Game of Thrones Season 7

Where is all the snow?

Supposedly they delayed this season because winter was coming and they needed cold weather

So far, other than some fake snow scenes at Winterfell.....nothing
There have been many rumors of a stone dragon (could be a good guy), an ice dragon, and killing one of the dragons and resurrecting it by the White Walkers (maybe it becomes the ice dragon).

It's obvious Dany's forces are way too strong, so something has to happen to even it out a bit, otherwise it will be a slaughter, especially against the White Walkers since they don't have Scorpion-type weapons to deflect the dragons.

What I wonder about is, can the dragons fly into the cold of the north to wage war, or do they need to return to warmth?

If so, a nice campfire around Winterfell can serve as their "nest" while they warm up.
i would say the dragons cannot handle the most cold blooded? they are cold blooded, eh...they need external heat..but they are able to start their own fires at any time.....

will the white walkers just melt?
good question!! I would think they can't because that's too easy. I think their fire will kill the zombies, but not the big bad boys.
I dunno :)

But it seems too easy to have the dragons burn up the white walkers. There's gotta be something else up the writer's sleeves to make it fair.

Maybe all the dragons die? And it's hand-to-hand combat after that with dragonglass and Valerian steel?

But i have to think the dragons are part of the end-game.

I can't wait to see the next ep! :)
I like Dickon. (Heheheheh. Dickon.).

That means he's doomed, if he's not dead already.

Hmm. If Randyll and Dickon both die, does Samwell become Lord Tarly? Samwell had already been disinherited by Randyll in favor of younger brother DIckon, but I don't know if that still holds if Dickon dies.
I think Dickon (hehe) is still alive, but he's not long for tooth. You kind of get a glimpse of what may be him in the ep 5 trailer.

Samwell should become Lord Tarly should both of them die. So by not bending the knee, their family will still have to follow Danerys/Jon, if they're executed and Sam becomes Lord, though it may take a few seconds for the raven to get there to inform him of the news :). I think the senior Tarly will bend the knee, since he wasn't happy to begin with, with the ransacking of the Tyrells. Maybe Jon will kill him, once he learns that he is Sam's father... And Dickon will bend the knee.

But I think this episode is going to stray from the main conflicts in ep 4 around King's Landing/Dragonstone. And mostly focus back to the wall, Winterfell, and especially the Hound, who has not been seen for a while. He's one of my fav characters, along with the obvious others. :) And Clegane-bowl is definitely on my wish-list for future episodes.
are we sure it was bronn who saved jamie? or was it dickworth? or whatever the new dudes name was....he has already saved jamie once in battle...cause bronn did not have a horse and that would be some steps to cover from the dragon spear launcher to the where jamie was

Dickon (love that name) was shown burning to death. It was Bronn

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Did he? I'm not sure i caught that part. Also no sign of Daddy Tarly, the prick.

Yes. It was quick but he was shown burning to death. Which is a shame, since I love the actor and the character had great potential.

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I'm the kind of person that reads spoilers.
Watched a bit of tonights episode via youtube.

Pissed at Sam for blowing off the MOST IMPORTANT INFO in the whole show when Gillys read it out loud. Damn men. Never LISTEN! :lol:

Best thing ever was seeing Jon pet Drogon. Who's your daddy? Jon is! Now John needs to whisper to Dany "bend the knee to the true heir. Oh, and Drogon will only allow ME to ride him from now on". :spinner:

The end...where it showed the 7 in the Suicide Squad head out of the wall gate. Bad ass Magnificent Seven!
And finally....I think I know who the real White Walker King is. But...its just a theory, so I will :eusa_silenced:
Not the best of the season, but good set up episode.

Glad to see Sam's dad smoke roasted, but I am upset to see Billy Bones die. They wasted the great actor on such a small part.

Gendry came back with a boom. Glad he's back. Tyrion and Jaime's meeting was great. 2 great actors.

Sam missing the fact the Rhaegar married Lyna Stark legitimately!

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Death by Dragon

What a way for a Tarly to go
(I did a lot of reading up on GoT. And the clips of season 7 via youtube..and other boards about GoT only. It just all clicked.

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