Goblin Toys: Capitalism Spoof


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a morality-fable parody about consumerism inspired by Marvel Comics characters/storyboards and the Robin Williams film Toys.



After Gray Goblin (Gabriel Stacy) kidnapped the heroic webbed-wonder Spider-Man (Peter Parker), he locked him in a cage in his cave and then began making and marketing water-guns to kids across America. Gray Goblin wanted these 'mischief-toys' to promote violence and corrupt the basic spirit of capitalism. With Spider-Man out of his way, Gray Goblin was free to make all kinds of mischievous anti-social behaviors among the consumers of America. It was a great achievement for the eerie Gray Goblin.


The water-guns Gray Goblin sold/marketed were nifty, attractive, and mesmerizing. Kids across America were found shooting water with these water-guns, often at ill-prepared policemen in NYC, LA, and DC. It was a grand madness, and Gray Goblin enjoyed a delicious bowl of New England Clam Chowder [NECC] to celebrate. These water-guns were like psycho-sociological weapons in an anti-capitalism terrorist campaign.


GRAY GOBLIN: How'd you escape my cage in my cave?
SPIDER-MAN: I used my webs to grab your keys which you foolishly left behind!
GRAY GOBLIN: Oh, darn! I always leave those darned keys lying around...
SPIDER-MAN: Now, your terrorist-campaign will fall apart.
GRAY GOBLIN: What will you do?
SPIDER-MAN: What do you expect? I'll tell Americans that you've spread poison.
GRAY GOBLIN: Will you distribute your own 'nonviolence' toys?
SPIDER-MAN: Yes; I plan to distribute rubber sling-shot toys.
GRAY GOBLIN: Sling-shots promote violence too!
SPIDER-MAN: Yes, but I will tell people, "These sling-shots do not shoot water!"
GRAY GOBLIN: I see; that's clever; so then the people will become 'conscious.'
SPIDER-MAN: Yes, they will think more seriously about fooling around with water...
GRAY GOBLIN: ...and hence they'll think more 'spiritually' about water-pollution.
SPIDER-MAN: Then, I'll give a lecture at Yale University about consumerism-ethics.
GRAY GOBLIN: I imagine you want to make capitalism a source of inspiration.
SPIDER-MAN: Yes; your intention to make capitalism ugly will be foiled.
GRAY GOBLIN: Well, you've won this round, but I will cook up a new scheme.
SPIDER-MAN: I am confident I'll find some way to foil you again...you demon!
GRAY GOBLIN: You remain the 'ultimate idealist.'
SPIDER-MAN: Perhaps someday, you'll share my faith in commerce (and America).



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