Greece: Debt *MORE* than TOTAL HOAX, it's fulfilling BLACK is WHITE


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Published Feb 2015. Added text signaled by more recent date.

Mock and humiliate greeks agenda:
The more Greece is robbed the more traitor Tsipras smiles.
Same as Varoufakis, the "radical leftist" who suddenly stepped on stage, a fake identity: Var-you-fack-us, the greeks.
Reminder the ultimate episode of this agenda, mocking not only greeks but human cattle all over the world:
Global Banking collapse averted only if pensions of 1 million greek pensioners are reduced from 650 to 500 €.

Roles of nazi agents Tsipras and "Putin"
- main role: to transfer to illuminati central safes what they rob from disarmed citizens.
- main psy-op role: to convince greeks that "there's no alternative to EU and euro".
- other key roles: sell as legit the voting farce: Jan 2015 election - pro-Troika parties had in reality only 15% of votes.
Added Jun 2015: Referendum to be yet another rigged event.

Greece: Debt is MORE than a TOTAL HOAX:
It's illuminati fulfilling their religion's commandment of BLACK is WHITE.
In other words: Greece is in fact one of the states financing germans, from holidays in the 32,000 km of greek coasts to fresh vegetables in winter.
Fake Putin's treasonous gov, supplies gas and oil BELOW production costs to their illuminazi masters while it drastically reduces pensions of russians.
That's the main reason why germans can heat houses more than half of the year and fill their cars's fuel tanks.
But germans drive them in toll free highways thanks to what the treasonous governments of EU states transfer to illuminati central safes.

Dec 2010: Portugal or Greece now richer in natural resources than Germany
Good Economics Sovereign Debt HOAX BIG LIE v the simple TRUTH PORTUGAL or GREECE are TODAY richer than GERMANY

Varoufakis, same as John Nash "schizophrenic Beautiful Mind, mathematician who got the Nobel Prize in Economics for creating Game Theory": yet another "beautiful mind" created to mock the human cattle.
Illuminati Icons Varoufakis fake identity to mock greeks

Fake Putin's arsenal of bombs for his suicide mission; from fake downed Boeing to real torched monastery
Illuminati suicide bombers Fake Putin s arsenal of bombs for his suicide mission

Black Is White - have the human cattle robotically repeat it Illuminati s third commandment Greece Debt MORE than TOTAL HOAX
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Germans can't heat their houses for half the year? Is there a need to during summer and fall?

They can't fill their cars with gas? Is that why there are so many staus on the autobahns?

Greeks are "financing" Germans?

I'd ask you to pull your head out of your ass, but I suspect you like it up there.
The hundreds of billions in Greek debt / loans are as real as the trillions that the chinese stock "market" lost in the last days.

Debt hoax: fake IMF/ECB loans: D'Alemma in truth in plain sight
D'Alemma has been playing the role of controlled opposition in key agendas for decades now.
Best example: in 1999 he was playing for a while the only EU goverment to oppose the coming bombings of Serbia.

Debt hoax: the fake loans:
Illuminati agent D'Alemma fulfills illuminati religion's commandment of truth in plain sight.
At the same time D'Alemma repeats these hoaxes
- the numbers about the fake loans: "hundreds of billions of euros".
- the starting point: "Germany is rich and Greece is poor" as implied in "The poor country is getting poorer, the rich country richer".
In other words: D'Alemma diverts from the core of the hoax: the main goal of the debt hoax is not to make greeks (same for portuguese & Co) believe the billions in fake loans but to divert from the billions generated by their economy, from agriculture to tourism, transferred by the treasonous government to the illuminati central safes.

"We gave Greece 250 billion. Euro, but not for the pensions of the Greeks, but to pay interest to the banks," ...
"In a poor country like Greece, enormous sums are being transferred to a rich country like Germany by the difference in interest rates. The poor country is getting poorer, the rich country richer "
"When the impoverished country can no longer pay debts therein comes the European aid. We gave Greece 250 billion. Euro, but not for the pensions of the Greeks, but to pay interest on the German, French and a small percentage in Italian banks. Two hundred and twenty billion of the Euro 250 billion assistance went directly to the German ... banks"
"In fact, when it is said that we pay the pensions of the Greeks-this is a lie we do not, we pay the German banks. This is true. This is money making a circle, but the Greeks did not even get a wiff of the moneys smell. " - Greece Bailout was used to save the German French and Italian Banks

What d'Alemma won't tell is the core lie:
Greece: Debt *MORE* than TOTAL HOAX, it's illuminati fulfilling BLACK is WHITE
Black Is White - have the human cattle robotically repeat it Illuminati s third commandment Greece Debt MORE than TOTAL HOAX

"Markets" is nothing but a psy-op used mostly to mock human cattle.
The remants of a market were annihilated by successive psy-ops from 1990 until 2001 ("new economy" / Dot-com bubble; price manipulation of of raw materials pushed to the limits with oil, etc).
End Times Data Cash Run begins in ... Swiss Banks short after Begin of End Time Billions Bailouts

Global Slavery From the USA to CHINA. Start here:
CHINA: Organ Harvesting from slaves - HORRIBLE TRUTH - what illuminati puppets are doing to chinese
Global Slavery - Transition to Illuminati s Ultimate Goal CHINA Organ Harvesting from slaves - HORRIBLE TRUTH - what illuminati puppets are doing to chinese

Illuminati passing the truth hidden in plain sight Greece Debt hoax fake IMF ECB loans D Alemma in truth in plain sight
Varoufakis alias Var-you-fak-us resigns for dummies:
This psy-op sets the stage for these two acts:
1. to push the humiliation and robbery of greeks to new limits, by having nazi agent Tsipras, reverse the result of the referendum (added July 11: within less than a week ).
2. confiscation, the final stage of robbery of greeks, stripped of deposits before the rest of the PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Spain).
The rest of the human cattle will be also stripped immediately after the BIG BANG, that starts in Jerusalem with the resurection of Osama Bin Laden crucified to the missing Boeing 777 and Obama's staged arrest one or a few days later.

YES wins at the end of the (5) day(s)
July 11, staged as usual in similar acts of illuminati theater, in this case "Tsipras vs dissenters", as "finally reaching a result on a Friday after hours", in this case, Saturday 3 A.M. ;
YES to The "troika's austerity plan" pushing robbery and humiliation of greeks to new limits, from more cuts in pensions to increase in retirement age to 67 and in VAT to 23% for about everything.
It was as simple as to repackage it as "proposal by the greek government approved by 251 out of 300 votes in Parliament".

As presented by illuminati media:
The austerity measures Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' government is proposing are so far from his radical left Syriza party's policies that he suffered severe dissent in a late-night parliamentary debate that culminated in a 3:30 a.m. (0730 GMT) vote Saturday.
It comes less than a week after 61 percent of voters opposed similar reforms, proposed by creditors, in a referendum. last Sunday.
Greece meets skeptical European creditors in search of help - Yahoo News

Referendum - Humiliation and Robery of Greeks pushed to new limits - Script explained immediately after it was announced
Illuminati suicide bombers GREECE REFERENDUM RIGGED Tsipras AND OR Varoufakis resign
Last Prophet's words (revised) from Sep 11 2015, one week before the illuminati "victory" in Greece.
In other words: nine months after the illuminati "defeats" in the January 2015 "election" and two monthes after the "NO" to "EU austerity" in the "referendum".

Elections repeated psy-op technique: Overview
- Introduction - updated Jul 18, 2015
- turning illuminati "defeats" into "victories"; BIG LIE and suicide bombers
- 2015: Greece sets two milestones
- contrast Greece with Turkey: parallel reverse scripts

Introduction - updated Jul 18, 2015
After reading it you'll know that defeat and victory are enquoted in title for two different reasons. As for the power of End Times Reductionism:
You willl also know nearly EVERYTHING about politics in
1. - Turkey and Greece.
Missing detais include the staged coup in Turkey, which leads to something that is NOT a detail: the coming turkish boots on the ground in Syria, staring Aug 1 (see added link in the Basics section).
2. - UK, Portugal and Venezuela, although they are each mentioned only once in article's body.
Missing detais include fake deaths, from Chavez 2013 to Jo Cox 2016;
As for Costa, since November 2015 "prime-minister" of Portugal plays additiionally the same role in setting the stage for the manhunt for non-whites as the muslim mayor of London additionally does for muslims.
Side note: this fully starts with Obama's staged arrest, as soon as the syrian rebels are crushed.
3. - every other nation of the IV Reich, although they are not mentioned even once in article's body.

Elections repeated: turning illuminati "defeats" into "victories": BIG LIE + suicide bombers
Staging a previous "defeat" to be soon turned into a victory is a psy-op technique based on "the bigger the lie the more people will believe it" foundation of the BIG LIE framework.
In other words: the introductory step, the defeat, is meant to make the coming victory more credible.
The technique is also based on having those who supposedly inflicted the defeat to the illuminati start to push their role as suicide bombers to new limits immediately after. Goals:
- to enforce the "coming victory is credible" agenda.;
- to decisevely discredit the cause that was supposedly victorious in the first step.

Repeat elections technique: Examples of suicide bombers casted as victorious
All these illuminati actors started or will start immediately after their "victory" to blow themselves up:
Maduro in Venezuela since 2013, Tsipras in Greece since January 2015, coming remake of Greece in Portugal with "leftist" Costa, coming Brexit victors.

Elections repeated technique: 2015: Greece sets two milestones
For the first time the illuminati
1. stage not one but TWO introductory defeats before the coming victory next week (Sep 20 2015).
2. will serve their victory as "defeat". In other words: unlike the January election and the result of the July referendum, Tsipras will fail to form an "anti-austerity" government.

Greece; coming illuminati "victory": why Tsipras will remain "prime minister" afterwards
1. 80% of the greeks will not accept the pre-Tsipras parties
2. Tsipras role will be to detinate even stronger suicide bombs. Goals:
- destroy the credibility of the "opposition"
- have greeks swallow "austerity" pushed to new limits that would otherwise lead to a dangerous uprising.

Elections repeated 2015: contrast Greece with Turkey: parallel reverse scripts
"Elections" totally rigged, all parties controlled by the illuminati, same as in the rest of the IV Reich.
Tsipras first ilflicts a defeat to the illuminati, not once but twice: January election and 60% (in reality 80%) in the referendum, or in other words both times "anti-austerity" absolute majority.
Two months later a new election where the script has the illuminati agents playng anti-austerity
- failing to get the absolute majority
- forced into an alliance with a "right wing" party and so push the robbery of greeks even further, continuing to use the same mockery: Greece's sovereign debt".
Turkey :
2015 two elections: coming repetition will turn "Erdogan's defeat" in Jul 2015 with 42% of the votes and failure to get absolute majority into a victory.
Reality Erdogan got just over 21% of the votes, similar to what Cameron got in the UK and was served as "37%, enough in the UK for absolute majority".
Turkey: Parallelism to Greece:
- elections repeated to turn an illuminati defeat into a victory
- both Tsipras and Erdogan remain in office after their failure to get an absolute majority
Turkey; Reverse to Greece:
- Erdogan, unlike Tsipras, doesn't play suicide bomber.
- Erdogan remains in office after illuminati's "defeat", Tsipras remains in office after illuminati's victory

All in Blog
BIG LIE TECHNIQUE: Election repeated Turkey Greece parallel reverse script before Brexit

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