Glorifying the single mother?

I'd settle for society being more honest about the abject poverty single mothers live in, that their children are more likely to abuse drugs/alcohol, to be sexually active teenagers and to be convicted of a crime.

all true.

then isn't the answer to teach kids about birth control and safe sex and then to have abortion be readily available and, hopefully, infrequently used?

yet the places where the rate of single motherhood is the highest are the places where those things aren't the norm.

Jillian, I live in the real world and know far too many girls who do not use BC. Men are even worse. BC is available. I am not pro-abortion but the choice is there. We are talking about people who don't practice responsibility. Some of these women want to "make new families" and think having a baby with some jerk is the way to get this family.

What burns me is there are many good young fathers and mothers, working hard to give their family a decent life and no one calls them heroes or points to them but a woman who gets pregnant by a loser of her choosing is suddenly a role model. Bleh.
I'd settle for society being more honest about the abject poverty single mothers live in, that their children are more likely to abuse drugs/alcohol, to be sexually active teenagers and to be convicted of a crime.

all true.

then isn't the answer to teach kids about birth control and safe sex and then to have abortion be readily available and, hopefully, infrequently used?

yet the places where the rate of single motherhood is the highest are the places where those things aren't the norm.

Jillian, I live in the real world and know far too many girls who do not use BC. Men are even worse. BC is available. I am not pro-abortion but the choice is there. We are talking about people who don't practice responsibility. Some of these women want to "make new families" and think having a baby with some jerk is the way to get this family.

What burns me is there are many good young fathers and mothers, working hard to give their family a decent life and no one calls them heroes or points to them but a woman who gets pregnant by a loser of her choosing is suddenly a role model. Bleh.

you'll forgive me if i look at statistical reality and not your anecdotal "evidence".

again, do you want people to make that effort? or do you think they should have abortion and birth control available.

i spent a lot of time in the bronx family court early in my career. i think that's pretty "real world".

but the reality is that the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers... and by leaps and bounds they exist in the bible belt more than in any other geographic area.

that's what happens when you spend a decade teaching abstinence only.
To add to Dreamy's point I meet far too many women (my mother included) who have celebrated single motherhood. I mean, if you are a single mother and that is the card you've been delt with there is nothing much you can do. However I have met far too many women who are ok with having "baby daddies" who are known gang bangers and who, still live in the slums and still seek the "bad boys" who have no jobs or any credible skills for a trade. This just pisses me off that we tend to lump these women along with the actual deserving women who've struggled to make it.
all true.

then isn't the answer to teach kids about birth control and safe sex and then to have abortion be readily available and, hopefully, infrequently used?

yet the places where the rate of single motherhood is the highest are the places where those things aren't the norm.

Jillian, I live in the real world and know far too many girls who do not use BC. Men are even worse. BC is available. I am not pro-abortion but the choice is there. We are talking about people who don't practice responsibility. Some of these women want to "make new families" and think having a baby with some jerk is the way to get this family.

What burns me is there are many good young fathers and mothers, working hard to give their family a decent life and no one calls them heroes or points to them but a woman who gets pregnant by a loser of her choosing is suddenly a role model. Bleh.

you'll forgive me if i look at statistical reality and not your anecdotal "evidence".

again, do you want people to make that effort? or do you think they should have abortion and birth control available.

i spent a lot of time in the bronx family court early in my career. i think that's pretty "real world".

but the reality is that the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers... and by leaps and bounds they exist in the bible belt more than in any other geographic area.

that's what happens when you spend a decade teaching abstinence only.

And if you don't mind my own statistical evidence (which you are free to challenge) that whites make up 74% of the U.S population.

The Bible belt is pro life and in the south there is only 1 abortion clinic in Mississippi.

The use of contraceptives is discouraged and education especially sex education is poor in the south
To add to Dreamy's point I meet far too many women (my mother included) who have celebrated single motherhood. I mean, if you are a single mother and that is the card you've been delt with there is nothing much you can do. However I have met far too many women who are ok with having "baby daddies" who are known gang bangers and who, still live in the slums and still seek the "bad boys" who have no jobs or any credible skills for a trade. This just pisses me off that we tend to lump these women along with the actual deserving women who've struggled to make it.

Exactly. Not all single mothers are the same. Some should not be admired nor looked up to at all. I am not of the mindset that everyone gets a trophy.
Jillian, I live in the real world and know far too many girls who do not use BC. Men are even worse. BC is available. I am not pro-abortion but the choice is there. We are talking about people who don't practice responsibility. Some of these women want to "make new families" and think having a baby with some jerk is the way to get this family.

What burns me is there are many good young fathers and mothers, working hard to give their family a decent life and no one calls them heroes or points to them but a woman who gets pregnant by a loser of her choosing is suddenly a role model. Bleh.

you'll forgive me if i look at statistical reality and not your anecdotal "evidence".

again, do you want people to make that effort? or do you think they should have abortion and birth control available.

i spent a lot of time in the bronx family court early in my career. i think that's pretty "real world".

but the reality is that the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers... and by leaps and bounds they exist in the bible belt more than in any other geographic area.

that's what happens when you spend a decade teaching abstinence only.

And if you don't mind my own statistical evidence (which you are free to challenge) that whites make up 74% of the U.S population.

The Bible belt is pro life and in the south there is only 1 abortion clinic in Mississippi.

The use of contraceptives is discouraged and education especially sex education is poor in the south

Is that clinic still open? With the governor gloating that Mississippi would be abortion free, I was sure they has closed up shop by now.
all true.

then isn't the answer to teach kids about birth control and safe sex and then to have abortion be readily available and, hopefully, infrequently used?

yet the places where the rate of single motherhood is the highest are the places where those things aren't the norm.

Jillian, I live in the real world and know far too many girls who do not use BC. Men are even worse. BC is available. I am not pro-abortion but the choice is there. We are talking about people who don't practice responsibility. Some of these women want to "make new families" and think having a baby with some jerk is the way to get this family.

What burns me is there are many good young fathers and mothers, working hard to give their family a decent life and no one calls them heroes or points to them but a woman who gets pregnant by a loser of her choosing is suddenly a role model. Bleh.

you'll forgive me if i look at statistical reality and not your anecdotal "evidence".

again, do you want people to make that effort? or do you think they should have abortion and birth control available.

i spent a lot of time in the bronx family court early in my career. i think that's pretty "real world".

but the reality is that the largest group of people on welfare are white single mothers... and by leaps and bounds they exist in the bible belt more than in any other geographic area.

that's what happens when you spend a decade teaching abstinence only.

Are you offering statistical information(don't see it) here or just your own ancedotal "evidence"?

So you are blaming most pregnancies on abstinence teachings not on women and men not using BC because they are irresponsible?
Has anyone noticed in the last few years, the glorifying of the single mother? At least once a day my Facebook feed shows yet another "single mothers are superheroes" or some such thing.


Single mothers= women who choose poor life partners.

What is with the attempt to turn caring for your own child into some sort of special achievement? :confused:

Caring for your own child is the ultimate of all achievements.

This is not some new thing. Pinko scum have been preaching for quite some time their agenda as to the destruction of families. They have been publishing this for over 100 years.

How do we stop it?
Please, lets make this a clean discussion on how to stop this abomination.

Those who take this opportunity to preach hate, who preach that mothers should kill their children. Do you want to feed their agenda?

I think most would agree that the baby-hater is the lowest of the low.

Do not play into their game. Notice the attempt by a resident puppet to steer this discussion as to manipulate the turning of a blind eye to their profiting from destroying the life of some child who had parents making "poor" choices?
It's rather obvious if one takes an objective gander.

Pinko's hate the poor, the middle class, and they absolutely hate everyone who is humane. Don't let their propaganda affect your judgement of individuals.

In short, don't feed the trolls.
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67% percent of black children are born out wedlock but that's because they were already way behind to begin with.

The same is already happening in every other demographic.

The commies did a great job tearing apart the American family.
67% percent of black children are born out wedlock but that's because they were already way behind to begin with.

The same is already happening in every other demographic.

The commies did a great job tearing apart the American family.

Eh, considering the amount of time they have had to work with...
I'd say a so-so job at best.

Lets face it, pinko's are wealthy, viscous and absolutely evil, but they are still pretty darn stupid.

So what do we do to turn the tide?
We could just wait them out. Not let their propaganda bother us so much.
Seems more and more that is the only effect they really have.

It's easy to defeat an opponent if all you have to do is ignore them.
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67% percent of black children are born out wedlock but that's because they were already way behind to begin with.

The same is already happening in every other demographic.

The commies did a great job tearing apart the American family.

Eh, considering the amount of time they have had to work with...
I'd say a so-so job at best.

Lets face it, pinko's are wealthy, viscous and absolutely evil, but they are still pretty darn stupid.

So what do we do to turn the tide?
We could just wait them out. Not let their propaganda bother us so much.
Seems more and more that is the only effect they really have.

Pretty easy to defeat an opponent if all you have to do is ignore them.

No. These bastards won't let up, and they're smarter than you think they are. They calculate in terms of decades and not weeks or months. Unlike Americans, their historical memory is vast. Americans are a "have it right now" kind of culture.

I don't have the all the answers but I can say for certain that we would have to employ the same tactics to take back the country as they used to enslave it.

It took them roughly 48 years to get this far so It will take us along time to recover it from a generational standpoint.

Lenin said, and I paraphrase "give me a child for 8 years and I'll make him a socialist for life". Welcome to AmerIka.
Unfortunately we don't have that kind of time because he world is too small.

I, personally, believe that bloodshed is inevitable although unfortunate.
67% percent of black children are born out wedlock but that's because they were already way behind to begin with.

The same is already happening in every other demographic.

The commies did a great job tearing apart the American family.

Eh, considering the amount of time they have had to work with...
I'd say a so-so job at best.

Lets face it, pinko's are wealthy, viscous and absolutely evil, but they are still pretty darn stupid.

So what do we do to turn the tide?
We could just wait them out. Not let their propaganda bother us so much.
Seems more and more that is the only effect they really have.

Pretty easy to defeat an opponent if all you have to do is ignore them.

No. These bastards won't let up, and they're smarter than you think they are. They calculate in terms of decades and not weeks or months. Unlike Americans, their historical memory is vast. Americans are a "have it right now" kind of culture.

I don't have the all the answers but I can say for certain that we would have to employ the same tactics to take back the country as they used to enslave it.

It took them roughly 48 years to get this far so It will take us along time to recover it from a generational standpoint.

Lenin said, and I paraphrase "give me a child for 8 years and I'll make him a socialist for life". Welcome to AmerIka.
Unfortunately we don't have that kind of time because he world is too small.

I, personally, believe that bloodshed is inevitable although unfortunate.

And I personally disagree.
Their only successful weapon (at least in this country) has been propaganda.
Lets face it, they want bloodshed. Their only joy is hate, their goal is death..

I also disagree that they are "smart". They are not. What they are is wealthy and evil.
Two things that are not hard to beat. That is if one thinks past the emotional, or conditioned response.
They think in decades? so what? we think in millennium!

Fighting fire with fire is bull-hooey, you really want to beat a fire? Don't feed the fire!
Starve the pinko.
They are parasites, so when they want blood? give them salt!

Let's douse their propaganda with reason.

For example, I have convinced everyone I've spoken with personally to cancel their cable. It was surprisingly easy.
And guess what?

Yep, happy families.
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We Need To Stop Glorifying Single Mothers | Right Wing News

"Because most of us know single mothers, know how hard they’re working, and wish them well, we do what we can to support them and build them up. That’s very understandable and it undoubtedly does some good. However, because we’re constantly talking about how wonderful single mothers are, we’re also making the option look a lot less scary than it should be to young girls — and that’s a very bad thing for them and for society."

I figured someone out there would have said it better than me :)

Amy, are you a concern troll? Serious question.

People normally don't become single mothers by choice and single motherhood is not a danger to society.
We Need To Stop Glorifying Single Mothers | Right Wing News

"Because most of us know single mothers, know how hard they’re working, and wish them well, we do what we can to support them and build them up. That’s very understandable and it undoubtedly does some good. However, because we’re constantly talking about how wonderful single mothers are, we’re also making the option look a lot less scary than it should be to young girls — and that’s a very bad thing for them and for society."

I figured someone out there would have said it better than me :)

Amy, are you a concern troll? Serious question.

People normally don't become single mothers by choice and single motherhood is not a danger to society.

:lol: It's all the pinko commies fault and bloodshed is inevitable!!! :eusa_clap:
I'd settle for society being more honest about the abject poverty single mothers live in, that their children are more likely to abuse drugs/alcohol, to be sexually active teenagers and to be convicted of a crime.

I have yet to see where anyone is denying that. In fact that is the cause of much concern and controversy. Rather than castigate these parents for being single, considering this as a societal problem is paramount. We are all effected by this situation looking down the nose at a family with one parent is ignoring the problem altogether.

  • "63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) – 5 times the average.
  • 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average.
  • 85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Center for Disease Control)
  • 80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes –14 times the average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)
  • 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (National Principals Association Report)
  • Father Factor in Education - Fatherless children are twice as likely to drop out of school.
  • Children with Fathers who are involved are 40% less likely to repeat a grade in school.
  • Children with Fathers who are involved are 70% less likely to drop out of school.
  • Children with Fathers who are involved are more likely to get A’s in school.
  • Children with Fathers who are involved are more likely to enjoy school and engage in extracurricular activities.
  • 75% of all adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes – 10 times the average.
Father Factor in Child Abuse – Compared to living with both parents, living in a single-parent home doubles the risk that a child will suffer physical, emotional, or educational neglect. The overall rate of child abuse and neglect in single-parent households is 27.3 children per 1,000, whereas the rate of overall maltreatment in two-parent households is 15.5 per 1,000.

Daughters of single parents without a Father involved are 53% more likely to marry as teenagers, 711% more likely to have children as teenagers, 164% more likely to have a pre-marital birth and 92% more likely to get divorced themselves.

Adolescent girls raised in a 2 parent home with involved Fathers are significantly less likely to be sexually active than girls raised without involved Fathers.

  • 43% of US children live without their father [US Department of Census]
  • 90% of homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes. [US D.H.H.S., Bureau of the Census]
  • 80% of rapists motivated with displaced anger come from fatherless homes. [Criminal Justice & Behaviour, Vol 14, pp. 403-26, 1978]
  • 71% of pregnant teenagers lack a father. [U.S. Department of Health and Human Services press release, Friday, March 26, 1999]
  • 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes. [US D.H.H.S., Bureau of the Census]
  • 85% of children who exhibit behavioral disorders come from fatherless homes. [Center for Disease Control]
  • 90% of adolescent repeat arsonists live with only their mother. [Wray Herbert, “Dousing the Kindlers,” Psychology Today, January, 1985, p. 28]
  • 71% of high school dropouts come from fatherless homes. [National Principals Association Report on the State of High Schools]
  • 75% of adolescent patients in chemical abuse centers come from fatherless homes. [Rainbows f for all God’s Children]
  • 70% of juveniles in state operated institutions have no father. [US Department of Justice, Special Report, Sept. 1988]
  • 85% of youths in prisons grew up in a fatherless home. [Fulton County Georgia jail populations, Texas Department of Corrections, 1992]
  • Fatherless boys and girls are: twice as likely to drop out of high school; twice as likely to end up in jail; four times more likely to need help for emotional or behavioral problems. [US D.H.H.S. news release, March 26, 1999]"

Statistics « The Fatherless Generation
I'm a single father, people try to make me out to be special, i'm not. I did make a poor choice for a partner, so i'm just doing what is right, nothing special.

There is nothing wrong with a nice compliment, however, if it is exultation I agree.
It starts with YOU. It's your choice. Stop glorifying them, patronizing them, helping them, in your own personal life. If millions of people did that, just a simple and small act of rebellion, it would not go unnoticed.

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