"Living" wage stupidity from across the pond...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The best part about increasing the minimum wage is that one or two employees get a pay raise....most others just get fired...

Cinema Pays For London Living Wage Deal By Sacking Staff

A cinema that was forced to pay the London Living Wage of £8.80 an hour by the trade union BECTU has announced it will finance the wage increases by sacking around a fifth of it's staff. Picturehouse Cinemas told the Evening Standard that it could only afford to pay the increased wages at the Ritzy Cinema in Brixton if it made around 20 staff redundant.
The announcement follows a year long campaign to force the company to put up wages. When it was over the trade union and staff assumed they had won a significant concession, but Picturehouse could not afford to absorb the extra costs so came up with the 'solution' of cutting staff.

They plan to make two management staff redundant along with eight supervisors, three technical staff and others from the front of house team. The Ritzy currently has a staff of 93.

BECTU have now threatened more strikes, saying the move was a “kick in the teeth”. Union official Willy Donaghy said: “The duplicity of these people knows no bounds. What they have done as soon as the deal was implemented is to employ an individual with a reputation for being a ‘union blaster’. This is payback, without a doubt.

yes...go unions...sending jobs overseas....losing jobs at home...

The next step....the Borg collective....errrrr....the government...needs to make it illegal to fire people....that would fix these guys....right?

Of course, forcing a business to arbitrarily increase wages has absolutely no impact on the employment of it's staff....since money just appears in a cloud of pixie dust...
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The best part about increasing the minimum wage is that one or two employees get a pay raise....most others just get fired...

Cinema Pays For London Living Wage Deal By Sacking Staff

A cinema that was forced to pay the London Living Wage of £8.80 an hour by the trade union BECTU has announced it will finance the wage increases by sacking around a fifth of it's staff. Picturehouse Cinemas told the Evening Standard that it could only afford to pay the increased wages at the Ritzy Cinema in Brixton if it made around 20 staff redundant.
The announcement follows a year long campaign to force the company to put up wages. When it was over the trade union and staff assumed they had won a significant concession, but Picturehouse could not afford to absorb the extra costs so came up with the 'solution' of cutting staff.

They plan to make two management staff redundant along with eight supervisors, three technical staff and others from the front of house team. The Ritzy currently has a staff of 93.

BECTU have now threatened more strikes, saying the move was a “kick in the teeth”. Union official Willy Donaghy said: “The duplicity of these people knows no bounds. What they have done as soon as the deal was implemented is to employ an individual with a reputation for being a ‘union blaster’. This is payback, without a doubt.

yes...go unions...sending jobs overseas....losing jobs at home...

The next step....the Borg collective....errrrr....the government...needs to make it illegal to fire people....that would fix these guys....right?

Of course, forcing a business to arbitrarily increase wages has absolutely no impact on the employment of it's staff....since money just appears in a cloud of pixie dust...

Corporations don't create jobs, so they don't eliminate them either.
The good news is some of you are getting raises. The bad news is because of increased overhead some of you are being fired. Shit happens.

Prices go up ,our youngest daughter is director of a school aged befor and after program,she was commenting on the increase and how it will force them to raise rates, at the end of the day were are ya?
The best part about increasing the minimum wage is that one or two employees get a pay raise....most others just get fired...

Cinema Pays For London Living Wage Deal By Sacking Staff

A cinema that was forced to pay the London Living Wage of £8.80 an hour by the trade union BECTU has announced it will finance the wage increases by sacking around a fifth of it's staff. Picturehouse Cinemas told the Evening Standard that it could only afford to pay the increased wages at the Ritzy Cinema in Brixton if it made around 20 staff redundant.
The announcement follows a year long campaign to force the company to put up wages. When it was over the trade union and staff assumed they had won a significant concession, but Picturehouse could not afford to absorb the extra costs so came up with the 'solution' of cutting staff.

They plan to make two management staff redundant along with eight supervisors, three technical staff and others from the front of house team. The Ritzy currently has a staff of 93.

BECTU have now threatened more strikes, saying the move was a “kick in the teeth”. Union official Willy Donaghy said: “The duplicity of these people knows no bounds. What they have done as soon as the deal was implemented is to employ an individual with a reputation for being a ‘union blaster’. This is payback, without a doubt.

yes...go unions...sending jobs overseas....losing jobs at home...

The next step....the Borg collective....errrrr....the government...needs to make it illegal to fire people....that would fix these guys....right?

Of course, forcing a business to arbitrarily increase wages has absolutely no impact on the employment of it's staff....since money just appears in a cloud of pixie dust...
Lol I love it when you cons will disparage any foreign economy as being weak in comparison to the US's yet when it is convenient to your ideology you will compare one strongly to ours.

Is this foreign anecdotal case the best you have? These are the stats that matter: if the minimum wage was increased 10.10, a total of 500,000 jobs COULD be lost over a span of two years as it was gradually raised. This according to the CBO. All that is worth bringing 16.5 million people out of poverty.
Why can businesses suddenly fire people because the minimum wage goes up?

If they didn't need these people in the first place, why did they have them on the payroll?
In some parts of North Dakota they're paying fast food workers twice the minimum wage, for lack of workers,

and yet, magically, those businesses somehow still manage to make money.

Fascinating, isn't it, amidst all the talk that if the current minimum wage were raised slightly the fast food industry would perish.
Why can businesses suddenly fire people because the minimum wage goes up?

If they didn't need these people in the first place, why did they have them on the payroll?

Carter says the strategy behind the president’s focus on raising minimum wage is because, “he (the president) knows this is a way to get a lot of the poor peoples attention, but, to hell with your minimum raise wage, we don’t have any jobs, minimum wage raise for what?”
Chicago Activists Unchained - Destroy Black Liberal Leadership RebelPundit
The best part about increasing the minimum wage is that one or two employees get a pay raise....most others just get fired...

Cinema Pays For London Living Wage Deal By Sacking Staff

Actually, about 80% of the employees retained their jobs. Why would you say 1 or 2 got a raise and the rest got fired? The other 91 didn't all get fired.

What is wrong with you people? Start a thread about THAT. lol
In some parts of North Dakota they're paying fast food workers twice the minimum wage, for lack of workers,

and yet, magically, those businesses somehow still manage to make money.

Fascinating, isn't it, amidst all the talk that if the current minimum wage were raised slightly the fast food industry would perish.
Now go find out what a burger and fries cost and get back to reality,perish is a term drummed up by people like yourself,
The best part about increasing the minimum wage is that one or two employees get a pay raise....most others just get fired...

Cinema Pays For London Living Wage Deal By Sacking Staff

A cinema that was forced to pay the London Living Wage of £8.80 an hour by the trade union BECTU has announced it will finance the wage increases by sacking around a fifth of it's staff. Picturehouse Cinemas told the Evening Standard that it could only afford to pay the increased wages at the Ritzy Cinema in Brixton if it made around 20 staff redundant.
The announcement follows a year long campaign to force the company to put up wages. When it was over the trade union and staff assumed they had won a significant concession, but Picturehouse could not afford to absorb the extra costs so came up with the 'solution' of cutting staff.

They plan to make two management staff redundant along with eight supervisors, three technical staff and others from the front of house team. The Ritzy currently has a staff of 93.

BECTU have now threatened more strikes, saying the move was a “kick in the teeth”. Union official Willy Donaghy said: “The duplicity of these people knows no bounds. What they have done as soon as the deal was implemented is to employ an individual with a reputation for being a ‘union blaster’. This is payback, without a doubt.

yes...go unions...sending jobs overseas....losing jobs at home...

The next step....the Borg collective....errrrr....the government...needs to make it illegal to fire people....that would fix these guys....right?

Of course, forcing a business to arbitrarily increase wages has absolutely no impact on the employment of it's staff....since money just appears in a cloud of pixie dust...
Lol I love it when you cons will disparage any foreign economy as being weak in comparison to the US's yet when it is convenient to your ideology you will compare one strongly to ours.

Is this foreign anecdotal case the best you have? These are the stats that matter: if the minimum wage was increased 10.10, a total of 500,000 jobs COULD be lost over a span of two years as it was gradually raised. This according to the CBO. All that is worth bringing 16.5 million people out of poverty.
Okay so 16.5 million out of poverty, so the day minimum wage is increased. All entitlement programs are eliminated, and us tax payers get back the money that is spent? Never have entitlement programs again, since no one will live in poverty. Okay I'm down with that.
If they didn't need these people in the first place, why did they have them on the payroll?

They do need these people...but the government just made it so the business can't afford to pay them...
The best part about increasing the minimum wage is that one or two employees get a pay raise....most others just get fired...

Cinema Pays For London Living Wage Deal By Sacking Staff

A cinema that was forced to pay the London Living Wage of £8.80 an hour by the trade union BECTU has announced it will finance the wage increases by sacking around a fifth of it's staff. Picturehouse Cinemas told the Evening Standard that it could only afford to pay the increased wages at the Ritzy Cinema in Brixton if it made around 20 staff redundant.
The announcement follows a year long campaign to force the company to put up wages. When it was over the trade union and staff assumed they had won a significant concession, but Picturehouse could not afford to absorb the extra costs so came up with the 'solution' of cutting staff.

They plan to make two management staff redundant along with eight supervisors, three technical staff and others from the front of house team. The Ritzy currently has a staff of 93.

BECTU have now threatened more strikes, saying the move was a “kick in the teeth”. Union official Willy Donaghy said: “The duplicity of these people knows no bounds. What they have done as soon as the deal was implemented is to employ an individual with a reputation for being a ‘union blaster’. This is payback, without a doubt.

yes...go unions...sending jobs overseas....losing jobs at home...

The next step....the Borg collective....errrrr....the government...needs to make it illegal to fire people....that would fix these guys....right?

Of course, forcing a business to arbitrarily increase wages has absolutely no impact on the employment of it's staff....since money just appears in a cloud of pixie dust...
Lol I love it when you cons will disparage any foreign economy as being weak in comparison to the US's yet when it is convenient to your ideology you will compare one strongly to ours.

Is this foreign anecdotal case the best you have? These are the stats that matter: if the minimum wage was increased 10.10, a total of 500,000 jobs COULD be lost over a span of two years as it was gradually raised. This according to the CBO. All that is worth bringing 16.5 million people out of poverty.
Okay so 16.5 million out of poverty, so the day minimum wage is increased. All entitlement programs are eliminated, and us tax payers get back the money that is spent? Never have entitlement programs again, since no one will live in poverty. Okay I'm down with that.

Let's calculate this for a second...
16.5 million moving from above minimum wage say of $8.00 to $10.10 per hour.
Assuming a 40 hour work week that means all businesses will see an increase in cost of:
New minimum:$10.10 (employer SS/Medicare share is 7.65% or added to $10.10 is 77¢ or $10.87 an increase of $2.80 an hour
16.5 million times $2.80 times 40 hours times 4.3 weeks /month times 12 months is a total cost of business increase of :
$95,356,800,000 in additional costs for businesses that have 16.5 million workers.
So where will the businesses get another nearly $100 billion a year?

OH wait forgot something: Government now gets another $14.6 billion in SS/Medicare payments...into the general revenues.
And the individual getting lifted out of poverty, what do they see: Additional $5,779 MINUS... SS/Medicare or net of $5,000.
So if this was to lift the 16.5 million out of the poverty level:
Federal poverty level for a family of 4 is $23,850..
HMMM.. $8.00/hour now for 16.5 million is annually $16,512..
But if minimum wage goes to $10.10 the person increases total income less SS/Medicare payment to $20,585.
Still less then poverty level for family of 4 at $23,850..
So how is that going to raise people out of the "poverty level"?

Screen Shot 2014-10-28 at 9.19.59 PM.png

Federal Poverty Level FPL HealthCare.gov
16.5 million moving from above minimum wage say of $8.00 to $10.10 per hour.

You are assuming this number...you don't mention the 80% of teenagers who will now not get starting jobs...or the other people who just lost their jobs and won't get new ones...or the people who now will not get 40 hours a week...thereby negating the wage increase...

You guys never take into how human beings actually behave...

Already in Washington state they interviewed that hotel worker...she got a raise...yeah...and lost all the other perks from the job...and she is slightly less than where she was before they raised the minimum wage...

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