GOP Senate Candidate Called 'Uncle Tom' at Hillary/Hagan Rally in N.C.

Well, well, well once again it is the racists in the democrat party caught again.

GOP Senate Candidate Called 'Uncle Tom' at Hillary/Hagan Rally in N.C.

Republican Senate candidate Thom Tillis was called "Uncle Tom" at a recent Senator Kay Hagan rally in North Carolina. Hillary Clinton was also on hand to help rally Democrats in support of Hagan--and the possible presidential candidate specifically praised the speaker who made the questionable comments.

The remarks were from Alma Adams, who is running for Congress from North Carolina's 12th Congressional District. Here's audio: GOP Senate Candidate Called Uncle Tom at Hillary Hagan Rally in N.C. The Weekly Standard

Uh - how is that "racist"? Essplain.

Do you know that the term Uncle Tom is meant to be demeaning towards blacks? While the man is not black what would be said if she called him the N word? Would that be racist? It is like saying to a white man, you are the laziest black man I ever saw.

As I said, you have no clue what your terms mean. No, "Uncle Tom" is not meant to be "demeaning toward blacks". It's meant to be demeaning to an individual. Which is the opposite of the focus of racism.

You probably don't grok the difference. Just as your OP in its sublime ignorance refers to a "Democrat Party". There is no such thing.

But hey, why let facts get in the way of a good emotional diaper rash.

Well by gosh I got off my duff and looked up the defintion of Uncle Tom and I can see why democrats don't see it as an insult to blacks. It is because that is how democrats like their blacks.

Un·cle Tom
ˌəNGkəl ˈtäm/
  1. a black man considered to be excessively obedient or servile.

Very good. As you see, it refers by definition to an individual. You should have looked that up before you started.

Now look up racism.

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