Solar Cylce 25 predicted to be just 1/2 of SC24.....


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
If you have any concerns about whether our cooling will be like the Dalton or Maunder events, SIDC is tell us to prepare for a Dalton type event.

The sun continues to be very quiet and it has been without sunspots this year 62% of the time as we approach what is likely to be one of the deepest solar minimums in a long, long time. In fact, all indications are that the upcoming solar minimum may be even quieter than the last one which was the deepest in nearly a century. In addition, there are now forecasts that the next solar cycle, #25, will be the weakest in more than 200 years. The current solar cycle, #24, has been the weakest with the fewest sunspots since solar cycle 14 peaked in February 1906. Solar cycle 24 continues a recent trend of weakening solar cycles which began with solar cycle 21 that peaked around 1980 and if the latest forecasts are correct, that trend will continue for at least another decade or so."


If you look closely at the trend it does not look good for any further warming globally. In-fact a drop of 2-3 deg C could occur in the next ten years.

"Deep solar minimum

The sun is blank again today and this is the 31st spotless day in a row which is just two behind the total (33) set earlier this year making the current Solar Cycle (SC24) hitting over 30 day totals for consecutive spotless days on four occasions, last seen in the 1910’s . We are now entering into the next solar minimum phase and there are indications that it will be as deep and long as any in more than a century. The solar minimum is a somewhat misunderstood phase of the solar cycle which is not without its consequences."

Well.... Might I suggest a little planning the next two years to ensure that millions do not starve when the earth shifts gears and cooling of the mid latitudes becomes so pronounced that we start loosing crops due to the shortened growing seasons.

Source; 10:30 AM | *Now entering a deep solar minimum and the latest forecast for solar cycle 25 suggests it may be the weakest cycle in 200 years*
This should be a real wake up call to our dingbat alarmists... Lets take a look at the cooling the last time the sun took a siesta.

View attachment 265815

The LIA is where the Dalton Event took us as a planet.

My my my. What in the world will the Global Warming crowd do with all their defunct predictions?

I mean just anecdotally, in the 90s we did seem to have some warming in my little corner of the's gone now. I don't think my observations are a one-off either.

Secondly and it my little occupation, I think about all the songs we have about snow from what we now consider unusual places and in unusual times. For example "Good King Wenceslas" features some part of the UK--presumably a city--in deep snow. That rarely happens anymore. And our own "Over the River and Through the Woods" really IS a Thanksgiving song, written at a time on the East Coast (early 1800s) when snow at Thanksgiving was not rare either.

Just think about going back to that time--increasing snow, ice and cold. Thanks algore. Thanks a lot
From the link in post one,

The forecast for the next solar cycle says it will be the weakest of the last 200 years. The maximum of this next cycle – measured in terms of sunspot number, a standard measure of solar activity level – could be 30 to 50% lower than the most recent one. The results show that the next cycle will start in 2020 and reach its maximum in 2025.

Now that is scary since a drop that big from an already low solar cycle 24 level is going to cause a definite cooling trend that can no longer be ignored by many of the warmists who are still functioning, the holdouts will run to the hills still denying it.
From the link in post one,

The forecast for the next solar cycle says it will be the weakest of the last 200 years. The maximum of this next cycle – measured in terms of sunspot number, a standard measure of solar activity level – could be 30 to 50% lower than the most recent one. The results show that the next cycle will start in 2020 and reach its maximum in 2025.

Now that is scary since a drop that big from an already low solar cycle 24 level is going to cause a definite cooling trend that can no longer be ignored by many of the warmists who are still functioning, the holdouts will run to the hills still denying it.

They are about out of rope and the sudden stop at the end is going to be brutal. Weather patterns are starting to return to a more neutral position globally which means the major cooling of the mid latitudes is about done. The energy drop from the solar Maximum and the ocean buffers are now very close to being spent. We have nowhere to go now but to cool on a more global scale.

Just took a look at the unaltered data on night time lows across the Northern Hemisphere.

They are below average (30 year mean 1980-2010) by 2.6 Deg C. This indicates our atmosphere is cooling rapidly down to around 20 Deg Latitude and in the polar region (above 75 Deg Lat) it is 3.1 Deg C below average. Hang on to your thermals, your going to need them this winter. The shift in weather patterns is already in motion.
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UEA just updated their climate graph and the cooling of the NH is undeniable now:


It is now global! The cooling is so pronounced that they can no longer hide it.
And the Polar region is about -3 to -5 deg F below average;


And the Polar Low has reconstituted and is central over the pole. Looks like the major global cool down has already started.
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sun: *decreases energy output*

earth: *starts cooling down*

Billy Bob....
I SERIOUSLY want to believe in a cooling period......

But last summer we had record heat in South Florida and already it's even HOTTER so far this summer !!

WHEN is that cooling gonna get here ?!?!?!?!

My wife and I were talking about it and we were like... "our skin (and our thermostat) tells us it's getting hotter, not cooler"

This is the first summer our AC is unable to keep up with the heat.
Billy Bob....
I SERIOUSLY want to believe in a cooling period......

But last summer we had record heat in South Florida and already it's even HOTTER so far this summer !!

WHEN is that cooling gonna get here ?!?!?!?!
Your warming was regional not global. These areas shift over time. Once the blocking highs decrease in size you will get your cooling and that process is already happening. The polar jet is reducing in size which will allow free flow of the equatorial jet. This will reduce the number of large highs from forming. That process is already taking hold. I give it a month or two before the flow stabilizes.
Check it out. The same babbling denier loons who have been constantly predicting a new ice age RealSoonNow for the past 40 years are predicting a new ice age RealSoonNow, again.

Why should anyone laugh less hard at this nutty prediction than we've laughed at all your previous nutty predictions?

You deniers here all have perfect records of failure, but at least that makes you useful in a way. If you say something, it's generally safe to assume the exact opposite is true.
Check it out. The same babbling denier loons who have been constantly predicting a new ice age RealSoonNow for the past 40 years are predicting a new ice age RealSoonNow, again.

Why should anyone laugh less hard at this nutty prediction than we've laughed at all your previous nutty predictions?

You deniers here all have perfect records of failure, but at least that makes you useful in a way. If you say something, it's generally safe to assume the exact opposite is true.
Put up your credentials you lying scum bag...

The facts show cooling only your liar fabricators are telling us it is warming. Even the UEA is now showing the cooling... Now even your own high priests of the church of AGW are saying it is cooling... Now who's the lying little bitch now?
Here's an argument that seems to present evidence that no ice-age is imminent.....and why...
I guess there's ammunition for every side of this debate?
Billy Bob, what's your take on the article below?

All below is taken from the link.....

The 'imminent mini ice age' myth is back, and it's still wrong
The 'imminent mini ice age' myth is back, and it's still wrong | Dana Nuccitelli

Roughly every two years we’re treated to headlines repeating the myth that Earth is headed for an imminent “mini ice age.” It happened in 2013, 2015, and again just recently at the tail end of 2017.

This time around, the myth appears to have been sparked by a Sky News interview with Northumbria University mathematics professor Valentina Zharkova. The story was quickly echoed by the Daily Mail, International Business Times, Sputnik News, Metro, Tru News, and others. Zharkova was also behind the ‘mini ice age’ stories in 2015, based on her research predicting that the sun will soon enter a quiet phase.

The most important takeaway point is that the scientific research is clear – were one to occur, a grand solar minimum would temporarily reduce global temperatures by less than 0.3°C, while humans are already causing 0.2°C warming per decade.


The global mean temperature difference is shown for the time period 1900 to 2100 for the IPCC A2 emissions scenario. The red line shows predicted temperature change for the current level of solar activity, the blue line shows predicted temperature change for solar activity at the much lower level of the Maunder Minimum, and the black line shows observed temperatures through 2010. Illustration: Adapted from Feulner & Rahmstorf (2010) in Geophysical Research Letters by
So the sun could only offset at most 15 years’ worth of human-caused global warming, and once its quiet phase ended, the sun would then help accelerate global warming once again.

The ‘mini ice age’ misnomer
The myth ultimately stems from a period climate scientists have coined “The Little Ice Age” (LIA). This was a modestly cool period running from about the year 1300 to 1850. It was particularly cold in the UK, where the River Thames sometimes froze over, and ‘frost fairs’ were held.

A team led by University of Reading physicist and solar expert Mike Lockwood wrote a paper reviewing the science behind frost fairs, sunspots, and the LIA. It included the figure below showing northern hemisphere temperatures along with sunspot number and the level of volcanic particles in the atmosphere over the past millennium:


Sunspot number, northern hemisphere temperatures, and volcanic aerosol optical depth (AOD) around the time of the Little Ice Age. Illustration: Lockwood et al. (2017), News & Reviews in Astronomy & Geophysics
During full blown ice ages, temperatures have generally been 4–8°C colder than in modern times. As this figure shows, during the LIA, temperatures were at most only about 0.5°C cooler than the early 20th century. Thus, Lockwood calls the Little Ice Age “a total misnomer.” As the authors put it:

Compared to the changes in the proper ice ages, the so-called Little Ice Age (LIA) is a very short-lived and puny climate and social perturbation.

For comparison, temperatures have risen by a full 1°C over the past 120 years, and 0.7°C over just the past 40 years.

The minimal solar minima influence on the climate
The Maunder Minimum was a period of quiet solar activity between about 1645 and 1715. It’s often referred to interchangeably with ‘Little Ice Age,’ but the latter lasted centuries longer. In fact, three separate solar minima occurred during the LIA, which also included periods of relatively higher solar activity. Other factors like volcanic eruptions and human activities also contributed to the cool temperatures. In fact, a 2017 paper led by the University of Reading’s Mathew Owens concluded:

Climate model simulations suggest multiple factors, particularly volcanic activity, were crucial for causing the cooler temperatures in the northern hemisphere during the LIA. A reduction in total solar irradiance likely contributed to the LIA at a level comparable to changing land use [by humans].


Simulated northern hemisphere temperature changes resulting from individual climate factors, as compared to the observed changes in the top panel. The bottom panel shows a simulation with no changes to climatological factors, to illustrate the level of natural variability in the climate. Illustration: Owens et al. (2017), Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
Several studies have investigated the potential climate impact of a future grand solar minimum. In every case, they have concluded that such a quiet solar period would cause less than 0.3°C cooling, which as previously noted, would temporarily offset no more than a decade and a half’s worth of human-caused global warming. These model-based estimates are consistent with the amount of cooling that occurred during the solar minima in the LIA.

Is another grand solar minimum imminent?
Although it would have a relatively small impact on the climate, it’s still an interesting question to ask whether we’re headed for another quiet solar period. Zharkova thinks so. Her team created a model that tries to predict solar activity, and suggests another solar minimum will occur from 2020 to 2055. However, other solar scientists have criticized the model as being too simple, created based on just 35 years of data, and failing to accurately reproduce past solar activity.

Ilya Usoskin, head of the Oulu Cosmic Ray Station and Vice-Director of the ReSoLVE Center of Excellence in Research, published a critique of Zharkova’s solar model making those points. Most importantly, the model fails in reproducing past known solar activity because Zharkova’s team treats the sun as a simple, predictable system like a pendulum. In reality, the sun has more random and unpredictable (in scientific terms, “stochastic”) behavior:

For example, a perfect pendulum – if you saw a few cycles of the pendulum, you can predict its behavior. However, solar activity is known to be non-stationary process, which principally cannot be predicted (the prediction horizon for solar activity is known to be 10-15 years). Deterministic prediction cannot be made because of the essential stochastic component.

Just imagine a very turbulent flow of water in a river rapid, and you throw a small wooden stick into water and trace it. Then you do it second time and third time ... each time the stick will end up in very different positions after the same time period. Its movement is unpredictable because of the turbulent stochastic component. This is exactly the situation with solar activity.

Lockwood agrees that we don’t yet have a proven predictive theory of solar behavior. He has published research examining the range of possible solar evolutions based on past periods when the Sun was in a similar state to today, but as he puts it, “that is the best that I think we can do at the present time!”

Solar physicist Paul Charbonneau at the University of Montreal also concurred with Usoskin. He told me that while scientists are working to simulate solar activity, including using simplified models like Zharkova’s,

on the standards of contemporary dynamo models theirs is extremely simple —in fact borderlining simplistic ... To extrapolate such a model outside its calibration window, you need an extra, very strong hypothesis: that the physical systems underlying the magnetic field generation retain their coherence (Phase, amplitude, etc.). As my colleague Ilya Usoskin has already explained, this is very unlikely to be the case in the case of the solar activity cycle.

Why won’t this myth die?
Zharkova believes her solar model is correct, but at best it can only try to predict when the next quiet solar period will occur. Its influence on Earth’s climate is outside her expertise, and the peer-reviewed research is clear that it would be a minimal impact.

Zharkova disagrees – I contacted her, and she told me that she believes a grand solar minimum would have a much bigger cooling effect. However, she also referenced long-debunked myths about global warming on Mars and Jupiter, and made a comment about “the preachers of global warming.” She’s clearly passionate about her research, and has the credibility that comes with publishing peer-reviewed studies on solar activity. Perhaps these factors motivate journalists to write these frequent ‘mini ice age’ stories.

But Zharkova’s climate science beliefs are irrelevant. While she has created a model predicting an imminent period of quiet solar activity, other scientists have identified serious flaws in the model, and in any case, research has shown that another solar minimum would only have a small and temporary impact on Earth’s climate.
Here's an argument that seems to present evidence that no ice-age is imminent.....and why...
I guess there's ammunition for every side of this debate?
Billy Bob, what's your take on the article below?

All below is taken from the link.....

The 'imminent mini ice age' myth is back, and it's still wrong
The 'imminent mini ice age' myth is back, and it's still wrong | Dana Nuccitelli

Roughly every two years we’re treated to headlines repeating the myth that Earth is headed for an imminent “mini ice age.” It happened in 2013, 2015, and again just recently at the tail end of 2017.

This time around, the myth appears to have been sparked by a Sky News interview with Northumbria University mathematics professor Valentina Zharkova. The story was quickly echoed by the Daily Mail, International Business Times, Sputnik News, Metro, Tru News, and others. Zharkova was also behind the ‘mini ice age’ stories in 2015, based on her research predicting that the sun will soon enter a quiet phase.

The most important takeaway point is that the scientific research is clear – were one to occur, a grand solar minimum would temporarily reduce global temperatures by less than 0.3°C, while humans are already causing 0.2°C warming per decade.


The global mean temperature difference is shown for the time period 1900 to 2100 for the IPCC A2 emissions scenario. The red line shows predicted temperature change for the current level of solar activity, the blue line shows predicted temperature change for solar activity at the much lower level of the Maunder Minimum, and the black line shows observed temperatures through 2010. Illustration: Adapted from Feulner & Rahmstorf (2010) in Geophysical Research Letters by
So the sun could only offset at most 15 years’ worth of human-caused global warming, and once its quiet phase ended, the sun would then help accelerate global warming once again.

The ‘mini ice age’ misnomer
The myth ultimately stems from a period climate scientists have coined “The Little Ice Age” (LIA). This was a modestly cool period running from about the year 1300 to 1850. It was particularly cold in the UK, where the River Thames sometimes froze over, and ‘frost fairs’ were held.

A team led by University of Reading physicist and solar expert Mike Lockwood wrote a paper reviewing the science behind frost fairs, sunspots, and the LIA. It included the figure below showing northern hemisphere temperatures along with sunspot number and the level of volcanic particles in the atmosphere over the past millennium:


Sunspot number, northern hemisphere temperatures, and volcanic aerosol optical depth (AOD) around the time of the Little Ice Age. Illustration: Lockwood et al. (2017), News & Reviews in Astronomy & Geophysics
During full blown ice ages, temperatures have generally been 4–8°C colder than in modern times. As this figure shows, during the LIA, temperatures were at most only about 0.5°C cooler than the early 20th century. Thus, Lockwood calls the Little Ice Age “a total misnomer.” As the authors put it:

Compared to the changes in the proper ice ages, the so-called Little Ice Age (LIA) is a very short-lived and puny climate and social perturbation.

For comparison, temperatures have risen by a full 1°C over the past 120 years, and 0.7°C over just the past 40 years.

The minimal solar minima influence on the climate
The Maunder Minimum was a period of quiet solar activity between about 1645 and 1715. It’s often referred to interchangeably with ‘Little Ice Age,’ but the latter lasted centuries longer. In fact, three separate solar minima occurred during the LIA, which also included periods of relatively higher solar activity. Other factors like volcanic eruptions and human activities also contributed to the cool temperatures. In fact, a 2017 paper led by the University of Reading’s Mathew Owens concluded:

Climate model simulations suggest multiple factors, particularly volcanic activity, were crucial for causing the cooler temperatures in the northern hemisphere during the LIA. A reduction in total solar irradiance likely contributed to the LIA at a level comparable to changing land use [by humans].


Simulated northern hemisphere temperature changes resulting from individual climate factors, as compared to the observed changes in the top panel. The bottom panel shows a simulation with no changes to climatological factors, to illustrate the level of natural variability in the climate. Illustration: Owens et al. (2017), Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate
Several studies have investigated the potential climate impact of a future grand solar minimum. In every case, they have concluded that such a quiet solar period would cause less than 0.3°C cooling, which as previously noted, would temporarily offset no more than a decade and a half’s worth of human-caused global warming. These model-based estimates are consistent with the amount of cooling that occurred during the solar minima in the LIA.

Is another grand solar minimum imminent?
Although it would have a relatively small impact on the climate, it’s still an interesting question to ask whether we’re headed for another quiet solar period. Zharkova thinks so. Her team created a model that tries to predict solar activity, and suggests another solar minimum will occur from 2020 to 2055. However, other solar scientists have criticized the model as being too simple, created based on just 35 years of data, and failing to accurately reproduce past solar activity.

Ilya Usoskin, head of the Oulu Cosmic Ray Station and Vice-Director of the ReSoLVE Center of Excellence in Research, published a critique of Zharkova’s solar model making those points. Most importantly, the model fails in reproducing past known solar activity because Zharkova’s team treats the sun as a simple, predictable system like a pendulum. In reality, the sun has more random and unpredictable (in scientific terms, “stochastic”) behavior:

For example, a perfect pendulum – if you saw a few cycles of the pendulum, you can predict its behavior. However, solar activity is known to be non-stationary process, which principally cannot be predicted (the prediction horizon for solar activity is known to be 10-15 years). Deterministic prediction cannot be made because of the essential stochastic component.

Just imagine a very turbulent flow of water in a river rapid, and you throw a small wooden stick into water and trace it. Then you do it second time and third time ... each time the stick will end up in very different positions after the same time period. Its movement is unpredictable because of the turbulent stochastic component. This is exactly the situation with solar activity.

Lockwood agrees that we don’t yet have a proven predictive theory of solar behavior. He has published research examining the range of possible solar evolutions based on past periods when the Sun was in a similar state to today, but as he puts it, “that is the best that I think we can do at the present time!”

Solar physicist Paul Charbonneau at the University of Montreal also concurred with Usoskin. He told me that while scientists are working to simulate solar activity, including using simplified models like Zharkova’s,

on the standards of contemporary dynamo models theirs is extremely simple —in fact borderlining simplistic ... To extrapolate such a model outside its calibration window, you need an extra, very strong hypothesis: that the physical systems underlying the magnetic field generation retain their coherence (Phase, amplitude, etc.). As my colleague Ilya Usoskin has already explained, this is very unlikely to be the case in the case of the solar activity cycle.

Why won’t this myth die?
Zharkova believes her solar model is correct, but at best it can only try to predict when the next quiet solar period will occur. Its influence on Earth’s climate is outside her expertise, and the peer-reviewed research is clear that it would be a minimal impact.

Zharkova disagrees – I contacted her, and she told me that she believes a grand solar minimum would have a much bigger cooling effect. However, she also referenced long-debunked myths about global warming on Mars and Jupiter, and made a comment about “the preachers of global warming.” She’s clearly passionate about her research, and has the credibility that comes with publishing peer-reviewed studies on solar activity. Perhaps these factors motivate journalists to write these frequent ‘mini ice age’ stories.

But Zharkova’s climate science beliefs are irrelevant. While she has created a model predicting an imminent period of quiet solar activity, other scientists have identified serious flaws in the model, and in any case, research has shown that another solar minimum would only have a small and temporary impact on Earth’s climate.

First, This is a "Guardian" opinion piece and its Author is hidden from view. I have to question its veracity when the author will not allow his name to be published.

Second, The Author makes great leaps in his assumptions citing the work of hard core activists like Feulner, Rahmstorf, Charbonneau, and Zharkova who misses some very basic things in her solar MODEL, which is incapable of predictions. Zharkova's model has missed the target on SC24 exaggerating the energy output by a factor of two. The other item she misses is total Spectral Shift of the slowing fusion reaction and how that affects the energy distribution on earth.

Clearly they are hoping that a solar cool down will not result in cooling due to CO2. This however has been shown a fallacy argument as CO2's influence is less than half of the LOG value seen in laboratory experiments. The earths atmosphere acts as a dampener where all other modeling says it should act as a multiplier.

Third, the basis for this pile of crap; "Adapted from Feulner & Rahmstorf (2010) in Geophysical Research Letters by" This is an opinion piece not supported by science and its origin is from a far left wing socialist activism site. This is why the Author will not be cited, HE has no credibility among real climate scientist as his models fail without exception and he still thinks his position is valid.

The piece is birdcage cover as it is based in political belief and not historical paleo context. This man still believes the 6-8 deg C per doubling of CO2 that even the IPCC now admits is unrealistic by a factor of 6.5.

I'll be happy to pull apart the Feulner & Rahmstorf (2010) fantasy in another post. In a nut shell, the paper exaggerates the solar output and CO2's ability to slow cooling by a (minimum) factor of 4. The coming cooling is going to be a real wake up call for these people.
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If you have any concerns about whether our cooling will be like the Dalton or Maunder events, SIDC is tell us to prepare for a Dalton type event.

The sun continues to be very quiet and it has been without sunspots this year 62% of the time as we approach what is likely to be one of the deepest solar minimums in a long, long time. In fact, all indications are that the upcoming solar minimum may be even quieter than the last one which was the deepest in nearly a century. In addition, there are now forecasts that the next solar cycle, #25, will be the weakest in more than 200 years. The current solar cycle, #24, has been the weakest with the fewest sunspots since solar cycle 14 peaked in February 1906. Solar cycle 24 continues a recent trend of weakening solar cycles which began with solar cycle 21 that peaked around 1980 and if the latest forecasts are correct, that trend will continue for at least another decade or so."


If you look closely at the trend it does not look good for any further warming globally. In-fact a drop of 2-3 deg C could occur in the next ten years.

"Deep solar minimum

The sun is blank again today and this is the 31st spotless day in a row which is just two behind the total (33) set earlier this year making the current Solar Cycle (SC24) hitting over 30 day totals for consecutive spotless days on four occasions, last seen in the 1910’s . We are now entering into the next solar minimum phase and there are indications that it will be as deep and long as any in more than a century. The solar minimum is a somewhat misunderstood phase of the solar cycle which is not without its consequences."

Well.... Might I suggest a little planning the next two years to ensure that millions do not starve when the earth shifts gears and cooling of the mid latitudes becomes so pronounced that we start loosing crops due to the shortened growing seasons.

Source; 10:30 AM | *Now entering a deep solar minimum and the latest forecast for solar cycle 25 suggests it may be the weakest cycle in 200 years*
Can we say Maunder Minimum yet?

Colorado blasted with nearly two FEET of snow on first day of Summer while derecho leaves three dead | Daily Mail Online
If you have any concerns about whether our cooling will be like the Dalton or Maunder events, SIDC is tell us to prepare for a Dalton type event.

The sun continues to be very quiet and it has been without sunspots this year 62% of the time as we approach what is likely to be one of the deepest solar minimums in a long, long time. In fact, all indications are that the upcoming solar minimum may be even quieter than the last one which was the deepest in nearly a century. In addition, there are now forecasts that the next solar cycle, #25, will be the weakest in more than 200 years. The current solar cycle, #24, has been the weakest with the fewest sunspots since solar cycle 14 peaked in February 1906. Solar cycle 24 continues a recent trend of weakening solar cycles which began with solar cycle 21 that peaked around 1980 and if the latest forecasts are correct, that trend will continue for at least another decade or so."


If you look closely at the trend it does not look good for any further warming globally. In-fact a drop of 2-3 deg C could occur in the next ten years.

"Deep solar minimum

The sun is blank again today and this is the 31st spotless day in a row which is just two behind the total (33) set earlier this year making the current Solar Cycle (SC24) hitting over 30 day totals for consecutive spotless days on four occasions, last seen in the 1910’s . We are now entering into the next solar minimum phase and there are indications that it will be as deep and long as any in more than a century. The solar minimum is a somewhat misunderstood phase of the solar cycle which is not without its consequences."

Well.... Might I suggest a little planning the next two years to ensure that millions do not starve when the earth shifts gears and cooling of the mid latitudes becomes so pronounced that we start loosing crops due to the shortened growing seasons.

Source; 10:30 AM | *Now entering a deep solar minimum and the latest forecast for solar cycle 25 suggests it may be the weakest cycle in 200 years*
Can we say Maunder Minimum yet?

Colorado blasted with nearly two FEET of snow on first day of Summer while derecho leaves three dead | Daily Mail Online
SIDC is warning of a Dalton Event as the next solar cycle is slated to be half of the last one.. That is a significant change in prediction.

We have several feet of snow in Yellowstone and the Bighorn mountains. Many old glacial regions will now have multi year snow pack (glaciation) again if the snow remains on north facing slopes for just the next 2 months. Looking at snow packs this is going to happen. There are regions that have 30 feet of snow TODAY.
If you have any concerns about whether our cooling will be like the Dalton or Maunder events, SIDC is tell us to prepare for a Dalton type event.

The sun continues to be very quiet and it has been without sunspots this year 62% of the time as we approach what is likely to be one of the deepest solar minimums in a long, long time. In fact, all indications are that the upcoming solar minimum may be even quieter than the last one which was the deepest in nearly a century. In addition, there are now forecasts that the next solar cycle, #25, will be the weakest in more than 200 years. The current solar cycle, #24, has been the weakest with the fewest sunspots since solar cycle 14 peaked in February 1906. Solar cycle 24 continues a recent trend of weakening solar cycles which began with solar cycle 21 that peaked around 1980 and if the latest forecasts are correct, that trend will continue for at least another decade or so."


If you look closely at the trend it does not look good for any further warming globally. In-fact a drop of 2-3 deg C could occur in the next ten years.

"Deep solar minimum

The sun is blank again today and this is the 31st spotless day in a row which is just two behind the total (33) set earlier this year making the current Solar Cycle (SC24) hitting over 30 day totals for consecutive spotless days on four occasions, last seen in the 1910’s . We are now entering into the next solar minimum phase and there are indications that it will be as deep and long as any in more than a century. The solar minimum is a somewhat misunderstood phase of the solar cycle which is not without its consequences."

Well.... Might I suggest a little planning the next two years to ensure that millions do not starve when the earth shifts gears and cooling of the mid latitudes becomes so pronounced that we start loosing crops due to the shortened growing seasons.

Source; 10:30 AM | *Now entering a deep solar minimum and the latest forecast for solar cycle 25 suggests it may be the weakest cycle in 200 years*
Can we say Maunder Minimum yet?

Colorado blasted with nearly two FEET of snow on first day of Summer while derecho leaves three dead | Daily Mail Online
"Colorado blasted with nearly two FEET of snow on the first day of Summer - the latest it has snowed in more than 90 YEARS"

I know, I know, I know...... :bye1::happy-1::happy-1:

My daughter and son in law were kicked out of an upper camp site last night at 2 am by park Rangers.. They got home at 5 am and said it was snowing like hell...

ETA: Just got off the phone with my daughter and they have friends that woke to two and a half feet of snow in the mid-level camp site above Denver. They cant get out until the road is cleared. I guess they should have heeded the warning to get out.
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Thanks BillyBob.

That is odd about the late season snow in Colorado. The South is scorching.

There's a number of reasons I'm kinda hoping for a significant event.
1). It's just too damn hot where I am.
2). I'm of the opinion that the herd needs thinning. And a significant cool down would probably thin the herd exactly as needed.
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