Antifa throws chocolate cake in German Left Party leader’s face at congress


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Highly doted by Merkel's regime liberal thugs 'Antifa' persecute and punish everybody who is against Merkel's Agenda: - replacement of Germans by Muslims.Merkel's DDR 2.0 makes nothing to stop gangs of Antifa who are allow to kill, to beat, to threat, to rape - almost anything for intimdation of Merkel's opponents.
Even Leftist Party Leaders are not secure now if they are against Merkel' policy.

An angry anti-fascist activist threw a creamy chocolate cake at a top official of Germany’s Left Party at a party congress. The activist says the action was prompted by the politician’s anti-refugee stance.
Sahra Wagenknecht, an outspoken leader of Die Linke’s parliamentary faction, was targeted by an activist who threw a chocolate cake at her face during the party convention in the city of Magdeburg on Saturday.

The cake attack was reinforced by other protesters throwing leaflets all over the place. A security detail took them away, while Wagenknecht was quickly surrounded by fellow party members, who covered her with their jackets in front of the cameras and escorted the MP out of the hall.

Activist throws chocolate cake in German Left Party leader’s face at congress (VIDEO)


Most of Antifa members are social parasites and highly criminal gangsters who never worked and depend of Merkel's money for their fight against her opponents.

DDR commie Merkel hates Germany and Germans, she wants completely annihilate German Folk and replace it by uneducated Muslims. After her 'works are done she will flee to the U.S. and get her 'reward' - the Post of UN - General Secretary.

Her anti-German 'Government' uttered no voice to condemn criminal acts of Antifa until now, although it has committed thousands of severely crimes..Even Breznew's KGB was more nice to dissidents as Merkel's Antifa to her opponents.

More about Merkel's Genocide on Germans.

German citizens acknowledge the ‘creeping genocide’ that is occurring because of the government-sponsored Muslim invasion
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