Government Should Teach Traditional Values

You are ignorant and lack the capacity to critically think. That is your problem. Not mine.
See if your nearest library is still open. Hurry.

1. So, we agree....the Progressives, and the Progressive Era....represent the very worst aspects of America and American history.
Very good.

2. The modern progressives? Clinton and Obama....

3. Now, your homework: learn how to use the quotes in your posts..

Did you want to say 'sorry'?

I'm not sorry about anything. You pulled from an obvious right wing site. You utilized book reviews rather than having read the material. Now, go fuck yourself.

OOOOOhhhh....naughty language....usually means you've lost the arguement.
And you have.

You provided naught to refute the facts that I provided...that Progressives have regularly felt the need to kill those they find less than up to their standards.

And, you actually agreed that force sterilization was exactly what I said it was, it's provenance and its results.
And let's not forget abortion...right, Progressives.
Disgusting examples of humanity, eh?

Now it's time for you to go home and set up the “Slip and Slide” so it ends in the knife drawer.
Is that too 'progressive'?
  • Thanks
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1. So, we agree....the Progressives, and the Progressive Era....represent the very worst aspects of America and American history.
Very good.

2. The modern progressives? Clinton and Obama....

3. Now, your homework: learn how to use the quotes in your posts..

Did you want to say 'sorry'?

I'm not sorry about anything. You pulled from an obvious right wing site. You utilized book reviews rather than having read the material. Now, go fuck yourself.

OOOOOhhhh....naughty language....usually means you've lost the arguement.
And you have.

You provided naught to refute the facts that I provided...that Progressives have regularly felt the need to kill those they find less than up to their standards.

And, you actually agreed that force sterilization was exactly what I said it was, it's provenance and its results.
And let's not forget abortion...right, Progressives.
Disgusting examples of humanity, eh?

Now it's time for you to go home and set up the “Slip and Slide” so it ends in the knife drawer.
Is that too 'progressive'?

Abortion is a choice. Don't want one? Don't have one. Sanger's writings are on line. You should be aware that your information is lacking specifically the "quoted text" of Sanger. She has work on line. She advocated birth control. At least make an attempt to know who you are referring to.

Black uses to reference her affiliation with Nazi information that is provided by two authors that knew that she was not involved but were advocates against abortion. One is George Grant and the other is written by Drogin.Secondly, she does not have any material in the Birth Control mag after 1929 because she quit. Holmes has never been touted in any law course that I have had as a liberal. Ever.

The reason that you look stupid is that you haven't read ANY of this material at all.
So, you would like a rebuttal to that which I have read and you have not.
City Pulse - December 10, 2003

And the reason that you want to play this game is because you are not the least bit interested in this time period. You don't give a damn. You want me to say............ZOMG "Progressive ERA"=Liberal her derr and you want me to say........that is more hideous than slavery and butchering Native Americans. Not because you truly give a fuck. And you know what? You don't win that. You get, this is an amazingly hideous time period AND that you might want to read up a bit more so that it does not happen again. That means checking who is funding what studies and scientists.

You are ignorant. You really are. Now, go fuck yourself.
Daveboy, you never get it.
Your problem is I get it all too well.
Look at the chart and consider the cost of college and why one might register as a Republican and why one might register as a Democrat.
The chart doesn't track motives. Your wishful thinking is not evidence. Fail.
The answer of course is those who grow up in a family whose work is in white collar jobs, banking, insurance, brokerage companies, etc. seek degrees in Business, Finance, Marketing, etc.

Those who grow up in families where the bread winner is in the trades or in a union job may apprentice, attend a trade school/community college or join the military.
No matter how desperately leftists try to insist America operates under a caste system, we don't.
I'm not sorry about anything. You pulled from an obvious right wing site. You utilized book reviews rather than having read the material. Now, go fuck yourself.

OOOOOhhhh....naughty language....usually means you've lost the arguement.
And you have.

You provided naught to refute the facts that I provided...that Progressives have regularly felt the need to kill those they find less than up to their standards.

And, you actually agreed that force sterilization was exactly what I said it was, it's provenance and its results.
And let's not forget abortion...right, Progressives.
Disgusting examples of humanity, eh?

Now it's time for you to go home and set up the “Slip and Slide” so it ends in the knife drawer.
Is that too 'progressive'?

Abortion is a choice. Don't want one? Don't have one. Sanger's writings are on line. You should be aware that your information is lacking specifically the "quoted text" of Sanger. She has work on line. She advocated birth control. At least make an attempt to know who you are referring to.
The Pivot of Civilization

Black uses to reference her affiliation with Nazi information that is provided by two authors that knew that she was not involved but were advocates against abortion. One is George Grant and the other is written by Drogin.Secondly, she does not have any material in the Birth Control mag after 1929 because she quit. Holmes has never been touted in any law course that I have had as a liberal. Ever.

The reason that you look stupid is that you haven't read ANY of this material at all.
So, you would like a rebuttal to that which I have read and you have not.
City Pulse - December 10, 2003

And the reason that you want to play this game is because you are not the least bit interested in this time period. You don't give a damn. You want me to say............ZOMG "Progressive ERA"=Liberal her derr and you want me to say........that is more hideous than slavery and butchering Native Americans. Not because you truly give a fuck. And you know what? You don't win that. You get, this is an amazingly hideous time period AND that you might want to read up a bit more so that it does not happen again. That means checking who is funding what studies and scientists.

You are ignorant. You really are. Now, go fuck yourself.

Wow....look at that language!

I'm really getting under your skin, huh?
Could be because you slipped up in mentioning the forced sterilization that the Left
champioined..... you're stuck with it!

So, let's review...

1. Early 20th century...the heyday of the Progressives! An ideology based on bringing paradise, utopia right here on earth! Of course, it would require both changing human nature, and 'removing' those who failed to meet Progressives' standards! Thus, forced sterilization, eugenics, and deathcamps.

Pretty good so far? Pretty Progressive? Or do you like 'Liberal' better?

2. Woodrow Wilson, first Progressive President...brought Jim Crow to Washington! Wilson believed that giving blacks the right to vote was “the foundation of every evil in this country.”

a. In the 800-page tome, “The State,” he wrote more popular commentary. One of his regular themes was the advocacy of progressive imperialism in order to subjugate, and thereby elevate, lesser races. As to the annexation of Puerto Rico and the Philippines, “they are children and we are men in these deep matters of government and justice…”

3. The ‘-isms’ of the early twentieth century were trans-Atlantic, yet, ironically, emphasized nationalism, and war, as well as the idea that nations were organic entities that benefitted from avant-garde scientific experts and social planners, exaltation of the public but derogation of the private. Eugenics was an integral part of this thinking. The views of Hegel and Darwin allowed these elites to treat the nation as a living thing, and thus deal with ills such as urban crowding, a rising population of the lower classes, poor public hygiene, and the advantages of dumbing down bourgeois culture, as one would treat the diseases one might suffer: biological extirpation, and eradication.

4. Madison Grant's works of "scientific racism" have been cited to demonstrate that many of the genocidal and eugenic ideas associated with the Third Reich did not arise specifically in Germany, and in fact that many of them had origins in other countries including the United States. Edwin Black: War Against the Weak. Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race, Four Walls Eight Windows: 2003, pp. 259, 273, 274-275, 296

Love those Progressives, don't you, you little Nazi worm?

5.Of course, H.G. Wells was an excellent spokeperson for your homicidal view:
"Wells, famous for his calls for ‘liberal fascism,’ and an ‘enlightened Nazism,’ supported the extermination of the ‘unfit’ and announced that in his ‘New Republic,’ “swarms of black and brown, and dirty-white and yellow people” would have to go. "The Forgotten H.G. Wells – waka waka waka

a. Le't not forget Oliver Wendell Holme's sterilization of Carrie Buck.
Love it??

6. After eugenics was discredited by Nazi use, leading American eugenicists turned to contraception and abortion for population control. In 1953 they issued a document entitled "Freedom of Choice for Parenthood: A Program of Positive Eugenics," in which they linked so-called "voluntary parenthood" to natural selection. CSC - The Darwinian Basis for Eugenics

a. Obama's 'science czar' John Holdren went further...he wanted poison in the water supply!

7. With the suppression of the radical left after World War I, Margaret Sanger decided to expand support for birth control by promoting it on the basis of medical and public health needs. In 1917 she established a new monthly, the Birth Control Review, and in 1921 she embarked on a campaign of education and publicity designed to win mainstream support for birth control by opening the American Birth Control League. MSPP > About Margaret Sanger > Biographical Sketch

a. At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood....Margaret Sanger spoke of sterilizing those she designated as "unfit," ...And she also spike of those who were "irresponsible and reckless," among whom she included those " whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers."...It was in 1939 that Sanger's larger vision for dealing with the reproductive practices of black Americans emerged | The Truth About Margaret Sanger - Page Two

b. Sanger and Dr. Clarence Gamble agreed on 'The Negro Project,' but they would hide their intent by putting a Negro minister at the head...
"...We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members [emphasis added]."
The Negro Project and Margaret Sanger

There you have an outline, you hideous little toad....Progressives aligned with human extermination as a policy...a la the Nazis.

Well, my little brown-shirted friend, how do you like them apples? the language....

and...which of us should hurry off to a library???

You can run, but you can't hide.
Daveboy, you never get it.
Your problem is I get it all too well.
Look at the chart and consider the cost of college and why one might register as a Republican and why one might register as a Democrat.
The chart doesn't track motives. Your wishful thinking is not evidence. Fail.
The answer of course is those who grow up in a family whose work is in white collar jobs, banking, insurance, brokerage companies, etc. seek degrees in Business, Finance, Marketing, etc.

Those who grow up in families where the bread winner is in the trades or in a union job may apprentice, attend a trade school/community college or join the military.

No matter how desperately leftists try to insist America operates under a caste system, we don't.

Funny. Your use of "caste" system suggests government policy is to keep the hoi polloi in 'their place' yet you seem to support callous conservativism, an ideology based on keeping others - the poor, women, minorities, immigrants, the aged, infirm and children - in their place.

The callous conservative cause is quite obvious, from making sure the ERA (equal rights amendment) did not become the law of the land to restricting a women right to choose and cutting funds for health care and the education of children; from moving high paying jobs overseas to fighting the working man's right to organize. Every goal of the New Right is an effort to create a caste system and make America into a Plutocracy.
Daveboy, you never get it.

No matter how desperately leftists try to insist America operates under a caste system, we don't.

While 90% of wry baby's comments are the sad result of his being dropped on his head, you must be living on another planet to believe America has no Caste System.

Certainly not an economic caste system....

The greatness of America: no permanent unerclasss.

More than three-quarters of those working Americans whose incomes were in the bottom 20 percent in 1975 were also in the top 40 percent of income earners at some point by 1991, says Sowell.
Source: Thomas Sowell, "How Media Misuse Income Data To Match Their Preconceptions," Investor's Business Daily, January 12, 2010.
For text:
How Media Misuse Income Data To Match Their Preconceptions -
Theodore Roosevelt was the very first progressive President,Political Chic
Woodrow Wilson was the most heavy handed progressive.
Daveboy, you never get it.

No matter how desperately leftists try to insist America operates under a caste system, we don't.

While 90% of wry baby's comments are the sad result of his being dropped on his head, you must be living on another planet to believe America has no Caste System.

I have to agree with Dave on that one. Herman Cain's dad, for instance, was a chauffeur and his mom was a maid. And look at what he has accomplished and now he is running for POTUS. I can point to my own family and my own life to demonstrate that nobody is confined by the circumstances of his/her birth in this country. Disadvantaged? Yes. In a situation where you have to work harder than the other guy? Yes. That happens and is sometimes the luck of the draw. But that is very different from a caste system.

That is one of the traditional values that I think should be emphasized in the schools and by everybody. If you are born poor, you don't have to stay poor. If you are ignorant there are limitless opportunities to educate yourself. Some of our most distinguished citizens would have been called 'disadvantaged' in their childhood and youth, and yet rose above their circumstances to achieve great things. Nobody should accept being a victim in this country but instead take advantages of the limitless opportunities that our Constitution affords us. Stop blaming and resenting the other guy and get busy.
Theodore Roosevelt was the very first progressive President,Political Chic
Woodrow Wilson was the most heavy handed progressive.

Actually, Roosevelt lost the election when he ran as a he was the first Progressive candidate.

In splitting the vote with Taft, he gave the election to the first President to run on progressive policies...

BTW, Wilson was the first President to have studied socialism.....he claimed it was the same as democracy.

And excellent book on the period, and the election: "1912," by James Chace.
OOOOOhhhh....naughty language....usually means you've lost the arguement.
And you have.

You provided naught to refute the facts that I provided...that Progressives have regularly felt the need to kill those they find less than up to their standards.

And, you actually agreed that force sterilization was exactly what I said it was, it's provenance and its results.
And let's not forget abortion...right, Progressives.
Disgusting examples of humanity, eh?

Now it's time for you to go home and set up the “Slip and Slide” so it ends in the knife drawer.
Is that too 'progressive'?

Abortion is a choice. Don't want one? Don't have one. Sanger's writings are on line. You should be aware that your information is lacking specifically the "quoted text" of Sanger. She has work on line. She advocated birth control. At least make an attempt to know who you are referring to.
The Pivot of Civilization

Black uses to reference her affiliation with Nazi information that is provided by two authors that knew that she was not involved but were advocates against abortion. One is George Grant and the other is written by Drogin.Secondly, she does not have any material in the Birth Control mag after 1929 because she quit. Holmes has never been touted in any law course that I have had as a liberal. Ever.

The reason that you look stupid is that you haven't read ANY of this material at all.
So, you would like a rebuttal to that which I have read and you have not.
City Pulse - December 10, 2003

And the reason that you want to play this game is because you are not the least bit interested in this time period. You don't give a damn. You want me to say............ZOMG "Progressive ERA"=Liberal her derr and you want me to say........that is more hideous than slavery and butchering Native Americans. Not because you truly give a fuck. And you know what? You don't win that. You get, this is an amazingly hideous time period AND that you might want to read up a bit more so that it does not happen again. That means checking who is funding what studies and scientists.

You are ignorant. You really are. Now, go fuck yourself.

Wow....look at that language!

I'm really getting under your skin, huh?
Could be because you slipped up in mentioning the forced sterilization that the Left
champioined..... you're stuck with it!

So, let's review...

1. Early 20th century...the heyday of the Progressives! An ideology based on bringing paradise, utopia right here on earth! Of course, it would require both changing human nature, and 'removing' those who failed to meet Progressives' standards! Thus, forced sterilization, eugenics, and deathcamps.

Pretty good so far? Pretty Progressive? Or do you like 'Liberal' better?

2. Woodrow Wilson, first Progressive President...brought Jim Crow to Washington! Wilson believed that giving blacks the right to vote was “the foundation of every evil in this country.”

a. In the 800-page tome, “The State,” he wrote more popular commentary. One of his regular themes was the advocacy of progressive imperialism in order to subjugate, and thereby elevate, lesser races. As to the annexation of Puerto Rico and the Philippines, “they are children and we are men in these deep matters of government and justice…”

3. The ‘-isms’ of the early twentieth century were trans-Atlantic, yet, ironically, emphasized nationalism, and war, as well as the idea that nations were organic entities that benefitted from avant-garde scientific experts and social planners, exaltation of the public but derogation of the private. Eugenics was an integral part of this thinking. The views of Hegel and Darwin allowed these elites to treat the nation as a living thing, and thus deal with ills such as urban crowding, a rising population of the lower classes, poor public hygiene, and the advantages of dumbing down bourgeois culture, as one would treat the diseases one might suffer: biological extirpation, and eradication.

4. Madison Grant's works of "scientific racism" have been cited to demonstrate that many of the genocidal and eugenic ideas associated with the Third Reich did not arise specifically in Germany, and in fact that many of them had origins in other countries including the United States. Edwin Black: War Against the Weak. Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race, Four Walls Eight Windows: 2003, pp. 259, 273, 274-275, 296

Love those Progressives, don't you, you little Nazi worm?

5.Of course, H.G. Wells was an excellent spokeperson for your homicidal view:
"Wells, famous for his calls for ‘liberal fascism,’ and an ‘enlightened Nazism,’ supported the extermination of the ‘unfit’ and announced that in his ‘New Republic,’ “swarms of black and brown, and dirty-white and yellow people” would have to go. "The Forgotten H.G. Wells – waka waka waka

a. Le't not forget Oliver Wendell Holme's sterilization of Carrie Buck.
Love it??

6. After eugenics was discredited by Nazi use, leading American eugenicists turned to contraception and abortion for population control. In 1953 they issued a document entitled "Freedom of Choice for Parenthood: A Program of Positive Eugenics," in which they linked so-called "voluntary parenthood" to natural selection. CSC - The Darwinian Basis for Eugenics

a. Obama's 'science czar' John Holdren went further...he wanted poison in the water supply!

7. With the suppression of the radical left after World War I, Margaret Sanger decided to expand support for birth control by promoting it on the basis of medical and public health needs. In 1917 she established a new monthly, the Birth Control Review, and in 1921 she embarked on a campaign of education and publicity designed to win mainstream support for birth control by opening the American Birth Control League. MSPP > About Margaret Sanger > Biographical Sketch

a. At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood....Margaret Sanger spoke of sterilizing those she designated as "unfit," ...And she also spike of those who were "irresponsible and reckless," among whom she included those " whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers."...It was in 1939 that Sanger's larger vision for dealing with the reproductive practices of black Americans emerged | The Truth About Margaret Sanger - Page Two

b. Sanger and Dr. Clarence Gamble agreed on 'The Negro Project,' but they would hide their intent by putting a Negro minister at the head...
"...We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members [emphasis added]."
The Negro Project and Margaret Sanger

There you have an outline, you hideous little toad....Progressives aligned with human extermination as a policy...a la the Nazis.

Well, my little brown-shirted friend, how do you like them apples? the language....

and...which of us should hurry off to a library???

You can run, but you can't hide.


This is great!!! Please, do it again! Do it again! :eusa_pray:
The longer that you keep at it, the more it shows that you don't know how to do your own research.

Let's review.
Political Chic did not know how to read and interpret a bill.
Political Chic does not know how to read original material. It is vital that she relies on known right wing hack groups that distort information like the CWA.

Keep up the good work there, shill.
Funny. Your use of "caste" system suggests government policy is to keep the hoi polloi in 'their place' yet you seem to support callous conservativism, an ideology based on keeping others - the poor, women, minorities, immigrants, the aged, infirm and children - in their place.

The callous conservative cause is quite obvious, from making sure the ERA (equal rights amendment) did not become the law of the land to restricting a women right to choose and cutting funds for health care and the education of children; from moving high paying jobs overseas to fighting the working man's right to organize. Every goal of the New Right is an effort to create a caste system and make America into a Plutocracy.
Repeating moronic leftist talking points does not make you look intelligent. It makes you look like a moron.

Shall we discuss Democrat programs designed to keep people poor and dependent on the government? Now that's reality. Why do you support that?

Oh, yeah -- it's because you care more about political power than about people.
Daveboy, you never get it.

No matter how desperately leftists try to insist America operates under a caste system, we don't.

While 90% of wry baby's comments are the sad result of his being dropped on his head, you must be living on another planet to believe America has no Caste System.
There are no restrictions on societal mobility. Poor people can...and do...become middle class and even wealthy. The reverse is also true.
Abortion is a choice. Don't want one? Don't have one. Sanger's writings are on line. You should be aware that your information is lacking specifically the "quoted text" of Sanger. She has work on line. She advocated birth control. At least make an attempt to know who you are referring to.
The Pivot of Civilization

Black uses to reference her affiliation with Nazi information that is provided by two authors that knew that she was not involved but were advocates against abortion. One is George Grant and the other is written by Drogin.Secondly, she does not have any material in the Birth Control mag after 1929 because she quit. Holmes has never been touted in any law course that I have had as a liberal. Ever.

The reason that you look stupid is that you haven't read ANY of this material at all.
So, you would like a rebuttal to that which I have read and you have not.
City Pulse - December 10, 2003

And the reason that you want to play this game is because you are not the least bit interested in this time period. You don't give a damn. You want me to say............ZOMG "Progressive ERA"=Liberal her derr and you want me to say........that is more hideous than slavery and butchering Native Americans. Not because you truly give a fuck. And you know what? You don't win that. You get, this is an amazingly hideous time period AND that you might want to read up a bit more so that it does not happen again. That means checking who is funding what studies and scientists.

You are ignorant. You really are. Now, go fuck yourself.

Wow....look at that language!

I'm really getting under your skin, huh?
Could be because you slipped up in mentioning the forced sterilization that the Left
champioined..... you're stuck with it!

So, let's review...

1. Early 20th century...the heyday of the Progressives! An ideology based on bringing paradise, utopia right here on earth! Of course, it would require both changing human nature, and 'removing' those who failed to meet Progressives' standards! Thus, forced sterilization, eugenics, and deathcamps.

Pretty good so far? Pretty Progressive? Or do you like 'Liberal' better?

2. Woodrow Wilson, first Progressive President...brought Jim Crow to Washington! Wilson believed that giving blacks the right to vote was “the foundation of every evil in this country.”

a. In the 800-page tome, “The State,” he wrote more popular commentary. One of his regular themes was the advocacy of progressive imperialism in order to subjugate, and thereby elevate, lesser races. As to the annexation of Puerto Rico and the Philippines, “they are children and we are men in these deep matters of government and justice…”

3. The ‘-isms’ of the early twentieth century were trans-Atlantic, yet, ironically, emphasized nationalism, and war, as well as the idea that nations were organic entities that benefitted from avant-garde scientific experts and social planners, exaltation of the public but derogation of the private. Eugenics was an integral part of this thinking. The views of Hegel and Darwin allowed these elites to treat the nation as a living thing, and thus deal with ills such as urban crowding, a rising population of the lower classes, poor public hygiene, and the advantages of dumbing down bourgeois culture, as one would treat the diseases one might suffer: biological extirpation, and eradication.

4. Madison Grant's works of "scientific racism" have been cited to demonstrate that many of the genocidal and eugenic ideas associated with the Third Reich did not arise specifically in Germany, and in fact that many of them had origins in other countries including the United States. Edwin Black: War Against the Weak. Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race, Four Walls Eight Windows: 2003, pp. 259, 273, 274-275, 296

Love those Progressives, don't you, you little Nazi worm?

5.Of course, H.G. Wells was an excellent spokeperson for your homicidal view:
"Wells, famous for his calls for ‘liberal fascism,’ and an ‘enlightened Nazism,’ supported the extermination of the ‘unfit’ and announced that in his ‘New Republic,’ “swarms of black and brown, and dirty-white and yellow people” would have to go. "The Forgotten H.G. Wells – waka waka waka

a. Le't not forget Oliver Wendell Holme's sterilization of Carrie Buck.
Love it??

6. After eugenics was discredited by Nazi use, leading American eugenicists turned to contraception and abortion for population control. In 1953 they issued a document entitled "Freedom of Choice for Parenthood: A Program of Positive Eugenics," in which they linked so-called "voluntary parenthood" to natural selection. CSC - The Darwinian Basis for Eugenics

a. Obama's 'science czar' John Holdren went further...he wanted poison in the water supply!

7. With the suppression of the radical left after World War I, Margaret Sanger decided to expand support for birth control by promoting it on the basis of medical and public health needs. In 1917 she established a new monthly, the Birth Control Review, and in 1921 she embarked on a campaign of education and publicity designed to win mainstream support for birth control by opening the American Birth Control League. MSPP > About Margaret Sanger > Biographical Sketch

a. At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood....Margaret Sanger spoke of sterilizing those she designated as "unfit," ...And she also spike of those who were "irresponsible and reckless," among whom she included those " whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers."...It was in 1939 that Sanger's larger vision for dealing with the reproductive practices of black Americans emerged | The Truth About Margaret Sanger - Page Two

b. Sanger and Dr. Clarence Gamble agreed on 'The Negro Project,' but they would hide their intent by putting a Negro minister at the head...
"...We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members [emphasis added]."
The Negro Project and Margaret Sanger

There you have an outline, you hideous little toad....Progressives aligned with human extermination as a policy...a la the Nazis.

Well, my little brown-shirted friend, how do you like them apples? the language....

and...which of us should hurry off to a library???

You can run, but you can't hide.


This is great!!! Please, do it again! Do it again! :eusa_pray:
The longer that you keep at it, the more it shows that you don't know how to do your own research.

Let's review.
Political Chic did not know how to read and interpret a bill.
Political Chic does not know how to read original material. It is vital that she relies on known right wing hack groups that distort information like the CWA.

Keep up the good work there, shill. couldn't deny or refute any?

Even the part about you being a little Nazi worm???

Hey....don't you want to thank me for teaching you what kind
of language to avoid?

You are as burned as Edgar Winter on an Ecuadorian beach!
Last edited:
Again, here is another copy of the Pivot of Civilization that is on line and available. So that you can actually read this in context. The Pivot of Civilization, by Margaret Sanger

But, hey, you might have to do your own work. It would be that reading and critical thinking part we discussed earlier. This would be important considering that you keep bringing stuff that takes quotes from this.
Wow....look at that language!

I'm really getting under your skin, huh?
Could be because you slipped up in mentioning the forced sterilization that the Left
champioined..... you're stuck with it!

So, let's review...

1. Early 20th century...the heyday of the Progressives! An ideology based on bringing paradise, utopia right here on earth! Of course, it would require both changing human nature, and 'removing' those who failed to meet Progressives' standards! Thus, forced sterilization, eugenics, and deathcamps.

Pretty good so far? Pretty Progressive? Or do you like 'Liberal' better?

2. Woodrow Wilson, first Progressive President...brought Jim Crow to Washington! Wilson believed that giving blacks the right to vote was “the foundation of every evil in this country.”

a. In the 800-page tome, “The State,” he wrote more popular commentary. One of his regular themes was the advocacy of progressive imperialism in order to subjugate, and thereby elevate, lesser races. As to the annexation of Puerto Rico and the Philippines, “they are children and we are men in these deep matters of government and justice…”

3. The ‘-isms’ of the early twentieth century were trans-Atlantic, yet, ironically, emphasized nationalism, and war, as well as the idea that nations were organic entities that benefitted from avant-garde scientific experts and social planners, exaltation of the public but derogation of the private. Eugenics was an integral part of this thinking. The views of Hegel and Darwin allowed these elites to treat the nation as a living thing, and thus deal with ills such as urban crowding, a rising population of the lower classes, poor public hygiene, and the advantages of dumbing down bourgeois culture, as one would treat the diseases one might suffer: biological extirpation, and eradication.

4. Madison Grant's works of "scientific racism" have been cited to demonstrate that many of the genocidal and eugenic ideas associated with the Third Reich did not arise specifically in Germany, and in fact that many of them had origins in other countries including the United States. Edwin Black: War Against the Weak. Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race, Four Walls Eight Windows: 2003, pp. 259, 273, 274-275, 296

Love those Progressives, don't you, you little Nazi worm?

5.Of course, H.G. Wells was an excellent spokeperson for your homicidal view:
"Wells, famous for his calls for ‘liberal fascism,’ and an ‘enlightened Nazism,’ supported the extermination of the ‘unfit’ and announced that in his ‘New Republic,’ “swarms of black and brown, and dirty-white and yellow people” would have to go. "The Forgotten H.G. Wells – waka waka waka

a. Le't not forget Oliver Wendell Holme's sterilization of Carrie Buck.
Love it??

6. After eugenics was discredited by Nazi use, leading American eugenicists turned to contraception and abortion for population control. In 1953 they issued a document entitled "Freedom of Choice for Parenthood: A Program of Positive Eugenics," in which they linked so-called "voluntary parenthood" to natural selection. CSC - The Darwinian Basis for Eugenics

a. Obama's 'science czar' John Holdren went further...he wanted poison in the water supply!

7. With the suppression of the radical left after World War I, Margaret Sanger decided to expand support for birth control by promoting it on the basis of medical and public health needs. In 1917 she established a new monthly, the Birth Control Review, and in 1921 she embarked on a campaign of education and publicity designed to win mainstream support for birth control by opening the American Birth Control League. MSPP > About Margaret Sanger > Biographical Sketch

a. At a March 1925 international birth control gathering in New York City, a speaker warned of the menace posed by the "black" and "yellow" peril. The man was not a Nazi or Klansman; he was Dr. S. Adolphus Knopf, a member of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL), which along with other groups eventually became known as Planned Parenthood....Margaret Sanger spoke of sterilizing those she designated as "unfit," ...And she also spike of those who were "irresponsible and reckless," among whom she included those " whose religious scruples prevent their exercising control over their numbers."...It was in 1939 that Sanger's larger vision for dealing with the reproductive practices of black Americans emerged | The Truth About Margaret Sanger - Page Two

b. Sanger and Dr. Clarence Gamble agreed on 'The Negro Project,' but they would hide their intent by putting a Negro minister at the head...
"...We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members [emphasis added]."
The Negro Project and Margaret Sanger

There you have an outline, you hideous little toad....Progressives aligned with human extermination as a policy...a la the Nazis.

Well, my little brown-shirted friend, how do you like them apples? the language....

and...which of us should hurry off to a library???

You can run, but you can't hide.


This is great!!! Please, do it again! Do it again! :eusa_pray:
The longer that you keep at it, the more it shows that you don't know how to do your own research.

Let's review.
Political Chic did not know how to read and interpret a bill.
Political Chic does not know how to read original material. It is vital that she relies on known right wing hack groups that distort information like the CWA.

Keep up the good work there, shill. couldn't deny or refute any?

Even the part about you being a little Nazi worm???

Hey....don't you want to thank me for teaching you what kind
of language to avoid?

You are as burned as Edgar Winter on an Ecuadorian beach!

No, I have refuted you. Now, go do your homework and get back to me.

I can use whatever language I want. If the mods think I have crossed the line then I expect to hear from them.
Again, here is another copy of the Pivot of Civilization that is on line and available. So that you can actually read this in context. The Pivot of Civilization, by Margaret Sanger

But, hey, you might have to do your own work. It would be that reading and critical thinking part we discussed earlier. This would be important considering that you keep bringing stuff that takes quotes from this.

Nazi it alright if I call you NW??

Or does everyone just call you 'worm'?

"So that you can actually read this in context."

So, you admit she said it? And that Progressives worked hard to inflict genocidal policies?


So you just want to spin it, huh?

And nary a word about the indictments of Wilson, Holdren, Progressive ideology, etc.?
I hate to rub it in, (actually, I love to rub it in) but you said that forced sterilization was an American value...and I beat you over the head with the slander, documenting that it is a Leftist value....Progressive/Liberal value.

So....basically, worm, I hit a home run, huh?
Damn, I'm good!

BTW...the language thing...nothing to do with the board...merely upbringing. were you absolutely destroyed?
Does a 1-legged duck swim in a circle?

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