HAMAS planned MUCH larger terrorist attack than was conducted on 10/07 against innocent Israeli civilians

Hasan Al Banna founded the Muslim Brotherhood in the mid 1920s and bit was in reaction to Zionism and Jewish Nationalism in Palestine.
Yeah, because Jooos were such a threat back then.

Too bad we ran out of nukes back in '45
Hasan Al Banna founded the Muslim Brotherhood in the mid 1920s and bit was in reaction to Zionism and Jewish Nationalism in Palestine.
well----arab/muslim and muslim nationalism at that time was an issue as a response to western "colonialism" but it is true that Al Banna was particularly
into hatred of Jews-----BECAUSE he was a particularly RELIGIOUS muslim----emulating AL NABI----who saw the jews as resistors. As far as I understand, he was not even into BAATHISM---ie he was an = opportunity JIHADIST upon all KAFFIRIN
Yeah, because Jooos were such a threat back then.

Too bad we ran out of nukes back in '45
Jooos were and are a threat to islam from the time of muhummad for the same reason that Joooos were a threat to Rome----back in the day-----Jews rejected both islam and christianity
well----arab/muslim and muslim nationalism at that time was an issue as a response to western "colonialism" but it is true that Al Banna was particularly
into hatred of Jews-----BECAUSE he was a particularly RELIGIOUS muslim----emulating AL NABI----who saw the jews as resistors. As far as I understand, he was not even into BAATHISM---ie he was an = opportunity JIHADIST upon all KAFFIRIN

Al-Banna's ideology involved criticism of Western materialism, British imperialism, and the traditionalism of the Egyptian ulema. He appealed to Egyptian and pan-Arab patriotism but rejected Arab nationalism and regarded all Muslims as members of a single nation-community.

The Muslim Brotherhood advocated gradualist moral reform and had no plans for a violent takeover of power.

The "Jihad of the spirit"―self-initiated productive work aimed at bettering the conditions of the Islamic community―was a significant part of their ideology
Al-Banna's ideology involved criticism of Western materialism, British imperialism, and the traditionalism of the Egyptian ulema. He appealed to Egyptian and pan-Arab patriotism but rejected Arab nationalism and regarded all Muslims as members of a single nation-community.

The Muslim Brotherhood advocated gradualist moral reform and had no plans for a violent takeover of power.

The "Jihad of the spirit"―self-initiated productive work aimed at bettering the conditions of the Islamic community―was a significant part of their ideology
ROFLMAO @ "jihad of the spirit"-----so what happened?----sorta like Rome perverted Jesus?
Are there any innocent Israeli/Zionist civilians? I haven't heard a single one that has spoken out against the Zionist apartheid regime that has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent palestinian civilians over 75 years or more.
are there any innocent islamo nazi pigs and sluts?-----they have happily
presided over the genocides of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS---and counting
In fact-----YES----and every jew murdered by every islamo nazi lump of
shit is JUSTIFIED ahamdulillah and his BBF ---read the KHARAAN

Damn. How stupid. Same conflict for 80 years? I thought Jews were superior and so smart.

Hamas terrorists reportedly aimed to kill as many civilians as possible during their October 7 attack on Israel because they wanted to spark an intense military response from Israel in the hopes that it would draw the entire region into a war against Israel.

More than a dozen top intelligence officials from several Western and Middle Eastern nations told The Washington Post that based on what Israeli investigators have found in the aftermath of the attack that it was clear that Hamas terrorists were ordered to murder as many civilians as possible and that they had planned to push further into Israel, into its larger cities, during the attacks.
"More than a dozen top intelligence officials from several Western and Middle Eastern nations"

You can ALWAYS trust the INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY to tell the truth.

Obviously false.
Hamas did not even know about the music festival, and it was ONLY the music festival that allowed them to be as successful as they were.

Since no intelligence sources were specifically named, this is the Washington Post once again making things up.
Never been the same since Rev. Moon bought them.
History didn't start in the 20th Century, dipshit.

Jews were never there legally or peacefully.
The Hebrew invaded around 1000 BC, but massacred the Canaanites at Jericho and angered everyone.
So the Assyrians kicked them out by 850 BC.
And they never ruled again.
They were the only people disliked and constantly kicked out.
The Babylonians, Persians, Seleucids, and Romans, all kicked them out whenever they tried to return.
They could not return at all until Mohammed defeated the Romas around 640 AD.
But the Crusaders kept the number of Jews to a minimum.
By 1920, Palestine was 95% Moslem.
Jews were never there legally or peacefully.
The Hebrew invaded around 1000 BC, but massacred the Canaanites at Jericho and angered everyone.
So the Assyrians kicked them out by 850 BC.
And they never ruled again.
They were the only people disliked and constantly kicked out.
The Babylonians, Persians, Seleucids, and Romans, all kicked them out whenever they tried to return.
They could not return at all until Mohammed defeated the Romas around 640 AD.
But the Crusaders kept the number of Jews to a minimum.
By 1920, Palestine was 95% Moslem.
Walk me through the entire conflict from Day 1……go.

Do you want to start with when the invading Hebrew massacred all the men, women, and children in Jericho in 1000 BC, or do we start in 1948 when Menachim Begin's terrorist gag blew up British peacekeepers in the King David hotel and gunned down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, so that his gang could start wiping out native Arab villages like Deir Yassin?
All of it. You're largely working with alternative history.

Do you want to start with when the invading Hebrew massacred all the men, women, and children in Jericho in 1000 BC, or do we start in 1948 when Menachim Begin's terrorist gag blew up British peacekeepers in the King David hotel and gunned down the UN moderator, Folke Bernadotte, so that his gang could start wiping out native Arab villages like Deir Yassin?

All of my history is easily looked up and verified.
I can do it on any point you want and list the quotes, or you can easily do it yourself.

While the British may not have been angels in 1948 since they were still colonial imperialists, Folke Bernadotte was a hero for saving Jews in WWII.

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