Guy from Montana Trailer Park

Throughout his career, Spribille had collected some 45,000 samples of lichens.

methinks empirical science needs to bow to Mr. Spribille's completely over the top OCD here...

Great story. Although, after having moved to Europe and getting his advanced degree, I'm not sure the trailer park has anything to do with it.

And yes, it was settled science. Until someone conducted research that changed it. Science is always changing, based on research.
Great story. Although, after having moved to Europe and getting his advanced degree, I'm not sure the trailer park has anything to do with it.

And yes, it was settled science. Until someone conducted research that changed it. Science is always changing, based on research.

I wouldn't say the science was settled if the lichenologists could not grow lichen in their labs.

Trailer park usually means you are poor. My take is while his homeschooling was lacking, it was still better than liberal and atheistic public schooling in Montana and its problems. Then this boy showed some initiative in pursuing his dream of a career in science when he could get some money.

"Reasons for homeschooling include:[24]

  • Seeking a higher academic level, and avoiding violence, intimidation, invasions of privacy (e.g., searches) and other hostile aspects of the public school culture.[25][26][27]
  • Freedom from a culture of depression and liberal and/or atheistic bias found in public and many private schools.[28][29][30] See: Religiousity and homeschooling. Interestingly, homeschooling has actually increased among irreligious parents, often for some of the same concerns as religious ones (flexibility in their children's education being a common one, along with the mandatory vaccine issue).
  • A more flexible daily schedule, ability to take vacations and travel during the school year, less commuting, and a healthier diet.[31]
  • Avoiding the frequent illnesses, unhealthy obesity, and fatigue that result from the daily routine of public schools
  • Avoiding conflicts with public school officials.
  • More time spent by parents with their children in formative years.
  • Avoiding objectionable vaccines, "mental health" screening, and questionnaires.
  • Avoiding competition between genders, including public school feminists favoring girls over boys.[32][33]
  • Developing the discipline to be self-employed as an adult, and to work at home.
  • Creating an environment in which students are less likely to pick up lifelong unhealthy habits from peers, like drug abuse, tobacco addiction, sex addiction, pornography, or alcohol.
  • Having the time and availability to learn a trade or profession as an apprentice, as has been done throughout history.
  • Homeschooling is often an essential approach to achieve the very best in many fields, from mathematics to music to certain sports.[34]
  • Be part of a community that has a much higher percentage of adopted children than formal school; the homeschooling community has a refreshing culture of life.
  • Avoiding being subjected to homosexual indoctrination.
  • Avoiding political indoctrination.
  • Homeschoolers are seen to develop independent thinking and self-reliance that help insulate them from techniques of mind control that afflict public school students and teachers[35]
  • Assuring the rights of parents to control the education, upbringing and discipline of their children.
  • Giving children a safer learning environment free from the risks of bullying and mass school shootings.[36][37]
It should also be noted that stay at home moms, the most common teachers for homeschooling, reported having happier lives than their working counterparts.[38]"

Homeschooling - Conservapedia
Maybe there is an "a-ha" science lesson for us here. The story took me back when I was a little boy and we used to go camping. It wasn't in a trailer, but a park and tents. When I looked at the tall forest with its majestic California pines, I saw its beauty and complexity and thought God (creator). It was the type of wonder that we get from stories like this. I just didn't know how to explain it as beauty and complexity until I became an adult.

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