Get Your Furnace Checked: Third weakest solar cycle since 1755


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

The left will use the same solution for the decrease in solar activity: massive government spending, income redistribution, less capitalism, less individual freedom.

“The ‘Little Ice Age’ was actually a significantly extended cool period lasting several centuries, and no less than FOUR extended minima occurred during its ‘tenure.’ These include, in order, the Wolf, the Spörer, the Maunder, and the Dalton minima. These extended minima were not all of the same ‘depth,’ in that the minimum numbers of sunspots were not the same across all of them — the Maunder was far deeper than the rest — but there are indications that we are hitting numbers in the range of the Dalton already. . . . The fact that, as sunspot numbers go down, the overall energies output by the Sun also go down is an indication that, in this instance, correlation may well equal causation, at least to some degree. Add in a few large (or many small) volcanic eruptions to complicate matters — and there usually ARE such concatenations of volcanic eruptions in such multi-decadal timeframes, as a matter of course — and it may well prove interesting times ahead, as well as in the past.”



What Happened to Spot? A Solar Update By Stephanie Osborn
Sigh. Yet another denier ice age prediction. They never learn. Their HolyIceAge neve arrives, but still, they have faith.

Oh, the LIA was not primarily due to low solar activity. High volcanic activity was the primary driver, then it was reinforced by a weaker sun and low CO2 levels.
Sigh. Yet another denier ice age prediction. They never learn. Their HolyIceAge neve arrives, but still, they have faith.

Oh, the LIA was not primarily due to low solar activity. High volcanic activity was the primary driver, then it was reinforced by a weaker sun and low CO2 levels.
I have science on my side. You have PT Barnum.
Sigh. Yet another denier ice age prediction. They never learn. Their HolyIceAge neve arrives, but still, they have faith.

Oh, the LIA was not primarily due to low solar activity. High volcanic activity was the primary driver, then it was reinforced by a weaker sun and low CO2 levels.
I have science on my side. You have PT Barnum.


O.45 C, warmer than any month prior to 1997, warmer than most months after 1997. And this spring is ENSO neutral, not an El Nino. You have a willfully ignorant opinion on your side, no science at all.
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The left will use the same solution for the decrease in solar activity: massive government spending, income redistribution, less capitalism, less individual freedom.

“The ‘Little Ice Age’ was actually a significantly extended cool period lasting several centuries, and no less than FOUR extended minima occurred during its ‘tenure.’ These include, in order, the Wolf, the Spörer, the Maunder, and the Dalton minima. These extended minima were not all of the same ‘depth,’ in that the minimum numbers of sunspots were not the same across all of them — the Maunder was far deeper than the rest — but there are indications that we are hitting numbers in the range of the Dalton already. . . . The fact that, as sunspot numbers go down, the overall energies output by the Sun also go down is an indication that, in this instance, correlation may well equal causation, at least to some degree. Add in a few large (or many small) volcanic eruptions to complicate matters — and there usually ARE such concatenations of volcanic eruptions in such multi-decadal timeframes, as a matter of course — and it may well prove interesting times ahead, as well as in the past.”
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What Happened to Spot? A Solar Update By Stephanie Osborn
Yet with all of that, the last three years have all seen record temperatures. And it looks like 2017 will rank in the top five. Now how does that fit in your nonsense?
Lets put some facts out for the left wing fool morons...

Temperatures above 7,000 feet are below the thirty year average by -10 - 17 degree F. This is playing out as predicted with the diminished solar output. high altitude temps are falling. The next few years will not change these and temperatures are going to remain below normal.

Snow melts are way behind and the massive amounts of snow in the Rockies (currently above 300% of normal) are not melting very fast.. If long range patterns play out, were in for an early fall and winter. we are expecting to see the first time, in over 90 years, that full snow melt does not occur in many regions.. Some long range projections show a very cold winter..

The AGW meme is about to take a huge kick to the nut sack... Heat loss at the surface will happen very soon.. And no one is going to be able to stop it.
When "Global Warming" peters out and proves beyond a doubt to be fake.....they will THEN say that man has caused global COOLING...presenting all kinds of fake scientific evidence that MAN has caused the cooling and every liberal will about face..wobble their little bobble heads like good little morons and get on the "Global Cooling" bandwagon.

Whatever their elitist masters command them to do...they will....with out thought. Like little braindead zombies.
Manipulating a lefttard liberal zombie is so easy.
"A late spring snowstorm is expected in far western Wyoming Monday night into Tuesday, as a strong low-pressure center moves northeast from Idaho, across Yellowstone National Park and into Montana.

According to an alert from the National Weather Service at 3:37 p.m. Sunday, the snow level will drop to roughly 8,000 feet Monday evening before reaching the valley floor by Tuesday morning."

lol.... you cant make this stuff up... 300% of normal and still snowing, in mid June...

June Snowstorm Expected in Western Wyoming Early This Week
Sigh. Yet another denier ice age prediction. They never learn. Their HolyIceAge neve arrives, but still, they have faith.

Oh, the LIA was not primarily due to low solar activity. High volcanic activity was the primary driver, then it was reinforced by a weaker sun and low CO2 levels.

A sun that weak -- wipes out a full 1/3 of the CO2 forcing function since 1880s. But even worse, THAT forcing is more important than "atmospheric insulation". And there might be a demonstration of that for you in the next 20 years. Not a SINGLE PERSON saying it's here tomorrow or the next day --- that's the AGW standard Op procedure. If it arrives, it's the NEXT solar cycle. Mark your calendar. Pray you live to experience it..
A sun that weak -- wipes out a full 1/3 of the CO2 forcing function since 1880s.

No, it would barely make any difference.

On the effect of a new grand minimum of solar activity on the future climate on Earth


If it arrives, it's the NEXT solar cycle. Mark your calendar. Pray you live to experience it..

Deniers said that in the previous solar cycle too. And the one before that. And so on.

BTW Squidward -- NEVER BEEN a thermal equilibrium or transient from "volcanic activity" EVER credited for more 3 or 5 years. The LIA was close to 80years long..

BTW, there can be more than one volcano that erupts.
A sun that weak -- wipes out a full 1/3 of the CO2 forcing function since 1880s.

No, it would barely make any difference.

On the effect of a new grand minimum of solar activity on the future climate on Earth


If it arrives, it's the NEXT solar cycle. Mark your calendar. Pray you live to experience it..

Deniers said that in the previous solar cycle too. And the one before that. And so on.

BTW Squidward -- NEVER BEEN a thermal equilibrium or transient from "volcanic activity" EVER credited for more 3 or 5 years. The LIA was close to 80years long..

BTW, there can be more than one volcano that erupts.

Of course -- you've never grown out of SkepShitScience. com .. ONLY place you can find graphs looking for a legitimate data set on the planet that confirm your religious beliefs. Along with their patented "atom bomb" counter. :rofl:

"More than one volcano" ---- great.. 80 years of cool because of ( I figure) about 10 major volcanoes. Where did ya get that fantasy??? Was it :laugh:
A sun that weak -- wipes out a full 1/3 of the CO2 forcing function since 1880s.

No, it would barely make any difference.

On the effect of a new grand minimum of solar activity on the future climate on Earth


If it arrives, it's the NEXT solar cycle. Mark your calendar. Pray you live to experience it..

Deniers said that in the previous solar cycle too. And the one before that. And so on.

BTW Squidward -- NEVER BEEN a thermal equilibrium or transient from "volcanic activity" EVER credited for more 3 or 5 years. The LIA was close to 80years long..

BTW, there can be more than one volcano that erupts.

Of course -- you've never grown out of SkepShitScience. com .. ONLY place you can find graphs looking for a legitimate data set on the planet that confirm your religious beliefs. Along with their patented "atom bomb" counter. :rofl:

"More than one volcano" ---- great.. 80 years of cool because of ( I figure) about 10 major volcanoes. Where did ya get that fantasy??? Was it :laugh:
Volcanoes May Have Sparked Little Ice Age

Miller and colleagues came to these conclusions by looking at radiocarbon dates — based on how much of the radioactive form of carbon they contain — from dead plants revealed by melting ice on Baffin Island, in the Canadian Arctic. Their analysis found that many plants at both high and low altitudes died between A.D. 1275 and A.D. 1300 — evidence that Baffin Island froze over suddenly. Many plants also appeared to have died at around A.D. 1450, an indication of a second major cooling.

These periods coincide with two of the most volcanically active half centuries in the past millennium, according to the researchers. [History's Biggest Volcanic Eruptions]

They also found that the annual layers in sediment cores from a glacial lake linked with an ice cap in Iceland suddenly became thicker, indicating increased erosion caused by the expansion of the ice cap in the late 13th century and in the 15th century .

"This gave us a great deal more confidence that there was a major perturbation to the Northern Hemisphere climate near the end of the 13th century," Miller said.

Simulations using a climate model showed that several large, closely spaced eruptions could have cooled the Northern Hemisphere enough to spark sea-ice growth and the subsequent feedback loop.

It's unlikely decreased solar radiation, a separate theory to explain the Little Ice Age, played a role, according to the researchers.

The research will appear Tuesday (Jan. 31) in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

A series of major volcanic eruptions in concert with a Maunder Minimum would definately affect the climate.
Of course -- you've never grown out of SkepShitScience. com ..

That graph is from the paper I linked to. If you had looked at the paper, you would have known that. Clearly, you did not look at the paper. That particular iamge was hosted by the SS web site, but the graph came from the paper, so your meltdown about Skeptical Science is just bizarre.

ONLY place you can find graphs looking for a legitimate data set on the planet that confirm your religious beliefs. Along with their patented "atom bomb" counter.

You were totally wrong about the science. I showed it. Raging at your cult-approved enemies just makes you look worse.

"More than one volcano" ---- great.. 80 years of cool because of ( I figure) about 10 major volcanoes. Where did ya get that fantasy??? Was it :laugh:

Backing up what I say is never a problem for me, as I always have real science behind me. You should have learned that by now.

Abrupt onset of the Little Ice Age triggered by volcanism and sustained by sea-ice/ocean feedbacks
Our results suggest that the onset of the LIA can be linked to an unusual 50-year-long episode with four large sulfur-rich explosive eruptions, each with global sulfate loading >60 Tg. The persistence of cold summers is best explained by consequent sea-ice/ocean feedbacks during a hemispheric summer insolation minimum; large changes in solar irradiance are not required

By the way, the Bible instructs us to not cast pearls before swine. That means don't expect me to keep educating you if you continue to behave so badly.
Simulations using a climate model showed that several large, closely spaced eruptions could have cooled the Northern Hemisphere enough to spark sea-ice growth and the subsequent feedback loop.

Show me the math for this "feedback model". In fact -- show me any historical evidence of LONG term cooling due to a few volcanic eruptions in a century...

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