Gigafactory Battery-cell production begins


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Gigafactory Battery-cell production begins


The start of Tesla Gigafactory battery mass production is a huge milestone in Tesla’s quest to electrify transportation, and it brings to America a manufacturing industry—battery cells—that’s long been dominated by China, Japan, and South Korea. More than 2,900 people are already working at the 4.9 million square-foot facility, and another..

Elon musk makes a ton of jobs and is awesome!
Why Tesla Batteries Are Cheap Enough To Prevent New Power Plants

Last year, analysts hired by Oncor Electric Delivery Company were toiling away on a study of the costs and benefits of installing enormous batteries on Oncor's grid in Texas. The benefits would surpass the costs, they calculated, if Oncor could buy batteries for $350 per kilowatt hour of capacity—or less. That was the break-even point.

At the time, the cheapest utility-scale batteries cost twice that much, the analysts noted, and some cost nearly ten times that much. But prices were falling, and the analysts predicted batteries might reach the $350 point in 2020.

They didn't have to wait nearly so long.

Tesla's utility-scale Powerpack battery, unveiled late Thursday night, will sell for $250/kWh.

"There's nothing remotely at these price points," said Tesla product architect Elon Musk.

And now Tesla has a competitor offering grid scale batteries at $180 kw/hr.
Breibart? LOL Why not quote the National Enquirer?

Yes, Musk used the subsidies to aid the original sales of his vehicles. And, I am sure, for the solar energy for his battery plant. So did many other industries. However, what makes his contributions unique is that they are aiding in making the subsidies unnecessary.
Is anything in the breibart article untrue? I think this is called betting on the come. Or I guess we didn't have as many shovel ready projects as I thought.

Tesla's new batteries may be harder on the environment than you think

Tesla’s Electric Cars Aren’t as Green as You Might Think

Here's the Big Reason Tesla and Elon Musk Will Never Satisfy Wall Street

One of his new batteries weighs 1000 lbs., not user friendly.

This is con artist 101, just like obama. Create a false perception of yourself as smart, hip, visionary, cool, superior, and light years ahead of anyone else. Emphasize that people that are not on board are living in the past. Suffer no criticism or sober assessment of your achievements. Pocket the money. Move on to the next futurama before the old one starts to rot and smell. Meanwhile,the true innovators toil away in the salt mines.

Let's see. The Guardian, Wired, and Fortune, or are these naysayers just more national enquirers? Don't let reality hobble your unicorn.
Why did you think those articles meant anything? You'd never hack it in the reality-based community, which I suppose is why you were so easily sucked into the Breitbart post-reality cult.

The two "electric cars aren't green" articles were stupid. All they could muster was to point out burning coal wasn't good. Duh. That's why the reality-based people point out that electricity generation has to move away from coal.

The Wall Street article? Nothing to do with anything.

And you're upset about a 1000 pound battery? Why? Do you understand not every battery needs to be in a vehicle? You should, given Rocks talked about them being used at utilities.

So, nice PC rant. Can you tell us who the real "innovators" are, the ones being oppressed in the salt mines? Be specific. Name names. Show how they're being oppressed. If they're not figments of your imagination, that should be easy.
Shrimp, those thousand pound batteries can be changed quicker than you can get a fill up of gas.

I expect that by 2025, the batteries will be capable of powering the big, heavy Tesla S for 500 miles on a single charge. And, as we post, Tesla, Mercedes, and Porsche, are working on a faster charging system.

At the same time, both solar and wind are now far cheaper than even dirty coal. And Tesla, as well as others, are manufacturing grid scale batteries that will make those sources 24/7, as well as create a much more stable and robust grid.
Rocks here is the difference between your view and my view. You are gung ho on promises and predictions and I am a realist that wants to see the technology show durability and staying power as well as reaching price points that everyday people can afford. Your video is the perfect foil for this. Musk sets up a pr event that has no relationship to the real world. How much is the battery replacement? How,often? How far will you have to drive to get to one of these places. What if your Tessa is in a severe accident. How does salt on the roads in the winter affect the battery situation. Will sitting over top of this battery affect your health or your cell phone. Will these batteries be obsolete in five years? Will they present toxic waste problems that will increase costs. Will another company invent the model T of electric cars that makes teslas uncompetitive, and then all the taxpayer money becomes wasted? For people like you rocks, musk is always graded on a curve.

Teslas are a lot like yachts. Wonderful to buy new and lounge on but impossible to work on.

And in our approach to things, you are like the designer and I am like the engineer .

I am not against progress. I am an avid fan of sci-fi, inventions, and new technology. But in today's world there are so many salespeople selling trinkets that they say you can't live without which turn out to be garbage. We all have to sift through the technological noise to identify things that are important to our lives. Consumers don't all need a new mattress, anew pillow, a new diet, a new car, a new website, a new phone, a new tv, a new google for a roommate, a new drone, a new tv on your exercise bike, a new security system, or a gopro to document that you are getting a GoPro.

If Elons products stand,the test of time, I will tip my hat to him. So far he hasn't even come close.
Rocks here is the difference between your view and my view. You are gung ho on promises and predictions and I am a realist that wants to see the technology show durability and staying power as well as reaching price points that everyday people can afford.

The Tesla is in the price range of top end Mercedes and BMW's. And it is far faster and handles better. And is outselling them across the board. In fact, more Tesla's are sold that all the luxury models of those brands put together. The Chevy Bolt and the Tesla 3 will both be within the budgets of the upper middle class Americans.

Your video is the perfect foil for this. Musk sets up a pr event that has no relationship to the real world.

How so? You mean that battery cannot be changed like that?

How much is the battery replacement? How,often?

The Tesla battery is gauranteed for eight years. Cost? Cheaper next year than this year, and cheaper the year after that.

How far will you have to drive to get to one of these places.

Probably quite a ways at present. However, like his Supercharging network, I bet that is changing as we post.

What if your Tessa is in a severe accident.

Tesla Model S Achieves Best Safety Rating of Any Car Ever Tested
Sets New NHTSA Vehicle Safety Score Record
Tesla Model S Achieves Best Safety Rating of Any Car Ever Tested

How does salt on the roads in the winter affect the battery situation.

The battery is isolated, why should it affect the Tesla any more than any other car?

Will sitting over top of this battery affect your health or your cell phone.

Do the power lines running by your house affect your health and cell phone?

Will these batteries be obsolete in five years?

Yes. Elon Musk is doing his best to make that the case. And then, when you have ran your battery for eight years, if you desire, you can pull in and get a new one in less time than an ICE gets a fillup.

Will they present toxic waste problems that will increase costs.

Like lead, lithium is a valuable metal. Do we throw away our lead acid batteries?

Will another company invent the model T of electric cars that makes teslas uncompetitive, and then all the taxpayer money becomes wasted?

Tesla Pays Off Its $465 Million 'Loser' Loan

Elon Musk’s “Summer of Revenge Tour” continues. His electric-car company, Tesla Motors, just cut the government a $451.8 million check, which means that Tesla has paid off its entire Department of Energy loan plus interest. “Following this payment, Tesla will be the only American car company to have fully repaid the government,” the company boasted (emphasis Tesla’s).

Seems you are a bit behind times. The taxpayer money has been paid back with interest. In other words, Tesla was a very good investment for our taxpayer dollars. Should a better vehicle and company put him out of business, that is capitalism. His loss, not the taxpayers

For people like you rocks, musk is always graded on a curve.

I see. Creating a state of the art vehicle, way ahead of anything built anywhere else, and building it in America, is a bad thing? LOL

I really have to laugh at the way you 'Conservatives' stretch to find fault in anything that threatens the fossil fuel industry. Well, that industry should be shaking in it's boots. It is not only electric cars that are threatening it, but now we have solar and wind at utility scale that is cheaper than either dirty coal or gas. And that same factory that is building the batteries for the EV's is building and selling, as we post, grid scale batteries. As are at least two other companies in the US.

I think that by 2025, Tesla will be marketing vehicles across the whole range, and competing quite well with the established car companies. And selling those companies his batteries for their vehicles.
Tesla cars may be difficult to work on, true. The oil filter, for example, is hard to even find.

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