Green Knight: A Celebrity Dressing


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a holiday-season 'celebrity-world eco-consciousness vignette' inspired by the festive films The Lorax and Halloween is Grinch Night.

Signing off,



American TV actress and media-personality Lori Loughlin wanted to toast her involvement in the Hallmark Channel's new holiday-season movie marathon/line-up by throwing a special 'green-colored Irish-culture themed holiday-party (right after Thanksgiving) at the Empire State Building (ESB). Her consultants hired special security officials to monitor for any terrorism-related suspicious activity (America was on edge, after all, after 9/11). Loughlin's design-consultants made special green St. Nick invitation cards for the ESB party as well as a mini-engagement party for Loughlin's son Patrick (in Ohio).


Lots of people showed up at both venues (Patrick's engagement event as well as the ESB party). There were the usual red-fashion Christmasy frills but an abundance of green ornaments and accessories seen just about everywhere! Loughlin was thrilled when Hollywood movie star Leo DiCaprio showed up at the ESB party so he could talk about 'green-party rhetorics' as they (somehow) relate to eco-consciousness oriented 'social event planning' (e.g., Facebook Eco-Awareness Ornaments on politicians' profile pages!). Loughlin herself wore a green velvet ball-gown at the ESB party.


One little boy at the ESB party walked up to the incredibly ornamented giant Christmas tree which housed a special green bird's nest with eggs. The little boy picked up the eggs and handed them to Loughlin and told her the bird seemed happy the decorations were all green-colored (just like the color of grass and real trees!). Loughlin was so happy the little boy was inspired and took a selfie with him on her iPhone to upload onto her Facebook celebrity profile-page. Everyone remarked how the ESB party helped people get over the pure tragedy of 9/11.


The food was incredible too (both at Patrick's green engagement event and at the green ESB event). The table-settings were very similar and arranged specially by Crate & Barrel. There were white candles and flower-plates with a rustic earthen-toned table-center lining and of course lots of pine leaves. There was gourmet Shrimp Pesto Fettucine, Green Apple Pie, Key-Lime Pudding, Mint-Flavored Filet Mignon, Green-Pea Soup with Cinnamon, Green Indian Pakoras, and even Green Rum. People were either drunk, stuffed, dancing, or everything. DiCaprio called it the best 'green party ever.'


Loughlin had her agents distribute special gift-boxes (at both events) arranged by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation (an eco-consciousness organization) with green ribbons at both events. The gift-boxes contained gift-cards at eco-conscious stores and organic farming goods companies, eco-activism rebate offers for donating contained gift-clothing items to the needy for the coming cold winter, and specially-knit Captain Planet eco-consciousness unisex holiday sweaters. Patrick put his Captain Planet sweater on right away and took a picture with his mother (for his Facebook page!).


When Loughlin got home two days later, she put up a special mistletoe chandelier in her house foyer to commemorate the fun and success of the ESB party as well as Patrick's engagement party! Loughlin would walk by the chandelier and remark on the joy that her specially-planned (and perfectly-executed) 'green-party' idea afforded to all the guests. Leo DiCaprio mentioned Loughlin's ambitious but rather ideal 'social event' on The Today Show. Everyone seemed to be 'eco-happy' and it was all thanks to Loughlin's efforts!


When Hollywood movie superstar Tom Cruise read about Loughlin's green-idea and heard DiCaprio talk about it on TV, he decided to host a special green-rum cocktail party at a rented pub in Ontario (Canada) to merge 'eco-consciousness networking' with his personal interests in Scientology. At the party, various important members of the Scientology community Cruise knew personally showed up to talk about how Scientology can contribute to the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. DiCaprio called the affair 'the 2nd best green party ever!'


Well, ironically enough a crazed lunatic read about the green-rum both at the Loughlin parties and the Cruise pub-gathering and decided to open a bar (he was a wealthy businessman) where he would serve green-rum containing a deadly amount of LSD so the customers would literally go mad after drinking! This lunatic did not believe simple 'parties' at the ESB or an Ontario pub could erase the haunting memory of 9/11. The lunatic would become the 'New Unabomber,' but fortunately, a democracy-crusader rose to challenge him --- a self-proclaimed 'capitalism-vigilante' named Green Knight! DiCaprio remarked, "Perhaps creativity will triumph."



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