Great Depression killed 7 million people in USA. Muscovite, imperial, pro - putin propaganda clams!!


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Great Depression killed 7 million people in USA, Muscovite imperial pro - putin propaganda clams. one for sure Muscovite imperialists are not very intelligent creatures if they buy such total crap , I see all over again this argument in dissolution around Holodomor , question to the forum members , have met somebody (non Muscovite) who believed that Great Depression killed 7 million people in USA?


The researcher, Boris Borisov, in his article titled “The American Famine” estimated the victims of the financial crisis in the US at over seven million people. The researcher also directly compared the US events of 1932-1933 with Holodomor, or Famine, in the USSR during 1932-1933.
In the article, Borisov used the official data of the US Census Bureau. Having revised the number of the US population, birth and date rates, immigration and emigration, the researcher came to conclusion that the United States lost over seven million people during the famine of 1932-1933.

“According to the US statistics, the US lost not less than 8 million 553 thousand people from 1931 to 1940. Afterwards, population growth indices change twice instantly exactly between 1930-1931: the indices drop and stay on the same level for ten years. There can no explanation to this phenomenon found in the extensive text of the report by the US Department of Commerce “Statistical Abstract of the United States,” the author wrote.
Famine killed 7 million people in USA

"Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine" by Anne Applebaum


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