Gary Johnson wins Libertarian Party nomination

I'm a libertarian and I can't vote for Johnson. He's an open borders guy and his VP is a gun control advocate.

I'll vote like bertarian locally as always but I can't justify voting for Johnson.
So you believe in gov't control. Got it.
Most so called libertarians are merely statists who want to smoke weed.
I'm a libertarian and I can't vote for Johnson. He's an open borders guy and his VP is a gun control advocate.

I'll vote like bertarian locally as always but I can't justify voting for Johnson.
So you believe in gov't control. Got it.
Most so called libertarians are merely statists who want to smoke weed.
Government control is the GOP trashing the constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness, by trying to keep pot illegal.

Government control is the GOP trying to make women have kids they can't afford to raise.

Government control is the GOP trying to make freedom of religion only for right wing "so called" Christians.

Lots of hippo in your crit.
And yet if nobody voted it would register on their radar.
True, but illogical. They'll always vote for themselves. It's not like everyone won't vote so, therefore, no one will be elected. How many times has that ever happened?

I've seen some elections where only one person was running for a position. Sometimes I vote for them, sometimes not. By voting, however, I register "on the radar". Mayor may reap 40,000 votes out of 60,000 voting, but a judge running unopposed may only have 20,000 votes. What kind of message does that send? It says the judge isn't very popular and, in the next election, maybe someone will step up and challenge them for the office. The judge, knowing this, may decide to conduct themselves a little differently knowing he was elected by only 30% of those voting.

He probably won't give a shit about eligible voters who stayed home, but he'll certainly care about those who actually show up on election day.
And how has being on the radar helped anything? Not at all. If only say 10% of eligible voters actually voted that would be a bigger message than voting for Gary Johnson. It would be a message that our system is obviously rigged and a joke. The answer to expose the system isn't voting just for the sake of voting, but being completely divorced from the system and denying it your acquiescence.
You're right. Stay home and never vote. Please convince all of your friends to do the same.
Libertarians on Sunday selected former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson as their party's presidential nominee, at their party convention in Orlando, Florida.

Johnson was the party's nominee in 2012 and once again won the position despite backlash from the party's more radical Libertarian wing.

In the first round of voting, Johnson reached 49.5 percent of the vote, according to the official party total, just shy of the majority needed for victory. His nearest opponents, Austin Petersen and John McAfee, reached 21 and 14 percent respectively. On the second round of voting, Johnson clinched the nomination with 55.8 percent of the vote.
Gary Johnson wins Libertarian presidential nomination at party convention -

The Libertarian Party retains its status as a backup plan for failed Republican politicians by nominating Johnson again, and likely nominating Bill Weld for his running mate. At this point, it's time for the Libertarian Party to rebrand since they seem to be more interested in nominating Republican cast-offs than anybody interested in libertarianism.

Wins? Was there a primary?

He was chosen, which is fine. But he also didn't have to go through the process the other candidates did.
Wins? Was there a primary?

He was chosen, which is fine. But he also didn't have to go through the process the other candidates did.
What process did the other candidates go through? Isn't it up to each political party to select their own candidates?
And yet if nobody voted it would register on their radar.
True, but illogical. They'll always vote for themselves. It's not like everyone won't vote so, therefore, no one will be elected. How many times has that ever happened?

I've seen some elections where only one person was running for a position. Sometimes I vote for them, sometimes not. By voting, however, I register "on the radar". Mayor may reap 40,000 votes out of 60,000 voting, but a judge running unopposed may only have 20,000 votes. What kind of message does that send? It says the judge isn't very popular and, in the next election, maybe someone will step up and challenge them for the office. The judge, knowing this, may decide to conduct themselves a little differently knowing he was elected by only 30% of those voting.

He probably won't give a shit about eligible voters who stayed home, but he'll certainly care about those who actually show up on election day.
And how has being on the radar helped anything? Not at all. If only say 10% of eligible voters actually voted that would be a bigger message than voting for Gary Johnson. It would be a message that our system is obviously rigged and a joke. The answer to expose the system isn't voting just for the sake of voting, but being completely divorced from the system and denying it your acquiescence.
You're right. Stay home and never vote. Please convince all of your friends to do the same.
I don't think any of my friends do vote, but then none of them are libertarians either. That said, there's no reason to get saucy because your vote being on the radar has done absolutely nothing to stop the growth of government.
Libertarians on Sunday selected former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson as their party's presidential nominee, at their party convention in Orlando, Florida.

Johnson was the party's nominee in 2012 and once again won the position despite backlash from the party's more radical Libertarian wing.

In the first round of voting, Johnson reached 49.5 percent of the vote, according to the official party total, just shy of the majority needed for victory. His nearest opponents, Austin Petersen and John McAfee, reached 21 and 14 percent respectively. On the second round of voting, Johnson clinched the nomination with 55.8 percent of the vote.
Gary Johnson wins Libertarian presidential nomination at party convention -

The Libertarian Party retains its status as a backup plan for failed Republican politicians by nominating Johnson again, and likely nominating Bill Weld for his running mate. At this point, it's time for the Libertarian Party to rebrand since they seem to be more interested in nominating Republican cast-offs than anybody interested in libertarianism.

Wins? Was there a primary?

He was chosen, which is fine. But he also didn't have to go through the process the other candidates did.
Sure. Being chosen is winning. Ask any beauty pageant winner. Of course, the other nominees are chosen as well, and in the same manner. The only difference is that Republican and Democratic delegates, except for Democratic super-delegates, are voted for.
And yet if nobody voted it would register on their radar.
True, but illogical. They'll always vote for themselves. It's not like everyone won't vote so, therefore, no one will be elected. How many times has that ever happened?

I've seen some elections where only one person was running for a position. Sometimes I vote for them, sometimes not. By voting, however, I register "on the radar". Mayor may reap 40,000 votes out of 60,000 voting, but a judge running unopposed may only have 20,000 votes. What kind of message does that send? It says the judge isn't very popular and, in the next election, maybe someone will step up and challenge them for the office. The judge, knowing this, may decide to conduct themselves a little differently knowing he was elected by only 30% of those voting.

He probably won't give a shit about eligible voters who stayed home, but he'll certainly care about those who actually show up on election day.
And how has being on the radar helped anything? Not at all. If only say 10% of eligible voters actually voted that would be a bigger message than voting for Gary Johnson. It would be a message that our system is obviously rigged and a joke. The answer to expose the system isn't voting just for the sake of voting, but being completely divorced from the system and denying it your acquiescence.
You're right. Stay home and never vote. Please convince all of your friends to do the same.
I don't think any of my friends do vote, but then none of them are libertarians either. That said, there's no reason to get saucy because your vote being on the radar has done absolutely nothing to stop the growth of government.
Saucy? Because I agreed with your? Interesting.
And yet if nobody voted it would register on their radar.
True, but illogical. They'll always vote for themselves. It's not like everyone won't vote so, therefore, no one will be elected. How many times has that ever happened?

I've seen some elections where only one person was running for a position. Sometimes I vote for them, sometimes not. By voting, however, I register "on the radar". Mayor may reap 40,000 votes out of 60,000 voting, but a judge running unopposed may only have 20,000 votes. What kind of message does that send? It says the judge isn't very popular and, in the next election, maybe someone will step up and challenge them for the office. The judge, knowing this, may decide to conduct themselves a little differently knowing he was elected by only 30% of those voting.

He probably won't give a shit about eligible voters who stayed home, but he'll certainly care about those who actually show up on election day.
And how has being on the radar helped anything? Not at all. If only say 10% of eligible voters actually voted that would be a bigger message than voting for Gary Johnson. It would be a message that our system is obviously rigged and a joke. The answer to expose the system isn't voting just for the sake of voting, but being completely divorced from the system and denying it your acquiescence.
You're right. Stay home and never vote. Please convince all of your friends to do the same.
I don't think any of my friends do vote, but then none of them are libertarians either. That said, there's no reason to get saucy because your vote being on the radar has done absolutely nothing to stop the growth of government.
Saucy? Because I agreed with your? Interesting.
Oh, now we're pretending that wasn't sarcasm? Ok.
Libertarians on Sunday selected former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson as their party's presidential nominee, at their party convention in Orlando, Florida.

Johnson was the party's nominee in 2012 and once again won the position despite backlash from the party's more radical Libertarian wing.

In the first round of voting, Johnson reached 49.5 percent of the vote, according to the official party total, just shy of the majority needed for victory. His nearest opponents, Austin Petersen and John McAfee, reached 21 and 14 percent respectively. On the second round of voting, Johnson clinched the nomination with 55.8 percent of the vote.
Gary Johnson wins Libertarian presidential nomination at party convention -

The Libertarian Party retains its status as a backup plan for failed Republican politicians by nominating Johnson again, and likely nominating Bill Weld for his running mate. At this point, it's time for the Libertarian Party to rebrand since they seem to be more interested in nominating Republican cast-offs than anybody interested in libertarianism.

Wins? Was there a primary?

He was chosen, which is fine. But he also didn't have to go through the process the other candidates did.
Sure. Being chosen is winning. Ask any beauty pageant winner. Of course, the other nominees are chosen as well, and in the same manner. The only difference is that Republican and Democratic delegates, except for Democratic super-delegates, are voted for.

OK, dude. Pay attention. Either Trump or the hildebeast will be president in 2017. No one else has a chance.

NOW THINK-----------------do you really want the lying corrupt bitch Hillary Clinton in the white house? Do you really want that mentally defective criminal nominating 3 or 4 SC justices?

I'm a libertarian and I can't vote for Johnson. He's an open borders guy and his VP is a gun control advocate.

I'll vote like bertarian locally as always but I can't justify voting for Johnson.
So you believe in gov't control. Got it.
Most so called libertarians are merely statists who want to smoke weed.
Government control is the GOP trashing the constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness, by trying to keep pot illegal.

Government control is the GOP trying to make women have kids they can't afford to raise.

Government control is the GOP trying to make freedom of religion only for right wing "so called" Christians.

Lots of hippo in your crit.
Pot is happiness?
That's a fail
Murder is a right?
That's a fail
Freedom of religion is only for right wing Christians?
That's a fail

Three strikes and yer out!
we are going to get one of them no matter what you do. They are not equally bad, Trump is a much better choice.

Do you really want HRC putting 3 or 4 judges on the SC?
Trump is better, but not much better.

Hillary probably couldn't try to put more than one judge and even that one would have to pass Congress. Due to her age, I expect that even if she won, she'd be a one term President.

Better? How are either of them "better" than the other?

have you been underground for the last 30 years?
What an election year! The GOP nominates Donald Trump and the Libertarian party might break the 3-5% of the vote they normally get. Still means ya'll get used to saying President Hillary Clinton.
Even Trump is warning Bill Kristol not to run a Republican as an independent because then they can kiss the Supreme Court goodbye.

Trump slams 'spoiler' bid after Kristol says independent candidate to run | Fox News

Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday night to slam fresh predictions from Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol that an independent candidate would soon be entering the race for president, warning that a 2016 “spoiler” could swing the race to the Democrats.

Trump:The Republican Party has to be smart & strong if it wants to win in November. Can't allow lightweights to set up a spoiler Indie candidate!
Bill: Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate--an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance.

Trump: If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler to run as an Independent, say good bye to the Supreme Court!

This is why I won't vote for Trump. The Supreme Court hangs in the balance.

But I also find it funny Trump isn't even worried about the Losertarian Johnson. Libertarians are nothing more than a blip in the radar. Unable to even convince 5% of us that their ideas are good. Even the tea party did better with nuts like Bachman & Palin.

Ralph Nader, with 2.7% of the vote, cost Gore the election.

Bush won Florida by 500. Nader got 100,000 votes in this state.

So it matters.

Sorry Toro, not true.

Debunked: The Myth That Ralph Nader Cost Al Gore the 2000 Election

That article doesn't really debunk the myth, it merely makes an argument that it's not a certainty that Nader cost Gore the election.

Of course there are many counterfactuals, but Gore would have won Nader's supporters over by at least 0.5% over Bush in Florida. I went to a Nader rally here. What a crew that attended. He made Bernie look like Ronald Reagan.

Arguing otherwise is like saying Bernie supporters today would rather vote for Ted Cruz had he'd been the nominee rather than Hillary. That's the analogy.
What an election year! The GOP nominates Donald Trump and the Libertarian party might break the 3-5% of the vote they normally get. Still means ya'll get used to saying President Hillary Clinton.
Even Trump is warning Bill Kristol not to run a Republican as an independent because then they can kiss the Supreme Court goodbye.

Trump slams 'spoiler' bid after Kristol says independent candidate to run | Fox News

Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday night to slam fresh predictions from Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol that an independent candidate would soon be entering the race for president, warning that a 2016 “spoiler” could swing the race to the Democrats.

Trump:The Republican Party has to be smart & strong if it wants to win in November. Can't allow lightweights to set up a spoiler Indie candidate!
Bill: Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate--an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance.

Trump: If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler to run as an Independent, say good bye to the Supreme Court!

This is why I won't vote for Trump. The Supreme Court hangs in the balance.

But I also find it funny Trump isn't even worried about the Losertarian Johnson. Libertarians are nothing more than a blip in the radar. Unable to even convince 5% of us that their ideas are good. Even the tea party did better with nuts like Bachman & Palin.

Ralph Nader, with 2.7% of the vote, cost Gore the election.

Bush won Florida by 500. Nader got 100,000 votes in this state.

So it matters.

Sorry Toro, not true.

Debunked: The Myth That Ralph Nader Cost Al Gore the 2000 Election

That article doesn't really debunk the myth, it merely makes an argument that it's not a certainty that Nader cost Gore the election.

Of course there are many counterfactuals, but Gore would have won Nader's supporters over by at least 0.5% over Bush in Florida. I went to a Nader rally here. What a crew that attended. He made Bernie look like Ronald Reagan.

Arguing otherwise is like saying Bernie supporters today would rather vote for Ted Cruz had he'd been the nominee rather than Hillary. That's the analogy.

40% of Bernie voters say they will not vote for Hillary. If they stay home or vote for Trump, Trump wins.
I'm a libertarian and I can't vote for Johnson. He's an open borders guy and his VP is a gun control advocate.

I'll vote like bertarian locally as always but I can't justify voting for Johnson.
So you believe in gov't control. Got it.
Most so called libertarians are merely statists who want to smoke weed.

Do you have the slightest clue as to what you are babbling about?

Where in that post of mine does it tell you I'm for government control? Where exactly is your reading comprehension failing you?
I'm a libertarian and I can't vote for Johnson. He's an open borders guy and his VP is a gun control advocate.

I'll vote like bertarian locally as always but I can't justify voting for Johnson.
So you believe in gov't control. Got it.
Most so called libertarians are merely statists who want to smoke weed.

Do you have the slightest clue as to what you are babbling about?

Where in that post of mine does it tell you I'm for government control? Where exactly is your reading comprehension failing you?
So you don't get that asking the government's permission just to cross a border represents control? Or do you think human rights somehow stop at the border?
I'm a libertarian and I can't vote for Johnson. He's an open borders guy and his VP is a gun control advocate.

I'll vote like bertarian locally as always but I can't justify voting for Johnson.
So you believe in gov't control. Got it.
Most so called libertarians are merely statists who want to smoke weed.
Government control is the GOP trashing the constitutional right to the pursuit of happiness, by trying to keep pot illegal.

Government control is the GOP trying to make women have kids they can't afford to raise.

Government control is the GOP trying to make freedom of religion only for right wing "so called" Christians.

Lots of hippo in your crit.

Put the bong down stoner, you are already past making sense.
Libertarians on Sunday selected former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson as their party's presidential nominee, at their party convention in Orlando, Florida.

Johnson was the party's nominee in 2012 and once again won the position despite backlash from the party's more radical Libertarian wing.

In the first round of voting, Johnson reached 49.5 percent of the vote, according to the official party total, just shy of the majority needed for victory. His nearest opponents, Austin Petersen and John McAfee, reached 21 and 14 percent respectively. On the second round of voting, Johnson clinched the nomination with 55.8 percent of the vote.
Gary Johnson wins Libertarian presidential nomination at party convention -

The Libertarian Party retains its status as a backup plan for failed Republican politicians by nominating Johnson again, and likely nominating Bill Weld for his running mate. At this point, it's time for the Libertarian Party to rebrand since they seem to be more interested in nominating Republican cast-offs than anybody interested in libertarianism.

Wins? Was there a primary?

He was chosen, which is fine. But he also didn't have to go through the process the other candidates did.
Sure. Being chosen is winning. Ask any beauty pageant winner. Of course, the other nominees are chosen as well, and in the same manner. The only difference is that Republican and Democratic delegates, except for Democratic super-delegates, are voted for.

OK, dude. Pay attention. Either Trump or the hildebeast will be president in 2017. No one else has a chance.

NOW THINK-----------------do you really want the lying corrupt bitch Hillary Clinton in the white house? Do you really want that mentally defective criminal nominating 3 or 4 SC justices?


I'd rather have the crony insider criminal with her finger on the button than the thin-skinned, unstable, bloviating, inexperienced narcissist who makes fun of a person's handicap, publicly lambastes judges in cases in which he is involved, and says he gets his military advice watching TV shows.

No damn way do I want that guy determining if my son goes off to war.
What an election year! The GOP nominates Donald Trump and the Libertarian party might break the 3-5% of the vote they normally get. Still means ya'll get used to saying President Hillary Clinton.
Even Trump is warning Bill Kristol not to run a Republican as an independent because then they can kiss the Supreme Court goodbye.

Trump slams 'spoiler' bid after Kristol says independent candidate to run | Fox News

Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday night to slam fresh predictions from Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol that an independent candidate would soon be entering the race for president, warning that a 2016 “spoiler” could swing the race to the Democrats.

Trump:The Republican Party has to be smart & strong if it wants to win in November. Can't allow lightweights to set up a spoiler Indie candidate!
Bill: Just a heads up over this holiday weekend: There will be an independent candidate--an impressive one, with a strong team and a real chance.

Trump: If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a spoiler to run as an Independent, say good bye to the Supreme Court!

This is why I won't vote for Trump. The Supreme Court hangs in the balance.

But I also find it funny Trump isn't even worried about the Losertarian Johnson. Libertarians are nothing more than a blip in the radar. Unable to even convince 5% of us that their ideas are good. Even the tea party did better with nuts like Bachman & Palin.

Ralph Nader, with 2.7% of the vote, cost Gore the election.

Bush won Florida by 500. Nader got 100,000 votes in this state.

So it matters.

Sorry Toro, not true.

Debunked: The Myth That Ralph Nader Cost Al Gore the 2000 Election

That article doesn't really debunk the myth, it merely makes an argument that it's not a certainty that Nader cost Gore the election.

Of course there are many counterfactuals, but Gore would have won Nader's supporters over by at least 0.5% over Bush in Florida. I went to a Nader rally here. What a crew that attended. He made Bernie look like Ronald Reagan.

Arguing otherwise is like saying Bernie supporters today would rather vote for Ted Cruz had he'd been the nominee rather than Hillary. That's the analogy.
Well I do have GOP friends who are claiming Bernie supporters are going to vote for Trump. Sure some are but overwhelmingly they will vote Democratic.

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