George Bush's decapitated head appears in Game of Thrones

The only Black guy in the series, and they make him a liar and a fake.

Damn those racist, wingnut Hollywood conservatives!!!!!

And the dragon queen character had him locked alive in a vault to die with his bed-mate (her former attendant).

That's right. The super blonde killed the black guy.

Of course she also sent the creepy white bald quiffy feller up in flames, too...

She is such a babe:




I find her less attractive as a blonde. But she's still interesting even at her worst.
Then why bother to put it in at all?

As I said HBO is a fucking rip off anyway. I read the entire series years ago and I might have rented the DVDs. Don't know if I'll bother now.
Even more stupidity. Read the linked piece.

Don't have to.

As I said I don't really care what HBO does. They air Bill Maher after all so how good can Game of Thrones be?

That fucking cock gobbler gets played on that cable network (or one of their channels) ALL the fucking time.

If I can't skip over it, I change the station the moment I see he's on.

I really loathe that sanctimonious piece of shit. He smirks and preens and considers himself witty and above it all. Fucking piece of crap. And the liberal goobers in the audience lap his shit up like it's crystal clear cool water in a desert. Seriously, I can't stand watching him at all anymore.
Then why bother to put it in at all?

If you'd bothered to read the link you'd know that it had nothing to do with some kind of political statement at all. It was just an extra prop that happened to be available, so they used it. That's how things go in show business. Props get modified and reused all the time, just like sets. Here's one for you: Did you know that the ceiling for the transporter in Star Trek TNG was actually the floor of the transporter in the original series? That's right, some 30 years later all this stuff is still sitting around in warehouses, and if it can be used again they'll use it. This is much ado about nothing. They took an old prop that there wasn't much use for anymore, modified it to be usable for their new needs, and used it.
George Bush's head is one of those Easter Eggs for Liberals by the Liberals who created Game of Thrones.
"Though the head was given a wig of long hair, spattered in mud and turned mostly away from the camera, the distinctive upper lip was a giveaway. And the creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss pointed it out in the DVD commentary on the episode.

"George Bush's head appears in a couple of beheading scenes," the duo revealed in their commentary. "It's not a choice, it's not a political statement. We just had to use whatever heads we had lying around."

Oh ya they just had a GWB head lying around. Fucking idiots.

HBO apologizes for fake Bush head on Game of Thrones
You can't make this shit up....

Wait, is that

Thanks for posting that, and bringing it to my attention, assslips.

While you were jerking-off in jubilation - I contacted HBO and told them to shove their subscription up their ass!

Thanks again.

Any other Left-winged kook-fringe shit like this you see, please post here so I can cancel their ass to.
Then why bother to put it in at all?

If you'd bothered to read the link you'd know that it had nothing to do with some kind of political statement at all. It was just an extra prop that happened to be available, so they used it. That's how things go in show business. Props get modified and reused all the time, just like sets. Here's one for you: Did you know that the ceiling for the transporter in Star Trek TNG was actually the floor of the transporter in the original series? That's right, some 30 years later all this stuff is still sitting around in warehouses, and if it can be used again they'll use it. This is much ado about nothing. They took an old prop that there wasn't much use for anymore, modified it to be usable for their new needs, and used it.

now why would HBO have a decapitated of George Bush just lying around? You stupid or what?
You can't make this shit up....

Wait, is that

Thanks for posting that, and bringing it to my attention, assslips.

While you were jerking-off in jubilation - I contacted HBO and told them to shove their subscription up their ass!

Thanks again.

Any other Left-winged kook-fringe shit like this you see, please post here so I can cancel their ass to.

As if you had anything to cancel....let's stop pretending that you can afford HBO.
Something else to pretend to be outraged over! Weeeeeee!

I imagine there is some of that out there but from the blurb I saw about it on Headline news this morning, it looks to be something otherworldly in it's bizarreness. The producers and the network should apologize to the Bush family for this if it really took place.
now why would HBO have a decapitated of George Bush just lying around? You stupid or what?

Who knows where it came from. It could have been the head off of a full mannequin that was used for something. It could have been off of a half mannequin that was used to film a shot of the Presidential limo driving by, showing Bush's silhouette through the window. It could have been made as just a head for a facial shot. It could have been something made by someone else for some other project, that was then thrown into a lot used props that was bought by the company for cheap. There's all kinds of possibilities as to where the prop came from.
Who knows where it came from. It could have been the head off of a full mannequin that was used for something. It could have been off of a half mannequin that was used to film a shot of the Presidential limo driving by, showing Bush's silhouette through the window. It could have been made as just a head for a facial shot. It could have been something made by someone else for some other project, that was then thrown into a lot used props that was bought by the company for cheap. There's all kinds of possibilities as to where the prop came from.

Dear God - are you this much of an apologist, cocksucking little shit like this in real life?
now why would HBO have a decapitated of George Bush just lying around? You stupid or what?

Who knows where it came from. It could have been the head off of a full mannequin that was used for something. It could have been off of a half mannequin that was used to film a shot of the Presidential limo driving by, showing Bush's silhouette through the window. It could have been made as just a head for a facial shot. It could have been something made by someone else for some other project, that was then thrown into a lot used props that was bought by the company for cheap. There's all kinds of possibilities as to where the prop came from.

Why do you even bother? Save your energy.
Thanks for being so honest. Even though you receive food stamps, I don't hate you with all of my soul like your fellow conservatives do.

Thanks, you knuckle-dragging inbred.

"But you really should think about taking some personal responsibility and finding a job so you can get off of food stamps and start contributing to society and stop being a mooch off the rest of us. " Thanks

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