Ground troops needed to purge Iran ‘influence’ in Yemen — Bahrain


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
The Sunnis are really determined that Iran is not going to influence the region if they are now suggesting ground troops in Yemen.

Ground troops needed to purge Iran ‘influence’ in Yemen — Bahrain

By AFP - Sep 11,2015 - Last updated at Sep 11,2015

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Military armoured vehicles carrying soldiers loyal to Yemen's exiled government are seen on a road in the northern province of Marib on Wednesday (Reuters photo)

PARIS — Bahrain's Foreign Minister Khaled Bin Ahmed Al Khalifa called for a ground offensive "to eliminate the Iranian influence" in Yemen, in an interview with France's Le Figaro newspaper published Thursday.

"We need to be present on the ground to obtain the application of UN Resolution 2216 and the return of the legitimate authority to power," he said.

"We must be sure that we completely eliminate the Iranian influence and that of their Houthi allies."

Bahrain is part of an Arab coalition that since March has been striking from the air at the Shiite Houthi rebels in a bid to prevent them from taking full control of Yemen, and to restore the rule of President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who is exiled in Saudi Arabia.

- See more at:

Ground troops needed to purge Iran ‘influence’ in Yemen — Bahrain | Jordan Times
Yemen should be left alone, SA should use diplomacy like Obama did with Iran. Your a Saudi fan though.
Yemen should be left alone, SA should use diplomacy like Obama did with Iran. Your a Saudi fan though.

Why, Penelope, you are an Iranian Shia fan which means you cheer on the Houtis, Hezbollah or any group which is helping Iran in its effort to control the Middle East.
Yemen should be left alone, SA should use diplomacy like Obama did with Iran. Your a Saudi fan though.

Why, Penelope, you are an Iranian Shia fan which means you cheer on the Houtis, Hezbollah or any group which is helping Iran in its effort to control the Middle East.

They are mainly in defensive mode, from offensive attacks. SA attacked Yemen first , loosing control of it.
Same with Hezbollah. Iran is helping its allies.
Yemen should be left alone, SA should use diplomacy like Obama did with Iran. Your a Saudi fan though.

Why, Penelope, you are an Iranian Shia fan which means you cheer on the Houtis, Hezbollah or any group which is helping Iran in its effort to control the Middle East.

They are mainly in defensive mode, from offensive attacks. SA attacked Yemen first , loosing control of it.
Same with Hezbollah. Iran is helping its allies.

For the "HELP" that Iran is giving yemen-----find a YEMENI (Lots in the USA)
If you can be friends---(not easy) you might be able to discuss with him what he
thinks of the 'HELP' his people are getting from Iran------stand clear-----he might
vomit. Saudi arabia did not seek "control" of yemen------IRAN has done that by
extensively arming the Shiite minority and even throwing Hezbollah animals into that
country------it is a very sad situation for the Yemenis------they are victims of IRANIAN FILTH. Iran wants to get its bloody paws on the "ROCK" in mecca----he who owns the rock -----OWNS THE HEART OF THE "ummah"
You had best read about Wahhabism and who the real threat is, Saudi Arabia.
You had best read about Wahhabism and who the real threat is, Saudi Arabia.

I had "best read" ??? what a joke you are--------I know all about it-----Saudi arabia is no threat------you never met a Saudi in your life-------you suck Shiite cock and dance on the dead bodies of Yemeni infants
You had best read about Wahhabism and who the real threat is, Saudi Arabia.

I had "best read" ??? what a joke you are--------I know all about it-----Saudi arabia is no threat------you never met a Saudi in your life-------you suck Shiite cock and dance on the dead bodies of Yemeni infants

Saudi Arabia is the center of radical theology, when most radical get their theology from , with their Wahhabism. You had best read up on it. Shiite are not the radicals and Iran is not either.
You had best read about Wahhabism and who the real threat is, Saudi Arabia.

I had "best read" ??? what a joke you are--------I know all about it-----Saudi arabia is no threat------you never met a Saudi in your life-------you suck Shiite cock and dance on the dead bodies of Yemeni infants

Saudi Arabia is the center of radical theology, when most radical get their theology from , with their Wahhabism. You had best read up on it. Shiite are not the radicals and Iran is not either.

You know nothing about it, Penelope-----well---actually you might but you are a
shill for Iranian filth. and ---- an islamo naziette I do not have to "read up"
on it-------I have socialized with Saudis and Iranians since before you were born---and my husband was born in Yemen. In my childhood -----I both socialized with
people born in Germany ----AND read the islamo Nazi literature. And I lived in
a town in which lots of people were Nazis just like you-------a bit illiterate and fascinated with the "INTELLECTUALISM" of escaped Nazi war criminals
You had best read about Wahhabism and who the real threat is, Saudi Arabia.
They are in the process of completely destroying the shale oil industry in the US, having decided to keep oil prices artificially low and lose money for the time being, just so they can eliminate their competition. Look it up. But they own Fox News, so to an American conservative, Saudi Arabia good, and people who oppose them are bad.
You had best read about Wahhabism and who the real threat is, Saudi Arabia.

I had "best read" ??? what a joke you are--------I know all about it-----Saudi arabia is no threat------you never met a Saudi in your life-------you suck Shiite cock and dance on the dead bodies of Yemeni infants

Saudi Arabia is the center of radical theology, when most radical get their theology from , with their Wahhabism. You had best read up on it. Shiite are not the radicals and Iran is not either.

You know nothing about it, Penelope-----well---actually you might but you are a
shill for Iranian filth. and ---- an islamo naziette I do not have to "read up"
on it-------I have socialized with Saudis and Iranians since before you were born---and my husband was born in Yemen. In my childhood -----I both socialized with
people born in Germany ----AND read the islamo Nazi literature. And I lived in
a town in which lots of people were Nazis just like you-------a bit illiterate and fascinated with the "INTELLECTUALISM" of escaped Nazi war criminals

Iran are not the terrorist, SA are the global terrorist and train them. (things have changed since your childhood) This is 2015

Salafi movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You had best read about Wahhabism and who the real threat is, Saudi Arabia.

I had "best read" ??? what a joke you are--------I know all about it-----Saudi arabia is no threat------you never met a Saudi in your life-------you suck Shiite cock and dance on the dead bodies of Yemeni infants

Saudi Arabia is the center of radical theology, when most radical get their theology from , with their Wahhabism. You had best read up on it. Shiite are not the radicals and Iran is not either.

You know nothing about it, Penelope-----well---actually you might but you are a
shill for Iranian filth. and ---- an islamo naziette I do not have to "read up"
on it-------I have socialized with Saudis and Iranians since before you were born---and my husband was born in Yemen. In my childhood -----I both socialized with
people born in Germany ----AND read the islamo Nazi literature. And I lived in
a town in which lots of people were Nazis just like you-------a bit illiterate and fascinated with the "INTELLECTUALISM" of escaped Nazi war criminals

Iran are not the terrorist, SA are the global terrorist and train them. (things have changed since your childhood) This is 2015

Salafi movement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

your citation adds nothing to the conversation-----there are lots of
Islamic "movements" thru history-----and MANY involving "STRICT"
interpretation------this stuff has been going on for 1400 years----nothing
has changed in the islamo Nazi ideology since I was a child other than
an occasional "name change" -----the concept of VIOLENT JIHAD
is nothing new--------READ THE KORAN and review history
You had best read about Wahhabism and who the real threat is, Saudi Arabia.
They are in the process of completely destroying the shale oil industry in the US, having decided to keep oil prices artificially low and lose money for the time being, just so they can eliminate their competition. Look it up. But they own Fox News, so to an American conservative, Saudi Arabia good, and people who oppose them are bad.

a bit simplistic OLDSCHOOL------but I see your point
You had best read about Wahhabism and who the real threat is, Saudi Arabia.
They are in the process of completely destroying the shale oil industry in the US, having decided to keep oil prices artificially low and lose money for the time being, just so they can eliminate their competition. Look it up. But they own Fox News, so to an American conservative, Saudi Arabia good, and people who oppose them are bad.

school who is "they" ???? The manner in which you have written
your post---suggests that you imagine that WAHHABIES are destroying the
US shale oil industry. For those who do not know----yet------Iran has no
interest in Yemen other than as a gateway to attack Saudi Arabia and to gain control of MOST OF THE OIL SHIPPING water ways and ports------AND to get its grubby
Shiite paws on the VAST UNTAPPED OIL RESERVES IN YEMEN-------shiite ambition is INFINITE
Iran has never attacked another country that I'm aware of.

You are not at all aware Iran is attacking both Yemen and Saudi arabia
right now. Hezbollah was created by Iran for the sole purpose of blowing
the brains out of Israeli children with long range missiles------of the nail
bomb type-------Iran now has GRABBED CONTROL----by brute force-----of
Sanaa ---the capital of Yemen and the two most important port cities
of the RED SEA-----MAJOR WOLRD OIL ROUTES------Taiz and Aden---
and Yemen's airport--- in TAIZ-

Iran/Hezbollah------did a saturation bombing of HAIFA------densely populated

lots of terrorism around the world as you dance on the dead bodies
of Yemeni children---of the sunni kind
What do you care about Yemen anyway. SA is bombing it to death. The Saudi's just want the land. SA is where the terrorist come from and are financed. Hezbollah and Hamas would not bother Israel if Israel would not bother the Palestinians and Lebanon. I get your on Israel's side, but let Yemen be who Yemen in and apparently they do not want to be under the Saudi monarchy, and I don't blame them one bit.

In the Shiite prophecy............countries like Bahrain and SA need to fall.............and the army of the faithful must await the Mahdri or 12th Imam to bring the end of times..................

It is what THEY believe, not what I believe......but is why they are doing what they are doing now..............They believe it is coming, and are preparing for it.
Raphael Shore is a Canadian-Israeli film writer,[1] producer, and rabbi. He is the founder of The Clarion Fund, a non-profit organization that seeks to "educate Americans about issues of national security".

Raphael Shore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think I'll pass. Thank you. We have Christians and Jews who believe the same thing. That one preacher(Christian) crook was on TV selling caned food to last for several years, and they even had metal houses to be put underground with all the necessities, but if I may say, all humans and countries are so fearful of each other on edge now, it won't take much for some lunatic to push the button and start it rolling.

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