Hannity rips ignorant Occupier organizer

Try telling these people they cant gather and protest in public places. See how peaceful they are then.






I came as an immigrant, not knowing a word of English, with no family, no friends, no relatives in my corner. I was all alone, seventeen years old at the time.

I worked in the bush as a lumberjack. Then I worked in the mines, 7000 feet underground. Then on the factory floor, surrounded by and being the slave of unionists.

Then I grew up. I learned enough English to go to school as an adult student and earned my High School Diploma. Then I got a job that gave me an opportunity to become a computer programmer, whose interactive applications are still in world-wide use.

All without affirmative action. All legally. If anything, I had to prove myself against undeserving affirmative action free-loaders.

Along the way I learned enough English and matured enough never to use profanity, vulgar expressions and offensive language to those I happen to disagree with.

In the words of Henry Higgins (paraphrasing) of My Fair Lady fame, why can't there be more like me?
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I watched the video and they both came off as stupid. I'm very happy that I don't waste my life watching Fox news or MSNBC or blah blah blah... I leave that up to people like the OP.
The facts, accounts, pics, and videos show your spin as bullshit.... whether you wish to admit it or not

the FEW that have been provided do not show that they are representative of the whole. You lose again. LOL

I have provided pics and videos, yet you refuse to admit that OWS is a band of lunatics who want to destroy capitalism and cause destruction and myhem everywhere they meet.
I dont have all day to collect more evidence for you....

Your a troll and that is a fact.

Oh, and I havent gone anywhere.... I am marveling at how silly you look and cant believe you are'nt ashamed of yourself.

In your own words you provided a FEW pics and those FEW pics do not define the whole group. Parroting your claims that you provided a FEW pics changes nothing.

you are a liar and that is a fact.

you say they are not a part of the movement?

now when and where did i say that?? I did say that there is no proof that these FEW are representative of the whole but at no time did I say that they were not part of the movement. So why did you lie about it?

It's funny how you believe that you being exposed as a liar make me look bad. lol
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wasn't there a "Hannity's gay as a $3 bill" thread the other day?

Actually, the National Mint announced the printing of new bills, the three-dollar bill, the seven-dollar bill and the thirteen dollar bill. All new bills will have the image of the most powerful man in the world.

If the number of new bills sounds extreme, the Mint apologizes. They had to satisfy the ego of the person who ordered and authorized the issue thereof.

The new bills have none of the ancient nonsense of "IN GOD WE TRUST" on them. They will first be available at ATM`s in Zambia and Kenya.
Incorrect, when one does an interview with someone who has an indefensable position, and knowing the history of the interviewer going into that interview still does not prepare himself it does two things. One, it serves to make the person doing the interview look better than they are in terms of skills, and Two it makes the postion that in this case the OWS young man was trying to defend look less able to defend his position.

Praise ; Express warm approval or admiration of

heap; To bestow in abundance or lavishly

No where in my post could it be said, that my post meets that definition. To make the statement that someone does a "good job" of showing skills that are already lacking does that impart "heaping praise upon them. As for your assertion that Sean Hannity is making a false point that matters not one bit and I will tell you why, the public perception of OWS at the moment is a group willing to assert its rights at the expense of the rights of others. It takes little skills at all from any interviewer to serve to bring this out. Both of my post serve one purpose and are consistant with one another for the following reasons, one that the original message of OWS would have had wide approval and mine as well had it followed a non-violent social movement that has had success in the past, two that the young man in question knew that his position was indefensable going into the interview, and still further knew the past history of an Interviewer like Sean Hannity as was ill prepared, three this served to make Sean Hannity's job much easier and in turn made him look better as an interviewer than perhaps he is. four in doing so, Sean Hannity did a good job in hi-lighting the the young mans lack of preperation, the perception of OWS as being one that has moved away from being non-violent, and more so the message of OWS being "usurped" by a group of people who have sought to use it as a method to take rights from others while asserting their own. It takes little skill as a journalist to do this and as such calling it "heaping praise" is a far cry from what many would say is a good job, that perhaps any TV commentator could have done given the nature of OWS and it's recent problem with public perception. One last thing, the questions that Mr. Hannity asked are well within the scope of what any jounalist would and should ask a defender of OWS as if the young man in question thought otherwise perhaps Mr. Hannitys show was not the best venue to express his views and he should have known that going in.

You are of course entitled to your opinion in which I respect as I do all others.

You lost this debate the moment you tried to define the interviewees postion based on the biased interviewers postions. the "kid" did not defend the indefensible acts that hannety was trying to attribtue to the movement as a whole therefore he was not defending and indefensible position.

btw I can find defitnions too.

the act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation; laudation.
Praise | Define Praise at Dictionary.com

1: to express a favorable judgment of

Praise - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

1. Expression of approval, commendation, or admiration
praise - definition of praise by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

saying he did a "good job "is prasing him.

but thanks for the spin.

As for your assertion that Sean Hannity is making a false point that matters not one bit and I will tell you why, the public perception of OWS at the moment is a group willing to assert its rights at the expense of the rights of others.

So it doesn't matter that hannety is being dishonest as long as somone is gullible enough to buy the lie?? WOW!

BTW any evidence to support your claim about the public's perception of OWS?

My Words;

This interview by Mr. Hannity showed a complete lack of ability to defend what many would say is Indefensable, (myself among them) on the part of the young man who claimed to represent OWS.

what is indefensible? Please explain what you are referring to?

The term is applied to mean in this case as someone much younger than myself as in this case that is very true! As for the word Kid that is a word you applied to the young man in question and others as well.

he is also much younger than me, under 30, still in college NS is a "kid" to me. plus it helped differentiate between hannity and the "kid" when simple pronouns left things confusing.

Your Words;
Your analysis is flawed and your praise is heaped onto hannety for making a false point.

Frankly how you get heaping praise out of any of my posts is beyond me, no matter the word heaped implies as the definition I supplied you defiines it.

your words in the context of the praise argument and where it actually started

In that Mr. Hannity did a good job to bring that out

my response asking if you thought it was worthy of praise.

wow!! lol so you think inviting someone on your program to badger them and not them even have a real opportunity to defend themselves or their positions is something to be praised?? Really??


your response claiming you weren't REALLY praising him.

I would hardly call what I posted as praise

then I responded to your defense. by quoting your earlier claim that

Mr. Hannity did a good job to bring that out

as well as point out how your argument falwed and your praise was based on a false point.

Your analysis is flawed and your praise is heaped onto hannety for making a false point.

you then responded by defining the word "praise" and falselyu arguing that it did not apply.

Praise ; Express warm approval or admiration of

heap; To bestow in abundance or lavishly

No where in my post could it be said, that my post meets that definition.

and then I showed you the defintions, with links, that shows that my original claim that you "praised" him is correct and your claim that you "would hardly call" it praise false.

Based on how it started with you denying that you praised him when you did don't you think it's a little dishonest of you to try and focus on the verb I used later in the discussion??
You asked for some information;

The poll, released today, show 30 percent of voters surveyed view the movement favorably, 39 percent unfavorably, with an additional 30 percent not hearing enough to have an opinion. It’s one of the first national polls to suggest voters are growing skeptical of Occupy Wall Street- and it comes as police have clashed with protesters in several cities. Previous national polls have shown a plurality of adults supporting the movement.
Public Opinion Souring On Occupy Wall Street

Your poll aslo says

The poll found that Occupy Wall Street’s negatives aren’t quite as high as the Tea Party’s unfavorables, but aren’t far off. Just 31 percent of voters view the Tea Party unfavorably, 45 percent unfavorably, and 24 percent haven’t heard enough.

so they can't be that bad seeing as how they are better off than the tea party. lol BTW that poll was from novermber of last year.

More than half of those surveyed by Ipsos were unsure how they felt about the movement -- which prides itself on being leaderless -- while a third sympathized with the protesters and 13 percent had an unfavourable view of the group.

"This shift in favorability suggests the movement could have greater support if they communicated their goals more clearly. Until then, the primary response will continue to be a lack of awareness," said Ipsos spokeswoman Keren Gottfried.
Occupy Wall Street: On Global Scale Roughly Third Of People Aware Of Movement, Poll Finds

why are you citing a global poll of Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Britain, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United States.

Occupy protesters celebrated May Day, the traditional labor and communist holiday, with spasms of violence across the country on Monday. According to Buzz Feed, "Black Bloc" protesters in New York, the cradle of the Occupy movement, attacked photographers and tried to take their cameras.

and yet acocrding to the story on buzzfeed "There are no reported injuries" Wow they are so violent that they leave no evidence of it. lol

The New York Daily News reports that the NYPD arrested 86 protesters on charges "ranging from disorderly conduct to assaulting cops."

quotes from the story your blog cites.

"Cops said they made comparatively fewer arrests during Tuesday's widely-promoted OWS roving demonstration than they'd made at past large scale events organized by the movement."


"About 700 protesters gathered in Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park after curfew late Tuesday night, most of them left when police issued a warning. Twelve did not leave and were arrested, police said."

so most left which apparently equals roughly 688 out of about 700 people but those twelve who got arrested are representative of the whole. You really are nto very good at this perhaps you should give up?

On the West Coast, there was even more violence. In Oakland, police used tear gas and "flash bang" grenades to break up demonstrations and arrested at least 25 protesters according to CBS News.

100s of protesters but 25 arrests represents of the whole??

In Seattle, the violence seemed to be the worst as Occupiers dressed in black broke windows, vandalized cars, blocked traffic and did extensive damage to the federal courthouse MSNBC reports.Occupy Violence May Hurt Democrats - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com

yes a FEW occupiers dressed in black and did some bad things and apparently many of those who committed cromes were arrested. HOw is that representative of the whole? Did every single occupier dress in black and engage in such activities?

People in the San Francisco Bay Area appeared to be turned off by Occupy's tactics on Saturday, according to an opinion poll by SurveyUSA.

Of 500 people surveyed on Sunday, 26 percent said they had once supported the Occupy movement and now do not. Added to 31 percent who said they always opposed the movement, the poll suggests a majority of public opinion opposes the group.
Occupy Movement Divided Over Confrontational Tactics, After Oakland Street Battle

and it's a good thing that some of the leaders of the occupy movement do not support the tactics of some of the occupiers. those that engage in violence should be arrested and prosecuted. still don't see how that is a representation of the whole. The fact that some leaders are not supportive of those tactics counters your arguments.

Look, If OWS wants people to agree with their cause and many do agree with the idea of holding the financial sector responsible for the overall health of this nation, but a whole lot of those people do not agree that in order to make this happen you need to destroy first or seek to take away the rights of others in order to make your point. My feelings for Mr. Hannity are not so blinded by any partisan feelings left or right as to see in him or the young man in question anything but what I said. To imply otherwise is to express your own opinion on the matter which your of course entitled to do.

your own links shows that many including leaders within the occupiers are outspoken and not supportive of violence. So once again your argument is flawed based on how you continue to argue that they are all accountable for the actions of the few.
Try telling these people they cant gather and protest in public places. See how peaceful they are then.







Imagine how the tea party would react if the big bad government told them they could not protest or forced them out of public spaces.
The facts, accounts, pics, and videos show your spin as bullshit.... whether you wish to admit it or not

the FEW that have been provided do not show that they are representative of the whole. You lose again. LOL

I have provided pics and videos, yet you refuse to admit that OWS is a band of lunatics who want to destroy capitalism and cause destruction and myhem everywhere they meet.
I dont have all day to collect more evidence for you....

Your a troll and that is a fact.

Oh, and I havent gone anywhere.... I am marveling at how silly you look and cant believe you are'nt ashamed of yourself.

yes, there are some Occupiers who are fucking nutjobs.

But dismissing the whole movement based on those idiots does a disservice to people like this woman


Meet 84 year old Dorli Rainey, who while exercising her First amendment rights was pepper sprayed by police.

And I dont see these people overturning cars anytime soon:


And this woman...well...this woman Im throwing in because...well, DAMN!


And this one because it shows the ironic futility of it all...
You lost this debate the moment you tried to define the interviewees postion based on the biased interviewers postions. the "kid" did not defend the indefensible acts that hannety was trying to attribtue to the movement as a whole therefore he was not defending and indefensible position.

btw I can find defitnions too.

the act of expressing approval or admiration; commendation; laudation.
Praise | Define Praise at Dictionary.com

1: to express a favorable judgment of

Praise - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

1. Expression of approval, commendation, or admiration
praise - definition of praise by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

saying he did a "good job "is prasing him.

but thanks for the spin.

So it doesn't matter that hannety is being dishonest as long as somone is gullible enough to buy the lie?? WOW!

BTW any evidence to support your claim about the public's perception of OWS?

My Words;

This interview by Mr. Hannity showed a complete lack of ability to defend what many would say is Indefensable, (myself among them) on the part of the young man who claimed to represent OWS.

what is indefensible? Please explain what you are referring to?

he is also much younger than me, under 30, still in college NS is a "kid" to me. plus it helped differentiate between hannity and the "kid" when simple pronouns left things confusing.

your words in the context of the praise argument and where it actually started

my response asking if you thought it was worthy of praise.

your response claiming you weren't REALLY praising him.

then I responded to your defense. by quoting your earlier claim that

as well as point out how your argument falwed and your praise was based on a false point.

Your analysis is flawed and your praise is heaped onto hannety for making a false point.

you then responded by defining the word "praise" and falselyu arguing that it did not apply.

Praise ; Express warm approval or admiration of

heap; To bestow in abundance or lavishly

No where in my post could it be said, that my post meets that definition.

and then I showed you the defintions, with links, that shows that my original claim that you "praised" him is correct and your claim that you "would hardly call" it praise false.

Based on how it started with you denying that you praised him when you did don't you think it's a little dishonest of you to try and focus on the verb I used later in the discussion??

No offense intended here smith, but you really do need to remove whatever bias you have in this debate towards any side and when you can do that, you will begin to see the difference between such things when a person say's " They did a good job to hi-light that" and " I am in full support of the position advocated by them and interviewer was wonderful in his or her job". Just so you know the last one meets your definition of heaping praise on someone. As for a false argument, it does depend on if one has the ability to see the difference between the words "heaped praise" and actually reading an entire sentence in context!. So let me cite you an example.

Republican presidential candidates Rick Perry and Mitt Romney both claim President Obama said that "Americans are lazy

What he actually said.
His words prior to that -American workers as the "most productive in the world,"
His recent words — "we've been a little bit lazy, I think, over the last couple of decades"

Now if you had taken my sentence in context and then applied the definition of your words to it you would see your calling it heaped praise or for that matter praise doesnt even qualify as a coherent analysis.

Now on your last point indefensabale, do I need to repeat what several posters have shown you on here already? Are you or anyone else for that matter prepared to defend the acts that have been associted with OWS recently? Do you think it proper to destroy property, or impede upon the rights of others to assert your rights? Here is the false premise behind that, OWS at least at the beginning stood to show the differences between monied interests and the average working people out there. So what purpose does it serve to impede, and destroy the property of those same working people your trying to protect ? That my freind is not only indefensable but it is also, contrary to the original reasons why many came to OWS in the first place.
He is literally one of the dumbest human beings I've ever seen.

If you want a job, you need to work. And learning stuff is rather important. You need to know where your money is coming from if you are going to ever have it.
You asked for some information;

The poll, released today, show 30 percent of voters surveyed view the movement favorably, 39 percent unfavorably, with an additional 30 percent not hearing enough to have an opinion. It’s one of the first national polls to suggest voters are growing skeptical of Occupy Wall Street- and it comes as police have clashed with protesters in several cities. Previous national polls have shown a plurality of adults supporting the movement.
Public Opinion Souring On Occupy Wall Street

Your poll aslo says

The poll found that Occupy Wall Street’s negatives aren’t quite as high as the Tea Party’s unfavorables, but aren’t far off. Just 31 percent of voters view the Tea Party unfavorably, 45 percent unfavorably, and 24 percent haven’t heard enough.

so they can't be that bad seeing as how they are better off than the tea party. lol BTW that poll was from novermber of last year.

why are you citing a global poll of Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Britain, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United States.

and yet acocrding to the story on buzzfeed "There are no reported injuries" Wow they are so violent that they leave no evidence of it. lol

quotes from the story your blog cites.

"Cops said they made comparatively fewer arrests during Tuesday's widely-promoted OWS roving demonstration than they'd made at past large scale events organized by the movement."


"About 700 protesters gathered in Vietnam Veterans Memorial Park after curfew late Tuesday night, most of them left when police issued a warning. Twelve did not leave and were arrested, police said."

so most left which apparently equals roughly 688 out of about 700 people but those twelve who got arrested are representative of the whole. You really are nto very good at this perhaps you should give up?

100s of protesters but 25 arrests represents of the whole??

yes a FEW occupiers dressed in black and did some bad things and apparently many of those who committed cromes were arrested. HOw is that representative of the whole? Did every single occupier dress in black and engage in such activities?

People in the San Francisco Bay Area appeared to be turned off by Occupy's tactics on Saturday, according to an opinion poll by SurveyUSA.

Of 500 people surveyed on Sunday, 26 percent said they had once supported the Occupy movement and now do not. Added to 31 percent who said they always opposed the movement, the poll suggests a majority of public opinion opposes the group.
Occupy Movement Divided Over Confrontational Tactics, After Oakland Street Battle

and it's a good thing that some of the leaders of the occupy movement do not support the tactics of some of the occupiers. those that engage in violence should be arrested and prosecuted. still don't see how that is a representation of the whole. The fact that some leaders are not supportive of those tactics counters your arguments.

Look, If OWS wants people to agree with their cause and many do agree with the idea of holding the financial sector responsible for the overall health of this nation, but a whole lot of those people do not agree that in order to make this happen you need to destroy first or seek to take away the rights of others in order to make your point. My feelings for Mr. Hannity are not so blinded by any partisan feelings left or right as to see in him or the young man in question anything but what I said. To imply otherwise is to express your own opinion on the matter which your of course entitled to do.

your own links shows that many including leaders within the occupiers are outspoken and not supportive of violence. So once again your argument is flawed based on how you continue to argue that they are all accountable for the actions of the few.

Thats because they are accountable, sorry to tell you this, but in a crowd, no one cares who the leaders of OWS are. The people who get the most attention are the one's whoe make the most noise. Are you saying based on numbers, that destroying property, hurting others, and any number of other crimes, is ok because it's only a small percentage doing it ? If your saying that then your very naive when it comes to public perception and a movement such as OWS depends on that in order to foster the changes they seek. The more negative it is, the less likely it will happen. So yes they are accountable up and until OWS rids themselves completely of this image. You ask for examples of perception and I give them to you and yet, you still try and deny that this people that have taken over OWS are destroying what was at the beginning a very good message that could have had wide support. So be it, continue to believe that my argument is flawed and do nothing and stand by and let OWS get taken over by this faction of people who have zero interest in changing things for the good of all, but rather, are self interested promoters who want attention by any means and that includes criminal acts. Thats not a non-violent movement thats a mob, no different than a out of control mob at Mardi-Gras. I've tried to show you that unless OWS rids themselves of these people , people like me will have nothing to do with them and trust me my friend there are a whole lot of people who feel as I do, that the original message of making these companies accountable to the nation in which we live is a good one, we just don't believe in destroying others rights to hold them accountable.
I came as an immigrant, not knowing a word of English, with no family, no friends, no relatives in my corner. I was all alone, seventeen years old at the time.

I worked in the bush as a lumberjack. Then I worked in the mines, 7000 feet underground. Then on the factory floor, surrounded by and being the slave of unionists.

Then I grew up. I learned enough English to go to school as an adult student and earned my High School Diploma. Then I got a job that gave me an opportunity to become a computer programmer, whose interactive applications are still in world-wide use.

All without affirmative action. All legally. If anything, I had to prove myself against undeserving affirmative action free-loaders.

Along the way I learned enough English and matured enough never to use profanity, vulgar expressions and offensive language to those I happen to disagree with.

In the words of Henry Higgins (paraphrasing) of My Fair Lady fame, why can't there be more like me?

I know a lot of people just like you. I know a Filipino man who came here at 14 and lived in the alleys of New York. He got a job washing dishes in a shit hole diner and lived right outside the back door. He now owns a string of Filipino restaurants.

I know a man that came her at 19 with nothing but a skill. He could sew. He got a job in a sweatshop making clothing. He looked around for a tailor and when he was done at the sweatshop he worked for free with the tailor. He saved his money and opened his own tailor shop. He lived in the shop, in a back room. He married and raised a family in that back room. He used savings to buy real estate. Homes he didn't live in but rented out. By the time he and his family moved into their own home he was a millionaire.

Most of the success stories today come from immigrants. The American young are raised on a steady diet of milk from someone's tit. Very few young Americans are capable anymore of surviving without that tit.

I started off cleaning toilets in a law office. I went back to school to learn secretarial skills. I saw the future and that secretaries were going to be the new blacksmiths. I went to paralegal school, I worked three jobs and went to law school. So invested are liberal democrats in the myth of being unable to succeed without the rich daddy, I've been told over and over how my rich daddy paid for my educaton, got me into school and set up my trust fund. I could do that because I had ambition. Today, the college age and college grads have no ambition. They only know the tit in their mouths.
However, go back to when foxnews was promoting the tea party and look at how they argued against labling the whole over the actions of a few. If juust another example of rightwing hypocrisy in action.

A few???? Are you fucking kidding me???








In front of a child - how despicable..!!!




These photos depict the follow sentiment from our President: “The most important thing we can do right now is those of us in leadership letting people know that we understand their struggles and we are on their side, and that we want to set up a system in which hard work, responsibility, doing what you’re supposed to do, is rewarded,”

Keep smashing the windows of small businesses and shitting on the cars of policemen whose jobs were supposedly saved by President Obama.
I heard one of these OWS types complaining about the fact that he can't get a job in his
field as a teacher because the school he wanted to teach in was closed due to lack of funding.
His chosen profession for which he took out loans for and now has no job...

Was making puppets....

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