Haiti gang seeks $1M for each of the 17 kidnapped U.S. missionaries


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Maybe we could get Dim Rep. Hank Johnson to go down there and make the island tip over.

By the way, this pic is supposedly from Port-Au-Prince, but it looks like it could be from downtown Portland Oregon.


PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — A gang that kidnapped 17 members of a U.S.-based missionary group is demanding $1 million ransom per person, although authorities are not clear whether that includes the five children being held, a top Haitian official told The Associated Press on Tuesday.

The official, who wasn’t authorized to speak to the press, said someone from the 400 Mawozo gang called a ministry leader shortly after kidnapping the missionaries on Saturday and demanded the ransom. A person in contact with the organization, Christian Aid Ministries, also confirmed the $1 million per person demand, which was first reported by The Wall Street Journal. That source spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the situation.
Maybe we could get Dim Rep. Hank Johnson to go down there and make the island tip over.

By the way, this pic is supposedly from Port-Au-Prince, but it looks like it could be from downtown Portland Oregon.

View attachment 553752

Maybe a black bag hostage rescue, accidentally indiscriminately killing the leader and lots of members of the gang that kidnapped them? Couldn't happen to a nicer group, I'm sure.
No sympathy for missionaries. They're always going in, trying to convert people to their religion. All the people in Haiti are aware of Christianity and there are ample churches there, if they wanted to go to them.
I just watched a video where some white guy was with an interpreter talking to a couple of people from a hunter-gatherer tribe. After asking what they considered the most important things in their life, which turns out to be the obvious, meat and water, his next few questions were, "What do you do with your dead?" "What do you think happens after you die?" and "Do you think you see them when you die?" Their response was, "They go up to the sun." and "yes." While the short video ends there, it doesn't take much to know where this guy was going. I'm sure he went on to start preaching.
Various primitive tribes have their own religion, mostly animist and similar to our Native American original beliefs. Whatever belief they hold, they should be left alone to have it. There are over an estimated 4,300 religions in the world, with each claiming to be the true religion and if someone claims theirs it the only true one. For any individual to claim their religion is the only true religion, smacks of arrogance.
A satisfying outcome (for me) is when the arrogant Christians pay their way to sneak onto the off-limits island near India, where the primitive tribe stays isolated by their choice and the idiot who thinks he's going to convert them, gets filled full of arrows as a result of his stupidity.
No sympathy for missionaries. They're always going in, trying to convert people to their religion. All the people in Haiti are aware of Christianity and there are ample churches there, if they wanted to go to them.
I just watched a video where some white guy was with an interpreter talking to a couple of people from a hunter-gatherer tribe. After asking what they considered the most important things in their life, which turns out to be the obvious, meat and water, his next few questions were, "What do you do with your dead?" "What do you think happens after you die?" and "Do you think you see them when you die?" Their response was, "They go up to the sun." and "yes." While the short video ends there, it doesn't take much to know where this guy was going. I'm sure he went on to start preaching.
Various primitive tribes have their own religion, mostly animist and similar to our Native American original beliefs. Whatever belief they hold, they should be left alone to have it. There are over an estimated 4,300 religions in the world, with each claiming to be the true religion and if someone claims theirs it the only true one. For any individual to claim their religion is the only true religion, smacks of arrogance.
A satisfying outcome (for me) is when the arrogant Christians pay their way to sneak onto the off-limits island near India, where the primitive tribe stays isolated by their choice and the idiot who thinks he's going to convert them, gets filled full of arrows as a result of his stupidity.
Found your song......

No sympathy for missionaries.
It's pretty clear this is an understatement. Why bother trying to mask your loathing at all? Just curious, did anyone like them ever harm you, personally? Or do you just hate the idea of the existence of anything that might have the power to demand you obey him/it?
No sympathy for missionaries. They're always going in, trying to convert people to their religion. All the people in Haiti are aware of Christianity and there are ample churches there, if they wanted to go to them.
I just watched a video where some white guy was with an interpreter talking to a couple of people from a hunter-gatherer tribe. After asking what they considered the most important things in their life, which turns out to be the obvious, meat and water, his next few questions were, "What do you do with your dead?" "What do you think happens after you die?" and "Do you think you see them when you die?" Their response was, "They go up to the sun." and "yes." While the short video ends there, it doesn't take much to know where this guy was going. I'm sure he went on to start preaching.
Various primitive tribes have their own religion, mostly animist and similar to our Native American original beliefs. Whatever belief they hold, they should be left alone to have it. There are over an estimated 4,300 religions in the world, with each claiming to be the true religion and if someone claims theirs it the only true one. For any individual to claim their religion is the only true religion, smacks of arrogance.
A satisfying outcome (for me) is when the arrogant Christians pay their way to sneak onto the off-limits island near India, where the primitive tribe stays isolated by their choice and the idiot who thinks he's going to convert them, gets filled full of arrows as a result of his stupidity.
These aren't those kinds of missionaries. They didn't go to Haiti to convert the Heathens to Christianity. Haiti is already a Catholic country. True that there is a hefty amount of voodoo mixed in. Come Sunday they are in church listening to a priest give mass. These missionaries help with clean water delivery systems, farming and care of farm animals. They will clear land after a hurricane and build simple homes. The Hatians should be left to sink or swim on their own. I'm not a missionary. But no. These missionaries aren't there to convert the catholics.
Maybe we could get Dim Rep. Hank Johnson to go down there and make the island tip over.

By the way, this pic is supposedly from Port-Au-Prince, but it looks like it could be from downtown Portland Oregon.

View attachment 553752

So what makes you think none of these gang members are coming to America through our southern borders?
We are not vetting the mass of Haitian immigration. I think we will be in trouble before long.
It's pretty clear this is an understatement. Why bother trying to mask your loathing at all? Just curious, did anyone like them ever harm you, personally? Or do you just hate the idea of the existence of anything that might have the power to demand you obey him/it?
It's about the missionaries lack of respect for those that have their own religion (i.e., Buddhism, Hinduism, Animist, et cetera). In short, leave them alone.
Haitian gangism soon to be coming to an American city where Bi-Dung chooses to dump 'em.
Those cities won't know until it's too late as Joe's Admin. flies them in during the wee hours of the night!
Portland is a great destination for Haitian illegals. They'll acculturate right away, fit right in, and seamlessly blend in with Antifa!!

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