great news for Africa, Zimbabwe: " white farmers can apply to have the land back."


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

great news for Africa, Zimbabwe white farmers can apply to have the land back. finally Zimbabweans will get something to eat and to sell abroad , I hope SA Bantu radicals read it

great news for Africa, Zimbabwe white farmers can apply to have the land back. finally Zimbabweans will get something to eat and to sell abroad , I hope SU Bantu radicals read it
Meaningless now. They've all left the country and many are dead. The land-catastrophe was 30 years ago.

great news for Africa, Zimbabwe white farmers can apply to have the land back. finally Zimbabweans will get something to eat and to sell abroad , I hope SU Bantu radicals read it
Meaningless now. They've all left the country and many are dead. The land-catastrophe was 30 years ago.

my guess the sons and daughters can try

great news for Africa, Zimbabwe white farmers can apply to have the land back. finally Zimbabweans will get something to eat and to sell abroad , I hope SU Bantu radicals read it
Meaningless now. They've all left the country and many are dead. The land-catastrophe was 30 years ago.

my guess the sons and daughters can try
Who wants to live in a shithole?

farmers ?)

Mugabe: how the bread basket of Africa became a basket-case › World › Africa › Robert Mugabe

Sep 8, 2019 - At the sun rose on Zimbabwe's independence, now-president Robert Mugabe called for reconciliation, courted Western governments and ...

Why are Zimbabweans stupid? Why would they give land back? Do you know how much cocaine they could grow on those confiscated lands? We need a break from all these latino king pins. I predict a bright future for the economy of Zimbabwe, they would certainly have something to sell as well as eat, if only they could finish what they start.
The returning white farmers won't own the land, but are granted a 99 year lease. Which means their children and grandkids will not have an inheritance.
Also, the Zimbabwe national constitution says the government owns all of the land and can take it for any reason. ... :cool:
The returning white farmers won't own the land, but are granted a 99 year lease. Which means their children and grandkids will not have an inheritance.
Also, the Zimbabwe national constitution says the government owns all of the land and can take it for any reason. ... :cool:

That is the same then as in the United States or in any European socialist country. Anyone who really thinks he owns land should get his head checked. As soon as something happens to you, e.g. your exports have a bad year, or your tourists are held back, you will not meet your e.g. school tax obligations, and you can whistle for your land. Most European aristocrats who took good care of their lands for many centuries lost all in one swoop because of this. At least Mugabe is honest enough, and he has enough integrity, not to subject his white opponents to inheritance taxes western style in order to achieve the same. If Mugabe was truly evil, then these white farmers would not only lose their lands but also their very last penny, western style.

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