Stalin and "RuSS"ification, Who was Koba practically Fascist, or Commie ?


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Stalin and Russification, Who was Koba practically Fascist, or Commie ?

"Stalin and Russification
Belarus Table of Contents
But the country's misery did not end in the summer of 1944, when the Red Army "liberated" it from the Nazis. Stalin ordered sweeping purges and mass deportations of local administrators and members of the CPSU, as well as those who had collaborated with the Nazis in any way, those who had spent the war in slave labor and prison camps in Germany and were now "ideologically contaminated" in Stalin's view, those who were suspected of antiSoviet sentiments, and those who were accused of "bourgeois nationalism." Only in 1971 did the Belorussian SSR return to its pre-World War II population level, but without its large Jewish populace.

The wartime devastation of Belorussia--the loss of people, homes, animals, public buildings, educational and cultural resources, roads, communications, health care facilities, and the entire industrial base--was complete. To make up for the industrial loss, Stalin ordered the building of new factories and plants, more efficient than most of those elsewhere in the Soviet Union.

One of the devices Stalin used to "protect" Belorussia (and the rest of the Soviet Union) against possible Western influences was a program of intensive Russification, thus creating a cordon sanitaire for Russia along the Polish border. Consequently, most key positions in Minsk, as well as in the western provincial cities of Hrodna (Grodno, in Russian) and Brest, were filled by Russians sent from elsewhere in the Soviet Union. The Belarusian language was unofficially banned from official use, educational and cultural institutions, and the mass media, and Belorussian national culture was suppressed by Moscow. This so-called cultural cleansing intensified greatly after 1959, when Nikita S. Khrushchev, the CPSU leader at the time, pronounced in Minsk, "The sooner we all start speaking Russian, the faster we shall build communism." The resistance of some students, writers, and intellectuals in Minsk during the 1960s and 1970s was met with harassment by the Committee for State Security and firing from jobs rather than arrests. Among the best-known dissidents were the writer Vasil' Bykaw, the historian Mykola Prashkovich, and the worker Mikhal Kukabaka, who spent seventeen years in confinement.


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Source: U.S. Library of Congress

More than 150 nationalities live in Russia today. How do these people communicate with each other? Learn 150 languages?

Books in the Belarusian language in 1950, 1965 and 1970 accounted for 85%, 31% and 37% of the total number of books printed in Belarus. Newspapers: 85%, 57% and 38%.

40% -was suppressed by Moscow.


1 language allows people to receive education in many regions of the country.
1 language allows people to get jobs in many regions

I understand that Stalin is your favorite subject. But maybe you shouldn't see Stalin everywhere?
More than 150 nationalities live in Russia today. How do these people communicate with each other? Learn 150 languages?

Books in the Belarusian language in 1950, 1965 and 1970 accounted for 85%, 31% and 37% of the total number of books printed in Belarus. Newspapers: 85%, 57% and 38%.

40% -was suppressed by Moscow.


1 language allows people to receive education in many regions of the country.
1 language allows people to get jobs in many regions

I understand that Stalin is your favorite subject. But maybe you shouldn't see Stalin everywhere?

"Russification Russification ( races . New + lat . -Fico «make"), more precisely [1] maskalizatsyya [2] [3] [4] [5] or raseizatsyya [6] [7] [8] - communication of the authorities Russian empire and later the Soviet Union , aimed at planting [9] Russian national-political advantages in the lands inhabited by other nations, with a view to their subsequent assimilation and achieve superiority of the Russian language and Russian culture in the area.

In adpavedanstsi with Soviet communist theory process of merging all the peoples of the Soviet Union in one nation should be based on mutual skryzhovvannya national elements of all peoples, including the language. In fact, this process is carried out only on the basis of the Russian national database - based on Russian history, Russian culture, Russian language and Russian patriotism [18] .

The campaign against the Belarusian language was raised in the Soviet Union in the early 1930 's. Policy of Russification of the Belarusian language has found its concrete expression in the published in 1931 , under the editorship of Director of the Institute of Philosophy of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences academician SY Valfsona "Science for sotsdemovskuyu counterrevolution." Practical completion of the first phase of the campaign of Russification of the Belarusian language was the government decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the BSSR on August 28 1933 year, " On amendments and simplification of Belarusian spelling ", which concerned not only spelling but also the phonetic and morphological features of the Belarusian language.

In 1950 year , Stalin wrote [19] :

We will not have to deal with two languages, ... and hundreds of national languages, of which the result of a long economic, political and cultural cooperation among nations will be allocated first, the most enriched unified zonal languages, and subsequently the zonal languages will merge together in a joint international language, ... ... which will be a new language, that absorbs the best elements of national and zonal languages.

The original text (English). the 1930 's in all non-Russian languages of the Soviet Union took place about the same time the same process with the same reaction to it on the part of individual nations. If we consider the non-Russian Soviet Slavonic languages - Belarusian and Ukrainian - in connection with the relationship of these languages rusifikatsyynyya process in each of them are identical in every detail. In the process of Russification of non-Slavic languages - Turkish , languages of the peoples of the Caucasus , language Balt peoples - there are certain formal and quantitative differences from rusifikatsyynyya process in the Belarusian or Ukrainian, but the main purpose for which this process was directed remained the same.

The implementation of language policy in the Byelorussian SSR was carried out in two directions, which are mutually complementary, but consistently led to a complete nivelyatsyi Belarusian language:

  1. Narrowing the scope of the use of the Belarusian language in public life and its replacement by the Russian;
  2. Comprehensive Russification authorized for public use of the Belarusian language.
The bad situation with the publication of Belarusian books. Belarusian-language books were kept in warehouses, pushchalisya not on sale, and then spisvalisya as crowded unmarketable product that nobody wants to read. Together with a decrease in circulation and the number of Belarusian printed products, and increasing the number of proportion of the Russian language. In 1946 by the magazine circulation in Russian in the BSSR it was 1 % , 1955 , it reached 31%. In 1970 , the total circulation of Belarusian books was 9 million copies, the Russian-speaking - 16 million [20] .

On May 26 1983 it was accepted by the Central Committee of the CPSU and the USSR Council of Ministers, an increase of 15% of salaries of teachers of the Russian language in the Belarusian-language schools. The resolution provided C in January 1984 an increase of 15% rates of teachers of preparatory and the second and third class, who knew the Russian language, and nastavkikav Russian language and literature at 4-11 classes of secondary schools of all types [20
More than 150 nationalities live in Russia today.
whats about Volga Germans , and many others ?

Of all the ethnic German communities in the Soviet Union, the Volga Germans represented the single largest group expelled from their historical homeland. Shortly after the German invasion, on June 22, 1941, Stalin sent Beria and Molotov to the Volga German Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic to determine a course of action for its German inhabitants. On return, they recommended the deportation of the entire German population. Consequently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party issued a resolution on August 12, calling for the expulsion of the entire German population. With this authority, Beria on August 27 issued an order entitled "On Measures for Conducting the Operation of Resettling the Germans from the Volga German Republic, Saratov, and Stalingrad Oblasts," assigning the deputy head of the NKVD, (secret police) Ivan Serov, to command this operation. He also allocated NKVD and Red Army troops to carry out the transfer. The Germans were to be sent to various oblasts (provinces) in Siberia and Kazakhstan, beginning on September 3, and ending on September 20, 1941. On September 7, 1941, the Volga German Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was officially abolished, clearly showing that the Soviets considered the expulsion of the Germans final.

On August 28, 1941, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR approved and published a decree, which was the only official decree ever published by the Soviet Union concerning the deportation and exile of the German Russian community. The Soviet regime stated that the evacuation was a preventive measure—so that the German population would not be misled into collaborating with the German Army—rather than a punitive measure. Stalin allegedly gave the following "secret" order to the NKVD, produced in Nazi controlled Latvia on September 20, 1941:

"After the house search, tell everyone who is scheduled to be deported that, according to the government’s decision, they are being sent to other regions of the USSR. Transport the entire family in one car until the train station, but at the station, heads of families [read: men] must be loaded into a separate train car prepared especially for them....Their families are deported for special settlements in the far away regions of the Union. [Family members] must not know about the forthcoming separation from the head of the family."[7]

This above document may be a fabrication, as Latvia was under German occupation at that time. Nevertheless, the instructions were followed by the NKVD troops who directed the deportation.[8]

The reason for separating the men is that they were all destined for the forced labor camps, Trudarmii (labor army). The German exiles coined this phrase, whereas Soviet documents only referred to "labor obligations" or "labor regulations." Men between the ages of 15 and 55 and, later, women between the ages of 16 and 45 were forced to do labor in the forests and mines of Siberia and Central Asia under conditions similar to that prevalent in the Gulag slave labor camps.[8] The expulsion of the Volga Germans finished on schedule at the end of September 1941. The number sent to Siberia and Kazakhstan totaled approximately 438,000. Together with 27,000 expelled in the same ethnic cleansing action from the Stalingrad Oblast and 47,000 from the Saratov Oblast, the total number sent to forced internal exile was about 512,000. It should be noted that the source of these figures is from the Soviet Union. It took 151 train convoys to accomplish the transfer of the Volga German population, an astounding figure when one considers that the Soviet Union was heavily engaged fighting the advancing German army, and all railway stock was required to bring soldiers to the front. This operation also involved 1,550 NKVD and 3,250 police agents assisted by 12,150 soldiers of the Red Army.[9]

In 1941 after the Nazi invasion, the NKVD (via Prikaz №35105) banned ethnic Germans from serving in the Soviet military. They sent tens of thousands of these soldiers to the Trudarmii.[10]

In 1942, nearly all the able-bodied German population was conscripted to the NKVD labor columns. About one-third did not survive the camps.[11] "
I understood. The main thing for you to write the title - "Stalin, fascism, Russia, murder, genocide, dead children, raped women", etc.

"The bad situation with the publication of Belarusian books".
"the total circulation of Belarusian books was 9 million copies, the Russian-speaking - 16 million"

Yes, it is fascism.

This is your job, I understand.
Belorussian girls are super hot!

Also, Belorussian got most of eastern Poland. So I am sure that they are not all that sorry about their population loss or language inhibitions.
Belorussian girls are super hot!

Also, Belorussian got most of eastern Poland. So I am sure that they are not all that sorry about their population loss or language inhibitions.
no, its Poland got from satanic Koba Dzhugashvili , Western Belarus Bielastok &C. and one day the white ni&gers will give it back . in 1918 Poland together with ussr occupied BPR Belarusian People's Republic - Wikipedia and this crime will never be forgotten
"I understood. The main thing for you to write the title - "Stalin, fascism, Russia, murder, genocide, dead children, raped women", etc." you represent here fascist Muscovy, 0 credibility

Belorussian girls are super hot!

Also, Belorussian got most of eastern Poland. So I am sure that they are not all that sorry about their population loss or language inhibitions.
no, its Poland got from satanic Koba Dzhugashvili , Western Belarus Bielastok &C. and one day the white ni&gers will give it back . in 1918 Poland together with ussr occupied BPR Belarusian People's Republic - Wikipedia and this crime will never be forgotten
This is VERY interesting. A map if it even exists would be very helpful about the lands that Poland and the soviets took from Belarus in ww1, plus also a map of the borders of Belarus in the medieval ages at the time point when Belarus received its crown to become a principality or kingdom.
Belorussian girls are super hot!

Also, Belorussian got most of eastern Poland. So I am sure that they are not all that sorry about their population loss or language inhibitions.
no, its Poland got from satanic Koba Dzhugashvili , Western Belarus Bielastok &C. and one day the white ni&gers will give it back . in 1918 Poland together with ussr occupied BPR Belarusian People's Republic - Wikipedia and this crime will never be forgotten
This is VERY interesting. A map if it even exists would be very helpful about the lands that Poland and the soviets took from Belarus in ww1, plus also a map of the borders of Belarus in the medieval ages at the time point when Belarus received its crown to become a principality or kingdom.
everything is very simple here, border between PR and RB is the border between Crown and GDL . on this map you can see clearly that Poland today illegally occupies Belarusian lands (Koba dzhugashvili illegal presents to polish commies)

map GDL Borders with Polish crown , and modern Belarus with Poland


and here is map with borders of BPR, with Poland the same border lines (4)

Last edited:
I understand that Stalin is your favorite subject. But maybe you shouldn't see Stalin everywhere?
If he wasn't reinstated as a national hero like he is today in Russia, your statement might make more sense.
Belorussian girls are super hot!

Also, Belorussian got most of eastern Poland. So I am sure that they are not all that sorry about their population loss or language inhibitions.
no, its Poland got from satanic Koba Dzhugashvili , Western Belarus Bielastok &C. and one day the white ni&gers will give it back . in 1918 Poland together with ussr occupied BPR Belarusian People's Republic - Wikipedia and this crime will never be forgotten
This is VERY interesting. A map if it even exists would be very helpful about the lands that Poland and the soviets took from Belarus in ww1, plus also a map of the borders of Belarus in the medieval ages at the time point when Belarus received its crown to become a principality or kingdom.
everything is very simple here, border between PR and RB is the border between Crown and GDL . on this map you can see clearly that Poland today illegally occupies Belarusian lands (Koba dzhugashvili illegal presents to polish commies)

map GDL Borders with Polish crown , and modern Belarus with Poland


and here is map with borders of BPR, with Poland the same border lines (4)


Ok so I am somewhat confused now. Looks like the border between Poland and Belarus has almost not moved at all. Seems like the city of Brest was part of Belorus at the start when the crown was received as well as now in the 21st century. So where is the problem? I am looking for territorial discrepancies with the Polish border between now and when Belorus claims the creation of Belorus.
Belorussian girls are super hot!

Also, Belorussian got most of eastern Poland. So I am sure that they are not all that sorry about their population loss or language inhibitions.
no, its Poland got from satanic Koba Dzhugashvili , Western Belarus Bielastok &C. and one day the white ni&gers will give it back . in 1918 Poland together with ussr occupied BPR Belarusian People's Republic - Wikipedia and this crime will never be forgotten
This is VERY interesting. A map if it even exists would be very helpful about the lands that Poland and the soviets took from Belarus in ww1, plus also a map of the borders of Belarus in the medieval ages at the time point when Belarus received its crown to become a principality or kingdom.
everything is very simple here, border between PR and RB is the border between Crown and GDL . on this map you can see clearly that Poland today illegally occupies Belarusian lands (Koba dzhugashvili illegal presents to polish commies)

map GDL Borders with Polish crown , and modern Belarus with Poland


and here is map with borders of BPR, with Poland the same border lines (4)


Ok so I am somewhat confused now. Looks like the border between Poland and Belarus has almost not moved at all. Seems like the city of Brest was part of Belorus at the start when the crown was received as well as now in the 21st century. So where is the problem? I am looking for territorial discrepancies with the Polish border between now and when Belorus claims the creation of Belorus.

not Really, Padlaše , some other lands with city Belastok koba gave as a present to polish commies after couple of liters of wine . what is most important he gave to Poles "Suwalki Gap". ...

Suwalki Gap
I understand that Stalin is your favorite subject. But maybe you shouldn't see Stalin everywhere?
If he wasn't reinstated as a national hero like he is today in Russia, your statement might make more sense.

For Russians, Stalin is the 'most outstanding' figure in world history ...

Jun 26, 2017 - The poll by the Levada Center asked a representative sample of 1,600 Russians to name the “top 10 most outstanding people of all time and all ...
Vladimir Putin is now the second greatest Russian in history, behind ...

Jun 26, 2017 - Stalin still edges Putin in the eyes of the Russian people. ... Putin is closing in on Stalin as the greatest person in history according to Russians.
Stalin More Popular Than Putin, Russians Say - Newsweek

Jun 26, 2017 - Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin has been voted the most “outstanding” figure in Russia's history, beating the country's most beloved poet, ...
Poll: Russians View Stalin as 'Greatest' Figure in History - VOA News

Jun 26, 2017 - A recent poll of Russian opinion shows that a majority of the population thinks former dictator Josef Stalin was the greatest figure in history.
  • Thanks
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Belorussian girls are super hot!

Also, Belorussian got most of eastern Poland. So I am sure that they are not all that sorry about their population loss or language inhibitions.
no, its Poland got from satanic Koba Dzhugashvili , Western Belarus Bielastok &C. and one day the white ni&gers will give it back . in 1918 Poland together with ussr occupied BPR Belarusian People's Republic - Wikipedia and this crime will never be forgotten
This is VERY interesting. A map if it even exists would be very helpful about the lands that Poland and the soviets took from Belarus in ww1, plus also a map of the borders of Belarus in the medieval ages at the time point when Belarus received its crown to become a principality or kingdom.
everything is very simple here, border between PR and RB is the border between Crown and GDL . on this map you can see clearly that Poland today illegally occupies Belarusian lands (Koba dzhugashvili illegal presents to polish commies)

map GDL Borders with Polish crown , and modern Belarus with Poland


and here is map with borders of BPR, with Poland the same border lines (4)


Ok so I am somewhat confused now. Looks like the border between Poland and Belarus has almost not moved at all. Seems like the city of Brest was part of Belorus at the start when the crown was received as well as now in the 21st century. So where is the problem? I am looking for territorial discrepancies with the Polish border between now and when Belorus claims the creation of Belorus.

not Really, Padlaše , some other lands with city Belastok koba gave as a present to polish commies after couple of liters of wine . what is most important he gave to Poles "Suwalki Gap". ...

Suwalki Gap

Thanks. So comparing this map with your first map, I can see, that the land can be validated as Belorus territory, since the original kingdom of Poland didn't include it, but the original Belorus did.

This is the problem with all nation states. They are wise guy inventions for no other purpose than war. So we can't respect nation states, nor can we work with them. We need to check what original borders of kingdoms and principalities were established, because a crown comes from God, not from some nationalist wise guy.
"you represent here fascist Muscovy",
1) I represent here myself =)

"The total circulation of Belarusian books was 9 million copies, Russian-language books - 16 million”
I do not think it adequate to call it fascism.
This is just an ordinary decision.

If he wasn't reinstated as a national hero like he is today in Russia
Why is he a national hero?

All Americans are cowboys.
I saw an advertisement for Marlboro cigarettes in the 90s.

Stalin is a part of our history.
It so happened that it was he who ruled the country during the war.

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