HAMAS planned MUCH larger terrorist attack than was conducted on 10/07 against innocent Israeli civilians


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015

Hamas terrorists reportedly aimed to kill as many civilians as possible during their October 7 attack on Israel because they wanted to spark an intense military response from Israel in the hopes that it would draw the entire region into a war against Israel.

More than a dozen top intelligence officials from several Western and Middle Eastern nations told The Washington Post that based on what Israeli investigators have found in the aftermath of the attack that it was clear that Hamas terrorists were ordered to murder as many civilians as possible and that they had planned to push further into Israel, into its larger cities, during the attacks.
"More than a dozen top intelligence officials from several Western and Middle Eastern nations"

You can ALWAYS trust the INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY to tell the truth.
Do you have doubts about the truth behind these reports? If s, based on what? Hamas is a terrorist organization, and the Oct 07 attack seems in keeping with what's been going on there for decades.
Do you have doubts about the truth behind these reports? If s, based on what? Hamas is a terrorist organization, and the Oct 07 attack seems in keeping with what's been going on there for decades.

I dont doubt it for a second...but not because "TOP WESTERN INTELLIGENCE OFFICIALS" say so...I believe it because HAMAS SAID SO.
Are there any innocent Israeli/Zionist civilians? I haven't heard a single one that has spoken out against the Zionist apartheid regime that has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent palestinian civilians over 75 years or more.
Are there any innocent Israeli/Zionist civilians? I haven't heard a single one that has spoken out against the Zionist apartheid regime that has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent palestinian civilians over 75 years or more.
Fuck you, scumbag piece of shit.

I want everybody that visits this thread to go to the link I posted and tell me why Israel shouldn't kill every fucking piece of fucking shit in Gaza.

Watch the images of Gaza 'civilians' beating and lynching kidnapped Israeli civilians. Watch as those subhuman scum drive around with the dead, body of a beautiful young Israeli woman in the bed of their pickup shouting "God Is Great" over and over as they spit on her nude body.

Gaza and all the 'people' in it can be sent to Hell AFAIC. Not 'straight' to Hell. I want them to suffer first.
Fuck you, scumbag piece of shit.

I want everybody that visits this thread to go to the link I posted and tell me why Israel shouldn't kill every fucking piece of fucking shit in Gaza.

Watch the images of Gaza 'civilians' beating and lynching kidnapped Israeli civilians. Watch as those subhuman scum drive around with the dead, body of a beautiful young Israeli woman in the bed of their pickup shouting "God Is Great" over and over as they spit on her nude body.

Gaza and all the 'people' in it can be sent to Hell AFAIC. Not 'straight' to Hell. I want them to suffer first.

Soulless ghouls. Disgusting animals. They should suffer the same fate.
Soulless ghouls. Disgusting animals. They should suffer the same fate.
Point being -- There ARE NO "innocent civilians'' in Gaza. Send them all to Hell.

One other thing; There is a reason why I call them the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media.

It is because they ARE DISGUSTING FILTH

AP demands to know why Israel is targeting a Hamas-controlled hospital, even though everyone knows the answer: Because Hamas has built its terror command headquarters underneath the hospital.

Much of the current attention in the ongoing Israeli war against Hamas in Gaza is focused on Shifa Hospital in Gaza City. The ground fighting around the hospital has been intense, with many casualties. But the focus of the international news media, such as in this article from the Associated Press, has been on the hospital itself and the disruptions being caused by the military action. The AP asks, "Hospitals have special protection under the rules of war. Why are they in the crosshairs in Gaza?" Of course, the premise of the question is false, but it allows the press to once again paint the IDF as the bad guys who are driving up "civilian casualties" at unacceptable rates.
The head of surgery at Gaza's largest and most advanced hospital held up his phone Saturday to the hammering of gunfire and artillery shelling. "Listen," said Dr. Marwan Abu Sada as fighting raged around Shifa Hospital.
Shells hissed through the hospital courtyard and crashed into wards while Israeli soldiers and Hamas militants locked in close quarters combat. Doctors tried to help patients even as they ran for cover.
Abu Sada described Shifa as a deathtrap for thousands of war-wounded, medical staff and displaced civilians sheltering there. The Israeli military denied it launched direct strikes or placed Shifa under siege.

On the odd but unlikely chance that the AP or anyone else in the liberal media is really interested in an answer to their question, I would like to offer an explanation....
The IDF is fighting around (and sometimes in) Shifa Hospital because that's where Hamas is. They put their fighters in and around hospitals and it's already been confirmed that there are Hamas tunnels under this hospital. They base their operations there in the hope that Israel will avoid striking them. If the plan works, their fighters live and they can keep funneling supplies through the tunnels. If Israel attacks, civilians inevitably are injured or killed and Hamas is rewarded with headlines blaming Israel. And that's precisely what we're seeing now.
The AP raised what it describes as an "urgent" question. When do medical facilities lose special protection under international humanitarian law? They point out that Israel has provided maps showing that Hamas has a significantly large headquarters set up under Shifa Hospital, but they also keep saying Israel has "provided no evidence" of that. I'm pretty sure the IDF's maps are quite accurate at this point and they know where most of the tunnels are. They also fail to address the fundamental question staring them in the face. If Hamas isn't operating around the hospital, who are all of the people shooting back at the IDF?

You know who says that Hamas has a terror base under this hospital?

The man who the media voted for 100% says it.

Barak Ravid @BarakRavid
BREAKING: White House's John Kirby says the U.S. has its own independent intelligence that shows Hamas and PIJ are using al-Shifa hospital and other hospitals for holding hostages and for military activities
Barak Ravid
Kirby added that Hamas has a command and control center in al-Shifa hospital. He said the U.S. doesn't want the hospital to be bombed and doesn't want to see a fire fight at the hospital

But CBS runs Hamas-produced propaganda as a "news story" anyway.

Tel Aviv -- The Hamas-run Gaza Health Ministry has released harrowing new footage of what it says are conditions inside Al-Shifa hospital. Israeli forces are continuing to pummel northern Gaza in what the IDF says is an effort to wipe out the Islamist militant group once and for all.
In a seven-minute graphic video posted on the ministry's Facebook page, an unnamed doctor is seen describing his surroundings as wounded and injured people are strewn across the hospital floor.
"The department is completely full of wounded and injured," the unnamed doctor says in the video.
"They are on the ground taking their last breaths due to the collapse of the health system, due to the lack of medicines due to the occupation besieging the hospitals," the man says as the camera focuses on seemingly lifeless bodies lying on the floor.
Young children are also seen bandaged and on hospital gurneys. The narrator claims that a large number of the injured "are children."
"Serious cases are present here without treatment at all. There are no treatments. This is what the condition of people looks like. They are crying for their children. They are crying for their children without any treatment," the man says.

Hey, media, maybe we shouldn't continue repeating Hamas's idiotic propaganda claims, especially those involving hospitals, huh?

I think it's likely that Hamas was desperate to get the "Israel bombed this hospital and killed 9 billion people, mostly women and children" propaganda story out precisely because they knew that Israel would soon be attacking another "hospital" -- the one their terror-base is hidden underneath.

Placing a military compound beside or underneath a civilian area is a war crime. It's a war crime precisely because it leads to this situation: The opposing forces are required to invade a civilian space to find their enemies.

Instead of scolding Hamas to Get the fuck out of the hospital, you war-criminal terrorists, the leftwing media scolds Israel.

Meanwhile, Hamas keeps bombing the same Israeli hospital near the border, for no legitimate purpose other than to continue their illegal war crimes, and the media says nothing. NOTHING.

Hamas terrorists reportedly aimed to kill as many civilians as possible during their October 7 attack on Israel because they wanted to spark an intense military response from Israel in the hopes that it would draw the entire region into a war against Israel.

More than a dozen top intelligence officials from several Western and Middle Eastern nations told The Washington Post that based on what Israeli investigators have found in the aftermath of the attack that it was clear that Hamas terrorists were ordered to murder as many civilians as possible and that they had planned to push further into Israel, into its larger cities, during the attacks.
"More than a dozen top intelligence officials from several Western and Middle Eastern nations"

You can ALWAYS trust the INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY to tell the truth.
Hamas fighters were resisting an illegal Israeli blockade/occupation on October 7th. International law gives Hamas the right to do so while Israel has no right to inflict such crimes especially on a civilian population it has a legal obligation and duty to protect.

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked

"As the occupying power of the Gaza Strip, and the Palestinian Territories more broadly, Israel has an obligation and a duty to protect the civilians under its occupation. It governs by military and law enforcement authority to maintain order, protect itself and protect the civilian population under its occupation.

"It cannot simultaneously occupy the territory, thus usurping the self-governing powers that would otherwise belong to Palestinians, and declare war upon them.

"These contradictory policies (occupying a land and then declaring war on it) make the Palestinian population doubly vulnerable."
Hamas fighters were resisting an illegal Israeli blockade/occupation on October 7th. International law gives Hamas the right to do so while Israel has no right to inflict such crimes especially on a civilian population it has a legal obligation and duty to protect.

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked

"As the occupying power of the Gaza Strip, and the Palestinian Territories more broadly, Israel has an obligation and a duty to protect the civilians under its occupation. It governs by military and law enforcement authority to maintain order, protect itself and protect the civilian population under its occupation.

"It cannot simultaneously occupy the territory, thus usurping the self-governing powers that would otherwise belong to Palestinians, and declare war upon them.

"These contradictory policies (occupying a land and then declaring war on it) make the Palestinian population doubly vulnerable."

Rape, mutilation, torture and murder of children is where HAMAS loses the plot with me.
Hamas fighters were resisting an illegal Israeli blockade/occupation on October 7th. International law gives Hamas the right to do so while Israel has no right to inflict such crimes especially on a civilian population it has a legal obligation and duty to protect.

Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked

"As the occupying power of the Gaza Strip, and the Palestinian Territories more broadly, Israel has an obligation and a duty to protect the civilians under its occupation. It governs by military and law enforcement authority to maintain order, protect itself and protect the civilian population under its occupation.

"It cannot simultaneously occupy the territory, thus usurping the self-governing powers that would otherwise belong to Palestinians, and declare war upon them.

"These contradictory policies (occupying a land and then declaring war on it) make the Palestinian population doubly vulnerable."
You're an oxygen thief.
Are there any innocent Israeli/Zionist civilians? I haven't heard a single one that has spoken out against the Zionist apartheid regime that has killed hundreds of thousands of innocent palestinian civilians over 75 years or more.

Gee I dont know????? are there any innocent palestinian civilians? What a stupid comment by you. Just Because you personally have not "heard" anyones voice, and you must be an omnipotent being... you cant realize that most of the Israelis Murdered at the Oct 7th dance party, and many of those living in the Kibutzes in the South were Liberal Jews ?and honestly up until now they were a country divided over the Palestinian Issue. Rightfully so they will all come together now to defend themselves.

You cant talk about the last 75 years without talking about Arab collaboration on destroying Jews in the M.E. The only difference between the Israeli refugees and the Palestinian refugees is The Israeli ones accepted host countries without trying to over throw their governments lke the Palis did. And of course all those Jewish refugees went to Israel. Dont ignore what the PLO did in Jordan and Lebanon, and why no one will have them. Its all part of it.
Rape, mutilation, torture and murder of children is where HAMAS loses the plot with me.
Does Israel's mass murder of thousands of Palestinian civilians hold your interest? Is there some reason why Jews are entitled to steal the land and water of indigenous Palestinians over the past 75 years without their victims resorting to acts of violent resistance?
Does Israel's mass murder of thousands of Palestinian civilians hold your interest? Is there some reason why Jews are entitled to steal the land and water of indigenous Palestinians over the past 75 years without their victims resorting to acts of violent resistance?
History didn't start in the 20th Century, dipshit.
Does Israel's mass murder of thousands of Palestinian civilians hold your interest? Is there some reason why Jews are entitled to steal the land and water of indigenous Palestinians over the past 75 years without their victims resorting to acts of violent resistance?

Walk me through the entire conflict from Day 1……go.
History didn't start in the 20th Century, dipshit.
The racist, apartheid Jewish state of Israel began in 1948, Bigot. 19 years later, racist Israeli Jews stole the remaining 20% of historic Palestine.

Israel: 50 Years of Occupation Abuses

"(Jerusalem) – Fifty years after Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip, it controls these areas through repression, institutionalized discrimination, and systematic abuses of the Palestinian population’s rights, Human Rights Watch said today.

"At least five categories of major violations of international human rights law and humanitarian law characterize the occupation: unlawful killings; forced displacement; abusive detention; the closure of the Gaza Strip and other unjustified restrictions on movement; and the development of settlements, along with the accompanying discriminatory policies that disadvantage Palestinians."

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