Global warming, my ass!

Meanwhile, the last 3 years have been the hottest ever according to thousands of readings worldwide. Everyone outside the GOP bubble of idiocy knows it.
these ah's are smarter than the scientists
You say this, after being shown scientific evidence that refutes you? LOLOL! I thought you believed in science. Apparently, I was mistaken.
Meanwhile, the last 3 years have been the hottest ever according to thousands of readings worldwide. Everyone outside the GOP bubble of idiocy knows it.
these ah's are smarter than the scientists
As a scientist it is you who is way off your rocker.. You see I just posted up the paleo record of CO2 and Temperature of the earth. IT shows the current temp is far below the upper limit of natural variation and towards the lower end of historical temperatures.

If I post up the current Holocene temperature graph we are no where near recent high temperature readings and no where near where the earth has been ice less in this current interglacial.

greenlan ice core- interglacial.PNG

Have you taken enough of a beating yet?
Meanwhile, the last 3 years have been the hottest ever according to thousands of readings worldwide. Everyone outside the GOP bubble of idiocy knows it.
these ah's are smarter than the scientists
Blindly following and baying like sheep will lead you to slaughter.. This failed appeal to authority, without proof, is a poorly thought out and foolish behavior.
This type of cold is part of global warming. With the lack of Arctic ice, the temperature difference between the North Pole and the mid-latitudes has decreased. It is this temperature difference that drives the jet stream.

As the strength of the jet stream decreases, the Rossby waves in the jet stream increase in deviation, that is, the loops in the jet stream that let cold air penetrate farther south and warm air penetrate farther north increase. See image!

This increase in the Rossby waves has been gradual and going on for decades. For example, once upon a time, northern Florida grew oranges - no more.

Aside from this process putting the rest of Florida's citrus industry at risk, there will be numerous other economic consequences - particularly when you consider this process could lead to killing frosts occurring much later in the spring.

Between this and the OP we find the difference between science and the Cult of Ignorance. Respectively.

It appears we are heading for a period of global COOLING. The sun is not very know? ...that big ball of fire in the you think man has more power over our climate than it?

The below chart shows solar activity crashing down. With the lowest sunspot count in a hundred years, with agricultural sectors hit hard and food prices continuing to spiral up, what USA Today said is not funny. The weekend of June 11, 2017 saw more snow in California and thoughtful people are starting to think of using more than tar and feathers to put certain individuals from NOAA and NASA in their place.

I know it is not easy to think with facts in this world of climate lies but solar cycle 24 has seen very low solar activity thus far meaning the last thing we need to be afraid of is global warming. Dr. L.E. Kaiser writes, “It’s already the month of June and both air and water temperatures are well behind the seasonally adjusted “global warming = climate change = frying planet” conditions that were proclaimed by so many climate doomsters.”


Regarding the sun, my post was not discussing that issue. It is simply about the jet stream, what drives the system, and why it is weakening.

I understand that solar output this cycle is low, but this could be a disaster. Imagine that the planet cools because of the lack of solar output, and the world decides it is just fine to continue with business as usual regarding burning fossil fuels.

This will lead to a disastrous outcome when the sun returns to the output of previous cycles. We are already so deep into climate change that both the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets will likely disintegrate to a large degree resulting in meters of sea level rise in the distant future.

As Wallace Broecker, from Columbia University, says "Climate is an angry beast and we are poking at it with sticks”
Greenland used to grow crops where those glaciers are right now. You are making the mistake of believing that the current state of affairs regarding glacier coverage is normal. It is not.

I almost did not respond to this, because it is so bad. The comment, "Greenland used to grow crops where those glaciers are right now."

As Greenland becomes better for growing crops, sea level will rise. As sea level increases, you could see hundreds of millions of people forced to migrate - even if it is inside there own country - and you would see trillions of dollars in lost infrastructure.

It is time to do some clear thinking about the future!
Meanwhile, the last 3 years have been the hottest ever according to thousands of readings worldwide. Everyone outside the GOP bubble of idiocy knows it.
these ah's are smarter than the scientists
As a scientist it is you who is way off your rocker.. You see I just posted up the paleo record of CO2 and Temperature of the earth. IT shows the current temp is far below the upper limit of natural variation and towards the lower end of historical temperatures.

If I post up the current Holocene temperature graph we are no where near recent high temperature readings and no where near where the earth has been ice less in this current interglacial.

View attachment 186903

Have you taken enough of a beating yet?
Q: What is global warming?
A: Here's a simple definition of global warming. (And yes, it's really happening.) Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history. And experts see the trend is accelerating: All but one of the 16 hottest years in NASA’s 134-year record have occurred since 2000.

Climate change deniers have argued that there has been a “pause” or a “slowdown” in rising global temperatures, but several recent studies, including a 2015 paper published in the journal Science, have disproved this claim. And scientists say that unless we curb global-warming emissions, average U.S. temperatures could increase by up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century.

Q: What causes global warming?
A: Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into space—but these pollutants, which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. That's what's known as the greenhouse effect.

In the United States, the burning of fossil fuels to make electricity is the largest source of heat-trapping pollution, producing about two billion tons of CO2 every year. Coal-burning power plants are by far the biggest polluters. The country’s second-largest source of carbon pollution is the transportation sector, which generates about 1.7 billion tons of CO2 emissions a year.

Curbing dangerous climate change requires very deep cuts in emissions, as well as the use of alternatives to fossil fuels worldwide. The good news is that we’ve started a turnaround: CO2 emissions in the United States actually decreased from 2005 to 2014, thanks in part to new, energy-efficient technology and the use of cleaner fuels. And scientists continue to develop new ways to modernize power plants, generate cleaner electricity, and burn less gasoline while we drive. The challenge is to be sure these solutions are put to use and widely adopted.
I understand that solar output this cycle is low, but this could be a disaster. Imagine that the planet cools because of the lack of solar output, and the world decides it is just fine to continue with business as usual regarding burning fossil fuels.
This is total horse manure... CO2's forcing ability has now been shown less than 0.2 deg per doubling due the the NEGATIVE forcings of earths atmosphere. With recent satellite corrections even this is now closer to 0.0 deg C..

Well, I do not know where this poster got this idea, "CO2's forcing ability has now been shown less than 0.2 deg per doubling. Forcing per doubling of concentration is called the "climate sensitivity" to carbon dioxide.

Over at Skeptical Science, I found this quote. The poster isn't even close.


The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report summarized climate sensitivity as "likely to be in the range 2 to 4.5°C with a best estimate of about 3°C, and is very unlikely to be less than 1.5°C. Values substantially higher than 4.5°C cannot be excluded, but agreement of models with observations is not as good for those values."

(End quote)

Now the poster needs to find a source better than the IPCC.
Between this and the OP we find the difference between science and the Cult of Ignorance. Respectively.

It appears we are heading for a period of global COOLING. The sun is not very know? ...that big ball of fire in the you think man has more power over our climate than it?

The below chart shows solar activity crashing down. With the lowest sunspot count in a hundred years, with agricultural sectors hit hard and food prices continuing to spiral up, what USA Today said is not funny. The weekend of June 11, 2017 saw more snow in California and thoughtful people are starting to think of using more than tar and feathers to put certain individuals from NOAA and NASA in their place.

I know it is not easy to think with facts in this world of climate lies but solar cycle 24 has seen very low solar activity thus far meaning the last thing we need to be afraid of is global warming. Dr. L.E. Kaiser writes, “It’s already the month of June and both air and water temperatures are well behind the seasonally adjusted “global warming = climate change = frying planet” conditions that were proclaimed by so many climate doomsters.”


Regarding the sun, my post was not discussing that issue. It is simply about the jet stream, what drives the system, and why it is weakening.

I understand that solar output this cycle is low, but this could be a disaster. Imagine that the planet cools because of the lack of solar output, and the world decides it is just fine to continue with business as usual regarding burning fossil fuels.

This will lead to a disastrous outcome when the sun returns to the output of previous cycles. We are already so deep into climate change that both the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets will likely disintegrate to a large degree resulting in meters of sea level rise in the distant future.

As Wallace Broecker, from Columbia University, says "Climate is an angry beast and we are poking at it with sticks”
1. Every jet is zonal.
2. The power of each jet is directly related to solar output.
3. It is the energy imbalance and routes of energy loss which determine what the planet is doing.

What are you basing your assumptions on?

In cooling world where the sun is giving less energy the release portion of the system will gain power ie: polar jet. In a warming world the equatorial jets gain power causing tightly constrained polar jets.

Where is your magical boogie man that is going to make the planet burn?

suggested reading: Paradoxical Earth.. Complex responses often misinterpreted...

About the comment, "The power of each jet is directly related to solar output." To say directly is wrong! If you go to Scientific and find the article "What causes the high-speed winds, or 'jet stream,' in the stratosphere? And why does the path of the jet stream wander?", you find the stream is more directly related to the temperature difference. The article says:


During the winter months, when the equator-to-pole temperature disparity is at its greatest, the jet stream reaches its maximum velocity. During the summer months, when the temperature gradient between the equator and the pole is considerably less (only about half the winter value), the jet stream reaches its minimum velocity.

(End quote)

"And why does the path of the jet stream wander?", you find the stream is more directly related to the temperature difference."

Tell me, where does the earth obtain its energy from?

I'll wait...

I think you are having problems with the terms "directly" and "indirectly."
Meanwhile, the last 3 years have been the hottest ever according to thousands of readings worldwide. Everyone outside the GOP bubble of idiocy knows it.
these ah's are smarter than the scientists
As a scientist it is you who is way off your rocker.. You see I just posted up the paleo record of CO2 and Temperature of the earth. IT shows the current temp is far below the upper limit of natural variation and towards the lower end of historical temperatures.

If I post up the current Holocene temperature graph we are no where near recent high temperature readings and no where near where the earth has been ice less in this current interglacial.

View attachment 186903

Have you taken enough of a beating yet?
Q: What is global warming?
A: Here's a simple definition of global warming. (And yes, it's really happening.) Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history. And experts see the trend is accelerating: All but one of the 16 hottest years in NASA’s 134-year record have occurred since 2000.

Climate change deniers have argued that there has been a “pause” or a “slowdown” in rising global temperatures, but several recent studies, including a 2015 paper published in the journal Science, have disproved this claim. And scientists say that unless we curb global-warming emissions, average U.S. temperatures could increase by up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century.

Q: What causes global warming?
A: Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into space—but these pollutants, which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. That's what's known as the greenhouse effect.

In the United States, the burning of fossil fuels to make electricity is the largest source of heat-trapping pollution, producing about two billion tons of CO2 every year. Coal-burning power plants are by far the biggest polluters. The country’s second-largest source of carbon pollution is the transportation sector, which generates about 1.7 billion tons of CO2 emissions a year.

Curbing dangerous climate change requires very deep cuts in emissions, as well as the use of alternatives to fossil fuels worldwide. The good news is that we’ve started a turnaround: CO2 emissions in the United States actually decreased from 2005 to 2014, thanks in part to new, energy-efficient technology and the use of cleaner fuels. And scientists continue to develop new ways to modernize power plants, generate cleaner electricity, and burn less gasoline while we drive. The challenge is to be sure these solutions are put to use and widely adopted.

I love theses kind of rebuttals...

Tell me where did they derive their temperatures from? I will answer that.. MODELING. How many times must you people be told that modeling is pure fantasy. They based their predictions and suggestions on models which have FAILED EVERY EMPIRICAL REVIEW and have shown them worthless at all forms of predictions..

The polices they suggest are pure political horse crap based pure crap modeling.

cmip5-73-models-vs-obs-20n-20s-mt-5-yr-means11 Dr Roy Spencer.png

Science is the process of placing your hypothesis up against empirical evidenced and when you cant match you go back to the drawing board and find out why.. This is epic failure... yet your answer is to adjust the empirical data to match your failure.. This is not the work of scientists it is the work of fools who are pretending to be scientist looking for their next political hand out..
Last edited:
It appears we are heading for a period of global COOLING. The sun is not very know? ...that big ball of fire in the you think man has more power over our climate than it?

The below chart shows solar activity crashing down. With the lowest sunspot count in a hundred years, with agricultural sectors hit hard and food prices continuing to spiral up, what USA Today said is not funny. The weekend of June 11, 2017 saw more snow in California and thoughtful people are starting to think of using more than tar and feathers to put certain individuals from NOAA and NASA in their place.

I know it is not easy to think with facts in this world of climate lies but solar cycle 24 has seen very low solar activity thus far meaning the last thing we need to be afraid of is global warming. Dr. L.E. Kaiser writes, “It’s already the month of June and both air and water temperatures are well behind the seasonally adjusted “global warming = climate change = frying planet” conditions that were proclaimed by so many climate doomsters.”


Regarding the sun, my post was not discussing that issue. It is simply about the jet stream, what drives the system, and why it is weakening.

I understand that solar output this cycle is low, but this could be a disaster. Imagine that the planet cools because of the lack of solar output, and the world decides it is just fine to continue with business as usual regarding burning fossil fuels.

This will lead to a disastrous outcome when the sun returns to the output of previous cycles. We are already so deep into climate change that both the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets will likely disintegrate to a large degree resulting in meters of sea level rise in the distant future.

As Wallace Broecker, from Columbia University, says "Climate is an angry beast and we are poking at it with sticks”
1. Every jet is zonal.
2. The power of each jet is directly related to solar output.
3. It is the energy imbalance and routes of energy loss which determine what the planet is doing.

What are you basing your assumptions on?

In cooling world where the sun is giving less energy the release portion of the system will gain power ie: polar jet. In a warming world the equatorial jets gain power causing tightly constrained polar jets.

Where is your magical boogie man that is going to make the planet burn?

suggested reading: Paradoxical Earth.. Complex responses often misinterpreted...

About the comment, "The power of each jet is directly related to solar output." To say directly is wrong! If you go to Scientific and find the article "What causes the high-speed winds, or 'jet stream,' in the stratosphere? And why does the path of the jet stream wander?", you find the stream is more directly related to the temperature difference. The article says:


During the winter months, when the equator-to-pole temperature disparity is at its greatest, the jet stream reaches its maximum velocity. During the summer months, when the temperature gradient between the equator and the pole is considerably less (only about half the winter value), the jet stream reaches its minimum velocity.

(End quote)

"And why does the path of the jet stream wander?", you find the stream is more directly related to the temperature difference."

Tell me, where does the earth obtain its energy from?

I'll wait...

I think you are having problems with the terms "directly" and "indirectly."

I think your having problems with facts and fantasy...
Regarding the sun, my post was not discussing that issue. It is simply about the jet stream, what drives the system, and why it is weakening.

I understand that solar output this cycle is low, but this could be a disaster. Imagine that the planet cools because of the lack of solar output, and the world decides it is just fine to continue with business as usual regarding burning fossil fuels.

This will lead to a disastrous outcome when the sun returns to the output of previous cycles. We are already so deep into climate change that both the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets will likely disintegrate to a large degree resulting in meters of sea level rise in the distant future.

As Wallace Broecker, from Columbia University, says "Climate is an angry beast and we are poking at it with sticks”
1. Every jet is zonal.
2. The power of each jet is directly related to solar output.
3. It is the energy imbalance and routes of energy loss which determine what the planet is doing.

What are you basing your assumptions on?

In cooling world where the sun is giving less energy the release portion of the system will gain power ie: polar jet. In a warming world the equatorial jets gain power causing tightly constrained polar jets.

Where is your magical boogie man that is going to make the planet burn?

suggested reading: Paradoxical Earth.. Complex responses often misinterpreted...

About the comment, "The power of each jet is directly related to solar output." To say directly is wrong! If you go to Scientific and find the article "What causes the high-speed winds, or 'jet stream,' in the stratosphere? And why does the path of the jet stream wander?", you find the stream is more directly related to the temperature difference. The article says:


During the winter months, when the equator-to-pole temperature disparity is at its greatest, the jet stream reaches its maximum velocity. During the summer months, when the temperature gradient between the equator and the pole is considerably less (only about half the winter value), the jet stream reaches its minimum velocity.

(End quote)

"And why does the path of the jet stream wander?", you find the stream is more directly related to the temperature difference."

Tell me, where does the earth obtain its energy from?

I'll wait...

I think you are having problems with the terms "directly" and "indirectly."

I think your having problems with facts and fantasy...

I am the one offering references!
This type of cold is part of global warming. With the lack of Arctic ice, the temperature difference between the North Pole and the mid-latitudes has decreased. It is this temperature difference that drives the jet stream.

As the strength of the jet stream decreases, the Rossby waves in the jet stream increase in deviation, that is, the loops in the jet stream that let cold air penetrate farther south and warm air penetrate farther north increase. See image!

This increase in the Rossby waves has been gradual and going on for decades. For example, once upon a time, northern Florida grew oranges - no more.

Aside from this process putting the rest of Florida's citrus industry at risk, there will be numerous other economic consequences - particularly when you consider this process could lead to killing frosts occurring much later in the spring.

Between this and the OP we find the difference between science and the Cult of Ignorance. Respectively.

It appears we are heading for a period of global COOLING. The sun is not very know? ...that big ball of fire in the you think man has more power over our climate than it?

The below chart shows solar activity crashing down. With the lowest sunspot count in a hundred years, with agricultural sectors hit hard and food prices continuing to spiral up, what USA Today said is not funny. The weekend of June 11, 2017 saw more snow in California and thoughtful people are starting to think of using more than tar and feathers to put certain individuals from NOAA and NASA in their place.

I know it is not easy to think with facts in this world of climate lies but solar cycle 24 has seen very low solar activity thus far meaning the last thing we need to be afraid of is global warming. Dr. L.E. Kaiser writes, “It’s already the month of June and both air and water temperatures are well behind the seasonally adjusted “global warming = climate change = frying planet” conditions that were proclaimed by so many climate doomsters.”


Regarding the sun, my post was not discussing that issue. It is simply about the jet stream, what drives the system, and why it is weakening.

I understand that solar output this cycle is low, but this could be a disaster. Imagine that the planet cools because of the lack of solar output, and the world decides it is just fine to continue with business as usual regarding burning fossil fuels.

This will lead to a disastrous outcome when the sun returns to the output of previous cycles. We are already so deep into climate change that both the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets will likely disintegrate to a large degree resulting in meters of sea level rise in the distant future.

As Wallace Broecker, from Columbia University, says "Climate is an angry beast and we are poking at it with sticks”
Greenland used to grow crops where those glaciers are right now. You are making the mistake of believing that the current state of affairs regarding glacier coverage is normal. It is not.

I almost did not respond to this, because it is so bad. The comment, "Greenland used to grow crops where those glaciers are right now."

As Greenland becomes better for growing crops, sea level will rise. As sea level increases, you could see hundreds of millions of people forced to migrate - even if it is inside there own country - and you would see trillions of dollars in lost infrastructure.

It is time to do some clear thinking about the future!
What's really bad is that you believe that we can control the climate. What hubris. Remember that volcano that caused the little ice age? There was a year without a Summer. Few crops were grown because it was just too damn cold. This is also why we have seen temperatures rising in the past. They were returning to NORMAL. No matter what you think, nature always has the last laugh.
It appears we are heading for a period of global COOLING. The sun is not very know? ...that big ball of fire in the you think man has more power over our climate than it?

The below chart shows solar activity crashing down. With the lowest sunspot count in a hundred years, with agricultural sectors hit hard and food prices continuing to spiral up, what USA Today said is not funny. The weekend of June 11, 2017 saw more snow in California and thoughtful people are starting to think of using more than tar and feathers to put certain individuals from NOAA and NASA in their place.

I know it is not easy to think with facts in this world of climate lies but solar cycle 24 has seen very low solar activity thus far meaning the last thing we need to be afraid of is global warming. Dr. L.E. Kaiser writes, “It’s already the month of June and both air and water temperatures are well behind the seasonally adjusted “global warming = climate change = frying planet” conditions that were proclaimed by so many climate doomsters.”


Regarding the sun, my post was not discussing that issue. It is simply about the jet stream, what drives the system, and why it is weakening.

I understand that solar output this cycle is low, but this could be a disaster. Imagine that the planet cools because of the lack of solar output, and the world decides it is just fine to continue with business as usual regarding burning fossil fuels.

This will lead to a disastrous outcome when the sun returns to the output of previous cycles. We are already so deep into climate change that both the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets will likely disintegrate to a large degree resulting in meters of sea level rise in the distant future.

As Wallace Broecker, from Columbia University, says "Climate is an angry beast and we are poking at it with sticks”
1. Every jet is zonal.
2. The power of each jet is directly related to solar output.
3. It is the energy imbalance and routes of energy loss which determine what the planet is doing.

What are you basing your assumptions on?

In cooling world where the sun is giving less energy the release portion of the system will gain power ie: polar jet. In a warming world the equatorial jets gain power causing tightly constrained polar jets.

Where is your magical boogie man that is going to make the planet burn?

suggested reading: Paradoxical Earth.. Complex responses often misinterpreted...

About the comment, "The power of each jet is directly related to solar output." To say directly is wrong! If you go to Scientific and find the article "What causes the high-speed winds, or 'jet stream,' in the stratosphere? And why does the path of the jet stream wander?", you find the stream is more directly related to the temperature difference. The article says:


During the winter months, when the equator-to-pole temperature disparity is at its greatest, the jet stream reaches its maximum velocity. During the summer months, when the temperature gradient between the equator and the pole is considerably less (only about half the winter value), the jet stream reaches its minimum velocity.

(End quote)

"And why does the path of the jet stream wander?", you find the stream is more directly related to the temperature difference."

Tell me, where does the earth obtain its energy from?

I'll wait...

I think you are having problems with the terms "directly" and "indirectly."
I understand that solar output this cycle is low, but this could be a disaster. Imagine that the planet cools because of the lack of solar output, and the world decides it is just fine to continue with business as usual regarding burning fossil fuels.
This is total horse manure... CO2's forcing ability has now been shown less than 0.2 deg per doubling due the the NEGATIVE forcings of earths atmosphere. With recent satellite corrections even this is now closer to 0.0 deg C..

Well, I do not know where this poster got this idea, "CO2's forcing ability has now been shown less than 0.2 deg per doubling. Forcing per doubling of concentration is called the "climate sensitivity" to carbon dioxide.

Over at Skeptical Science, I found this quote. The poster isn't even close.


The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report summarized climate sensitivity as "likely to be in the range 2 to 4.5°C with a best estimate of about 3°C, and is very unlikely to be less than 1.5°C. Values substantially higher than 4.5°C cannot be excluded, but agreement of models with observations is not as good for those values."

(End quote)

Now the poster needs to find a source better than the IPCC.
Your first foolish point was to take anything over at SKS as having an iota of truth to it. You really should get away from left wing hack sites for your data.

As for the current "forcing" that the IPCC is using one needs only go to current sites disusing the math and process to find out that the forcing number is now 0.0 to 0.2 deg C per doubling. And with the current change UAH is having to make in the satellite systems and their drift failure, the potential CO2 forcing is now 0.0-0.2 deg C. When you place the current numbers into the SB equation it is almost 0.013.
Last edited:
1. Every jet is zonal.
2. The power of each jet is directly related to solar output.
3. It is the energy imbalance and routes of energy loss which determine what the planet is doing.

What are you basing your assumptions on?

In cooling world where the sun is giving less energy the release portion of the system will gain power ie: polar jet. In a warming world the equatorial jets gain power causing tightly constrained polar jets.

Where is your magical boogie man that is going to make the planet burn?

suggested reading: Paradoxical Earth.. Complex responses often misinterpreted...

About the comment, "The power of each jet is directly related to solar output." To say directly is wrong! If you go to Scientific and find the article "What causes the high-speed winds, or 'jet stream,' in the stratosphere? And why does the path of the jet stream wander?", you find the stream is more directly related to the temperature difference. The article says:


During the winter months, when the equator-to-pole temperature disparity is at its greatest, the jet stream reaches its maximum velocity. During the summer months, when the temperature gradient between the equator and the pole is considerably less (only about half the winter value), the jet stream reaches its minimum velocity.

(End quote)

"And why does the path of the jet stream wander?", you find the stream is more directly related to the temperature difference."

Tell me, where does the earth obtain its energy from?

I'll wait...

I think you are having problems with the terms "directly" and "indirectly."

I think your having problems with facts and fantasy...

I am the one offering references!
Yes, References to a wholly discredited IPCC 4th assessment report.. Just like SKS uses and based on modeling that has been shown falsified. Not much of a base for an argument IMHO..
About the comment, "The power of each jet is directly related to solar output." To say directly is wrong! If you go to Scientific and find the article "What causes the high-speed winds, or 'jet stream,' in the stratosphere? And why does the path of the jet stream wander?", you find the stream is more directly related to the temperature difference. The article says:


During the winter months, when the equator-to-pole temperature disparity is at its greatest, the jet stream reaches its maximum velocity. During the summer months, when the temperature gradient between the equator and the pole is considerably less (only about half the winter value), the jet stream reaches its minimum velocity.

(End quote)

"And why does the path of the jet stream wander?", you find the stream is more directly related to the temperature difference."

Tell me, where does the earth obtain its energy from?

I'll wait...

I think you are having problems with the terms "directly" and "indirectly."

I think your having problems with facts and fantasy...

I am the one offering references!
Yes, References to a wholly discredited IPCC 4th assessment report.. Just like SKS uses and based on modeling that has been shown falsified. Not much of a base for an argument IMHO..
Global warming proponents have been caught red-handed falsifying data. How can any rational person believe anything they say? They even altered the record of temperatures, collected over the past century or so, to make it look warmer today. They are a bunch of dishonest f*cks with an agenda. That agenda is to control us by any means available. Wake the f*ck up before it's too late.
All you global warming ding bats...I want you to take a good look at this weather map. Then tell me, with a straight face, that global warming is real. It isnt. Just step outside and you'll see what I mean.
View attachment 186708
Great, another moron that doesn't know the difference between weather and climate.
All you global warming ding bats...I want you to take a good look at this weather map. Then tell me, with a straight face, that global warming is real. It isnt. Just step outside and you'll see what I mean.
View attachment 186708
Great, another moron that doesn't know the difference between weather and climate.
Excuse me, but isn't weather generated by the climate? And the lies told by the tree-huggers have been exposed over and over again. Like when they lowered historical temperature readings to make things look warmer today. This is proven fact. Even NASA has altered sattalite temperature data. So, you'll simply have to forgive me if I don't pay attention to you fools.
All you global warming ding bats...I want you to take a good look at this weather map. Then tell me, with a straight face, that global warming is real. It isnt. Just step outside and you'll see what I mean.
View attachment 186708
Great, another moron that doesn't know the difference between weather and climate.
Great. Another moron who doesn't realize that everything he believes about global warming is a lie. Read this, and educate yourself. Your ignorance offends me. I seem to be saying that a lot, lately. Oh well. carry on. Read this. You need it...desperately.
Former NOAA Scientist Confirms Colleagues Manipulated Climate Records

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