Happy 'Bill Clinton Was Impeached Today' Day


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
2o Years Ago Today President Bill Clinton Was Impeached for Lying / Deceit Under Oath And Obstruction Of Justice.

FLASHBACK: President Bill Clinton Was Impeached 20 Years Ago

"Former President Bill Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on Dec. 19, 1998 — 20 years ago. He was impeached on two articles, perjury and obstruction of justice. The Senate acquitted Clinton in 1999."

And all he got was a BJ.

Trump is a criminal.

Double standard much?
The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that people expect Republicans to lie.

That’s why they didn’t see anything wrong with a Republican lying.

When a Democrat lies he gets impeached.

When a republican lies the GOP base elects him president.
Let's hope such stupidity is not repeated. Impeachment should be reserved for serious acts if the Presidency is to be preserved. Purely political motivations, as with Clinton then and Trump today, must be excluded. If and when a meaningful crime can be reasonably established, then go after the s.o.b., whoever it is.
And all he got was a BJ.

Trump is a criminal.

Double standard much?
1. He committed Felony Perjury and Obstruction of Justice. Are you implying he is or should be above the law?

2. What is it the snowflakes are always saying about Conservatives using 'What about....' as a defense in the threads snowflakes create? Thanks for putting hypocrisy and the art of accusing others of doing what Democrats do on display.

When a republican lies the GOP base elects him president.
You DO realize, right, that the Democratic party protected Hillary Clinton from indictment / prison, that she and the DNC rigged primaries, cheated in debates, stacked the deck against Sanders, and ended up GIVING Hillary Sanders' nomination that she could not win on her own.....she then colluded with / paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in an attempt to win the 2016 Presidency...as evidence shows ... that the Director of the FBI openly declared Hillary broke laws but was too stupid to know she was doing it ... and snowflakes like you STILL voted for her to be your President?!

Let's hope such stupidity is not repeated. Impeachment should be reserved for serious acts if the Presidency is to be preserved. Purely political motivations, as with Clinton then and Trump today, must be excluded. If and when a meaningful crime can be reasonably established, then go after the s.o.b., whoever it is.
What's your standard of a "meaningful crime?"

And how would we discover it if occurred?

Especially in this divisive climate where Republicans live in their own fact-free bubbles.
Let's put Trump under oath and ask him some questions about his sex life.

See what shakes out.
When a Democrat lies he gets impeached.
CORRECTION: When a Democrat commits Perjury and Obstruction of Justice and Republicans are in a position to hold him accountable they do so.

When Democrats are in a position to do so, they protect that Democrat from indictment, help them rig primaries, help them cheat in debates, give them the nomination they can not win themselves, and then help them in every way they can to get them elected President.
Let's hope such stupidity is not repeated. Impeachment should be reserved for serious acts if the Presidency is to be preserved. Purely political motivations, as with Clinton then and Trump today, must be excluded. If and when a meaningful crime can be reasonably established, then go after the s.o.b., whoever it is.

Trump has lied so many time to the American people, it can start after he is long gone. Also no family members need to apply for the presidency. I had no choice to vote for Hillary and Bill because I could not vote for Sanders. NO FAMILY MEMEBERS and they should not be working in the WH either; or part of the Admin.

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