.

Ways of starting a fire.
Domestication of animals.
Spoken language.
Written language.
Metal Forging.
Printing press.
Steam Engines.
Combustion engines.
Electric generators and engines.

I'm tire of this.. could go on......
Agriculture was undoubtedly the greatest invention. I transformed us from hunter gatherer nomads into civilized people.
The Sandwich


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