GOP collapse or are generic polls just a bunch of BS?


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The midterm polling 'roller coaster': 5 theories - The Week

The lesson here is "live by the Gallup, die by the Gallup," says Howard Kurtz in The Washington Post. Gallup has been particularly erratic this summer, but all tracking polls are "volatile," and generic-party ones are the "most problematic." Elections aren't between parties; they're between candidates, "and incumbents usually win." Right, it's better to "just flip coins when it comes to generics," says William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection, "and focus on race-by-race analysis."
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Are the Democrats up in the generic ballot this week?

If the generic ballot is tied, isn't that bad for a party with a huge advantage in seats, as tied will bring them down to parity? (that was a parody)
Not sure if the GOP will be big winners this November, but the Dems are certainly going to endure epic fail.

I have seen no evidence of great love for Republicans this year. The best they have on offer that I can see is Not Democrat. That really is not a recipe for success.

The last big Republican year was because they had a program. They don't have one this year.
Not sure if the GOP will be big winners this November, but the Dems are certainly going to endure epic fail.

I have seen no evidence of great love for Republicans this year. The best they have on offer that I can see is Not Democrat. That really is not a recipe for success.

The last big Republican year was because they had a program. They don't have one this year.

I'll take the "non Democrats" at 5:2 for 10K and give you the field.

If that gets "Non Democrat" up by 40 seats, I will be happy. If it gets "non democrat up by 75 seats, I will be ecstatic.
If that gets "Non Democrat" up by 40 seats, I will be happy. If it gets "non democrat up by 75 seats, I will be ecstatic.

I think it will be somewhere in between.

The real suspense will be in the Senate races. Can the "non dems" garner 10, and if not, how close can they bring the balance?

In any event, its a shoe-in now that we will have a lame duck President until 2012. The Dems have done so much damage that even their own people are turning on them.
What is different this year is that several Democrats and at least one Republican have run advertisements without mentioning their party affiliation.

Things that make ya go hmmmmm
It doesn't matter who's up, the generic ballot at this point is pretty much meaningless. We have names, and they matter.

Speaking of which, any amusing anecdotes from Jimbo yet, Ollie? :lol:
It doesn't matter who's up, the generic ballot at this point is pretty much meaningless. We have names, and they matter.

Speaking of which, any amusing anecdotes from Jimbo yet, Ollie? :lol:

As far as I know he hasn't made any public statement yet. Very strange for him. I might call him next week, just to welcome him home and all that. if I can find his number, I used to have it here somewhere.

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