Happy Birthday John Wayne! We Need More People Like You!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Happy birthday to Americas iconic hero. We sure could use him back now.

John Wayne - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We need more pretend tough guys who never fought for their country but are worshiped by ignoramuses who think what an actor does in movies is reality? Sure, you betcha. A man who was married 3 times and cheated on his wives--hey! Not unlike your current hero T-Rump. You guys run true to form, that can be said of you. LOL
"He smoked up to six packs of cigarettes a day, consumed heroic quantities of booze and food, and made harsh demands of those around him.

He often woke at dawn and roused his family because he disliked being alone.

His second wife Esperanza Diaz accused him of infidelity, violence and emotional cruelty."

He had a 20 year affair with Marlene Dietrich....while he was married to other women.

Yep. Someone to look up to.
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We need more pretend tough guys who never fought for their country but are worshiped by ignoramuses who think what an actor does in movies is reality? Sure, you betcha. A man who was married 3 times and cheated on his wives--hey! Not unlike your current hero T-Rump. You guys run true to form, that can be said of you. LOL

John Wayne born in 1907 was to old to fight WWII. If he had possessed a relevant collage degree suitable for military service he might have been a candidiate for officers training school !
As for the era of blacklisting in which Wayne took such an active role, the authors write that he "was a provocative, outspoken but non-ideological conservative who only reluctantly entered the political fray in 1949 when that fray was impossible to ignore." In other words they think he was right, not right-wing.

In fact, they point out that Wayne was often more generous than his colleagues, arguing for rehabilitation for some communists when his actor pal Ward Bond, for example, was smugly wrecking careers (Bond emerges in these pages as a malicious lout). In this as in so much else, Wayne was a walking illustration of the rough fit between image and reality, ideology and practice, that is so much a part of the American character. He was a champion of family values who couldn't seem to stay married, and while he tried to quash the display of leftist politics in film, he worked to get his own rightward ideas onto the screen, and sometimes succeeded. During the Vietnam War he concocted that bane of '60s liberalism, "The Green Berets," which proved very profitable propaganda.

WashingtonPost.com: John Wayne, Man and Myth
We need more pretend tough guys who never fought for their country but are worshiped by ignoramuses who think what an actor does in movies is reality? Sure, you betcha. A man who was married 3 times and cheated on his wives--hey! Not unlike your current hero T-Rump. You guys run true to form, that can be said of you. LOL

John Wayne born in 1907 was to old to fight WWII. If he had possessed a relevant collage degree suitable for military service he might have been a candidiate for officers training school !
It was list of injuries he received doing his own stunts, notably an inner ear injury suffered during Reap The Wild Wind. He tried to get a waiver but was unsuccessful.

He did intend go go to Annapolis but his senator refused to write a recommendation. Instead he went to USC.
We need more pretend tough guys who never fought for their country but are worshiped by ignoramuses who think what an actor does in movies is reality? Sure, you betcha. A man who was married 3 times and cheated on his wives--hey! Not unlike your current hero T-Rump. You guys run true to form, that can be said of you. LOL
. Too old to fight in world war two, and who are you to say that the women he married weren't the problem instead of him ? He may have caught them being unfaithful for all you know, and therefore he became unfaithful. It's always the man's fault with people like you huh ?
We need more pretend tough guys who never fought for their country but are worshiped by ignoramuses who think what an actor does in movies is reality? Sure, you betcha. A man who was married 3 times and cheated on his wives--hey! Not unlike your current hero T-Rump. You guys run true to form, that can be said of you. LOL

John Wayne born in 1907 was to old to fight WWII. If he had possessed a relevant collage degree suitable for military service he might have been a candidiate for officers training school !
No dear. He could have enlisted; he was not too old. During WW2 the ages that were accepted were much wider than they may be today. All able bodied men were accepted. He should have enlisted and done his part. Wayne would have been around 34. Hardly too old. You defend this guy who didn't enlist and think he is a hero. How pathetic. My dad, who was just a kid, enlisted. He's more of a hero than Wayne. My dad was a Pearl Harbor survivor. You should be worshiping my dad instead of a sleazy putz and fake like Wayne.
We need more pretend tough guys who never fought for their country but are worshiped by ignoramuses who think what an actor does in movies is reality? Sure, you betcha. A man who was married 3 times and cheated on his wives--hey! Not unlike your current hero T-Rump. You guys run true to form, that can be said of you. LOL
. Too old to fight in world war two, and who are you to say that the women he married weren't the problem instead of him ? He may have caught them being unfaithful for all you know, and therefore he became unfaithful. It's always the man's fault with people like you huh ?
Oh puhleeze......
We need more pretend tough guys who never fought for their country but are worshiped by ignoramuses who think what an actor does in movies is reality? Sure, you betcha. A man who was married 3 times and cheated on his wives--hey! Not unlike your current hero T-Rump. You guys run true to form, that can be said of you. LOL
Sounds just like Bill Clinton.
We need more pretend tough guys who never fought for their country but are worshiped by ignoramuses who think what an actor does in movies is reality? Sure, you betcha. A man who was married 3 times and cheated on his wives--hey! Not unlike your current hero T-Rump. You guys run true to form, that can be said of you. LOL

John Wayne born in 1907 was to old to fight WWII. If he had possessed a relevant collage degree suitable for military service he might have been a candidiate for officers training school !
No dear. He could have enlisted; he was not too old. During WW2 the ages that were accepted were much wider than they may be today. All able bodied men were accepted. He should have enlisted and done his part. Wayne would have been around 34. Hardly too old. You defend this guy who didn't enlist and think he is a hero. How pathetic. My dad, who was just a kid, enlisted. He's more of a hero than Wayne. My dad was a Pearl Harbor survivor. You should be worshiping my dad instead of a sleazy putz and fake like Wayne.

Correction; Wayne would have been 35 had he joined up after Pearl Harbor.And much too old to mold into a private. The only possible exception in Waynes case might be some sort of an advance education earned prior to Pearl Harbor that might have qualified him for officers candidate school.
We need more pretend tough guys who never fought for their country but are worshiped by ignoramuses who think what an actor does in movies is reality? Sure, you betcha. A man who was married 3 times and cheated on his wives--hey! Not unlike your current hero T-Rump. You guys run true to form, that can be said of you. LOL

John Wayne born in 1907 was to old to fight WWII. If he had possessed a relevant collage degree suitable for military service he might have been a candidiate for officers training school !
No dear. He could have enlisted; he was not too old. During WW2 the ages that were accepted were much wider than they may be today. All able bodied men were accepted. He should have enlisted and done his part. Wayne would have been around 34. Hardly too old. You defend this guy who didn't enlist and think he is a hero. How pathetic. My dad, who was just a kid, enlisted. He's more of a hero than Wayne. My dad was a Pearl Harbor survivor. You should be worshiping my dad instead of a sleazy putz and fake like Wayne.

Correction; Wayne would have been 35 had he joined up after Pearl Harbor.And much too old to mold into a private. The only possible exception in Waynes case might be some sort of an advance education earned prior to Pearl Harbor that might have qualified him for officers candidate school.
At that time? You are COMPLETELY WRONG. He could have and should have enlisted. A 35 year old man would have been accepted. It was a time of war. Things today are not what they were then. You are ignorant of history.

Why do you defend that fake, cowardly, wife abusing piece of shit? Why? He was AN ACTOR. That is all he was. An actor. Jeeze! What a bunch of fools you folks are.

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