Geoff Duncan, Georgia's GOP lieutenant governor, says Trump's 'mountains of misinformation' at rally not helping Republican Senate chances

Jul 26, 2010
North Carolina
Georgia Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said Sunday that the "mountains of misinformation" about the election that President Donald Trump is spreading, most recently in his remarks at a rally in the state Saturday night, could hurt GOP chances in upcoming Senate runoff races.

"I worry that this continuous you know fanning of the flames around misinformation puts us in a negative position with regards to the January 5 runoff," Duncan told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." "The mountains of misinformation are not helping the process, they're only hurting it. And Jake, I worry we are handing off a playbook to the Democrats for January 5 and certainly I can't think of a worse playbook to hand off over the last four or five weeks to the Democrats."

Geoff Duncan, Georgia's GOP lieutenant governor, says Trump's 'mountains of misinformation' at rally not helping Republican Senate chances (

So is Duncan telling Trump to shut the hell up.

I wonder if the people of Georgia are going to turn on Gov Kemp when reelection rolls around.
Georgia Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said Sunday that the "mountains of misinformation" about the election that President Donald Trump is spreading, most recently in his remarks at a rally in the state Saturday night, could hurt GOP chances in upcoming Senate runoff races.

"I worry that this continuous you know fanning of the flames around misinformation puts us in a negative position with regards to the January 5 runoff," Duncan told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." "The mountains of misinformation are not helping the process, they're only hurting it. And Jake, I worry we are handing off a playbook to the Democrats for January 5 and certainly I can't think of a worse playbook to hand off over the last four or five weeks to the Democrats."

Geoff Duncan, Georgia's GOP lieutenant governor, says Trump's 'mountains of misinformation' at rally not helping Republican Senate chances (

So is Duncan telling Trump to shut the hell up.

I wonder if the people of Georgia are going to turn on Gov Kemp when reelection rolls around.
The problem is too few Republicans are condemning Trump’s campaign of lies and misinformation.
Next cycle some of the repubs in georgia who are covering up democrat election fraud will be victims of it themselves
That lying video tape strikes again!

I read that Ruby is now demanding a lawyer...saying the fraud wasn't her idea :D

Oh you poor pathetic leftists!
Georgia Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said Sunday that the "mountains of misinformation" about the election that President Donald Trump is spreading, most recently in his remarks at a rally in the state Saturday night, could hurt GOP chances in upcoming Senate runoff races.

"I worry that this continuous you know fanning of the flames around misinformation puts us in a negative position with regards to the January 5 runoff," Duncan told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." "The mountains of misinformation are not helping the process, they're only hurting it. And Jake, I worry we are handing off a playbook to the Democrats for January 5 and certainly I can't think of a worse playbook to hand off over the last four or five weeks to the Democrats."

Geoff Duncan, Georgia's GOP lieutenant governor, says Trump's 'mountains of misinformation' at rally not helping Republican Senate chances (

So is Duncan telling Trump to shut the hell up.

I wonder if the people of Georgia are going to turn on Gov Kemp when reelection rolls around.

Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are encouraging Georgia Republicans not to vote. I support their position. :)

Georgia Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said Sunday that the "mountains of misinformation" about the election that President Donald Trump is spreading, most recently in his remarks at a rally in the state Saturday night, could hurt GOP chances in upcoming Senate runoff races.

"I worry that this continuous you know fanning of the flames around misinformation puts us in a negative position with regards to the January 5 runoff," Duncan told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." "The mountains of misinformation are not helping the process, they're only hurting it. And Jake, I worry we are handing off a playbook to the Democrats for January 5 and certainly I can't think of a worse playbook to hand off over the last four or five weeks to the Democrats."

Geoff Duncan, Georgia's GOP lieutenant governor, says Trump's 'mountains of misinformation' at rally not helping Republican Senate chances (

So is Duncan telling Trump to shut the hell up.

I wonder if the people of Georgia are going to turn on Gov Kemp when reelection rolls around.

The people who are trying to blame Trump for any losses in the future are the people one should question loudest. These are old tricks to try and silence someone. Instead of addressing the allegations that many have made, they just brush off concerns.

It's like someone robbing you and when you fight back he tells the courts "I was forced to hit him because he fought back when I was robbing him".

Any loss of voters will not be because of Trump, it will be because they are disenfranchised from Election Night and the day or two that followed. I said on the day it happened that the GOP better be prepared for "unintended consequences", as voters are going to reject them. The U.S will be on the fast track to socialism. Trump was the defender of the U.S system and global capitalism.

It's clear that voters have shifted for both parties. The GOP, for the most part, have become more libertarian. The left, for the most part, more socialist. This is why the divide is so broad, they are on two dichotomies and it's nearly impossible to bridge such a wide gap.
Georgia Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said Sunday that the "mountains of misinformation" about the election that President Donald Trump is spreading, most recently in his remarks at a rally in the state Saturday night, could hurt GOP chances in upcoming Senate runoff races.
Most governors and lieutenant governors --- even if they run on a Republican ticket --- are waging war against America on the side of City Hall with the entrenched Democrat Party political machines of their respective states --- not at all for the Constitution on the side of Donald Trump and most Congressional Republicans.
Georgia Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said Sunday that the "mountains of misinformation" about the election that President Donald Trump is spreading, most recently in his remarks at a rally in the state Saturday night, could hurt GOP chances in upcoming Senate runoff races.

"I worry that this continuous you know fanning of the flames around misinformation puts us in a negative position with regards to the January 5 runoff," Duncan told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." "The mountains of misinformation are not helping the process, they're only hurting it. And Jake, I worry we are handing off a playbook to the Democrats for January 5 and certainly I can't think of a worse playbook to hand off over the last four or five weeks to the Democrats."

Geoff Duncan, Georgia's GOP lieutenant governor, says Trump's 'mountains of misinformation' at rally not helping Republican Senate chances (

So is Duncan telling Trump to shut the hell up.

I wonder if the people of Georgia are going to turn on Gov Kemp when reelection rolls around.

I wonder how the voters who voted for Biden will feel about Republicans trying to throw their votes out. That includes Loeffler and Perdue.
Georgia Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said Sunday that the "mountains of misinformation" about the election that President Donald Trump is spreading, most recently in his remarks at a rally in the state Saturday night, could hurt GOP chances in upcoming Senate runoff races.

"I worry that this continuous you know fanning of the flames around misinformation puts us in a negative position with regards to the January 5 runoff," Duncan told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." "The mountains of misinformation are not helping the process, they're only hurting it. And Jake, I worry we are handing off a playbook to the Democrats for January 5 and certainly I can't think of a worse playbook to hand off over the last four or five weeks to the Democrats."

Geoff Duncan, Georgia's GOP lieutenant governor, says Trump's 'mountains of misinformation' at rally not helping Republican Senate chances (

So is Duncan telling Trump to shut the hell up.

I wonder if the people of Georgia are going to turn on Gov Kemp when reelection rolls around.

The people who are trying to blame Trump for any losses in the future are the people one should question loudest. These are old tricks to try and silence someone. Instead of addressing the allegations that many have made, they just brush off concerns.

It's like someone robbing you and when you fight back he tells the courts "I was forced to hit him because he fought back when I was robbing him".

Any loss of voters will not be because of Trump, it will be because they are disenfranchised from Election Night and the day or two that followed. I said on the day it happened that the GOP better be prepared for "unintended consequences", as voters are going to reject them. The U.S will be on the fast track to socialism. Trump was the defender of the U.S system and global capitalism.

It's clear that voters have shifted for both parties. The GOP, for the most part, have become more libertarian. The left, for the most part, more socialist. This is why the divide is so broad, they are on two dichotomies and it's nearly impossible to bridge such a wide gap.

The GOP consists of right wing fascists, white supremacists and anarchists. Why Democrats down ballot didn't point this out eludes me. The Democrats have not moved to socialism. Helping people in trouble is not socialism. You have no clue what it is. Many of these farm programs sound like socialism.
Georgia Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said Sunday that the "mountains of misinformation" about the election that President Donald Trump is spreading, most recently in his remarks at a rally in the state Saturday night, could hurt GOP chances in upcoming Senate runoff races.

"I worry that this continuous you know fanning of the flames around misinformation puts us in a negative position with regards to the January 5 runoff," Duncan told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." "The mountains of misinformation are not helping the process, they're only hurting it. And Jake, I worry we are handing off a playbook to the Democrats for January 5 and certainly I can't think of a worse playbook to hand off over the last four or five weeks to the Democrats."

Geoff Duncan, Georgia's GOP lieutenant governor, says Trump's 'mountains of misinformation' at rally not helping Republican Senate chances (

So is Duncan telling Trump to shut the hell up.

I wonder if the people of Georgia are going to turn on Gov Kemp when reelection rolls around.

Is he one of the republicans who told us that Trump would hurt down ticket republican house races too?
Georgia Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said Sunday that the "mountains of misinformation" about the election that President Donald Trump is spreading, most recently in his remarks at a rally in the state Saturday night, could hurt GOP chances in upcoming Senate runoff races.

"I worry that this continuous you know fanning of the flames around misinformation puts us in a negative position with regards to the January 5 runoff," Duncan told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." "The mountains of misinformation are not helping the process, they're only hurting it. And Jake, I worry we are handing off a playbook to the Democrats for January 5 and certainly I can't think of a worse playbook to hand off over the last four or five weeks to the Democrats."

Geoff Duncan, Georgia's GOP lieutenant governor, says Trump's 'mountains of misinformation' at rally not helping Republican Senate chances (

So is Duncan telling Trump to shut the hell up.

I wonder if the people of Georgia are going to turn on Gov Kemp when reelection rolls around.

The people who are trying to blame Trump for any losses in the future are the people one should question loudest. These are old tricks to try and silence someone. Instead of addressing the allegations that many have made, they just brush off concerns.

It's like someone robbing you and when you fight back he tells the courts "I was forced to hit him because he fought back when I was robbing him".

Any loss of voters will not be because of Trump, it will be because they are disenfranchised from Election Night and the day or two that followed. I said on the day it happened that the GOP better be prepared for "unintended consequences", as voters are going to reject them. The U.S will be on the fast track to socialism. Trump was the defender of the U.S system and global capitalism.

It's clear that voters have shifted for both parties. The GOP, for the most part, have become more libertarian. The left, for the most part, more socialist. This is why the divide is so broad, they are on two dichotomies and it's nearly impossible to bridge such a wide gap.

The GOP consists of right wing fascists, white supremacists and anarchists. Why Democrats down ballot didn't point this out eludes me. The Democrats have not moved to socialism. Helping people in trouble is not socialism. You have no clue what it is. Many of these farm programs sound like socialism.

You sit there after 7 months of joe biden voters actually burning and looting cities, and beating and murdering Americans, threatening politicians and judges and call Trump supporters fascists?

You really are too fucking stupid to be an adult...
Georgia Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said Sunday that the "mountains of misinformation" about the election that President Donald Trump is spreading, most recently in his remarks at a rally in the state Saturday night, could hurt GOP chances in upcoming Senate runoff races.
Most governors and lieutenant governors --- even if they run on a Republican ticket --- are waging war against America on the side of City Hall with the entrenched Democrat Party political machines of their respective states --- not at all for the Constitution on the side of Donald Trump and most Congressional Republicans.

Everybody who tells the truth is conspiring. You are so ridiculous. You have no clue what the Constitution is about.
Georgia Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan said Sunday that the "mountains of misinformation" about the election that President Donald Trump is spreading, most recently in his remarks at a rally in the state Saturday night, could hurt GOP chances in upcoming Senate runoff races.

"I worry that this continuous you know fanning of the flames around misinformation puts us in a negative position with regards to the January 5 runoff," Duncan told CNN's Jake Tapper on "State of the Union." "The mountains of misinformation are not helping the process, they're only hurting it. And Jake, I worry we are handing off a playbook to the Democrats for January 5 and certainly I can't think of a worse playbook to hand off over the last four or five weeks to the Democrats."

Geoff Duncan, Georgia's GOP lieutenant governor, says Trump's 'mountains of misinformation' at rally not helping Republican Senate chances (

So is Duncan telling Trump to shut the hell up.

I wonder if the people of Georgia are going to turn on Gov Kemp when reelection rolls around.

The people who are trying to blame Trump for any losses in the future are the people one should question loudest. These are old tricks to try and silence someone. Instead of addressing the allegations that many have made, they just brush off concerns.

It's like someone robbing you and when you fight back he tells the courts "I was forced to hit him because he fought back when I was robbing him".

Any loss of voters will not be because of Trump, it will be because they are disenfranchised from Election Night and the day or two that followed. I said on the day it happened that the GOP better be prepared for "unintended consequences", as voters are going to reject them. The U.S will be on the fast track to socialism. Trump was the defender of the U.S system and global capitalism.

It's clear that voters have shifted for both parties. The GOP, for the most part, have become more libertarian. The left, for the most part, more socialist. This is why the divide is so broad, they are on two dichotomies and it's nearly impossible to bridge such a wide gap.

The GOP consists of right wing fascists, white supremacists and anarchists. Why Democrats down ballot didn't point this out eludes me. The Democrats have not moved to socialism. Helping people in trouble is not socialism. You have no clue what it is. Many of these farm programs sound like socialism.

You sit there after 7 months of joe biden voters actually burning and looting cities, and beating and murdering Americans, threatening politicians and judges and call Trump supporters fascists?

You really are too fucking stupid to be an adult...

There is no evidence of that. Trump supporters are the ones who are issuing death threats. A number of white supremacists who support Trump also have been involved. You are fascists. You want to throw your political opponents in jail on baseless charges and now you want to steal a election.

You are the one who is fucking stupid. A child is smarter than you. This is what you are.


A animal.
Everybody who tells the truth is conspiring. You are so ridiculous. You have no clue what the Constitution is about.
Democrats and Republican guvs aren't telling the truth, madam. I can read, and I know what the Constitution is, and I know how to exact revenge on my Democrat enemies. They will pay with their souls, their lives and their fortunes for what they have done to me.
Regardless of what Trump has said or hasn't said, the bottom line is I hope to god that Georgian voters understand the consequences for the entire country if the goddamned Dims capture the Senate.

To the lousy ass bastards who are advising Georgian Trump supporters to boycott the election, you are slime and you are working for the Dimocrat party!!!!!!!!!

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