Gay people more likely to die...


Oct 16, 2003
Gay men are FOUR TIMES MORE LIKELY to get HIV thru homosexual acts, than heterosexual acts.

According to the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (with the National Institutes of Health), there are an estimated 40,000 new HIV infections each year in the United States. Seventy percent of these are men; 30% are women. Of those men who are infected, 60% of them are infected through homosexual sex; 25% through intravenous drug use; and 15% through heterosexual sex.


Pro-Homo education does NOT work:

The AIDS epidemic is not going to be stopped by educational efforts aimed at destigmatizing homo-sexual intercourse among blacks or promoting condom use among teens and homosexuals. Such messages will only spread the epidemic. The condom message has been pushed for decades by pro-homosexual groups such as Planned Parenthood and AIDS organizations. According to the pro-abortion newsletter, Family Planning Perspectives, a condom’s effectiveness in preventing HIV infection can be as high as 96%, but can be as low as 60%. While a 60% protection rate may seem significant, this still means the person has a 40% chance of being infected with a virus that will kill him. In addition, according to an article published in the British journal Lancet (Jan. 31, 2000), “Increased condom use will increase the number of transmissions that result in condom fail-ure [and could] reflect decisions of individuals to switch from inherently safer strategies of partner selection of fewer partners to the riskier strategy of developing or maintaining higher rates of part-ner change plus reliance on condoms.” In short, condom use is likely to increase the spread of HIV infections, not slow down the epidemic. Targeting teens for pro-homosexual messages is also likely to spur an epidemic of infections among this population. According to Focus on the Family’s report, Take Twelve: The Truth About Ab-stinence Education, a 1998 study of the effects of condom distribution in a Los Angeles high school, showed the following:

•Males reported increasing their condom use from 37% to 50%, the percentage of girls who reported their partners used condoms did not in crease significantly.
•More female teens increased their participation in high risk sexual activities.
•The percentage of males who engaged in sexual activity remained slightly higher than the na-tional average.
•The number of male students who engaged in unhealthy and risky same-sex activities in-creased.

The promotion of homosexual sex and condom use among teens is inevitably going to increase in-fections among this group. In fact, according to Dr. Craig Wilson, an associate professor of pediat-rics at the University of Alabama, “The rate of HIV infection among younger adolescents in the U.S. is increasing 200 to 300 percent each year.” (Associated Press report, March 7, 2001) Health offi-cials have stated that an estimated 20,000 people between the ages of 13 and 24 are infected with HIV each year in the U.S. That’s two people each hour who are doomed to die young. The worst thing we can do is to promote homosexual sex among teenagers or to set up pro-homosexual groups on junior high or high school campuses. We will only fuel the AIDS epidemic and condemn children to an early grave if we allow homosexual activists to recruit children on our nation’s campuses.

Whiney Liberal Voice = on
Homosexuality doesn't Hurt ME...why should I care what consenting adults do?
That's pretty scary. My son is only 9 and my daughter 3,but I have allready found myself wondering what we are going to say to my son when the time comes about abstaining. You don't want to tell them if you do it-use a condom because that sounds like your condoning it. But if you tell them they should abstain,that doesn't mean they will. My brother and sister in law have allready had to talk to my 12 year old nephew about oral sex in bathrooms at school. Apparently,it's an epidemic in junior high schools! I don't know what the answer is,but I hope something works soon. Maybe parents being a lot more involved in a teen's relationship? Who knows that may not be the answer either.
Originally posted by krisy
That's pretty scary. My son is only 9 and my daughter 3,but I have allready found myself wondering what we are going to say to my son when the time comes about abstaining. You don't want to tell them if you do it-use a condom because that sounds like your condoning it. But if you tell them they should abstain,that doesn't mean they will. My brother and sister in law have allready had to talk to my 12 year old nephew about oral sex in bathrooms at school. Apparently,it's an epidemic in junior high schools! I don't know what the answer is,but I hope something works soon. Maybe parents being a lot more involved in a teen's relationship? Who knows that may not be the answer either.

Well If you want some tips, discuss with him the sacredness of life, and the importance of family in raising children. its an area to think about. Above all ask God for revelation in how to teach the most effectively.
When the time comes to talk to my son (and daughter) it will definitely be in my prayers. Being a parent gets way harder emotionally as they get older. When the problem used to be trying to teach them to say thank you, all to quickly it becomes talking to them about sex,drugs,and whatever else may come their way-or not hopefully.
quoted from avatar

Well If you want some tips, discuss with him the sacredness of life, and the importance of family in raising children. its an area to think about.

define family please
Originally posted by DKSuddeth

define family please
Main Entry: 1fam·i·ly
Pronunciation: 'fam-lE, 'fa-m&-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -lies
Etymology: Middle English familie, from Latin familia household (including servants as well as kin of the householder), from famulus servant
1 : a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head : HOUSEHOLD
2 a : a group of persons of common ancestry : CLAN b : a people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock : RACE
3 a : a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation : FELLOWSHIP
BIG D, can you please post a link for your article. All articles posted must contain links to their original sources. Thanks
Originally posted by Big D
This is all old, but still good news. Here are some more facts on this issue:

I was discussing this with Avatar in the AIDS thread, but he has yet to respond.

The fact that gays will most be the ones that die of AIDS does not make the rest of the world exempt.
dmp: First of all, I take strong issue with the idea that "homosexual activists" are "recruiting children" that's an absolute crock of crap. Second, every condom package states firmly that condoms decrease the risk of STDs (which is true) but that there is no guarantee. Also, I think to describe the Family Planning newsletter as "pro-abortion" is inaccurate and inflammatory to say the least. Your source, Focus on the Family, is a militant anti-gay, homophobic organization that specializes in spreading lies and inaccuracies. I find the data you posted from sources that are reputable (i.e. NIH, etc) to be sad and alarming, and that it simply reenforces the strong need for sex education. To say that we strongly recommend you not have sex, but if you do, use a condom is like condoning it, is the same as saying training someone to use a gun properly is encouraging them to kill. It is false and based on faulty logic. The quote from Lancet is clearly taken out of context. It does not make sense and is not in proper English, something that would never make it into an academic journal. For those of you who don't know, Lancet is a British Medical Journal. Their homepage is You also do not tell us who wrote the article or provide us with a link so that we can see the quote in context.

Well, I would assume most gay men don't often engage in heterosexual acts, Walter, so your statistic doesn't shock me.

...Would be to teach our children to think and reason effectively. This will give them the tools they need to make the right choices when they are confronted with this, and other issues.

Unfortunately, our educational system is geared to memorize-regurgitate-forget, especially since Dubbyuh's "No Child Left Behind" policy came into play. As a result, a whole generation is being left behind.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
[B....Unfortunately, our educational system is geared to memorize-regurgitate-forget, especially since Dubbyuh's "No Child Left Behind" policy came into play. As a result, a whole generation is being left behind. [/B]

Since when did it become the educational systems responsibility to teach my child beliefs/morals? That is MY responsibility. They are to teach the facts. The rest is up to the parent.
Originally posted by acludem
dmp: First of all, I take strong issue with the idea that "homosexual activists" are "recruiting children" that's an absolute crock of crap.

Because you know better? Feel free to take strong issue with Reality.

Originally posted by acludem
You also do not tell us who wrote the article or provide us with a link so that we can see the quote in context.


That IS the context...the part of the context I wanted to share is posted. (shrug)...there is NO way to take the data provided OUT of context - it stands on it's own.

A homosexual lifestyle only leads to destruction.
Originally posted by acludem
dmp: First of all, I take strong issue with the idea that "homosexual activists" are "recruiting children" that's an absolute crock of crap.

Since I have known homosexual activists who DO just that, and since I know that textbooks advocating the behavior make their way into public schools in California, amongst other locations, I take issue with YOU TAKING ISSUE.

Second, every condom package states firmly that condoms decrease the risk of STDs (which is true) but that there is no guarantee. Also, I think to describe the Family Planning newsletter as "pro-abortion" is inaccurate and inflammatory to say the least.

You, my friend, need to not sput theory but experience REALITY. How many planned parenthood clinics have you been in? Until you have seen their policies, offices, employees, and equipment from the INSIDE, you are talking out of your hat.

Your source, Focus on the Family, is a militant anti-gay, homophobic organization that specializes in spreading lies and inaccuracies.

Homophobic? Care to define that? Give us an example of a lie they promote.

I find the data you posted from sources that are reputable (i.e. NIH, etc) to be sad and alarming, and that it simply reenforces the strong need for sex education. To say that we strongly recommend you not have sex, but if you do, use a condom is like condoning it, is the same as saying training someone to use a gun properly is encouraging them to kill.

Yes, idiot, it is. You are training them to kill selectively and for just cause if life is in danger. -This is to PROMOTE integrity of life, not extinguish it through spreading disease, and to the ultimate end, population extinction because heterosexual behavior is the ONLY way to naturally propagate the species.

It is false and based on faulty logic. The quote from Lancet is clearly taken out of context. It does not make sense and is not in proper English, something that would never make it into an academic journal. For those of you who don't know, Lancet is a British Medical Journal. Their homepage is You also do not tell us who wrote the article or provide us with a link so that we can see the quote in context.

acludem [/B]

Let's see some of YOUR high and mighty logic.

While you are at it, let's see it without fluff. How about raw facts.
Originally posted by Joz
Since when did it become the educational systems responsibility to teach my child beliefs/morals? That is MY responsibility. They are to teach the facts. The rest is up to the parent.

since supreme court justice clarence thomas said it was the USSC's duty and authority to impose christian moral values on the american populace by way of their judgements.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
since supreme court justice clarence thomas said it was the USSC's duty and authority to impose christian moral values on the american populace by way of their judgements.

Is this why you decided to home school?

There are certain morals that are fact:

It isn't right to intentionally kill.

It isn't right to take something that doesn't belong to you.

Actions = consequences

Maybe if we, as parents, better did our job, maybe Thomas wouldn't have felt this urgency.
Originally posted by Joz
Is this why you decided to home school?

There are certain morals that are fact:

It isn't right to intentionally kill.

It isn't right to take something that doesn't belong to you.

Actions = consequences

Maybe if we, as parents, better did our job, maybe Thomas wouldn't have felt this urgency.

we have laws that provide a penalty for unlawfully taking a life or stealing the property of others.

We also have churches of varied religions that provide religious teachings and lessons to the followers of said church.

So how is it the justices of the supreme courts job to fill the role of preachers and ministers or fulfill parental obligations while deciding constitutionality of law?

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