Gov. Newsom signs law allowing fewer Election Day polling places in California


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2019
SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - California Gov. Gavin Newsom has signed a law to let counties offer fewer in-person voting options as they hold the November election in the midst of the pandemic.

Newsom has already signed a law requiring counties to mail ballots to voters ahead of the November 3 election.

County election officials are having trouble securing enough polling places because of the pandemic.

California continues to have problems with missing data on virus infections throughout California.

State officials have acknowledged California has been under-counting virus cases because of a technical issue with a database used to collect test information from labs

Hilarious hypocrisy
You have to love the dumber then a stump Democrats.
if Trump had done this Democrats would be up n arms crying voter suppression. It would be on a 24 hour news cycle. But because a democrat does it it is perfectly acceptable.
California can’t get Virus counting fiqured out but they want everyone to believe that they can handle an election that is more complicated. Yeah and we all believe in the tooth fairy. Can anyone say rigged?
The left have one goal, refuse to concede the election for months after by causing election day chaos. Hillary Clinton recently stated that Dems need a massive legal team for this election so you know what Dems are planning, run to the courts to invalidate the election if they lose, claim all the votes were not counted, all manner of nonsense is coming.

Now if it looks like Biden won they will immediately demand that Trump concede.

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