God Help Us All: Rep Shelia Jackson Lee Recomended For Homeland Security Secretary


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Incredible but not surprising. The Congressional Black Caucus is lobbying hard for her to be selected and they have influence over Obama and he most likely would appoint her. Since many were looking at Rep Benny Thompson, a negro American, to be chosen as Janet Napolitano's successor, and since he declined and endorsed Thompson, I suspect she will be chosen. The woman would be a serious national security risk of epic proportions. She doesn't have the intellect to be put in such a powerful position.

Congressional Black Caucus recommends Sheila Jackson Lee for Homeland Security Secretary | Texas on the Potomac | a Chron.com blog

CBC Chairwoman Rep. Marcia Fudge, an Ohio Democrat, urges President Barack Obama to consider Jackson Lee for the position formerly held by Janet Napolitano, the first woman to hold the position. Napolitano resigned earlier this month to become president of the University of California.

“Representative Jackson Lee would serve as an effective DHS Secretary because she understands the importance of increasing border security and maintaining homeland security,” the nomination letter reads.

Since entering Congress in 1995, Jackson Lee has served on several committees, including Foreign Affairs, Judiciary and Homeland Security, in which she was the Chairwoman of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Transportation Security and Infrastructure Protection.

“As Chairwoman, Representative Jackson Lee supported increased airplane cargo inspections and increased security for railroads, issues of great importance to the security of this nation and its citizens,” the letter continues.

Jackson Lee currently holds the post of Ranking Member of the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security, a position that the CBC says she “stands as a strong and honest ‘voice of reason.’”

Cooper responded directly to this line of the letter, saying, “I have heard Rep. Jackson Lee described by many people as many things, but the words “voice of reason” have never been among those descriptions” and that “wildcard” may be a better way to describe the congresswoman.

Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., the ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, was being considered for the Cabinet position before he released a statement saying that he was not interested. Instead, he has chosen to endorse Jackson Lee.
Oh please oh please.

Make it Hammerin' Hank Johnson. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNZczIgVXjg]3-25-2010_Hank_Johnson_Guam_Tip_Over.wmv - YouTube[/ame]

We need more rocket surgeons at Homeland Insecurity.
She's female, black, and Dem? Horrors! LOL

^ Leave it to a typically retarded lolberal to focus on the irrelevant.

She happens to be retarded, like you, francoTub; and she's a socialist skanky twat, like you, too.

She is disastrously unqualified.

Thus, she could probably be given actual consideration by the imbecile we elected President.
Obama will appoint her, like with Jon Kerry as Sec. of Defense.. a lot of the older people in this country who lived through the Vietnam war see KERRY as a traitor to the country and to his FELLOW military men and women...Obama appoints him to SPIT in their faces...so he will appoint this nut job who no business running anything but her mouth..He doesn't give TWO SHITS what you people feel about it..

it's a ObamaNation now...
So far Papa Doc obama has appointed only the most incompetent people he could find to offices. Appointing Lee would fit right in.
the worse chance could be to choose Frederica Wilson, so be happy :D
Poor franko, he's become a one trick pony...Black female and Democrat...black President, black black black

screw it if they don't have the experience for it...Obama is just looing out for black and female...how can he be wrong
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Give me col.Alan west or Herman Cain if you want black ;) You'd see me voting for them.

naaa, Obama would spit on him...so would franco and people like him..He's not the RIGHT kind of BLACK to them

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