Happy Birthday, FDR

Yeah, and who saw FDR's birth certificate? A lot can be said about FDR, but historians have never placed FDR less than third greatest American president and finally they rated him the greatest.
Republicans had to pass an amendment to keep FDR from being elected even after he died. So FDR will hold that 4 times record for some time perhaps forever? His record, elected four times and rated america's greatest president. Hard to beat that.

What if the historians are biased?
Is that possible?

Everyone is biased. To think otherwise is sheer folly. However, you can still learn about history even though its sources are biased.

For example, did you learn about FDR's court packing scheme in school? More than likely you did not. For you see, FDR hated the Constitution and the checks and balances in government. In fact, the left champions anyone who acts like this. For them a strong handed dictator is far more preferable.

In a way, FDR was an empty suit of the progressive agenda which is to empower a centralized nanny state. They disdained the limited government set up by the Founders based upon Federalism and state power.
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Yeah, and who saw FDR's birth certificate? A lot can be said about FDR, but historians have never placed FDR less than third greatest American president and finally they rated him the greatest.
Republicans had to pass an amendment to keep FDR from being elected even after he died. So FDR will hold that 4 times record for some time perhaps forever? His record, elected four times and rated america's greatest president. Hard to beat that.

What if the historians are biased?
Is that possible?

Everyone is biased. To think otherwise is sheer folly. However, you can still learn about history even though its sources are biased.

For example, did you learn about FDR's court packing scheme in school? More than likely you did not. For you see, FDR hated the Constitution and the checks and balances in government.

Uh... not to interrupt the professorial navel-gazing but how exactly do you purport to know the emotional demeanor of a man who's been dead since 1945?

Or do you have a quote?
FDR was a scumbag piece of shit. He remains the greatest threat this country has ever known and the consequences of his reckless ambition and disregard for the Constitution are a burden on us today and into the future.
What if the historians are biased?
Is that possible?

Everyone is biased. To think otherwise is sheer folly. However, you can still learn about history even though its sources are biased.

For example, did you learn about FDR's court packing scheme in school? More than likely you did not. For you see, FDR hated the Constitution and the checks and balances in government.

Uh... not to interrupt the professorial navel-gazing but how exactly do you purport to know the emotional demeanor of a man who's been dead since 1945?

Or do you have a quote?

Navel gazing? All I need is to crack open a history book to see the disdain the man had for our form of government. Once SCOTUS struck down his programs he then moved to have the Supremes removed and/or watered down by having more stooges on the bench he could appoint who would find his programs Constitutional. Of course, the reaction politically was toxic for FDR, and he ended up losing the bid to reconstruct the three branches of government, however, SCOTUS was spooked and ended up giving into his demands by passing his unconstitutional programs anyway.

Of course, we live with this today in the form of Obamacare. Not only did the progressives pass it via an unconstitutional process, which was Reconciliation, they scoffed at the notion that it was unconstitutional. Of course, SCOTUS found that it was and ended up having to legislate from the bench to change the mandate into the form of a tax to make it seem at least somewhat Constitutional. Now they are merely a rubber stamp of approval to the Executive Branch.
FDR was a scumbag piece of shit. He remains the greatest threat this country has ever known and the consequences of his reckless ambition and disregard for the Constitution are a burden on us today and into the future.

You are too kind.

I think that the imprisonment of Japanese Americans during the war shows two things. It shows what a racist bastard he was as well as how the obvious violation of the Constitution was not even challenged, but went unpunished, all because of his awesome and never ending power.

Today progressives from both parties spend their time navel gazing while seemingly indifferent about Obama and company passing the NDAA, which denies due process under the law. Once again, they completely ignore the Constitution and rule of law simply to have more unchallenged power over its citizens.

I just wonder when and if the populace ever rises up against them. If they do, not doubt some progressive like Licoln will send in the troops to keep the Union intact, even if it means another half a million or more American lives.
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No. America didn't die, but America, when FDR became president, was in a position that it could die. Some nations changed their governments and even their economic systems. America did not change our government and altered our economic system slightly, alterations that so far no one has changed, even to privatizing Social Security.
FDR experimented, as he said he would, trying to solve the depression. There are no manuals on how to cure a depression, maybe Keynes, it's all try this or try that. In any case FDR is still the greatest--wanna try again? But stuff like FDR had a fondness for Joe Stalin is not worthy of comment.

"But stuff like FDR had a fondness for Joe Stalin is not worthy of comment."

Now, reggie....I had believed you were an intellectual...now you turn out to be a simple apologist.

Not worthy of comment.....or you have no ability to comment and remain an FDR supporter.

1. ‘Moreover, it is obvious that a penetration so complete would have been impossible if the Communists had not been able to depend on the blindness or indifference of many of the far larger number of ordinary liberals who dominated the Roosevelt Administration. As early as the late 1930s, even known Communists in government were often regarded by their colleagues as merely "liberals in a hurry." And during the war, of course, they could be excused as simply enthusiasts for America's doughty ally, "good old Joe." Small wonder, then, that liberals, after the onset of the Cold War with the Soviet Union in 1946, dreaded so profoundly the disclosure of the appalling degree of governmental penetration that they now began to suspect the Communists had achieved on their watch in the 1930s and the first half of the 1940s.’
The Claremont Institute - A Closer Look Under The Bed

2. …Victor Kravchenko, one of the first and most influential Soviet defectors to the United States, who had written "I Chose Freedom," a searing account of life under Stalin.
Kravchenko, a mining and steel engineer, was a mid-level official in the Soviet lend-lease office in Washington, D.C., when he sought asylum in 1944. At the time, the Soviet Union was still a U.S. war ally, and many Americans were willing to give the benefit of the doubt to "Uncle Joe" Stalin. Kravchenko wanted to shatter those illusions. His defection was front-page news and prompted debate at the highest levels of government, up to and including President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Stalin demanded that he be turned over as a traitor--an automatic death sentence. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover urged FDR to let him stay. On April 13, 1945, the day after Roosevelt died, Kravchenko received notice that his application for asylum had been granted.
Searching for Tato - latimes.com

3. The major player in the Alger Hiss saga was fellow Communist, Whitaker Chambers. In his book, Witness, Chambers explains is disillusionment as follows. In 1938, he determined not only to break with the Communist Party, but to inform on the Party when he could. The reason was that he was informed that Stalin was making efforts to align with Hitler, in 1939, and “from any human point of view, the pact was evil.”

As Hitler marched into Poland, Chambers arranged a private meeting with Adolf Berle, President Roosevelt’s assistant Sec’y of State. Chambers detailed the Communist espionage network, naming at least two dozen Soviet spies in Roosevelt’s administration, including Alger Hiss. Berle reported this to Roosevelt, who laughed, and told Berle to go f--- himself. (Arthur Herman, Joseph McCarthy: Reexaming the Life and Legacy of America’s Most Hated Senator, p. 60) No action was taken, and in fact, Roosevelt promoted Hiss.

Almost a decade later, Chambers was called before the HUAC and named Hiss as a Soviet agent. Hiss sued Chambers, at which time Chambers presented “… four notes in Alger Hiss's handwriting, sixty-five typewritten copies of State Department documents and five strips of microfilm, some of which contained photographs of State Department documents. The press came to call these the "Pumpkin Papers"(Whittaker Chambers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) And, of course, all doubt was removed in 1995, when the Venona Soviet cables were decrypted.

4. So, reggie.....bet you think that FDR's second VP was accidentally a KGB agent, huh?

"But stuff like FDR had a fondness for Joe Stalin is not worthy of comment."

Wow, you got the goods on FDR. Wonder why no one has brought this up before? You should immediately let those noted historians and presidential experts in the Siena poll
know of this discovery.
As I said earlier, during the early depression years the country was in some danger of keeping the nation under the same government and same economic system. Veterans camped in DC asking for their bonus money to be paid early and routed by MacArthur and the vets were accused of being communists. One or two of the vets killed. Perhaps other vets were even part of the German American Nazi Bund, then there was the Townsend planners and still others. All upset with America and the depression. Were there also communists about, probably and probably spies German communist and others.
But all this was known and is known to historians, and still FDR, voted the greatest American president. And what of McCarthy, an American hero or...?

1. "Wonder why no one has brought this up before?"

Ask yourself why you have not read and studied as widely, as broadly, as deeply as I have?
Am I wrong to expect that of you?

Need I provide a syllabus for you?

2. It is a truth that we on the Right know: due to the ubiquitous nature of Leftist propaganda, we of necessity know both sides of debate.
You on the Left live in a bubble chamber.

a. "Stephanopoulos appeared on The Sean Hannity Show and New York radio station WOR's The Steve Malzberg Show, where both Hannity and Malzberg suggested to Stephanopoulos that he ask Obama about Ayers."
Right-wing radio hosts suggested "damn good" Ayers question to Stephanopoulos day before Dem debate | Research | Media Matters for America
He didn't know about Ayers!!

b. CBS's Bob Schieffer on Sunday said the reason he didn't ask [0] Attorney General Eric Holder about the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case on last week's "Face the Nation" was because he didn't know about it.
Chatting with Howard Kurtz on CNN's "Reliable Sources," Schieffer said, "This all really became a story when the whistleblower came out and testified that he'd had to leave the Justice Department and so on. And, frankly, had I known about that, I would have asked the question."
His excuse?
"I was on vacation that week. This happened -- apparently, it got very little publicity. And, you know, I just didn't know about it" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Bob Schieffer: What Black Panther Story? 'I Was on Vacation' | Archive | Fox Nation

c. Several Chicago readers and Twitterers report that ABC News anchor Charlie Gibson told WLS-AM Chicago talk show hosts Don Wade and Roma this morning that the reason he hasn’t covered the ACORN scandal is that he didn’t know about it.
“…Charlie Gibson on as their usual Tuesday morning guest. Don asked Charlie, why, after the senate last night voted to halt funding to ACORN and after three of those video tapes of ACORN employees helping the pimp and prostitute set up shop, there was no mention of it anywhere on the network news. Charlie gave out a most uncomfortable laugh and said that that was the first he heard of it!”
ABC’s Jake Tapper reported on the Census Bureau’s decision to drop ACORN from its data collection partnerships on Friday as a result of BigGovernment.com’s video stings.
Gibson also admitted to Don and Roma that he didn’t know about the Senate vote to de-fund ACORN.
Michelle Malkin » ACORN Watch: Charlie Gibson and the ostrich media; Update: Audio added

Beginning to get it?
If the media Left is unaware of Ayers, ACORN, and the Black Panther Party.....would you be expected to know the details that I provided about FDR???

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"

But now that you know.....admit I am correct about FDR's fondness for Joe Stalin?

BTW.....McCarthy was an American hero.
there is no proof god exsists.

She wants everyone to believe in god and denys sceince that conflicts with her religious views
there is no proof god exsists.

She wants everyone to believe in god and denys sceince that conflicts with her religious views

Science is the study of the material universe. God is not of the material universe. However, science continues to explore the possibility of other diminsions doesn't it?

I think you will find that you are unable to prove precious little in the life. All you have is what seems reasonable to you as you connect the dots of datat you feel you can rely upon.

Having said that, show me how science proves that there is no God.

there is no proof god exsists.

She wants everyone to believe in god and denys sceince that conflicts with her religious views

I suppose it depends on what you mean by proof.

"....denys sceince that conflicts with her religious views."
Could you give an example or two of that?

Based on your sterling reputation, I'm certain you wouldn't make something like that up....
...would you?
It's just a shame the FDR gave up on tennis and entered politics. I hear he had a promising career.

$FDR playing tennis.jpg
People must have really loved FDR to vote for him in such poor health. I think it was Frances Perkins that once recounted a story: as FDR's casket was being brought to the capital and a man near was sobbing, and she asked, "Did you know the president?" and the man answered between sobs, "No, but he knew me."

You have to consider the only information sources available to Americans at the time. Political pop-analyst, Will Rogers, said it best "I only know what I read in the papers". The dirty little secret is that anything was possible if the only information sources available to the public totally supported the administration.

Complete fucking bullshit.

"CFB"? I rest my case about the capability of union educated Americans to argue a point.

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