Guns Are Welcome Sign At Restaurant


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
I found it interesting that the Yankee visiting from Cleveland wouldn't feel comfortable with this at home but were fine with it in the South.
What is that saying about Cleveland?

'Guns are Welcome' signs posted at Maryville family restaurant

At a nearby table, a group from Cleveland, Ohio, had their take on the signs.

"We laughed, to be honest. It is the perfect expectation of coming to the South. It doesn't bother me, I grew up around guns. But I probably wouldn't go into a restaurant in Cleveland that had that on the door, but I have no problem coming into a restaurant down here that has that on the door."

'Guns are Welcome' signs posted at Maryville family restaurant
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Folks need to support these establishments. Safety is paramount and trumps the rights of would be thugs and other associated malcontents

If that's what the owner wants that is fine. Same if a business owner bans guns in their establishment. Their right as a business owner.
I don't need to. There have been no mass aborting sprees.

No. None at all. Depending on your definition of "sprees".

"According to the World Health Organization, every year in the world there are an estimated 40-50 million abortions. This corresponds to approximately 125,000 abortions per day."

40-50 million per year = 109,589 - 136,586 abortions per day.

Abortion Statistics - Worldometers

One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

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I found it interesting that the Yankee visiting from Cleveland wouldn't feel comfortable with this at home but were fine with it in the South.
What is that saying about Cleveland?

'Guns are Welcome' signs posted at Maryville family restaurant

At a nearby table, a group from Cleveland, Ohio, had their take on the signs.

"We laughed, to be honest. It is the perfect expectation of coming to the South. It doesn't bother me, I grew up around guns. But I probably wouldn't go into a restaurant in Cleveland that had that on the door, but I have no problem coming into a restaurant down here that has that on the door."

'Guns are Welcome' signs posted at Maryville family restaurant

That is a rather strange comment. Why does he not mind open carry at a restaurant in the south but not in his own state? I wonder if he realizes that he has a much higher chance of getting robbed than shot by a law-abiding gun owner? The anti-gun crowd are nuttier than squirrel poop.

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